// // Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.md file in the project root for full license information. // // Matrix.cpp -- main CPP file that contains all Matrix functions exported by the CNTKMath.dll // #include "stdafx.h" #include "Basics.h" #include "Matrix.h" #include "CPUMatrix.h" #include "CPUSparseMatrix.h" #include "GPUMatrix.h" #include "GPUSparseMatrix.h" #include "File.h" #include #include #include "GPUWatcher.h" // bring in this class as well so that it gets exported from this DLL #include #ifndef CPUONLY #pragma comment(lib, "MathCUDA.lib") // built by CNTKMathCUDA project #endif #pragma warning(disable : 4127) // conditional expression is constant; "if (sizeof(ElemType)==sizeof(float))" triggers this #pragma warning(disable : 4239) // nonstandard extension; triggered by this pattern: "auto& second = transposeB ? b.m_GPUMatrix->Transpose() : *b.m_GPUMatrix;" #pragma warning(disable : 4702) // unreachable code; triggered for unknown reasons #ifndef min #define min(a, b) (((a) < (b)) ? (a) : (b)) #endif // Helper to dispath matrix calls to the 4 underlying matrix libraries (CPU,GPU) x (DENSE,SPARSE) // 'MatrixPointerToCheck' determines where the operation takes place. // 'MatrixPointerToSetFlag' is the output. If not null and its location is BOTH, we collapse it to one. #define DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(MatrixPointerToCheck, MatrixPointerToSetFlag, CPUDense, GPUDense, CPUSparse, GPUSparse) \ { \ CurrentDataLocation curLocation = (MatrixPointerToCheck)->GetCurrentMatrixLocation(); \ if (curLocation == CurrentDataLocation::GPU || curLocation == CurrentDataLocation::BOTH) \ { \ if ((MatrixPointerToCheck)->GetMatrixType() != MatrixType::SPARSE) \ { \ GPUDense; \ if (MatrixPointerToSetFlag != nullptr) \ ((Matrix*) MatrixPointerToSetFlag)->SetDataLocation(CurrentDataLocation::GPU, MatrixType::DENSE); \ } \ else \ { \ GPUSparse; \ if (MatrixPointerToSetFlag != nullptr) \ ((Matrix*) MatrixPointerToSetFlag)->SetDataLocation(CurrentDataLocation::GPU, MatrixType::SPARSE); \ } \ } \ else if (curLocation == CurrentDataLocation::CPU) \ { \ if ((MatrixPointerToCheck)->GetMatrixType() != MatrixType::SPARSE) \ { \ CPUDense; \ if (MatrixPointerToSetFlag != nullptr) \ ((Matrix*) MatrixPointerToSetFlag)->SetDataLocation(CurrentDataLocation::CPU, MatrixType::DENSE); \ } \ else \ { \ CPUSparse; \ if (MatrixPointerToSetFlag != nullptr) \ ((Matrix*) MatrixPointerToSetFlag)->SetDataLocation(CurrentDataLocation::CPU, MatrixType::SPARSE); \ } \ } \ else \ { \ RuntimeError("Matrices do not exist in either CPU or GPU."); \ } \ } // version of dispatch macro that prefers the CPU if the 'MatrixPointerToCheck' location is BOTH #define DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG_USECPU_4BOTH(MatrixPointerToCheck, MatrixPointerToSetFlag, CPUDense, GPUDense, CPUSparse, GPUSparse) \ { \ CurrentDataLocation curLocation = (MatrixPointerToCheck)->GetCurrentMatrixLocation(); \ if (curLocation == CurrentDataLocation::GPU) \ { \ if ((MatrixPointerToCheck)->GetMatrixType() != MatrixType::SPARSE) \ { \ GPUDense; \ if (MatrixPointerToSetFlag != nullptr) \ ((Matrix*) MatrixPointerToSetFlag)->SetDataLocation(CurrentDataLocation::GPU, MatrixType::DENSE); \ } \ else \ { \ GPUSparse; \ if (MatrixPointerToSetFlag != nullptr) \ ((Matrix*) MatrixPointerToSetFlag)->SetDataLocation(CurrentDataLocation::GPU, MatrixType::SPARSE); \ } \ } \ else if (curLocation == CurrentDataLocation::CPU || curLocation == CurrentDataLocation::BOTH) \ { \ if ((MatrixPointerToCheck)->GetMatrixType() != MatrixType::SPARSE) \ { \ CPUDense; \ if (MatrixPointerToSetFlag != nullptr) \ ((Matrix*) MatrixPointerToSetFlag)->SetDataLocation(CurrentDataLocation::CPU, MatrixType::DENSE); \ } \ else \ { \ CPUSparse; \ if (MatrixPointerToSetFlag != nullptr) \ ((Matrix*) MatrixPointerToSetFlag)->SetDataLocation(CurrentDataLocation::CPU, MatrixType::SPARSE); \ } \ } \ else \ { \ RuntimeError("Matrices do not exist in either CPU or GPU."); \ } \ } // version of helper macro that executes both CPU and GPU macros if 'matrixPointer' location is BOTH #define DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG_USEBOTH_4BOTH(matrixPointer, CPUDense, GPUDense, CPUSparse, GPUSparse) \ { \ auto curLocation = (matrixPointer)->GetCurrentMatrixLocation(); \ auto curMatrixType = (matrixPointer)->GetMatrixType(); \ if (curLocation == CurrentDataLocation::NONE) \ LogicError("Matrices do not exist in either CPU or GPU."); \ if (curMatrixType == MatrixType::UNDETERMINED) \ LogicError("Matrices must be SPARSE or DENSE."); \ if (curLocation != CurrentDataLocation::CPU) /*GPU or BOTH*/ \ { \ if (curMatrixType == MatrixType::DENSE) \ { \ GPUDense; \ } \ else \ { \ GPUSparse; \ } \ } \ if (curLocation != CurrentDataLocation::GPU) /*CPU or BOTH*/ \ { \ if (curMatrixType == MatrixType::DENSE) \ { \ CPUDense; \ } \ else \ { \ CPUSparse; \ } \ } \ } namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK { MatrixBase::~MatrixBase() { } #pragma region Constructors, destructors and other static matrix builders // TODO: Reformat DISPATCH... macros to the following form: // DISPATCH..(p1, p2, // { Cpu code }, // { GPU code }, // ... // Initialize all members over virgin memory. //This function will only initialize default bland matrix. The actual matrices need to allocated //after calling this function and flags need to set correctly by calling SetDataLocation. // This clears out the entire object and brings it into destructable state. // Note: Keep this in sync with member definition and ShallowCopyFrom(). template void Matrix::Init(DEVICEID_TYPE deviceId) { m_baseMatrix = nullptr; m_GPUMatrix = nullptr; m_CPUMatrix = nullptr; m_GPUSparseMatrix = nullptr; m_CPUSparseMatrix = nullptr; m_matrixType = MatrixType::UNDETERMINED; m_currentDataLocation = CurrentDataLocation::NONE; m_preferredDeviceId = deviceId; m_numTimesDeviceChanged = 0; m_numTimesMatrixTypeChanged = 0; m_devicesTransferedTo[1] = m_devicesTransferedTo[0] = CPUDEVICE - 1; // (some value that is different from any valid value) } // shallow-copy all members template void Matrix::ShallowCopyFrom(const Matrix& other) { m_baseMatrix = other.m_baseMatrix; m_GPUMatrix = other.m_GPUMatrix; m_CPUMatrix = other.m_CPUMatrix; m_GPUSparseMatrix = other.m_GPUSparseMatrix; m_CPUSparseMatrix = other.m_CPUSparseMatrix; m_matrixType = other.m_matrixType; m_currentDataLocation = other.m_currentDataLocation; m_preferredDeviceId = other.m_preferredDeviceId; m_numTimesDeviceChanged = other.m_numTimesDeviceChanged; m_numTimesMatrixTypeChanged = other.m_numTimesMatrixTypeChanged; m_devicesTransferedTo[0] = other.m_devicesTransferedTo[0]; // TODO: spelling m_devicesTransferedTo[1] = other.m_devicesTransferedTo[1]; } // Call this function after an update operation has created/set/updated the respective pointers. // - location: BOTH|CPU|GPU // - pass BOTH only if object will be read from; it is not allowed to write to both and then call this function. // - if CPU/GPU and current is BOTH, then object was written to // What gets updated: // - m_currentDataLocation: from function argument // - m_matrixType: from function argument unless UNDETERMINED in which case m_matrixType remains unmodified // - m_baseMatrix: to one of current values of m_[GC]PU{Sparse,}Matrix // This function is heavily overloaded in its responsibility. // - first-time initialization, e.g. of a ColumnSlice (NONE->!NONE) // - after creating a temp copy for reading // - collapse temp copies after writing to one of them // - setting matrixType if not set yet template void Matrix::SetDataLocation(CurrentDataLocation location, MatrixType type) const { assert(location == CurrentDataLocation::CPU || location == CurrentDataLocation::GPU || location == CurrentDataLocation::BOTH); // if the object used to live on BOTH, this will collapse it to 'location' (unless we actually wrote into BOTH) // In that case, we do a sanity check here that the object is a singleton view, // since otherwise the collapsing would go unnoticed by the other views. // The cases to cover: // - everything is allowed on a singleton view // - if the current state is BOTH: // -> The result was written to 'location' so we should collapse it to there. // - multiple views: much is forbidden since we cannot notify the other views on which one was written to // - CPU <-> GPU: FORBIDDEN // - BOTH -> CPU or GPU: current state is BOTH: location says which side was written to // -> FORBIDDEN to write into // - CPU or GPU -> BOTH: current state is CPU or GPU // and a view onto it is put into BOTH state // -> OK but inefficent to read, since this is likely happening over again; but we cannot put all views into BOTH state // - BOTH -> BOTH: // - read case: OK // - write case: forbidden to call this function in this way // - NONE -> !NONE: FORBIDDEN if (m_currentDataLocation != location && // it is attempted to change location m_currentDataLocation != CurrentDataLocation::NONE && // from a valid object (NONE means we are a fresh object from ColumnSlice()) location != CurrentDataLocation::BOTH) // and we are changing it not into a temporary copy for reading { // we get here if we wrote into this object that was BOTH but is no longer, or if we move between CPU and GPU // Both is forbidden on shared views since we cannot inform other views of this change. // We will now check any *valid* pointer will now be checked for uniqueness. There may be mismatching left-over pointers kept around in case they should be revived. if (m_matrixType == MatrixType::DENSE) // note: this checks the current type, not the new one passed in. Asssumption: this tells us which pointers are valid. { assert(m_currentDataLocation == CurrentDataLocation::GPU || m_CPUMatrix); assert(m_currentDataLocation == CurrentDataLocation::CPU || m_GPUMatrix); if (m_currentDataLocation != CurrentDataLocation::GPU) ((BaseMatrix*)m_CPUMatrix.get())->VerifyMigratable("SetDataLocation [CPUMatrix]"); if (m_currentDataLocation != CurrentDataLocation::CPU) ((BaseMatrix*)m_GPUMatrix.get())->VerifyMigratable("SetDataLocation [GPUMatrix]"); } else if (m_matrixType == MatrixType::SPARSE) { assert(m_currentDataLocation == CurrentDataLocation::GPU || m_CPUSparseMatrix); assert(m_currentDataLocation == CurrentDataLocation::CPU || m_GPUSparseMatrix); if (m_currentDataLocation != CurrentDataLocation::GPU) ((BaseMatrix*)m_CPUSparseMatrix.get())->VerifyMigratable("SetDataLocation [CPUSparseMatrix]"); if (m_currentDataLocation != CurrentDataLocation::CPU) ((BaseMatrix*)m_GPUSparseMatrix.get())->VerifyMigratable("SetDataLocation [GPUSparseMatrix]"); } // TODO: Why do we need these typecasts? (without it will fail with "cannot access private member declared in class 'Microsoft::MSR::CNTK::CPUMatrix'") if (m_baseMatrix && !OwnBuffer()) // same arguments for externally owned matrices: Can read a temp but not write. LogicError("SetDataLocation: A non-owning object cannot be written to in BOTH state."); } // passed validation: we can now update the state m_currentDataLocation = location; // update the matrix type if passed in if (type != MatrixType::UNDETERMINED) m_matrixType = type; // set m_baseMatrix (if location is unchanged, this will not change the pointer) // Note: m_currentDataLocation may also be CurrentDataLocation::BOTH, in which case the base matrix will be GPU. if (m_matrixType == MatrixType::DENSE) m_baseMatrix = ((m_currentDataLocation == CurrentDataLocation::CPU) ? dynamic_pointer_cast>(m_CPUMatrix) : dynamic_pointer_cast>(m_GPUMatrix)); else if (m_matrixType == MatrixType::SPARSE) m_baseMatrix = ((m_currentDataLocation == CurrentDataLocation::CPU) ? dynamic_pointer_cast>(m_CPUSparseMatrix) : dynamic_pointer_cast>(m_GPUSparseMatrix)); // Note: Typecasts are necessary since C++ cannot figure out the common base type (probably due to shared_ptr). // sanity check if (!m_baseMatrix && m_matrixType != MatrixType::UNDETERMINED) LogicError("SetDataLocation: New m_baseMatrix must not be NULL."); } //this is a private constructor only used internally to initialize a blank matrix template Matrix::Matrix(const MatrixFlags matrixFlags, const MatrixType matrixType, const MatrixFormat matrixFormat, DEVICEID_TYPE deviceID) { Init(deviceID); if (!(matrixFlags & matrixFlagDontOwnBuffer)) SwitchToMatrixType(matrixType, matrixFormat, false); } //this is a private constructor only used internally to initialize a blank matrix template Matrix::Matrix(const MatrixFlags matrixFlags, const MatrixType matrixType, DEVICEID_TYPE deviceID) { Init(deviceID); if (!(matrixFlags & matrixFlagDontOwnBuffer)) SwitchToMatrixType(matrixType, matrixType == MatrixType::DENSE ? MatrixFormat::matrixFormatDense : MatrixFormat::matrixFormatSparseCSC, false); } //this is a private constructor only used internally to initialize a blank matrix template Matrix::Matrix(const MatrixFlags matrixFlags, DEVICEID_TYPE deviceID) { Init(deviceID); if (!(matrixFlags & matrixFlagDontOwnBuffer)) SwitchToMatrixType(MatrixType::DENSE, MatrixFormat::matrixFormatDense, false); } template Matrix::Matrix(DEVICEID_TYPE deviceID) { Init(deviceID); SwitchToMatrixType(MatrixType::DENSE, MatrixFormat::matrixFormatDense, false); } // constructor for Matrix class to wrap an externally managed BaseMatrix, indicated by the use of shared_ptr. // The appropriate destructor should be passed in by the caller. // baseMatrix - base matrix for this element // pArray - pointer to current data array, will replace existing pointer in baseMatrix if != NULL // deviceId - deviceId where the pArray exists #if 0 template Matrix::Matrix(shared_ptr> baseMatrix, ElemType* pArray, DEVICEID_TYPE deviceId) // constructor for setting Matrix from a base matrix { Init(deviceId); if (baseMatrix->GetFormat() & matrixFormatSparse) { if (m_preferredDeviceId == CPUDEVICE) { m_CPUSparseMatrix = DownCast>(baseMatrix); SetDataLocation(CPU, SPARSE); } else { m_GPUSparseMatrix = DownCast>(baseMatrix); SetDataLocation(GPU, SPARSE); } } else { if (m_preferredDeviceId == CPUDEVICE) { m_CPUMatrix = DownCast>(baseMatrix); SetDataLocation(CPU, DENSE); } else { m_GPUMatrix = DownCast>(baseMatrix); SetDataLocation(GPU, DENSE); } } m_baseMatrix = baseMatrix; m_baseMatrix->SetBuffer(pArray,0); } #endif template Matrix::Matrix(const size_t numRows, const size_t numCols, DEVICEID_TYPE deviceId, const MatrixType matrixType, const MatrixFormat matrixFormat) { Init(deviceId); if (matrixType == MatrixType::SPARSE) { if (m_preferredDeviceId == CPUDEVICE) { m_CPUSparseMatrix = make_shared>(matrixFormat, numRows, numCols, 0); SetDataLocation(CPU, SPARSE); } else { m_GPUSparseMatrix = make_shared>(numRows, numCols, 0, m_preferredDeviceId, matrixFormat); SetDataLocation(GPU, SPARSE); } } else { if (matrixFormat != matrixFormatDense) { NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } if (m_preferredDeviceId == CPUDEVICE) { m_CPUMatrix = make_shared>(numRows, numCols); SetDataLocation(CPU, DENSE); } else { m_GPUMatrix = make_shared>(numRows, numCols, m_preferredDeviceId); SetDataLocation(GPU, DENSE); } SetValue(0); } } template Matrix::Matrix(const size_t numRows, const size_t numCols, ElemType* pArray, DEVICEID_TYPE deviceId, const size_t matrixFlags, const size_t nnz) { Init(deviceId); if (m_preferredDeviceId == CPUDEVICE) { if (matrixFlags & matrixFormatSparse) { // WARNING: matrixFlag is not passed in and externally managed array cannot be passed in m_CPUSparseMatrix = make_shared>(matrixFormatSparseCSC, numRows, numCols, nnz); SetDataLocation(CPU, SPARSE); } else { m_CPUMatrix = make_shared>(numRows, numCols, pArray, matrixFlags); SetDataLocation(CPU, DENSE); } } else { if (matrixFlags & matrixFormatSparse) { // m_GPUSparseMatrix = new GPUSparseMatrix(numRows,numCols,nnz, pArray,matrixFlags,m_preferredDeviceId); m_GPUSparseMatrix = make_shared>(m_preferredDeviceId, MatrixFormat(matrixFlags & MatrixFormat::matrixFormatMask)); m_GPUSparseMatrix->RequireSizeAndAllocate(numRows, numCols, nnz, true, false); SetDataLocation(GPU, SPARSE); } else { m_GPUMatrix = make_shared>(numRows, numCols, m_preferredDeviceId, pArray, matrixFlags); SetDataLocation(GPU, DENSE); } } // Why is this here?? /* if (matrixFlagDontOwnBuffer & matrixFlags) m_baseMatrix->SetOwnBuffer(false); */ } //copy constructor, deep copy template Matrix Matrix::DeepClone() const { return Matrix(*this, GetDeviceId()); } template Matrix::Matrix(const Matrix& deepCopyFrom, DEVICEID_TYPE deviceId) { int origCopyFromDeviceId = deepCopyFrom.GetDeviceId(); Init(deviceId); // will set m_preferredDeviceId deepCopyFrom._transferToDevice(m_preferredDeviceId, true); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&deepCopyFrom, this, m_CPUMatrix = make_shared>(*(deepCopyFrom.m_CPUMatrix)), m_GPUMatrix = make_shared>(*(deepCopyFrom.m_GPUMatrix)), m_CPUSparseMatrix = make_shared>(*(deepCopyFrom.m_CPUSparseMatrix)), m_GPUSparseMatrix = make_shared>(*(deepCopyFrom.m_GPUSparseMatrix))); // should we move back? deepCopyFrom._transferToDevice(origCopyFromDeviceId, true); m_preferredDeviceId = deepCopyFrom.m_preferredDeviceId; } //move constructor, shallow copy template Matrix::Matrix(Matrix&& moveFrom) { Init((DEVICEID_TYPE) moveFrom.GetDeviceId()); #if 1 operator=(move(moveFrom)); #else DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&moveFrom, this, m_CPUMatrix = new CPUMatrix(static_cast&&>(*(moveFrom.m_CPUMatrix))), m_GPUMatrix = new GPUMatrix(static_cast&&>(*(moveFrom.m_GPUMatrix))), m_CPUSparseMatrix = new CPUSparseMatrix(static_cast&&>(*(moveFrom.m_CPUSparseMatrix))), m_GPUSparseMatrix = new GPUSparseMatrix(static_cast&&>(*(moveFrom.m_GPUSparseMatrix)))); m_preferredDeviceId = moveFrom.m_preferredDeviceId; #endif } //move assignment operator, shallow copy template Matrix& Matrix::operator=(Matrix&& moveFrom) { if (this == &moveFrom) LogicError("Matrix: Move assignment into itself is forbidden."); #if 1 // shallow-copy all members ShallowCopyFrom(moveFrom); // virgin-init the source moveFrom.Init(CPUDEVICE); #else m_preferredDeviceId = moveFrom.m_preferredDeviceId; DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&moveFrom, this, if (m_CPUMatrix != nullptr) m_CPUMatrix->operator=(static_cast&&>(*(moveFrom.m_CPUMatrix))); else m_CPUMatrix = new CPUMatrix(static_cast&&>(*(moveFrom.m_CPUMatrix))), if (m_GPUMatrix != nullptr) m_GPUMatrix->operator=(static_cast&&>(*(moveFrom.m_GPUMatrix))); else m_GPUMatrix = new GPUMatrix(static_cast&&>(*(moveFrom.m_GPUMatrix))), if (m_CPUSparseMatrix != nullptr) m_CPUSparseMatrix->operator=(static_cast&&>(*(moveFrom.m_CPUSparseMatrix))); else m_CPUSparseMatrix = new CPUSparseMatrix(static_cast&&>(*(moveFrom.m_CPUSparseMatrix))), if (m_GPUSparseMatrix != nullptr) m_GPUSparseMatrix->operator=(static_cast&&>(*(moveFrom.m_GPUSparseMatrix))); else m_GPUSparseMatrix = new GPUSparseMatrix(static_cast&&>(*(moveFrom.m_GPUSparseMatrix)))); #endif return *this; } template void Matrix::ReleaseMemory() { m_CPUMatrix = nullptr; m_GPUMatrix = nullptr; m_GPUSparseMatrix = nullptr; m_CPUSparseMatrix = nullptr; m_matrixType = MatrixType::UNDETERMINED; m_currentDataLocation = CurrentDataLocation::NONE; } template Matrix::~Matrix(void) { ReleaseMemory(); } template Matrix Matrix::Ones(const size_t rows, const size_t cols, DEVICEID_TYPE deviceId) { Matrix c(rows, cols, deviceId); // will initialize to 0 c.SetValue(1); return c; } template Matrix Matrix::Zeros(const size_t rows, const size_t cols, DEVICEID_TYPE deviceId) { Matrix c(rows, cols, deviceId); // will initialize to 0 c.SetValue(0); return c; } template Matrix Matrix::Eye(const size_t rows, DEVICEID_TYPE deviceId) { Matrix c(rows, rows, deviceId); // will initialize to 0 c.SetDiagonalValue(1); return c; } template Matrix Matrix::RandomUniform(const size_t rows, const size_t cols, DEVICEID_TYPE deviceId, const ElemType low, const ElemType high, unsigned long seed) { Matrix c(rows, cols, deviceId); // will initialize to 0 c.SetUniformRandomValue(low, high, seed); return c; } template Matrix Matrix::RandomGaussian(const size_t rows, const size_t cols, DEVICEID_TYPE deviceId, const ElemType mean, const ElemType sigma, unsigned long seed) { Matrix c(rows, cols, deviceId); // will initialize to 0 c.SetGaussianRandomValue(mean, sigma, seed); return c; } template void Matrix::SetDevice(DEVICEID_TYPE deviceId) { if (deviceId >= 0) GPUMatrix::SetDevice(deviceId); } template void Matrix::Read(File& stream) { Matrix& M = *this; char type; stream >> type; if (type == 'd') { if (M.GetDeviceId() < 0) { if (!M.m_CPUMatrix) M.m_CPUMatrix = make_shared>(); stream >> (*M.m_CPUMatrix); M.SetDataLocation(CPU, DENSE); } else { if (!M.m_GPUMatrix) M.m_GPUMatrix = make_shared>(M.GetDeviceId()); stream >> (*M.m_GPUMatrix); M.SetDataLocation(GPU, DENSE); } } else if (type == 's') { if (M.GetDeviceId() < 0) { NOT_IMPLEMENTED; // You might want to tranfer your matrix to GPU } else { if (M.m_GPUSparseMatrix == NULL) M.m_GPUSparseMatrix = make_shared>(M.GetDeviceId()); stream >> (*M.m_GPUSparseMatrix); M.SetDataLocation(GPU, SPARSE); } } else LogicError("Read: Input file corrupt (invalid matrix type field 0x%02d, should be 'f' or 'd').", type); } template void Matrix::Write(File& stream) const { const Matrix& M = *this; if (M.GetMatrixType() == MatrixType::DENSE) { stream << 'd'; if (M.GetDeviceId() < 0) stream << (*M.m_CPUMatrix); else stream << (*M.m_GPUMatrix); } else { stream << 's'; if (M.GetDeviceId() < 0) NOT_IMPLEMENTED // stream<<(*M.m_CPUMatrix); else stream << (*M.m_GPUSparseMatrix); } } #pragma endregion Constructors, destructors and other static matrix builders #pragma region Basic Operators template size_t Matrix::BufferSize() const { DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, nullptr, return m_baseMatrix->GetSizeAllocated() * sizeof(ElemType), return m_baseMatrix->GetSizeAllocated() * sizeof(ElemType), return m_CPUSparseMatrix->BufferSize(), return m_GPUSparseMatrix->BufferSizeAllocated()); } // BUGBUG: This is ugly code. The outside world should not have access to the raw data pointers. // if this is to be used, then at least it should also return a number of bytes as well. template ElemType* Matrix::Data() const { DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, nullptr, return m_CPUMatrix->Data(), return m_GPUMatrix->Data(), return m_CPUSparseMatrix->Data(), return m_GPUSparseMatrix->Data()); } template ElemType* Matrix::CopyToArray() const { DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, nullptr, return m_CPUMatrix->CopyToArray(), return m_GPUMatrix->CopyToArray(), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } //memory will be allocated by the callee if not enough but need to be deleted by the caller after it's done //return number of elements copied template size_t Matrix::CopyToArray(ElemType*& arrayCopyTo, size_t& currentArraySize) const { DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, nullptr, return m_CPUMatrix->CopyToArray(arrayCopyTo, currentArraySize), return m_GPUMatrix->CopyToArray(arrayCopyTo, currentArraySize), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } template void Matrix::CopySection(size_t numRows, size_t numCols, ElemType* dst, size_t colStride) const { DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, nullptr, m_CPUMatrix->CopySection(numRows, numCols, dst, colStride), m_GPUMatrix->CopySection(numRows, numCols, dst, colStride), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } // BUGBUG: Some code checks before calling here whether one of the dimensions is 0. // This function must handle that case properly, that is, preserving the non-zero dimension. template Matrix Matrix::ColumnSlice(size_t startColumn, size_t numCols) const { int devId = GetDeviceId(); Matrix slice(matrixFlagDontOwnBuffer, (DEVICEID_TYPE) devId); // this already creates pointers slice.m_preferredDeviceId = m_preferredDeviceId; // create slices for the underlying object // Note: In case of data location == BOTH, this creates two objects just like in the source. if (GetMatrixType() == MatrixType::DENSE) { if (GetCurrentMatrixLocation() == CPU || GetCurrentMatrixLocation() == BOTH) { if (slice.m_CPUMatrix) slice.m_CPUMatrix->operator=(static_cast&&>(m_CPUMatrix->ColumnSlice(startColumn, numCols))); else slice.m_CPUMatrix = make_shared>(static_cast&&>(m_CPUMatrix->ColumnSlice(startColumn, numCols))); } if (GetCurrentMatrixLocation() == GPU || GetCurrentMatrixLocation() == BOTH) { if (slice.m_GPUMatrix) slice.m_GPUMatrix->operator=(static_cast&&>(m_GPUMatrix->ColumnSlice(startColumn, numCols))); else slice.m_GPUMatrix = make_shared>(static_cast&&>(m_GPUMatrix->ColumnSlice(startColumn, numCols))); } } else if (GetMatrixType() == MatrixType::SPARSE) { if (GetCurrentMatrixLocation() == CPU || GetCurrentMatrixLocation() == BOTH) { if (slice.m_CPUSparseMatrix) slice.m_CPUSparseMatrix->operator=(static_cast&&>(m_CPUSparseMatrix->ColumnSlice(startColumn, numCols))); else slice.m_CPUSparseMatrix = make_shared>(static_cast&&>(m_CPUSparseMatrix->ColumnSlice(startColumn, numCols))); } if (GetCurrentMatrixLocation() == GPU || GetCurrentMatrixLocation() == BOTH) { if (slice.m_GPUSparseMatrix) slice.m_GPUSparseMatrix->operator=(static_cast&&>(m_GPUSparseMatrix->ColumnSlice(startColumn, numCols))); else slice.m_GPUSparseMatrix = make_shared>(static_cast&&>(m_GPUSparseMatrix->ColumnSlice(startColumn, numCols))); } } else LogicError("Undetermined matrix type"); // update the slice's m_currentDataLocation, m_matrixType, and m_baseMatrix // This will work for CPU, GPU, and BOTH. slice.SetDataLocation(GetCurrentMatrixLocation(), GetMatrixType()); return slice; } template Matrix& Matrix::AssignColumnSlice(const Matrix& fromMatrix, size_t startColumn, size_t numCols) { ReleaseMemory(); m_preferredDeviceId = fromMatrix.m_preferredDeviceId; DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&fromMatrix, this, if (m_CPUMatrix) m_CPUMatrix->AssignColumnSlice(*fromMatrix.m_CPUMatrix, startColumn, numCols); else m_CPUMatrix = make_shared>(fromMatrix.m_CPUMatrix->ColumnSlice(startColumn, numCols)), if (m_GPUMatrix) m_GPUMatrix->AssignColumnSlice(*fromMatrix.m_GPUMatrix, startColumn, numCols); else m_GPUMatrix = make_shared>(fromMatrix.m_GPUMatrix->ColumnSlice(startColumn, numCols)), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return *this; } template Matrix& Matrix::SetColumnSlice(const Matrix& fromMatrix, size_t startColumn, size_t numCols) { assert(m_CPUMatrix || m_GPUMatrix); // must already been allocated DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&fromMatrix, this, m_CPUMatrix->SetColumnSlice(*fromMatrix.m_CPUMatrix, startColumn, numCols), m_GPUMatrix->SetColumnSlice(*fromMatrix.m_GPUMatrix, startColumn, numCols), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return *this; } template void Matrix::CopyColumnsStrided(const Matrix& fromMatrix, size_t numCols, size_t srcNumColsStride, size_t destNumColsStride) { assert(m_CPUMatrix || m_GPUMatrix); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&fromMatrix, this, m_CPUMatrix->CopyColumnsStrided(*fromMatrix.m_CPUMatrix, numCols, srcNumColsStride, destNumColsStride), m_GPUMatrix->CopyColumnsStrided(*fromMatrix.m_GPUMatrix, numCols, srcNumColsStride, destNumColsStride), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } template Matrix Matrix::Diagonal() const { int devId = GetDeviceId(); Matrix diag(matrixFlagDontOwnBuffer, (DEVICEID_TYPE) devId); diag.m_preferredDeviceId = m_preferredDeviceId; AssignDiagonalValuesTo(diag); return diag; } template void Matrix::AssignDiagonalValuesTo(Matrix& diag) const { int devId = GetDeviceId(); DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(*this, diag); if (GetMatrixType() == MatrixType::DENSE) { if (devId == CPUDEVICE) { if (diag.m_CPUMatrix) diag.m_CPUMatrix->operator=(static_cast&&>(m_CPUMatrix->Diagonal())); else diag.m_CPUMatrix = make_shared>(static_cast&&>(m_CPUMatrix->Diagonal())); diag.SetDataLocation(CPU, DENSE); } else { if (diag.m_GPUMatrix) diag.m_GPUMatrix->operator=(static_cast&&>(m_GPUMatrix->Diagonal())); else diag.m_GPUMatrix = make_shared>(static_cast&&>(m_GPUMatrix->Diagonal())); diag.SetDataLocation(GPU, DENSE); } } else if (GetMatrixType() == MatrixType::SPARSE) { // TODO: Implement optimized diagonal functions for sparse matrices. For now use the DiagonalToDense instead. if (devId == CPUDEVICE) { if (diag.m_CPUMatrix) diag.m_CPUMatrix->operator=(static_cast&&>(m_CPUSparseMatrix->DiagonalToDense())); else diag.m_CPUMatrix = make_shared>(static_cast&&>(m_CPUSparseMatrix->DiagonalToDense())); diag.SetDataLocation(CPU, DENSE); } else { if (diag.m_GPUMatrix) diag.m_GPUMatrix->operator=(static_cast&&>(m_GPUSparseMatrix->DiagonalToDense())); else diag.m_GPUMatrix = make_shared>(static_cast&&>(m_GPUSparseMatrix->DiagonalToDense())); diag.SetDataLocation(GPU, DENSE); } } else LogicError("Undetermined matrix type"); } // This function will change the matrix type between DENSE and SPARSE. // WARNING: The correct implementation is to copy the matrix between DENSE and SPARSE // However, the conversion functions are not implemented yet and so it will always create // a new blank matrix and destroy all info in the original matrix if different matrix type is asked. // In case of !keepValues, the matrix content will be undefined. template void Matrix::SwitchToMatrixType(MatrixType newMatrixType, MatrixFormat newMatrixFormat, bool keepValues) { // This check should be uncommented but unfortunately there are still places // this function is being called with incorrect "default" format value /*if (m_matrixType == newMatrixType && GetFormat() != newMatrixFormat) NOT_IMPLEMENTED;*/ if (m_matrixType == newMatrixType) return; if (!m_baseMatrix) keepValues = false; #define NUM_MATRIXTYPE_CHANGED_WARN 20 m_numTimesMatrixTypeChanged++; if (m_numTimesMatrixTypeChanged == NUM_MATRIXTYPE_CHANGED_WARN) fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: The same matrix with dim [%lu, %lu] has been transferred between different devices for %d times.\n", (unsigned long) GetNumRows(), (unsigned long) GetNumCols(), NUM_MATRIXTYPE_CHANGED_WARN); if (GetDeviceId() < 0) // CPU { if (newMatrixType == MatrixType::SPARSE) { if (!m_baseMatrix) m_CPUSparseMatrix = make_shared>(newMatrixFormat); else m_CPUSparseMatrix = make_shared>(newMatrixFormat, GetNumRows(), GetNumCols(), 1); if (keepValues) CopyElementsFromDenseToSparse(*m_CPUMatrix, *m_CPUSparseMatrix); SetDataLocation(CPU, SPARSE); m_CPUMatrix = nullptr; } else if (newMatrixType == MatrixType::DENSE) { if (!m_baseMatrix) m_CPUMatrix = make_shared>(); else m_CPUMatrix = make_shared>(GetNumRows(), GetNumCols()); if (keepValues) m_CPUMatrix->SetValue(m_CPUSparseMatrix->CopyColumnSliceToDense(0, GetNumCols())); SetDataLocation(CPU, DENSE); m_CPUSparseMatrix = nullptr; } else LogicError("SwitchToMatrixType: Unexpected/invalid new matrix type"); } else // GPU { if (newMatrixType == MatrixType::SPARSE) { if (!m_baseMatrix) m_GPUSparseMatrix = make_shared>(GetDeviceId(), newMatrixFormat); else m_GPUSparseMatrix = make_shared>(GetNumRows(), GetNumCols(), 0, GetDeviceId(), newMatrixFormat); if (keepValues) m_GPUSparseMatrix->SetValue(*m_GPUMatrix); SetDataLocation(GPU, SPARSE); m_GPUMatrix = nullptr; } else if (newMatrixType == MatrixType::DENSE) { if (!m_baseMatrix) m_GPUMatrix = make_shared>(GetDeviceId()); else m_GPUMatrix = make_shared>(GetNumRows(), GetNumCols(), GetDeviceId()); if (keepValues) m_GPUSparseMatrix->CopyToDenseMatrix(*m_GPUMatrix); SetDataLocation(GPU, DENSE); m_GPUSparseMatrix = nullptr; } else LogicError("SwitchToMatrixType: Unexpected/invalid new matrix type"); } } template void Matrix::CopyElementsFromDenseToSparse(CPUMatrix& from, CPUSparseMatrix& dest) { foreach_coord (row, col, from) { auto val = from(row, col); dest.SetValue(row, col, val); } } template ElemType Matrix::Get00Element() const { DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, nullptr, { return m_CPUMatrix->Get00Element(); }, { return m_GPUMatrix->Get00Element(); }, { NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }, { NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }); } // const operator(,) template const ElemType Matrix::operator()(const size_t row, const size_t col) const { DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG_USECPU_4BOTH(this, nullptr, { return m_CPUMatrix->operator()(row, col); }, { _transferFromDeviceToDevice(GetDeviceId(), CPUDEVICE, false); return m_CPUMatrix->operator()(row, col); }, { NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }, { NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }); } // non-const operator(,) //WARNING: This function is very slow for GPUs since it requires copying values between CPUs and GPUs. //In addition, if ColumnSlice is used after this function but before the values are copied back to GPU //the operation will fail since the memory is not managed by the slice. // If you don't need to modify the values, to call the const version above, or GetValue(row,col) which does that for you unambiguously. // TODO: Can we remove this, and have users use SetValue() instead? To avoid this potential error? template ElemType& Matrix::operator()(const size_t row, const size_t col) { DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG_USECPU_4BOTH(this, nullptr, { return m_CPUMatrix->operator()(row, col); }, { _transferFromDeviceToDevice(GetDeviceId(), CPUDEVICE, false); SetDataLocation(CPU, DENSE); return m_CPUMatrix->operator()(row, col); }, { NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }, { NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }); } template Matrix Matrix::Transpose() { if (IsEmpty()) LogicError("Transpose: Matrix is empty."); Matrix c(GetNumCols(), GetNumRows(), (DEVICEID_TYPE) GetDeviceId(), this->GetMatrixType(), this->GetFormat()); c.AssignTransposeOf(*this); return c; } template Matrix& Matrix::AssignTransposeOf(const Matrix& a) { DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(a, *this); SwitchToMatrixType(a.GetMatrixType(), a.GetFormat(), false); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&a, this, { m_CPUMatrix->AssignTransposeOf(*a.m_CPUMatrix); }, { m_GPUMatrix->AssignTransposeOf(*a.m_GPUMatrix); }, { NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }, { m_GPUSparseMatrix->AssignTransposeOf(*a.m_GPUSparseMatrix); }); return *this; } // *this[:,j] = a[:,idx[j]] * alpha + *this[:,j] * beta // idx has width of 'this' and contains values w.r.t. 'a' // Invalid entries (gap columns) are denoted by idx(0,j) == -1. template Matrix& Matrix::DoGatherColumnsOf(ElemType beta, const Matrix& idx, const Matrix& a, ElemType alpha) { DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(*this, idx, a); // TODO: only move target if beta != 0 DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&a, this, { m_CPUMatrix->DoGatherColumnsOf(beta, *idx.m_CPUMatrix, *a.m_CPUMatrix, alpha); }, { m_GPUMatrix->DoGatherColumnsOf(beta, *idx.m_GPUMatrix, *a.m_GPUMatrix, alpha); }, { m_CPUSparseMatrix->DoGatherColumnsOf(beta, *idx.m_CPUMatrix, *a.m_CPUSparseMatrix, alpha); }, { NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }); return *this; } // *this[:,idx[j]] = a[:,j] * alpha + *this[:,idx[j]] * beta // idx has width of 'a' and contains values w.r.t. 'this' // Unlike gather, for scatter, 'this' must have been sized already. // Invalid entries (gap columns) are denoted by idx(0,j) == -1. template Matrix& Matrix::DoScatterColumnsOf(ElemType beta, const Matrix& idx, const Matrix& a, ElemType alpha) { DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(*this, idx, a); // TODO: only move target if beta != 0 DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&a, this, { m_CPUMatrix->DoScatterColumnsOf(beta, *idx.m_CPUMatrix, *a.m_CPUMatrix, alpha); }, { m_GPUMatrix->DoScatterColumnsOf(beta, *idx.m_GPUMatrix, *a.m_GPUMatrix, alpha); }, { NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }, { NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }); return *this; } // set all elements of a matrix to a scalar value // For sparse matrices, the only allowed value is 0. template void Matrix::SetValue(const ElemType v) { if (IsEmpty()) // if empty then we are done return; if (v == 0 && GetMatrixType() == MatrixType::SPARSE) // if sparse, setting it to 0 is special { Reset(); return; } DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, { m_CPUMatrix->SetValue(v); }, { m_GPUMatrix->SetValue(v); }, { NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }, { NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }); } template void Matrix::SetValue(const DeviceBoundNumber& db_number) { if (IsEmpty()) // if empty then we are done return; DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, { m_CPUMatrix->SetValue(*db_number.ExposePointer2Value()); }, { if (GetDeviceId() != db_number.GetDeviceId()) RuntimeError("Matrix and device bound number must be on the same device"); m_GPUMatrix->SetValue(db_number.ExposePointer2Value()); }, { NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }, { NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }); } template <> /*static*/ float Matrix::MakeNan(size_t /*payload*/) { return nanf(""); } template <> /*static*/ double Matrix::MakeNan(size_t /*payload*/) { return nan(""); } template <> /*static*/ char Matrix::MakeNan(size_t) { return 0; } // (needed for completeness) template void Matrix::MaskColumnsValue(const Matrix& columnsMask, ElemType val) { if (GetNumCols() != columnsMask.GetNumCols()) RuntimeError("MaskColumnsValue: Matrix and column mask must have equal number of columns."); if (GetCurrentMatrixLocation() == CPU && (columnsMask.GetCurrentMatrixLocation() == CPU || columnsMask.GetCurrentMatrixLocation() == BOTH)) ; // OK else if (GetDeviceId() != columnsMask.GetDeviceId() && columnsMask.GetCurrentMatrixLocation() != BOTH) RuntimeError("MaskColumnsValue: Matrix and column mask must be on the same device."); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, { m_CPUMatrix->MaskColumnsValue(*columnsMask.m_CPUMatrix, val); }, { m_GPUMatrix->MaskColumnsValue(*columnsMask.m_GPUMatrix, val); }, { m_CPUSparseMatrix->MaskColumnsValue(*columnsMask.m_CPUMatrix, val); }, { m_GPUSparseMatrix->MaskColumnsValue(*columnsMask.m_GPUMatrix, val); }); } template void Matrix::SetColumn(const ElemType* colPointer, size_t colInd) { if (colPointer == nullptr) InvalidArgument("SetColumn: colPointer is null."); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, m_CPUMatrix->SetColumn(colPointer, colInd), m_GPUMatrix->SetColumn(colPointer, colInd), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } template void Matrix::SetColumn(const ElemType val, size_t colInd) { DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, m_CPUMatrix->SetColumn(val, colInd), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } template void Matrix::SetColumn(const Matrix& colMat, size_t colInd) { DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(*this, colMat); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, m_CPUMatrix->SetColumn(*colMat.m_CPUMatrix, colInd), m_GPUMatrix->SetColumn(*colMat.m_GPUMatrix, colInd), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } template void Matrix::SetValue(const Matrix& deepCopyFrom) { if (this == &deepCopyFrom) return; m_preferredDeviceId = deepCopyFrom.m_preferredDeviceId; DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(deepCopyFrom, *this); SwitchToMatrixType(deepCopyFrom.GetMatrixType(), deepCopyFrom.GetFormat(), false); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&deepCopyFrom, this, { m_CPUMatrix->SetValue(*deepCopyFrom.m_CPUMatrix); }, { m_GPUMatrix->SetValue(*deepCopyFrom.m_GPUMatrix); }, { m_CPUSparseMatrix->SetValue(*deepCopyFrom.m_CPUSparseMatrix); }, { m_GPUSparseMatrix->SetValue(*deepCopyFrom.m_GPUSparseMatrix); }); } template void Matrix::AssignValuesOf(const Matrix& deepCopyFrom) { if (this == &deepCopyFrom) return; DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, { // Set CPUMatrix from: DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&deepCopyFrom, nullptr, { m_CPUMatrix->SetValue(*deepCopyFrom.m_CPUMatrix); }, { this->Resize(deepCopyFrom.GetNumRows(), deepCopyFrom.GetNumCols()); deepCopyFrom.CopySection(deepCopyFrom.GetNumRows(), deepCopyFrom.GetNumCols(), m_CPUMatrix->Data(), this->GetNumRows()); }, { deepCopyFrom.m_CPUSparseMatrix->AssignColumnSliceToDense(*m_CPUMatrix, 0, deepCopyFrom.GetNumCols()); }, { CPUSparseMatrix tempCPUSparseMatrix(deepCopyFrom.GetFormat(), deepCopyFrom.GetNumRows(), deepCopyFrom.GetNumCols(), deepCopyFrom.m_GPUSparseMatrix->GetNumNZElements()); deepCopyFrom.m_GPUSparseMatrix->CopyToCPUSparseMatrix(tempCPUSparseMatrix); tempCPUSparseMatrix.AssignColumnSliceToDense(*m_CPUMatrix, 0, deepCopyFrom.GetNumCols()); }); }, { // Set GPUMatrix from: DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&deepCopyFrom, nullptr, { m_GPUMatrix->SetValue(deepCopyFrom.GetNumRows(), deepCopyFrom.GetNumCols(), this->GetDeviceId(), deepCopyFrom.m_CPUMatrix->Data()); }, { m_GPUMatrix->SetValue(*deepCopyFrom.m_GPUMatrix); }, { LogicError("AssignValuesOf: Assigning a CPUSparseMatrix to a GPUMatrix is not yet implemented."); },//{ m_GPUMatrix->SetValue(*deepCopyFrom.m_CPUSparseMatrix); }, { LogicError("AssignValuesOf: Assigning a GPUSparseMatrix to a GPUMatrix is not yet implemented."); });//{ m_GPUMatrix->SetValue(*deepCopyFrom.m_GPUSparseMatrix); }); }, { // Set CPUSparseMatrix from: DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&deepCopyFrom, nullptr, { auto matrixType = GetMatrixType(); auto matrixFormat = GetFormat(); *this = deepCopyFrom.DeepClone(); SwitchToMatrixType(matrixType, matrixFormat, true); }, { LogicError("AssignValuesOf: Assigning a GPUMatrix to a CPUSparseMatrix is not yet implemented."); },//{ m_CPUSparseMatrix->SetValue(*deepCopyFrom.m_GPUMatrix); }, { m_CPUSparseMatrix->SetValue(*deepCopyFrom.m_CPUSparseMatrix); }, { LogicError("AssignValuesOf: Assigning a GPUSparseMatrix to a CPUSparseMatrix is not yet implemented."); });//{ m_CPUSparseMatrix->SetValue(*deepCopyFrom.m_GPUSparseMatrix); }); }, { // Set GPUSparseMatrix from: DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&deepCopyFrom, nullptr, { Matrix tempCPUSparseMatrix(deepCopyFrom.DeepClone()); tempCPUSparseMatrix.SwitchToMatrixType(GetMatrixType(), GetFormat(), true); m_GPUSparseMatrix->SetValue(*tempCPUSparseMatrix.m_CPUSparseMatrix); }, { m_GPUSparseMatrix->SetValue(*deepCopyFrom.m_GPUMatrix); }, { m_GPUSparseMatrix->SetValue(*deepCopyFrom.m_CPUSparseMatrix); }, { m_GPUSparseMatrix->SetValue(*deepCopyFrom.m_GPUSparseMatrix); }); }); } template void Matrix::SetValue(const size_t numRows, const size_t numCols, int deviceId, ElemType* pArray, const size_t matrixFlags) { if (((numRows * numCols) > 0) && (pArray == nullptr)) InvalidArgument("Invalid pArray."); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, m_CPUMatrix->SetValue(numRows, numCols, pArray, matrixFlags), m_GPUMatrix->SetValue(numRows, numCols, deviceId, pArray, matrixFlags), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } template void Matrix::SetValue(const size_t rIdx, const size_t cIdx, ElemType val) { DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG_USECPU_4BOTH(this, this, (*m_CPUMatrix)(rIdx, cIdx) = val, NOT_IMPLEMENTED, m_CPUSparseMatrix->SetValue(rIdx, cIdx, val), NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } // read features template void Matrix::SetMatrixFromCSCFormat(const CPUSPARSE_INDEX_TYPE* h_CSCCol, const CPUSPARSE_INDEX_TYPE* h_Row, const ElemType* h_Val, const size_t nz, const size_t numRows, const size_t numCols) { // Note: The current implementation uses the xPUSparseMatrix as temporary space. This allows for memory sharing between calls. If // xPUSparseMatrix is a view, this code will cause an error during runtime stating that the view is not writable nor resizable. DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, { if (!m_CPUSparseMatrix) m_CPUSparseMatrix = make_shared>(matrixFormatSparseCSC, numRows, numCols, nz); m_CPUSparseMatrix->SetMatrixFromCSCFormat(h_CSCCol, h_Row, h_Val, nz, numRows, numCols); m_CPUSparseMatrix->AssignColumnSliceToDense(*m_CPUMatrix, 0, numCols); }, { if (!m_GPUSparseMatrix) m_GPUSparseMatrix = make_shared>(numRows, numCols, nz, GetDeviceId(), matrixFormatSparseCSC); m_GPUSparseMatrix->SetMatrixFromCSCFormat(h_CSCCol, h_Row, h_Val, nz, numRows, numCols); m_GPUSparseMatrix->AssignColumnSliceToDense(*m_GPUMatrix, 0, numCols); }, { m_CPUSparseMatrix->SetMatrixFromCSCFormat(h_CSCCol, h_Row, h_Val, nz, numRows, numCols); }, { m_GPUSparseMatrix->SetMatrixFromCSCFormat(h_CSCCol, h_Row, h_Val, nz, numRows, numCols); }); } template void Matrix::SetDiagonalValue(const ElemType v) { if (IsEmpty()) LogicError("SetDiagonalValue: Matrix is empty."); if (GetNumRows() != GetNumCols()) LogicError("SetDiagonalValue: NumRows and NumCols do not agree."); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, m_CPUMatrix->SetDiagonalValue(v), m_GPUMatrix->SetDiagonalValue(v), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } template void Matrix::SetDiagonalValue(const Matrix& vector) { if (GetNumRows() != GetNumCols()) LogicError("SetDiagonalValue: NumRows and NumCols do not agree."); if (vector.GetNumRows() != 1 && vector.GetNumCols() != 1) LogicError("SetDiagonalValue: Input vector must be a vector."); if (vector.GetNumRows() * vector.GetNumCols() != GetNumRows()) LogicError("SetDiagonalValue: Input vector must match matrix dimension."); if (IsEmpty()) return; DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(*this, vector); if (vector.GetNumElements() == 1) // reduce to simple form { DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&vector, nullptr, SetDiagonalValue(vector(0, 0)), SetDiagonalValue(vector.m_GPUMatrix->Get00Element()), // BUGBUG: efficiency SetDiagonalValue(vector(0, 0)), SetDiagonalValue(vector.m_GPUMatrix->Get00Element()) // BUGBUG: efficiency ); } else if (vector.GetNumRows() != GetNumRows()) LogicError("SetDiagonalValue: input vector's dimension does not agree with [this]."); else { // WARNING: we use this pointer to decide which function to call. However, vector may be stored in a different matrix type (DENSE, SPARSE) DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, assert(vector.m_CPUMatrix); m_CPUMatrix->SetDiagonalValue(*vector.m_CPUMatrix), assert(vector.m_GPUMatrix); m_GPUMatrix->SetDiagonalValue(*vector.m_GPUMatrix), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } } template void Matrix::SetUniformRandomValue(const ElemType low, const ElemType high, unsigned long seed) { if (IsEmpty()) return; DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, m_CPUMatrix->SetUniformRandomValue(low, high, seed), m_GPUMatrix->SetUniformRandomValue(low, high, seed), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } template void Matrix::SetGaussianRandomValue(const ElemType mean, const ElemType sigma, unsigned long seed) { if (sigma <= 0) InvalidArgument("SetUniformRandomValue: sigma must be a positive value."); if (IsEmpty()) return; DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, m_CPUMatrix->SetGaussianRandomValue(mean, sigma, seed), m_GPUMatrix->SetGaussianRandomValue(mean, sigma, seed), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } template void Matrix::AddGaussianRandomValue(const ElemType mean, const ElemType sigma, unsigned long seed) { if (sigma <= 0) InvalidArgument("SetUniformRandomValue: sigma must be a positive value."); if (IsEmpty()) return; DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, m_CPUMatrix->AddGaussianRandomValue(mean, sigma, seed), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } //maskRate: percentage of values masked out (similar to dropout rate) //scaleValue: which scale value to set to the left ones (unmasked items). template void Matrix::SetUniformRandomMask(const ElemType maskRate, const ElemType scaleValue, RNGHandle& rngHandle) { if (IsEmpty()) return; DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, m_CPUMatrix->SetUniformRandomMask(maskRate, scaleValue, rngHandle), m_GPUMatrix->SetUniformRandomMask(maskRate, scaleValue, rngHandle), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } template void Matrix::NormalGrad(Matrix& gradients, Matrix& functionValues, const ElemType learnRatePerSample, const ElemType momentum, const bool useNesterovMomentum) { DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(*this, gradients, functionValues); if (!useNesterovMomentum) { DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&gradients, nullptr, { ScaleAndAdd((1 - momentum) * learnRatePerSample, gradients, momentum, *this); functionValues -= *this; }, { ScaleAndAdd((1 - momentum) * learnRatePerSample, gradients, momentum, *this); functionValues -= *this; }, { if (momentum != 0) gradients.m_CPUSparseMatrix->NormalGrad(*m_CPUMatrix, momentum); ScaleAndAdd(-learnRatePerSample, gradients, functionValues); }, { if (momentum != 0) gradients.m_GPUSparseMatrix->NormalGrad(*m_GPUMatrix, momentum); ScaleAndAdd(-learnRatePerSample, gradients, functionValues); }); } else { DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&gradients, nullptr, { /* CPU dense */ ScaleAndAdd((1 - momentum) * learnRatePerSample, gradients, momentum, *this); ScaleAndAdd(-momentum, *this, functionValues); ScaleAndAdd(-(1 - momentum) * learnRatePerSample, gradients, functionValues); // w_t = w_{t-1} - momentum * v_ {t-1} - (1-momentum)*learnRatePerSampele*gardient, }, { /* GPU dense */ ScaleAndAdd((1 - momentum) * learnRatePerSample, gradients, momentum, *this); ScaleAndAdd(-momentum, *this, functionValues); ScaleAndAdd(-(1 - momentum) * learnRatePerSample, gradients, functionValues); }, { /* CPU sparse */ if (momentum != 0) { Matrix gradientCache(gradients.GetDeviceId()); gradientCache.AssignValuesOf(gradients); gradients.m_CPUSparseMatrix->NormalGrad(*m_CPUMatrix, momentum); ScaleAndAdd(-momentum, *this, functionValues); ScaleAndAdd(-(1 - momentum) * learnRatePerSample, gradientCache, functionValues); } }, { /* GPU sparse */ if (momentum != 0) { Matrix gradientCache(gradients.GetDeviceId()); gradientCache.AssignValuesOf(gradients); gradients.m_GPUSparseMatrix->NormalGrad(*m_GPUMatrix, momentum); ScaleAndAdd(-momentum, *this, functionValues); ScaleAndAdd(-(1 - momentum) * learnRatePerSample, gradientCache, functionValues); } }); } } // both 'this' and gradients will be changed template ElemType Matrix::Adagrad(Matrix& gradients, const bool needAveMultiplier) { DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(*this, gradients); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&gradients, &gradients, { return m_CPUMatrix->Adagrad(*gradients.m_CPUMatrix, needAveMultiplier); SetDataLocation(CPU); }, { return m_GPUMatrix->Adagrad(*gradients.m_GPUMatrix, needAveMultiplier); SetDataLocation(GPU); }, { return gradients.m_CPUSparseMatrix->Adagrad(*m_CPUMatrix, needAveMultiplier); SetDataLocation(CPU); }, { return gradients.m_GPUSparseMatrix->Adagrad(*m_GPUMatrix, needAveMultiplier); SetDataLocation(GPU); }); // Note: Since both 'this' and gradients are changed, we must call SetDataLocation() on 'this' as well. } template void Matrix::FSAdagrad(size_t mbSize, Matrix& gradients, Matrix& functionValues, const ElemType learnRatePerSample, const ElemType momentum) { // TODO: The values of 'adagradT' and 'targetadagradavdenom' are currently hardcoded constants taken from DBN (empirically determined). // These should be made configurable if needed const size_t adagradT = 2 * 3600 * 100; const ElemType targetadagradavdenom = 0.0025; // 1/400 magic constant const ElemType adagradkeepweight = static_cast(exp(-1.0 * mbSize / adagradT)); static ElemType aggadagradsqrframes = 0; aggadagradsqrframes = adagradkeepweight * aggadagradsqrframes + (1.0f - adagradkeepweight) * mbSize; const ElemType targetadagradavdenom_x_sqrtadagradsqrframes = static_cast(targetadagradavdenom * sqrt(aggadagradsqrframes)); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&gradients, &gradients, { m_CPUMatrix->FSAdagrad(*gradients.m_CPUMatrix, *functionValues.m_CPUMatrix, learnRatePerSample, momentum, adagradkeepweight, targetadagradavdenom_x_sqrtadagradsqrframes); SetDataLocation(CPU); }, { m_GPUMatrix->FSAdagrad(*gradients.m_GPUMatrix, *functionValues.m_GPUMatrix, learnRatePerSample, momentum, adagradkeepweight, targetadagradavdenom_x_sqrtadagradsqrframes); SetDataLocation(GPU); }, { NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }, { NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }); // Note: Since both 'this' and gradients are changed, we must call SetDataLocation() on 'this' as well. } template ElemType Matrix::RmsProp(Matrix& gradients, ElemType RMS_GAMMA, ElemType RMS_WGT_INC, ElemType RMS_WGT_MAX, ElemType RMS_WGT_DEC, ElemType RMS_WGT_MIN, const bool needAveMultiplier) { DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(*this, gradients); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, &gradients, { return m_CPUMatrix->RmsProp(*gradients.m_CPUMatrix, RMS_GAMMA, RMS_WGT_INC, RMS_WGT_MAX, RMS_WGT_DEC, RMS_WGT_MIN, needAveMultiplier); SetDataLocation(CPU); }, { return m_GPUMatrix->RmsProp(*gradients.m_GPUMatrix, RMS_GAMMA, RMS_WGT_INC, RMS_WGT_MAX, RMS_WGT_DEC, RMS_WGT_MIN, needAveMultiplier); SetDataLocation(GPU); }, { NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }, { NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }); // Note: Since both 'this' and gradients are changed, we must call SetDataLocation() on 'this' as well. } template void Matrix::Reshape(const size_t numRows, const size_t numCols) { if (numRows != GetNumRows() || numCols != GetNumCols()) { DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, { m_CPUMatrix->Reshape(numRows, numCols); }, { m_GPUMatrix->Reshape(numRows, numCols); }, { NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }, { m_GPUSparseMatrix->Reshape(numRows, numCols); }); } } // Note: Resize() will leave the matrix content undefined. // Note: Resize calls RequireSizeAndAllocate on the sparse versions in for performance reasons. If the external caller knows the nz, then we should set it. template void Matrix::Resize(const size_t numRows, const size_t numCols, const size_t numNZElemToReserve /*=0*/, bool growOnly /*=true*/) { // TODO: should this function test whether the size is changing, and skip if it isn't? We have at least one explicit test for this code calling this (recurrent node) DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG_USEBOTH_4BOTH(this, { m_CPUMatrix->Resize(numRows, numCols, growOnly); }, { m_GPUMatrix->Resize(numRows, numCols, growOnly); }, { m_CPUSparseMatrix->RequireSizeAndAllocate(numRows, numCols, numNZElemToReserve, growOnly, false); }, { m_GPUSparseMatrix->RequireSizeAndAllocate(numRows, numCols, numNZElemToReserve, growOnly, false); }); #ifdef _DEBUG if (GetMatrixType() != MatrixType::SPARSE) Invalidate(); // Fill the matrix with NaNs to detect using the content which is undefined. Unfortunately this won't work for sparse matrices. #endif } template Matrix Matrix::RepMat(const Matrix& frmMat, const size_t rowRatio, const size_t colRatio) { size_t nCols = frmMat.GetNumCols(); size_t nRows = frmMat.GetNumRows(); if (rowRatio > 1) RuntimeError("RepMat not yet supporting raw ratio larger than 1"); size_t newCols = colRatio * nCols; Matrix c(nRows, newCols, frmMat.GetDeviceId()); for (size_t i = 0; i < colRatio; i++) { c.ColumnSlice(i * nCols, nCols).AssignValuesOf(frmMat); } return c; } template size_t Matrix::GetAllocatedSize() const { return m_baseMatrix->GetSizeAllocated(); } // reset for sparse matrix. Semantically the same as setting all values to 0. template void Matrix::Reset() { DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG_USEBOTH_4BOTH(this, { NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }, { NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }, { m_CPUSparseMatrix->Reset(); }, { m_GPUSparseMatrix->Reset(); }); } template size_t Matrix::GetNumRows() const { return m_baseMatrix->GetNumRows(); } template size_t Matrix::GetNumCols() const { return m_baseMatrix->GetNumCols(); } template size_t Matrix::GetNumElements() const { return GetNumRows() * GetNumCols(); } template bool Matrix::IsEmpty() const { return m_baseMatrix->IsEmpty(); } #pragma endregion Basic Operators #pragma region Member BLAS Functions template Matrix& Matrix::operator+=(ElemType alpha) { return AssignSumOf(alpha, *this); } template Matrix Matrix::operator+(ElemType alpha) const { Matrix c(GetNumRows(), GetNumCols(), GetDeviceId()); c.AssignSumOf(alpha, *this); return c; } template Matrix& Matrix::AssignSumOf(const ElemType alpha, const Matrix& a) { if (a.IsEmpty()) LogicError("AssignSumOf: Matrix a is empty."); DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(a, *this); SwitchToMatrixType(a.GetMatrixType(), a.GetFormat(), false); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&a, this, m_CPUMatrix->AssignSumOf(alpha, *a.m_CPUMatrix), m_GPUMatrix->AssignSumOf(alpha, *a.m_GPUMatrix), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return *this; } //if [this] and a have same dimension then [this]=[this]+a //if a is a column vector, add to all columns of [this] //if a is a row vector, add to all rows of [this] //if a is a scalar, add it to all elements. template Matrix& Matrix::operator+=(const Matrix& a) { DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(*this, a); if (!(GetMatrixType() == a.GetMatrixType())) NOT_IMPLEMENTED; DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, m_CPUMatrix->operator+=(*a.m_CPUMatrix), m_GPUMatrix->operator+=(*a.m_GPUMatrix), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return *this; } //if [this] and a have same dimension then OUTPUT=[this]+a //if a is a column vector, add to all columns of [this] //if a is a row vector, add to all rows of [this] template Matrix Matrix::operator+(const Matrix& a) const { if (GetNumElements() == 1) { Matrix c(a.DeepClone()); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, &c, c += (*this)(0, 0), c += (m_GPUMatrix->Get00Element()), // BUGBUG: efficiency c += (*this)(0, 0), NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return c; } else if (a.GetNumElements() == 1) { Matrix c(this->DeepClone()); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&a, &c, c += a(0, 0), c += (a.m_GPUMatrix->Get00Element()), // BUGBUG: efficiency c += a(0, 0), NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return c; } else { Matrix c(this->DeepClone()); // this implementation will introduce a copy overhead. but make resue of the code c += a; return c; } } template Matrix& Matrix::AssignSumOf(const Matrix& a, const Matrix& b) { if (a.GetNumElements() == 1) { SetValue(b); (*this) += a; } else { SetValue(a); (*this) += b; } return *this; } template Matrix& Matrix::operator-=(ElemType alpha) { return AssignDifferenceOf(*this, alpha); } template Matrix Matrix::operator-(ElemType alpha) const { Matrix c(GetNumRows(), GetNumCols(), GetDeviceId()); c.AssignDifferenceOf(*this, alpha); return c; } //for each column of a, we assign numRows starting from startIndex to this template Matrix& Matrix::AssignRowSliceValuesOf(const Matrix& a, const size_t startIndex, const size_t numRows) { DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(a, *this); SwitchToMatrixType(a.GetMatrixType(), a.GetFormat(), false); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, m_CPUMatrix->AssignRowSliceValuesOf(*a.m_CPUMatrix, startIndex, numRows), m_GPUMatrix->AssignRowSliceValuesOf(*a.m_GPUMatrix, startIndex, numRows), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return *this; } //for each column of a, we assign all rows of a to this starting from startIndex template Matrix& Matrix::AssignToRowSliceValuesOf(const Matrix& a, const size_t startIndex, const size_t numRows) { DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(*this, a); // WARNING: a and this must have same type if (!(GetMatrixType() == a.GetMatrixType())) NOT_IMPLEMENTED; DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, m_CPUMatrix->AssignToRowSliceValuesOf(*a.m_CPUMatrix, startIndex, numRows), m_GPUMatrix->AssignToRowSliceValuesOf(*a.m_GPUMatrix, startIndex, numRows), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return *this; } //for the row slice of this starting from startIndex we add a to it. template Matrix& Matrix::AddToRowSliceValuesOf(const Matrix& a, const size_t startIndex, const size_t numRows) { DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(*this, a); // WARNING: a and this must have same type if (!(GetMatrixType() == a.GetMatrixType())) NOT_IMPLEMENTED; DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, m_CPUMatrix->AddToRowSliceValuesOf(*a.m_CPUMatrix, startIndex, numRows), m_GPUMatrix->AddToRowSliceValuesOf(*a.m_GPUMatrix, startIndex, numRows), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return *this; } //for each column of this, we add row slice of a starting from startIndex template Matrix& Matrix::AddWithRowSliceValuesOf(const Matrix& a, const size_t startIndex, const size_t numRows) { DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(*this, a); // WARNING: a and this must have same type if (!(GetMatrixType() == a.GetMatrixType())) NOT_IMPLEMENTED; DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, m_CPUMatrix->AddWithRowSliceValuesOf(*a.m_CPUMatrix, startIndex, numRows), m_GPUMatrix->AddWithRowSliceValuesOf(*a.m_GPUMatrix, startIndex, numRows), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return *this; } template Matrix& Matrix::AssignRepeatOf(const Matrix& a, const size_t numRowRepeats, const size_t numColRepeats) { DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(*this, a); // WARNING: a and this must have same type if (!(GetMatrixType() == a.GetMatrixType())) NOT_IMPLEMENTED; DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, m_CPUMatrix->AssignRepeatOf(*a.m_CPUMatrix, numRowRepeats, numColRepeats), m_GPUMatrix->AssignRepeatOf(*a.m_GPUMatrix, numRowRepeats, numColRepeats), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return *this; } template Matrix& Matrix::AddToRowRepeatValuesOf(const Matrix& a, const size_t numRepeats) { DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(*this, a); // WARNING: a and this must have same type if (!(GetMatrixType() == a.GetMatrixType())) NOT_IMPLEMENTED; DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, m_CPUMatrix->AddToRowRepeatValuesOf(*a.m_CPUMatrix, numRepeats), m_GPUMatrix->AddToRowRepeatValuesOf(*a.m_GPUMatrix, numRepeats), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return *this; } //used in the DSSM model. The resulted *this is a [a.GetRows()*(negNumber+1), a.GetCols()] matrix //each column contains posNumber of positive samples (original) and negNumber negative samples generated by copying //sample shifted by shiftNumber columns template Matrix& Matrix::AssignPositiveAndShiftedNegSample(const Matrix& a, const size_t posNumber, const size_t negNumber, const size_t shiftNumber) { DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(*this, a); // WARNING: a and this must have same type if (!(GetMatrixType() == a.GetMatrixType())) NOT_IMPLEMENTED; DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, m_CPUMatrix->AssignPositiveAndShiftedNegSample(*a.m_CPUMatrix, posNumber, negNumber, shiftNumber), m_GPUMatrix->AssignPositiveAndShiftedNegSample(*a.m_GPUMatrix, posNumber, negNumber, shiftNumber), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return *this; } //used in the DSSM model. *this = *this + positive and negative samples folded back to the right place //each column of a contains posNumber of positive samples (original) and negNumber negative samples generated by copying //sample shifted by shiftNumber columns template Matrix& Matrix::AddFoldedPositiveAndShiftedNegSample(const Matrix& a, const size_t posNumber, const size_t negNumber, const size_t shiftNumber) { DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(*this, a); // WARNING: a and this must have same type if (!(GetMatrixType() == a.GetMatrixType())) NOT_IMPLEMENTED; DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, m_CPUMatrix->AddFoldedPositiveAndShiftedNegSample(*a.m_CPUMatrix, posNumber, negNumber, shiftNumber), m_GPUMatrix->AddFoldedPositiveAndShiftedNegSample(*a.m_GPUMatrix, posNumber, negNumber, shiftNumber), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return *this; } template Matrix& Matrix::AssignDifferenceOf(const ElemType alpha, const Matrix& a) { if (a.IsEmpty()) LogicError("AssignDifferenceOf: Matrix a is empty."); DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(a, *this); SwitchToMatrixType(a.GetMatrixType(), a.GetFormat(), false); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, m_CPUMatrix->AssignDifferenceOf(alpha, *a.m_CPUMatrix), m_GPUMatrix->AssignDifferenceOf(alpha, *a.m_GPUMatrix), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return *this; } template Matrix& Matrix::AssignDifferenceOf(const Matrix& a, const ElemType alpha) { if (a.IsEmpty()) LogicError("AssignDifferenceOf: Matrix a is empty."); DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(a, *this); SwitchToMatrixType(a.GetMatrixType(), a.GetFormat(), false); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, m_CPUMatrix->AssignDifferenceOf(*a.m_CPUMatrix, alpha), m_GPUMatrix->AssignDifferenceOf(*a.m_GPUMatrix, alpha), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return *this; } //if [this] and a have same dimension then [this]=[this]-a //if a is a column vector, minus it from all columns of [this] //if a is a row vector, minus it from all rows of [this] template Matrix& Matrix::operator-=(const Matrix& a) { if (a.IsEmpty()) LogicError("Minus Operation: Matrix a is empty."); DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(*this, a); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, *m_CPUMatrix -= *a.m_CPUMatrix, *m_GPUMatrix -= *a.m_GPUMatrix, NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return *this; } //if [this] and a have same dimension then output=[this]-a //if a is a column vector, minus it from all columns of [this] //if a is a row vector, minus it from all rows of [this] template Matrix Matrix::operator-(const Matrix& a) const { Matrix c(this->DeepClone()); // this implementation will introduce a copy overhead. but make resue of the code ScaleAndAdd(-1, a, c); return c; } template Matrix& Matrix::AssignDifferenceOf(const Matrix& a, const Matrix& b) { // if first arg broadcasts, we swap first and the flip the sign // This is because there is no equivalent to operator-=() that works the other way round. // TODO: We need ternary ops where the output storage is separate. if (a.GetNumRows() < b.GetNumRows() || a.GetNumCols() < b.GetNumCols()) { if (a.GetNumRows() > b.GetNumRows() || a.GetNumCols() > b.GetNumCols()) LogicError("AssignDifferenceOf: Invalid dimensions."); AssignDifferenceOf(b, a); *this *= -1; return *this; } if (this != &a) SetValue(a); (*this) -= b; return *this; } template Matrix& Matrix::operator*=(ElemType alpha) { Scale(alpha, *this); return *this; } template Matrix Matrix::operator*(ElemType alpha) const { Matrix c(GetNumRows(), GetNumCols(), (DEVICEID_TYPE) m_preferredDeviceId); Scale(alpha, *this, c); return c; } template Matrix& Matrix::AssignProductOf(const ElemType alpha, const Matrix& a) { Scale(alpha, a, *this); return *this; } // [this]=a*b template Matrix& Matrix::AssignProductOf(const Matrix& a, const bool transposeA, const Matrix& b, const bool transposeB) { if (a.GetNumElements() == 1) { if (transposeB) AssignTransposeOf(b); else this->SetValue(b); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, nullptr, (*this) *= a(0, 0), (*this) *= a.m_GPUMatrix->Get00Element(), (*this) *= a(0, 0), NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } else if (b.GetNumElements() == 1) { if (transposeA) AssignTransposeOf(a); else this->SetValue(a); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, nullptr, (*this) *= b(0, 0), (*this) *= b.m_GPUMatrix->Get00Element(), (*this) *= b(0, 0), NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } else Multiply(a, transposeA, b, transposeB, *this); return *this; } template Matrix Matrix::operator*(const Matrix& a) const { if (GetNumElements() == 1) { Matrix c((DEVICEID_TYPE) a.GetPreferredDeviceId()); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, nullptr, c.AssignProductOf((*this)(0, 0), a), c.AssignProductOf(m_GPUMatrix->Get00Element(), a), // BUGBUG: efficiency c.AssignProductOf((*this)(0, 0), a), NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return c; } else if (a.GetNumElements() == 1) { Matrix c((DEVICEID_TYPE) GetPreferredDeviceId()); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&a, nullptr, c.AssignProductOf(a(0, 0), (*this)), c.AssignProductOf(a.m_GPUMatrix->Get00Element(), (*this)), // BUGBUG: efficiency c.AssignProductOf(a(0, 0), (*this)), NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return c; } else { Matrix c(GetNumRows(), a.GetNumCols(), (DEVICEID_TYPE) GetPreferredDeviceId()); Multiply(*this, a, c); return c; } } // [this]=a*b where a is a 1x1 scalar template Matrix& Matrix::Assign1x1ProductOf(const Matrix& a, const Matrix& b) { Multiply1x1AndWeightedAdd(+1, a, b, 0.0f, *this); return *this; } template Matrix& Matrix::operator/=(ElemType alpha) { (*this) *= 1 / alpha; return (*this); } template Matrix Matrix::operator/(ElemType alpha) const { return ((*this) * (1 / alpha)); } //element-wise power template Matrix& Matrix::operator^=(ElemType alpha) { auto& us = *this; ElementWisePower(alpha, us, us); return us; } //element-wise power template Matrix Matrix::operator^(ElemType alpha) const { Matrix c(GetNumRows(), GetNumCols(), (DEVICEID_TYPE) GetDeviceId()); ElementWisePower(alpha, *this, c); return c; } template Matrix& Matrix::AssignElementPowerOf(const Matrix& a, const ElemType power) { ElementWisePower(power, a, *this); return *this; } //[this]=[this] .* a (we cannot override operator .* in c++) template Matrix& Matrix::ElementMultiplyWith(const Matrix& a) { return AssignElementProductOf(*this, a); } template Matrix& Matrix::ElementDivideBy(const Matrix& a) { return AssignElementDivisionOf(*this, a); } //[this]=a .* b template Matrix& Matrix::AssignElementProductOf(const Matrix& a, const Matrix& b) { if (a.IsEmpty() || b.IsEmpty()) LogicError("AssignElementProductOf: Matrix is empty."); assert(a.GetNumRows() == b.GetNumRows() && a.GetNumCols() == b.GetNumCols()); if (!(a.GetNumRows() == b.GetNumRows() && a.GetNumCols() == b.GetNumCols())) InvalidArgument("The input matrix dimensions do not match."); DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(a, b, *this); if (!(a.GetMatrixType() == b.GetMatrixType())) NOT_IMPLEMENTED; SwitchToMatrixType(a.GetMatrixType(), a.GetFormat(), false); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, m_CPUMatrix->AssignElementProductOf(*a.m_CPUMatrix, *b.m_CPUMatrix), m_GPUMatrix->AssignElementProductOf(*a.m_GPUMatrix, *b.m_GPUMatrix), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return *this; } template Matrix& Matrix::AddElementProductOf(const Matrix& a, const Matrix& b) { if (a.IsEmpty() || b.IsEmpty()) LogicError("AddElementProductOf: Matrix is empty."); assert(a.GetNumRows() == b.GetNumRows() && a.GetNumCols() == b.GetNumCols()); if (!(a.GetNumRows() == b.GetNumRows() && a.GetNumCols() == b.GetNumCols())) InvalidArgument("The input matrix dimensions do not match."); if (!(a.GetNumRows() == GetNumRows() && a.GetNumCols() == GetNumCols())) InvalidArgument("The input matrix dimensions do not match [this]."); DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(*this, a, b); if (!(a.GetMatrixType() == b.GetMatrixType() && GetMatrixType() == b.GetMatrixType())) NOT_IMPLEMENTED; DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, nullptr, m_CPUMatrix->AddElementProductOf(*a.m_CPUMatrix, *b.m_CPUMatrix), m_GPUMatrix->AddElementProductOf(*a.m_GPUMatrix, *b.m_GPUMatrix), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return *this; } //[this]=a ./ b template Matrix& Matrix::AssignElementDivisionOf(const Matrix& a, const Matrix& b) { if (a.IsEmpty() || b.IsEmpty()) LogicError("AssignElementDivisionOf: Matrix is empty."); assert(a.GetNumRows() == b.GetNumRows() && a.GetNumCols() == b.GetNumCols()); if (!(a.GetNumRows() == b.GetNumRows() && a.GetNumCols() == b.GetNumCols())) InvalidArgument("The input matrix dimensions do not match."); DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(a, b, *this); // WARNING: a and b must have same type if (!(a.GetMatrixType() == b.GetMatrixType())) NOT_IMPLEMENTED; SwitchToMatrixType(a.GetMatrixType(), a.GetFormat(), false); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, m_CPUMatrix->AssignElementDivisionOf(*a.m_CPUMatrix, *b.m_CPUMatrix), m_GPUMatrix->AssignElementDivisionOf(*a.m_GPUMatrix, *b.m_GPUMatrix), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return *this; } template Matrix& Matrix::ColumnElementMultiplyWith(const Matrix& a) { if (a.IsEmpty() || IsEmpty()) LogicError("ColumnElementMultiplyWith: Matrix is empty."); if (!(a.GetNumRows() == GetNumRows() && a.GetNumCols() == 1)) InvalidArgument("ColumnElementMultiplyWith: The input matrix should be a col vector and match [this]'s rows."); DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(*this, a); // WARNING: a and this must have same type if (!(GetMatrixType() == a.GetMatrixType())) NOT_IMPLEMENTED; SwitchToMatrixType(a.GetMatrixType(), a.GetFormat(), false); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&a, this, m_CPUMatrix->ColumnElementMultiplyWith(*a.m_CPUMatrix), m_GPUMatrix->ColumnElementMultiplyWith(*a.m_GPUMatrix), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return *this; } template Matrix& Matrix::RowElementMultiplyWith(const Matrix& a) { if (a.IsEmpty() || IsEmpty()) LogicError("RowElementMultiplyWith: Matrix is empty."); if (!(a.GetNumCols() == GetNumCols() && a.GetNumRows() == 1)) InvalidArgument("RowElementMultiplyWith: The input matrix should be a row vector and match [this]'s columns."); // WARNING: a and this must have same type if (!(GetMatrixType() == a.GetMatrixType())) NOT_IMPLEMENTED; SwitchToMatrixType(a.GetMatrixType(), a.GetFormat(), false); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, m_CPUMatrix->RowElementMultiplyWith(*a.m_CPUMatrix), m_GPUMatrix->RowElementMultiplyWith(*a.m_GPUMatrix), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return *this; } template Matrix& Matrix::RowElementDivideBy(const Matrix& a) { if (a.IsEmpty() || IsEmpty()) LogicError("RowElementDivideBy: Matrix is empty."); if (!(a.GetNumCols() == GetNumCols() && a.GetNumRows() == 1)) InvalidArgument("RowElementDivideBy: The input matrix should be a row vector and match [this]'s columns."); // WARNING: a and this must have same type if (!(GetMatrixType() == a.GetMatrixType())) NOT_IMPLEMENTED; SwitchToMatrixType(a.GetMatrixType(), a.GetFormat(), false); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, m_CPUMatrix->RowElementDivideBy(*a.m_CPUMatrix), m_GPUMatrix->RowElementDivideBy(*a.m_GPUMatrix), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return *this; } template Matrix& Matrix::ColumnElementDivideBy(const Matrix& a) { if (a.IsEmpty() || IsEmpty()) LogicError("ColumnElementDivideBy: Matrix is empty."); if (!(a.GetNumRows() == GetNumRows() && a.GetNumCols() == 1)) InvalidArgument("ColumnElementDivideBy: The input matrix should be a col vector and match [this]'s rows."); DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(*this, a); // WARNING: a and this must have same type if (!(GetMatrixType() == a.GetMatrixType())) NOT_IMPLEMENTED; SwitchToMatrixType(a.GetMatrixType(), a.GetFormat(), false); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&a, this, m_CPUMatrix->ColumnElementDivideBy(*a.m_CPUMatrix), m_GPUMatrix->ColumnElementDivideBy(*a.m_GPUMatrix), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return *this; } //[this]=1 ./ a template Matrix& Matrix::ElementInverse() { DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, m_CPUMatrix->ElementInverse(), m_GPUMatrix->ElementInverse(), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, m_GPUSparseMatrix->ElementInverse()); return (*this); } template Matrix& Matrix::AssignElementInverseOf(const Matrix& a) { if (a.IsEmpty()) LogicError("AssignElementInverseOf: Matrix a is empty."); DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(a, *this); SwitchToMatrixType(a.GetMatrixType(), a.GetFormat(), false); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&a, this, m_CPUMatrix->AssignElementInverseOf(*a.m_CPUMatrix), m_GPUMatrix->AssignElementInverseOf(*a.m_GPUMatrix), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, m_GPUSparseMatrix->AssignElementInverseOf(*a.m_GPUSparseMatrix)); return *this; } template Matrix& Matrix::InplaceSigmoid() { DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, m_CPUMatrix->InplaceSigmoid(), m_GPUMatrix->InplaceSigmoid(), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, m_GPUSparseMatrix->InplaceSigmoid()); return (*this); } template Matrix& Matrix::AssignSigmoidOf(const Matrix& a) { DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(a, *this); SwitchToMatrixType(a.GetMatrixType(), a.GetFormat(), false); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&a, this, m_CPUMatrix->AssignSigmoidOf(*a.m_CPUMatrix), m_GPUMatrix->AssignSigmoidOf(*a.m_GPUMatrix), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, m_GPUSparseMatrix->AssignSigmoidOf(*a.m_GPUSparseMatrix)); return *this; } //[this]=sigmoid([this]) element wise template Matrix& Matrix::InplaceLinearRectifierDerivative() { DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, m_CPUMatrix->InplaceLinearRectifierDerivative(), m_GPUMatrix->InplaceLinearRectifierDerivative(), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, m_GPUSparseMatrix->InplaceLinearRectifierDerivative()); return (*this); } template Matrix& Matrix::AssignLinearRectifierDerivativeOf(const Matrix& a) { DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(a, *this); SwitchToMatrixType(a.GetMatrixType(), a.GetFormat(), false); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&a, this, m_CPUMatrix->AssignLinearRectifierDerivativeOf(*a.m_CPUMatrix), m_GPUMatrix->AssignLinearRectifierDerivativeOf(*a.m_GPUMatrix), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, m_GPUSparseMatrix->AssignLinearRectifierDerivativeOf(*a.m_GPUSparseMatrix)); return *this; } //[this]=sigmoid([this]) element wise template Matrix& Matrix::InplaceSigmoidDerivative() { DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, m_CPUMatrix->InplaceSigmoidDerivative(), m_GPUMatrix->InplaceSigmoidDerivative(), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return (*this); } template Matrix& Matrix::AssignSigmoidDerivativeOf(const Matrix& a) { DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(a, *this); SwitchToMatrixType(a.GetMatrixType(), a.GetFormat(), false); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&a, this, m_CPUMatrix->AssignSigmoidDerivativeOf(*a.m_CPUMatrix), m_GPUMatrix->AssignSigmoidDerivativeOf(*a.m_GPUMatrix), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return *this; } template Matrix& Matrix::AssignNumOfDiff(const Matrix& a, const Matrix& b, bool searchInCol) { DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(a, b, *this); // WARNING: a and b must have same type if (!(a.GetMatrixType() == b.GetMatrixType())) NOT_IMPLEMENTED; SwitchToMatrixType(a.GetMatrixType(), a.GetFormat(), false); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, m_CPUMatrix->AssignNumOfDiff(*a.m_CPUMatrix, *b.m_CPUMatrix, searchInCol), m_GPUMatrix->AssignNumOfDiff(*a.m_GPUMatrix, *b.m_GPUMatrix, searchInCol), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return *this; } //[this]=tanh([this]) element wise template Matrix& Matrix::InplaceTanh() { DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, m_CPUMatrix->InplaceTanh(), m_GPUMatrix->InplaceTanh(), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, m_GPUSparseMatrix->InplaceTanh()); return (*this); } template Matrix& Matrix::AssignTanhOf(const Matrix& a) { DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(a, *this); SwitchToMatrixType(a.GetMatrixType(), a.GetFormat(), false); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&a, this, m_CPUMatrix->AssignTanhOf(*a.m_CPUMatrix), m_GPUMatrix->AssignTanhOf(*a.m_GPUMatrix), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, m_GPUSparseMatrix->AssignTanhOf(*a.m_GPUSparseMatrix)); return *this; } //[this]=softmax([this]) element wise template Matrix& Matrix::InplaceLogSoftmax(const bool isColWise) { DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, m_CPUMatrix->InplaceLogSoftmax(isColWise), m_GPUMatrix->InplaceLogSoftmax(isColWise), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return *this; } template Matrix& Matrix::AssignLogSoftmaxOf(const Matrix& a, const bool isColWise) { if (a.IsEmpty()) LogicError("AssignLogSoftmaxOf: Matrix a is empty."); DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(a, *this); SwitchToMatrixType(a.GetMatrixType(), a.GetFormat(), false); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&a, this, m_CPUMatrix->AssignLogSoftmaxOf(*a.m_CPUMatrix, isColWise), m_GPUMatrix->AssignLogSoftmaxOf(*a.m_GPUMatrix, isColWise), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return *this; } //[this]=softmax([this]) element wise template Matrix& Matrix::InplaceHardmax(const bool isColWise) { DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, m_CPUMatrix->InplaceHardmax(isColWise), m_GPUMatrix->InplaceHardmax(isColWise), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return *this; } template Matrix& Matrix::AssignHardmaxOf(const Matrix& a, const bool isColWise) { if (a.IsEmpty()) LogicError("AssignHardmaxOf: Matrix a is empty."); DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(a, *this); SwitchToMatrixType(a.GetMatrixType(), a.GetFormat(), false); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&a, this, m_CPUMatrix->AssignHardmaxOf(*a.m_CPUMatrix, isColWise), m_GPUMatrix->AssignHardmaxOf(*a.m_GPUMatrix, isColWise), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return *this; } template Matrix& Matrix::InplaceSqrt() { DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, m_CPUMatrix->InplaceSqrt(), m_GPUMatrix->InplaceSqrt(), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, m_GPUSparseMatrix->InplaceSqrt()); return *this; } template Matrix& Matrix::AssignSqrtOf(const Matrix& a) { if (a.IsEmpty()) LogicError("AssignSqrtOf: Matrix a is empty."); DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(a, *this); SwitchToMatrixType(a.GetMatrixType(), a.GetFormat(), false); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&a, this, m_CPUMatrix->AssignSqrtOf(*a.m_CPUMatrix), m_GPUMatrix->AssignSqrtOf(*a.m_GPUMatrix), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, m_GPUSparseMatrix->AssignSqrtOf(*a.m_GPUSparseMatrix)); return *this; } //[this]=exp([this]) element wise template Matrix& Matrix::InplaceExp() { DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, m_CPUMatrix->InplaceExp(), m_GPUMatrix->InplaceExp(), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, m_GPUSparseMatrix->InplaceExp()); return *this; } template Matrix& Matrix::AssignExpOf(const Matrix& a) { if (a.IsEmpty()) LogicError("AssignExpOf: Matrix a is empty."); DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(a, *this); SwitchToMatrixType(a.GetMatrixType(), a.GetFormat(), false); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&a, this, m_CPUMatrix->AssignExpOf(*a.m_CPUMatrix), m_GPUMatrix->AssignExpOf(*a.m_GPUMatrix), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, m_GPUSparseMatrix->AssignExpOf(*a.m_GPUSparseMatrix)); return *this; } //[this]=exp([this]) element wise template Matrix& Matrix::InplaceAbs() { DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, nullptr, m_CPUMatrix->InplaceAbs(), m_GPUMatrix->InplaceAbs(), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, m_GPUSparseMatrix->InplaceAbs()); return *this; } template Matrix& Matrix::AssignAbsOf(const Matrix& a) { if (a.IsEmpty()) LogicError("AssignAbsOf: Matrix a is empty."); DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(a, *this); SwitchToMatrixType(a.GetMatrixType(), a.GetFormat(), false); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&a, this, m_CPUMatrix->AssignAbsOf(*a.m_CPUMatrix), m_GPUMatrix->AssignAbsOf(*a.m_GPUMatrix), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, m_GPUSparseMatrix->AssignAbsOf(*a.m_GPUSparseMatrix)); return *this; } //[this]=log([this]) element wise template Matrix& Matrix::InplaceLog() { DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, m_CPUMatrix->InplaceLog(), m_GPUMatrix->InplaceLog(), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, m_GPUSparseMatrix->InplaceLog()); return *this; } //[this]=log([this]) element wise template Matrix& Matrix::InplaceLog10() { DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, m_CPUMatrix->InplaceLog10(), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return *this; } template Matrix& Matrix::AssignLogOf(const Matrix& a) { if (a.IsEmpty()) LogicError("AssignLogOf: Matrix a is empty."); DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(a, *this); SwitchToMatrixType(a.GetMatrixType(), a.GetFormat(), false); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&a, this, m_CPUMatrix->AssignLogOf(*a.m_CPUMatrix), m_GPUMatrix->AssignLogOf(*a.m_GPUMatrix), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, m_GPUSparseMatrix->AssignLogOf(*a.m_GPUSparseMatrix)); return *this; } template Matrix& Matrix::AssignLog10Of(const Matrix& a) { if (a.IsEmpty()) LogicError("AssignLogOf: Matrix a is empty."); DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(a, *this); SwitchToMatrixType(a.GetMatrixType(), a.GetFormat(), false); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&a, this, m_CPUMatrix->AssignLog10Of(*a.m_CPUMatrix), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED, m_GPUSparseMatrix->AssignLogOf(*a.m_GPUSparseMatrix)); return *this; } //[this]=cos([this]) element wise template Matrix& Matrix::InplaceCosine() { DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, m_CPUMatrix->InplaceCosine(), m_GPUMatrix->InplaceCosine(), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return *this; } template Matrix& Matrix::AssignCosineOf(const Matrix& a) { if (a.IsEmpty()) LogicError("AssignCosineOf: Matrix a is empty."); DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(a, *this); SwitchToMatrixType(a.GetMatrixType(), a.GetFormat(), false); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&a, this, m_CPUMatrix->AssignCosineOf(*a.m_CPUMatrix), m_GPUMatrix->AssignCosineOf(*a.m_GPUMatrix), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return *this; } //[this]= -sin([this]) element wise template Matrix& Matrix::InplaceNegativeSine() { DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, m_CPUMatrix->InplaceNegativeSine(), m_GPUMatrix->InplaceNegativeSine(), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return *this; } template Matrix& Matrix::AssignNegativeSineOf(const Matrix& a) { if (a.IsEmpty()) LogicError("AssignNegativeSineOf: Matrix a is empty."); DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(a, *this); SwitchToMatrixType(a.GetMatrixType(), a.GetFormat(), false); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&a, this, m_CPUMatrix->AssignNegativeSineOf(*a.m_CPUMatrix), m_GPUMatrix->AssignNegativeSineOf(*a.m_GPUMatrix), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return *this; } template Matrix& Matrix::InplaceTruncate(const ElemType threshold) { if (IsEmpty()) LogicError("InplaceTruncate: Matrix is empty."); if (sizeof(ElemType) == sizeof(float)) { if (!isfinite((float) threshold)) return *this; } else { if (!isfinite(threshold)) return *this; } DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, m_CPUMatrix->InplaceTruncate(threshold), m_GPUMatrix->InplaceTruncate(threshold), m_CPUSparseMatrix->InplaceTruncate(threshold), m_GPUSparseMatrix->InplaceTruncate(threshold)); return *this; } template void Matrix::InplaceTranspose() { if (IsEmpty()) return; DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED, m_GPUSparseMatrix->InplaceTranspose()); } template Matrix& Matrix::InplaceSoftThreshold(const ElemType threshold) { assert(threshold >= 0); if (IsEmpty()) LogicError("InplaceSoftThreshold: Matrix is empty."); if (threshold == 0) return *this; DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, m_CPUMatrix->InplaceSoftThreshold(threshold), m_GPUMatrix->InplaceSoftThreshold(threshold), m_CPUSparseMatrix->InplaceSoftThreshold(threshold), m_GPUSparseMatrix->InplaceSoftThreshold(threshold)); return *this; } //Threshold truncating: this[i] = max( this[i], threshold ) template Matrix& Matrix::InplaceTruncateBottom(const ElemType threshold) { if (IsEmpty()) LogicError("InplaceTruncateBottom: Matrix is empty."); if (sizeof(ElemType) == sizeof(float)) { if (!isfinite((float) threshold)) return *this; } else { if (!isfinite(threshold)) return *this; } DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, m_CPUMatrix->InplaceTruncateBottom(threshold), m_GPUMatrix->InplaceTruncateBottom(threshold), m_CPUSparseMatrix->InplaceTruncateBottom(threshold), m_GPUSparseMatrix->InplaceTruncateBottom(threshold)); return *this; } //Threshold truncating: this[i] = max( a[i], threshold ) template Matrix& Matrix::AssignTruncateBottomOf(const Matrix& a, const ElemType threshold) { if (a.IsEmpty()) LogicError("AssignTruncateBottomOf: Matrix a is empty."); if (sizeof(ElemType) == sizeof(float)) { if (!isfinite((float) threshold)) { this->SetValue(a); return *this; } } else { if (!isfinite(threshold)) { this->SetValue(a); return *this; } } DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(a, *this); SwitchToMatrixType(a.GetMatrixType(), a.GetFormat(), false); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&a, this, m_CPUMatrix->AssignTruncateBottomOf(*a.m_CPUMatrix, threshold), m_GPUMatrix->AssignTruncateBottomOf(*a.m_GPUMatrix, threshold), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, m_GPUSparseMatrix->AssignTruncateBottomOf(*a.m_GPUSparseMatrix, threshold)); return *this; } //Threshold truncating: this[i] = min( this[i], threshold ) template Matrix& Matrix::InplaceTruncateTop(const ElemType threshold) { if (IsEmpty()) LogicError("InplaceTruncateTop: Matrix is empty."); if (sizeof(ElemType) == sizeof(float)) { if (!isfinite((float) threshold)) return *this; } else { if (!isfinite(threshold)) return *this; } DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, m_CPUMatrix->InplaceTruncateTop(threshold), m_GPUMatrix->InplaceTruncateTop(threshold), m_CPUSparseMatrix->InplaceTruncateTop(threshold), m_GPUSparseMatrix->InplaceTruncateTop(threshold)); return *this; } //Threshold truncating: this[i] = min( a[i], threshold ) template Matrix& Matrix::AssignTruncateTopOf(const Matrix& a, const ElemType threshold) { if (a.IsEmpty()) LogicError("AssignTruncateTopOf: Matrix a is empty."); if (sizeof(ElemType) == sizeof(float)) { if (!isfinite((float) threshold)) { this->SetValue(a); return *this; } } else { if (!isfinite(threshold)) { this->SetValue(a); return *this; } } DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(a, *this); SwitchToMatrixType(a.GetMatrixType(), a.GetFormat(), false); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&a, this, m_CPUMatrix->AssignTruncateTopOf(*a.m_CPUMatrix, threshold), m_GPUMatrix->AssignTruncateTopOf(*a.m_GPUMatrix, threshold), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, m_GPUSparseMatrix->AssignTruncateTopOf(*a.m_GPUSparseMatrix, threshold)); return *this; } //Threshold truncating: this[i] = 0 if abs(this[i] Matrix& Matrix::SetToZeroIfAbsLessThan(const ElemType threshold) { if (IsEmpty()) LogicError("SetToZeroIfAbsLessThan: Matrix is empty."); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, m_CPUMatrix->SetToZeroIfAbsLessThan(threshold), m_GPUMatrix->SetToZeroIfAbsLessThan(threshold), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, m_GPUSparseMatrix->SetToZeroIfAbsLessThan(threshold)); return *this; } //sum of all elements template ElemType Matrix::SumOfElements() const { if (IsEmpty()) LogicError("SumOfElements: Matrix is empty."); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, nullptr, return m_CPUMatrix->SumOfElements(), return m_GPUMatrix->SumOfElements(), return m_CPUSparseMatrix->SumOfElements(), return m_GPUSparseMatrix->SumOfElements()); } template Matrix& Matrix::AssignSumOfElements(const Matrix& a) { if (a.IsEmpty()) LogicError("AssignSumOfElements: Matrix a is empty."); // WARNING: a and this must have same type if (!(GetMatrixType() == a.GetMatrixType())) NOT_IMPLEMENTED; SwitchToMatrixType(a.GetMatrixType(), a.GetFormat(), false); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&a, this, m_CPUMatrix->AssignSumOfElements(*a.m_CPUMatrix), m_GPUMatrix->AssignSumOfElements(*a.m_GPUMatrix), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return *this; } template DeviceBoundNumber Matrix::Sum_AsDeviceBoundNum() const { DeviceBoundNumber result; DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, nullptr, ElemType* val = new ElemType; * val = m_CPUMatrix->SumOfElements(); result.ShallowCopyFrom(val, -1); return result, return m_GPUMatrix->Sum_AsDeviceBoundNum(), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } //sum of all elements template ElemType Matrix::SumOfAbsElements() const { if (IsEmpty()) LogicError("SumOfAbsElements: Matrix is empty."); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, nullptr, { return m_CPUMatrix->SumOfAbsElements(); }, { return m_GPUMatrix->SumOfAbsElements(); }, { NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }, { return m_GPUSparseMatrix->SumOfAbsElements(); }); } //sum of all elements template ElemType Matrix::LogSumOfElements() const { if (IsEmpty()) LogicError("LogSumOfElements: Matrix is empty."); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, nullptr, { return m_CPUMatrix->LogSumOfElements(); }, { return m_GPUMatrix->LogSumOfElements(); }, { NOT_IMPLEMENTED}, { NOT_IMPLEMENTED }); } template bool Matrix::IsValid() const { if (m_currentDataLocation == CurrentDataLocation::GPU && GetMatrixType() == MatrixType::SPARSE) { return this->m_GPUSparseMatrix->IsValid(); } else { NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } return false; } template bool Matrix::IsEqualTo(const Matrix& a, const ElemType threshold /*= 1e-8*/) const { return AreEqual(*this, a, threshold); } template void Matrix::VectorSum(const Matrix& a, Matrix& c, const bool isColWise) { DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(c, a); if (!(a.GetMatrixType() == c.GetMatrixType())) NOT_IMPLEMENTED; DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&c, &c, CPUMatrix::VectorSum(*a.m_CPUMatrix, *c.m_CPUMatrix, isColWise), GPUMatrix::VectorSum(*a.m_GPUMatrix, *c.m_GPUMatrix, isColWise), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } template void Matrix::VectorNorm1(Matrix& c, const bool isColWise) const { if (IsEmpty()) LogicError("VectorNormInf: Matrix is empty."); DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(*this, c); c.SwitchToMatrixType(GetMatrixType(), GetFormat(), false); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, &c, m_CPUMatrix->VectorNorm1(*c.m_CPUMatrix, isColWise), m_GPUMatrix->VectorNorm1(*c.m_GPUMatrix, isColWise), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } template Matrix& Matrix::AssignVectorNorm1Of(Matrix& a, const bool isColWise) { a.VectorNorm1(*this, isColWise); return *this; } template void Matrix::VectorNorm2(Matrix& c, const bool isColWise) const { if (IsEmpty()) LogicError("VectorNorm2: Matrix is empty."); DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(*this, c); c.SwitchToMatrixType(GetMatrixType(), GetFormat(), false); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, &c, m_CPUMatrix->VectorNorm2(*c.m_CPUMatrix, isColWise), m_GPUMatrix->VectorNorm2(*c.m_GPUMatrix, isColWise), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } template Matrix& Matrix::AssignVectorNorm2Of(Matrix& a, const bool isColWise) { a.VectorNorm2(*this, isColWise); return *this; } template void Matrix::VectorNormInf(Matrix& c, const bool isColWise) const { if (IsEmpty()) LogicError("VectorNormInf: Matrix is empty."); DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(*this, c); c.SwitchToMatrixType(GetMatrixType(), GetFormat(), false); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, &c, m_CPUMatrix->VectorNormInf(*c.m_CPUMatrix, isColWise), m_GPUMatrix->VectorNormInf(*c.m_GPUMatrix, isColWise), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } template Matrix& Matrix::AssignVectorNormInfOf(Matrix& a, const bool isColWise) { a.VectorNormInf(*this, isColWise); return *this; } template Matrix& Matrix::AssignInnerProductOf(const Matrix& a, const Matrix& b, const bool isColWise) { InnerProduct(a, b, *this, isColWise); return *this; } //column-wise crossproduct template Matrix& Matrix::AssignKhatriRaoProductOf(const Matrix& a, const Matrix& b) { if (a.IsEmpty() || b.IsEmpty()) LogicError("AssignKhatriRaoProductOf: Matrix is empty."); assert(a.GetNumCols() == b.GetNumCols()); if (!(a.GetNumCols() == b.GetNumCols())) InvalidArgument("AssignKhatriRaoProductOf: The input matrix dimensions do not match."); DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(a, b, *this); // WARNING: a and b must have same type if (!(a.GetMatrixType() == b.GetMatrixType())) NOT_IMPLEMENTED; SwitchToMatrixType(a.GetMatrixType(), a.GetFormat(), false); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, m_CPUMatrix->AssignKhatriRaoProductOf(*a.m_CPUMatrix, *b.m_CPUMatrix), m_GPUMatrix->AssignKhatriRaoProductOf(*a.m_GPUMatrix, *b.m_GPUMatrix), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return *this; } //column-wise reshaped product. Used to compute KhatriRaoProduct Gradient // this = reshape each column of a from (K1xK2,1) to (K1, K2) // if each column of a is not transposed, each (K1, K2) times each column of b (K2, frames). // the output is a (K1, frames) matrix // if each column of a is tranposed, each (K1, K2)^T times each column of b(K1, frames) and output is (K2, frames) //column-wise crossproduct template Matrix& Matrix::AddColumnReshapeProductOf(const Matrix& a, const Matrix& b, const bool transposeAColumn) { if (a.IsEmpty() || b.IsEmpty()) LogicError("AddColumnReshapeProductOf: Matrix is empty."); assert(a.GetNumCols() == b.GetNumCols()); if (!(a.GetNumCols() == b.GetNumCols())) InvalidArgument("AddColumnReshapeProductOf: The input matrix dimensions do not match."); DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(*this, a, b); // WARNING: a and b must have same type if (!(a.GetMatrixType() == b.GetMatrixType() && GetMatrixType() == b.GetMatrixType())) NOT_IMPLEMENTED; DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, m_CPUMatrix->AddColumnReshapeProductOf(*a.m_CPUMatrix, *b.m_CPUMatrix, transposeAColumn), m_GPUMatrix->AddColumnReshapeProductOf(*a.m_GPUMatrix, *b.m_GPUMatrix, transposeAColumn), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return *this; } template Matrix& Matrix::AddWithScaleOf(ElemType alpha, const Matrix& a) { ScaleAndAdd(alpha, a, *this); return *this; } template ElemType Matrix::FrobeniusNorm() const { if (IsEmpty()) LogicError("FrobeniusNorm: Matrix is empty."); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, nullptr, return m_CPUMatrix->FrobeniusNorm(), return m_GPUMatrix->FrobeniusNorm(), return m_CPUSparseMatrix->FrobeniusNorm(), return m_GPUSparseMatrix->FrobeniusNorm()); } template Matrix& Matrix::AssignFrobeniusNormOf(const Matrix& a) { if (a.IsEmpty()) LogicError("AssignFrobeniusNormOf: Matrix a is empty."); Resize(1, 1); // WARNING: a and this must have same type if (!(GetMatrixType() == a.GetMatrixType())) NOT_IMPLEMENTED; SwitchToMatrixType(a.GetMatrixType(), a.GetFormat(), false); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&a, this, m_CPUMatrix->AssignFrobeniusNormOf(*a.m_CPUMatrix), m_GPUMatrix->AssignFrobeniusNormOf(*a.m_GPUMatrix), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return *this; } template ElemType Matrix::MatrixNormInf() const { if (IsEmpty()) LogicError("MatrixNormInf: Matrix is empty."); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, nullptr, return m_CPUMatrix->MatrixNormInf(), return m_GPUMatrix->MatrixNormInf(), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, return m_GPUSparseMatrix->MatrixNormInf()); } template ElemType Matrix::MatrixNorm1() const { if (IsEmpty()) LogicError("MatrixNorm1: Matrix is empty."); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, nullptr, return m_CPUMatrix->MatrixNorm1(), return m_GPUMatrix->MatrixNorm1(), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, return m_GPUSparseMatrix->MatrixNorm1()); } template ElemType Matrix::MatrixNorm0() const { if (IsEmpty()) LogicError("MatrixNorm0: Matrix is empty."); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, nullptr, return m_CPUMatrix->MatrixNorm0(), return m_GPUMatrix->MatrixNorm0(), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, return m_GPUSparseMatrix->MatrixNorm0()); } template Matrix& Matrix::AssignSignOf(const Matrix& a) { if (a.IsEmpty()) LogicError("AssignSignOf: Matrix a is empty."); DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(a, *this); // WARNING: a and this must have same type if (!(GetMatrixType() == a.GetMatrixType())) NOT_IMPLEMENTED; SwitchToMatrixType(a.GetMatrixType(), a.GetFormat(), false); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&a, this, m_CPUMatrix->AssignSignOf(*a.m_CPUMatrix), m_GPUMatrix->AssignSignOf(*a.m_GPUMatrix), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return *this; } template Matrix& Matrix::AddSignOf(const Matrix& a) { if (a.IsEmpty()) LogicError("AddSignOf: Matrix a is empty."); DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(a, *this); if (!(GetMatrixType() == a.GetMatrixType())) NOT_IMPLEMENTED; DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&a, this, m_CPUMatrix->AddSignOf(*a.m_CPUMatrix), m_GPUMatrix->AddSignOf(*a.m_GPUMatrix), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return *this; } // I decided to use Matrix& maxIndices instead of integer vector because the result may be used to do additional calculation template void Matrix::VectorMax(Matrix& maxIndices, Matrix& maxValues, const bool isColWise) const { if (IsEmpty()) LogicError("VectorMax: Matrix is empty."); DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(*this, maxIndices, maxValues); maxIndices.SwitchToMatrixType(GetMatrixType(), GetFormat(), false); maxValues.SwitchToMatrixType(GetMatrixType(), GetFormat(), false); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, &maxValues, { m_CPUMatrix->VectorMax(*maxIndices.m_CPUMatrix, *maxValues.m_CPUMatrix, isColWise); maxIndices.SetDataLocation(CPU, DENSE); }, { m_GPUMatrix->VectorMax(*maxIndices.m_GPUMatrix, *maxValues.m_GPUMatrix, isColWise); maxIndices.SetDataLocation(GPU, DENSE); }, { NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }, { NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }); // Note: must SetDataLocation() also on maxIndices, since both maxValues and maxIndices are written. } template void Matrix::VectorMax(Matrix& maxIndices, Matrix& maxValues, const bool isColWise, int topK) const { if (IsEmpty()) LogicError("VectorMax: Matrix is empty."); DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(*this, maxIndices, maxValues); maxIndices.SwitchToMatrixType(GetMatrixType(), GetFormat(), false); maxValues.SwitchToMatrixType(GetMatrixType(), GetFormat(), false); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, &maxValues, { m_CPUMatrix->VectorMax(*maxIndices.m_CPUMatrix, *maxValues.m_CPUMatrix, isColWise, topK); maxIndices.SetDataLocation(CPU, DENSE); }, { m_GPUMatrix->VectorMax(*maxIndices.m_GPUMatrix, *maxValues.m_GPUMatrix, isColWise, topK); maxIndices.SetDataLocation(GPU, DENSE); }, { NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }, { NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }); } template void Matrix::VectorMin(Matrix& minIndices, Matrix& minValues, const bool isColWise) const { if (IsEmpty()) LogicError("VectorMin: Matrix is empty."); DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(*this, minIndices, minValues); minIndices.SwitchToMatrixType(GetMatrixType(), GetFormat(), false); minValues.SwitchToMatrixType(GetMatrixType(), GetFormat(), false); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, &minValues, { m_CPUMatrix->VectorMin(*minIndices.m_CPUMatrix, *minValues.m_CPUMatrix, isColWise); minIndices.SetDataLocation(CPU, DENSE); }, { m_GPUMatrix->VectorMin(*minIndices.m_GPUMatrix, *minValues.m_GPUMatrix, isColWise); minIndices.SetDataLocation(GPU, DENSE); }, { NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }, { NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }); } #pragma endregion Member BLAS Functions #pragma region Other helper Functions template int Matrix::GetDeviceId() const { if (m_currentDataLocation == CurrentDataLocation::NONE) return m_preferredDeviceId; DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, nullptr, { return CPUDEVICE; }, { return m_GPUMatrix->GetComputeDeviceId(); }, { return CPUDEVICE; }, { return m_GPUSparseMatrix->GetComputeDeviceId(); }); } // TODO: Comment why we need a second ElemType. // TODO: Move the shared core functions to the front of this source file. // BUGBUG: This performs a copy operation even for the output matrix that gets overwritten right away. // We should (1) define which is the output and (2) whether it will be completely overwritten (so we won't actually copy it). // bring two matrices onto the same device // If different and prefered devices are the same, move to preferred device. // Otherwise GPU takes precedence over CPU, and if both are GPU move to a's device. // The inputs are only distinguished in that a's GPU takes precedence over b's in case they differ. // TODO: This is called somewhat inconsistently, sometimes with a=*this, sometimes with b=*this. template template void Matrix::DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(const Matrix& a, const Matrix& b) { int deviceIdA = a.GetDeviceId(), deviceIdB = b.GetDeviceId(); if (deviceIdA == deviceIdB) return; if (!a.OwnBuffer() && b.OwnBuffer()) b._transferToDevice(deviceIdA); else if (a.OwnBuffer() && !b.OwnBuffer()) a._transferToDevice(deviceIdB); else { int preferredDeviceIdA = a.GetPreferredDeviceId(), preferredDeviceIdB = b.GetPreferredDeviceId(); if (preferredDeviceIdA == preferredDeviceIdB) // both prefer the same device: move to preferred { a._transferToDevice(preferredDeviceIdA); b._transferToDevice(preferredDeviceIdA); } else if (deviceIdA != CPUDEVICE) // one of them lives on GPU: use that { b._transferToDevice(deviceIdA); } else { a._transferToDevice(deviceIdB); } } } // same but for 3 matrices // If b and c are both on the same GPU then a will be forced to go there; otherwise a's GPU takes precedence, then b's. template void Matrix::DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(const Matrix& a, const Matrix& b, const Matrix& c) { int deviceIdA = a.GetDeviceId(), deviceIdB = b.GetDeviceId(), deviceIdC = c.GetDeviceId(); if (deviceIdA == deviceIdB && deviceIdA == deviceIdC) return; int preferredDeviceIdA = a.GetPreferredDeviceId(), preferredDeviceIdB = b.GetPreferredDeviceId(), preferredDeviceIdC = c.GetPreferredDeviceId(); if (preferredDeviceIdA == preferredDeviceIdB && preferredDeviceIdA == preferredDeviceIdC) { a._transferToDevice(preferredDeviceIdA); b._transferToDevice(preferredDeviceIdA); c._transferToDevice(preferredDeviceIdA); } else if (deviceIdB == deviceIdC && deviceIdB != CPUDEVICE) // TODO: why not the other two combinations? { a._transferToDevice(deviceIdB); // 'a' is outvoted } else if (deviceIdA != CPUDEVICE) // one of them lives on GPU: use that { b._transferToDevice(deviceIdA); c._transferToDevice(deviceIdA); } else if (deviceIdB != CPUDEVICE) { a._transferToDevice(deviceIdB); c._transferToDevice(deviceIdB); } else { a._transferToDevice(deviceIdC); b._transferToDevice(deviceIdC); } } // same but for 4 matrices template void Matrix::DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(const Matrix& a, const Matrix& b, const Matrix& c, const Matrix& d) { // this function is only called for one operator, so for now we keep it imple DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(a, b, c); d._transferToDevice(a.GetDeviceId()); // BUGBUG: Is this correct in case a,b,c share the same preferredDevice? } template void Matrix::_transferToDevice(int to_id, bool isBeingMoved /*= true*/, bool emptyTransfer /* = false*/) const { int from_id = GetDeviceId(); if (to_id == from_id) // nothing to do return; if (OwnBuffer()) _transferFromDeviceToDevice(from_id, to_id, isBeingMoved, emptyTransfer); else RuntimeError("Cannot move externally owned matrices to the preferred device."); } // this function performs data transfer and updates data location, but not the device that is stored with it template void Matrix::_transferFromDeviceToDevice(int from_id, int to_id, bool isBeingMoved /*= true*/, bool emptyTransfer /* = false*/) const { if (from_id < 0) from_id = CPUDEVICE; if (to_id < 0) to_id = CPUDEVICE; if (from_id == to_id) { if (from_id != GetDeviceId()) RuntimeError("Trying to transfer matrix from device to the same device while the matrix does not live in the from device."); return; } // warn about device change #define NUM_DEVICE_CHANGED_WARN 20 if (m_numTimesDeviceChanged <= NUM_DEVICE_CHANGED_WARN && (!emptyTransfer || (from_id >= 0 && to_id >= 0))) { m_numTimesDeviceChanged++; if (m_devicesTransferedTo[0] < CPUDEVICE) m_devicesTransferedTo[0] = to_id; else if (m_devicesTransferedTo[0] != to_id) m_devicesTransferedTo[1] = to_id; } if (m_numTimesDeviceChanged == NUM_DEVICE_CHANGED_WARN && m_devicesTransferedTo[1] >= CPUDEVICE) fprintf(stderr, "WARNING: The same matrix with dim [%lu, %lu] has been transferred between different devices for %d times.\n", (unsigned long) GetNumRows(), (unsigned long) GetNumCols(), NUM_DEVICE_CHANGED_WARN); // do the transfer if (m_matrixType == MatrixType::SPARSE) { if (from_id == CPUDEVICE) // from CPU to GPU { if (!m_CPUSparseMatrix) LogicError("Can't move from CPU because I'm not there!"); if (emptyTransfer) { if (m_GPUSparseMatrix && m_GPUSparseMatrix->GetComputeDeviceId() == to_id) m_GPUSparseMatrix->Resize(m_CPUSparseMatrix->GetNumRows(), m_CPUSparseMatrix->GetNumCols(), m_CPUSparseMatrix->NzCount()); else m_GPUSparseMatrix = make_shared>(m_CPUSparseMatrix->GetNumRows(), m_CPUSparseMatrix->GetNumCols(), m_CPUSparseMatrix->NzCount(), to_id, m_CPUSparseMatrix->GetFormat()); } else { if (!m_GPUSparseMatrix || m_GPUSparseMatrix->GetComputeDeviceId() != to_id) m_GPUSparseMatrix = make_shared>(to_id); m_GPUSparseMatrix->SetValue(*m_CPUSparseMatrix); } if (isBeingMoved) { SetDataLocation(GPU, SPARSE); m_CPUSparseMatrix = nullptr; } else { SetDataLocation(BOTH, SPARSE); } } else // from GPU { if (!m_GPUSparseMatrix || m_GPUSparseMatrix->GetComputeDeviceId() != from_id) LogicError("This matrix isn't on this (or any?) GPU"); if (to_id < 0) // to CPU { if (!m_CPUSparseMatrix) m_CPUSparseMatrix = make_shared>(m_GPUSparseMatrix->GetFormat()); if (emptyTransfer) m_CPUSparseMatrix->Resize(m_GPUSparseMatrix->GetNumRows(), m_GPUSparseMatrix->GetNumCols(), m_GPUSparseMatrix->NzCount(), true); else m_GPUSparseMatrix->CopyToCPUSparseMatrix(*m_CPUSparseMatrix); if (isBeingMoved) { SetDataLocation(CPU, SPARSE); m_GPUSparseMatrix = nullptr; } else { SetDataLocation(BOTH, SPARSE); } } else // to another GPU { m_GPUSparseMatrix->ChangeDeviceTo(to_id); } } } else #pragma omp critical { if (from_id == CPUDEVICE) // from CPU to GPU { if (!m_CPUMatrix) LogicError("Can't move from CPU because I'm not there!"); if (emptyTransfer) { if (m_GPUMatrix && m_GPUMatrix->GetComputeDeviceId() == to_id) m_GPUMatrix->Resize(m_CPUMatrix->GetNumRows(), m_CPUMatrix->GetNumCols()); else m_GPUMatrix = make_shared>(m_CPUMatrix->GetNumRows(), m_CPUMatrix->GetNumCols(), to_id); } else { if (m_GPUMatrix && m_GPUMatrix->GetComputeDeviceId() == to_id) m_GPUMatrix->SetValue(m_CPUMatrix->GetNumRows(), m_CPUMatrix->GetNumCols(), to_id, m_CPUMatrix->Data()); else m_GPUMatrix = make_shared>(m_CPUMatrix->GetNumRows(), m_CPUMatrix->GetNumCols(), to_id, m_CPUMatrix->Data()); } if (isBeingMoved) { SetDataLocation(GPU, DENSE); m_CPUMatrix = nullptr; } else SetDataLocation(BOTH, DENSE); } else // from GPU { if (!m_GPUMatrix || m_GPUMatrix->GetComputeDeviceId() != from_id) LogicError("This matrix isn't on this (or any?) GPU"); if (to_id < 0) // to CPU { if (emptyTransfer) { if (m_CPUMatrix) m_CPUMatrix->Resize(m_GPUMatrix->GetNumRows(), m_GPUMatrix->GetNumCols()); else m_CPUMatrix = make_shared>(m_GPUMatrix->GetNumRows(), m_GPUMatrix->GetNumCols()); } else { ElemType* arr = m_GPUMatrix->CopyToArray(); // TODO: unnecessary allocation/copy; why not make this a vector that we move over as an rvalue ref? if (m_CPUMatrix) m_CPUMatrix->SetValue(m_GPUMatrix->GetNumRows(), m_GPUMatrix->GetNumCols(), arr); else m_CPUMatrix = make_shared>(m_GPUMatrix->GetNumRows(), m_GPUMatrix->GetNumCols(), arr, matrixFlagNormal); delete[] arr; } if (isBeingMoved) { SetDataLocation(CPU, DENSE); m_GPUMatrix = nullptr; } else { SetDataLocation(BOTH, DENSE); } } else // to another GPU { m_GPUMatrix->ChangeDeviceTo(to_id); } } } // and of omp critical section } template void Matrix::TransferFromDeviceToDevice(int from_id, int to_id, bool isBeingMoved, bool emptyTransfer/* = false*/, bool updatePreferredDevice/* = true*/) const { _transferFromDeviceToDevice(from_id, to_id, isBeingMoved, emptyTransfer); if (updatePreferredDevice) m_preferredDeviceId = GetDeviceId(); } template void Matrix::TransferToDeviceIfNotThere(int to_id, bool isBeingMoved/*false: may leave in BOTH state*/, bool emptyTransfer/* = false*/, bool updatePreferredDevice/* = true*/) const { int from_id = GetDeviceId(); if (from_id == to_id) // already at the right place return; if (GetCurrentMatrixLocation() == BOTH && // if currently in BOTH state !isBeingMoved && // and leaving in BOTH state is OK (from_id < 0 || to_id < 0)) // and this is not about changing GPUs { return; // then we are good } TransferFromDeviceToDevice(from_id, to_id, isBeingMoved, emptyTransfer, updatePreferredDevice); } template void Matrix::Print(const char* matrixName, ptrdiff_t rowStart, ptrdiff_t rowEnd, ptrdiff_t colStart, ptrdiff_t colEnd) const { DEVICEID_TYPE orgdevice = GetDeviceId(); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, nullptr, // CPU: m_CPUMatrix->Print(matrixName, rowStart, rowEnd, colStart, colEnd), // GPU; { _transferToDevice(CPUDEVICE, false, false); m_CPUMatrix->Print(matrixName, rowStart, rowEnd, colStart, colEnd); _transferToDevice(orgdevice, false, false); }, // CPU, sparse: m_CPUSparseMatrix->Print(matrixName), // GPU, sparse: { _transferToDevice(CPUDEVICE, false, false); m_CPUSparseMatrix->Print(matrixName); _transferToDevice(orgdevice, false, false); }); } template void Matrix::Print(const char* matrixName /*=nullptr*/) const { Print(matrixName, 0, GetNumRows() - 1, 0, GetNumCols() - 1); } //helpfer function used for convolution neural network template Matrix& Matrix::AssignPackedConvolutionInput(const Matrix& inputSubBatch, const size_t inputWidth, const size_t inputHeight, const size_t inputChannels, const size_t outputWidth, const size_t outputHeight, const size_t outputChannels, const size_t kernelWidth, const size_t kernelHeight, const size_t horizontalSubsample, const size_t verticalSubsample, const bool zeroPadding) { DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(inputSubBatch, *this); SwitchToMatrixType(inputSubBatch.GetMatrixType(), inputSubBatch.GetFormat(), false); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&inputSubBatch, this, m_CPUMatrix->AssignPackedConvolutionInput(*(inputSubBatch.m_CPUMatrix), inputWidth, inputHeight, inputChannels, outputWidth, outputHeight, outputChannels, kernelWidth, kernelHeight, horizontalSubsample, verticalSubsample, zeroPadding), m_GPUMatrix->AssignPackedConvolutionInput(*(inputSubBatch.m_GPUMatrix), inputWidth, inputHeight, inputChannels, outputWidth, outputHeight, outputChannels, kernelWidth, kernelHeight, horizontalSubsample, verticalSubsample, zeroPadding), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return *this; } //helpfer function used for convolution neural network template Matrix& Matrix::UnpackConvolutionInput(Matrix& inputSubBatch, const size_t inputWidth, const size_t inputHeight, const size_t inputChannels, const size_t outputWidth, const size_t outputHeight, const size_t outputChannels, const size_t kernelWidth, const size_t kernelHeight, const size_t horizontalSubsample, const size_t verticalSubsample, const bool zeroPadding) const { DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(*this, inputSubBatch); inputSubBatch.SwitchToMatrixType(GetMatrixType(), inputSubBatch.GetFormat(), false); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, &inputSubBatch, m_CPUMatrix->UnpackConvolutionInput(*(inputSubBatch.m_CPUMatrix), inputWidth, inputHeight, inputChannels, outputWidth, outputHeight, outputChannels, kernelWidth, kernelHeight, horizontalSubsample, verticalSubsample, zeroPadding), m_GPUMatrix->UnpackConvolutionInput(*(inputSubBatch.m_GPUMatrix), inputWidth, inputHeight, inputChannels, outputWidth, outputHeight, outputChannels, kernelWidth, kernelHeight, horizontalSubsample, verticalSubsample, zeroPadding), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return inputSubBatch; } template Matrix& Matrix::AssignMaxPoolingResult(const Matrix& inputBatch, const size_t channels, const size_t inputWidth, const size_t inputHeight, const size_t inputSizePerSample, const size_t outputWidth, const size_t outputHeight, const size_t outputSizePerSample, const size_t windowWidth, const size_t windowHeight, const size_t horizontalSubsample, const size_t verticalSubsample) { DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(inputBatch, *this); SwitchToMatrixType(inputBatch.GetMatrixType(), inputBatch.GetFormat(), false); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&inputBatch, this, m_CPUMatrix->AssignMaxPoolingResult(*(inputBatch.m_CPUMatrix), channels, inputWidth, inputHeight, inputSizePerSample, outputWidth, outputHeight, outputSizePerSample, windowWidth, windowHeight, horizontalSubsample, verticalSubsample), m_GPUMatrix->AssignMaxPoolingResult(*(inputBatch.m_GPUMatrix), channels, inputWidth, inputHeight, inputSizePerSample, outputWidth, outputHeight, outputSizePerSample, windowWidth, windowHeight, horizontalSubsample, verticalSubsample), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return *this; } template Matrix& Matrix::AddMaxPoolingGradient(const Matrix& outputGradientBatch, const Matrix& inputBatch, const Matrix& outputBatch, const size_t channels, const size_t inputWidth, const size_t inputHeight, const size_t inputSizePerSample, const size_t outputWidth, const size_t outputHeight, const size_t outputSizePerSample, const size_t windowWidth, const size_t windowHeight, const size_t horizontalSubsample, const size_t verticalSubsample) { DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(*this, outputGradientBatch, inputBatch); outputBatch._transferToDevice(GetDeviceId()); if (!(GetMatrixType() == outputGradientBatch.GetMatrixType() && GetMatrixType() == inputBatch.GetMatrixType() && GetMatrixType() == outputBatch.GetMatrixType())) NOT_IMPLEMENTED; DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, m_CPUMatrix->AddMaxPoolingGradient(*(outputGradientBatch.m_CPUMatrix), *(inputBatch.m_CPUMatrix), *(outputBatch.m_CPUMatrix), channels, inputWidth, inputHeight, inputSizePerSample, outputWidth, outputHeight, outputSizePerSample, windowWidth, windowHeight, horizontalSubsample, verticalSubsample), m_GPUMatrix->AddMaxPoolingGradient(*(outputGradientBatch.m_GPUMatrix), *(inputBatch.m_GPUMatrix), *(outputBatch.m_GPUMatrix), channels, inputWidth, inputHeight, inputSizePerSample, outputWidth, outputHeight, outputSizePerSample, windowWidth, windowHeight, horizontalSubsample, verticalSubsample); , NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return *this; } template Matrix& Matrix::AssignAveragePoolingResult(const Matrix& inputBatch, const size_t channels, const size_t inputWidth, const size_t inputHeight, const size_t inputSizePerSample, const size_t outputWidth, const size_t outputHeight, const size_t outputSizePerSample, const size_t windowWidth, const size_t windowHeight, const size_t horizontalSubsample, const size_t verticalSubsample) { DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(inputBatch, *this); SwitchToMatrixType(inputBatch.GetMatrixType(), inputBatch.GetFormat(), false); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&inputBatch, this, m_CPUMatrix->AssignAveragePoolingResult(*(inputBatch.m_CPUMatrix), channels, inputWidth, inputHeight, inputSizePerSample, outputWidth, outputHeight, outputSizePerSample, windowWidth, windowHeight, horizontalSubsample, verticalSubsample), m_GPUMatrix->AssignAveragePoolingResult(*(inputBatch.m_GPUMatrix), channels, inputWidth, inputHeight, inputSizePerSample, outputWidth, outputHeight, outputSizePerSample, windowWidth, windowHeight, horizontalSubsample, verticalSubsample), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return *this; } template Matrix& Matrix::AssignSoftmaxSum(const Matrix& a, const Matrix& softmax) { Resize(1, 1); if (GetDeviceId() < 0) a.m_CPUMatrix->AssignSoftmaxSum(*softmax.m_CPUMatrix, *m_CPUMatrix); else a.m_GPUMatrix->AssignSoftmaxSum(*softmax.m_GPUMatrix, *m_GPUMatrix); return *this; } template Matrix& Matrix::AssignNceUnnormalizedEval(const Matrix& a, const Matrix& b, const Matrix& c, const Matrix& bias) { // if (a.GetMatrixType() != MatrixType::SPARSE) // NOT_IMPLEMENTED; Resize(1, 1); if (GetDeviceId() < 0) a.m_CPUMatrix->AssignNCEUnnormalizedEval(*b.m_CPUMatrix, *c.m_CPUMatrix, *bias.m_CPUMatrix, *m_CPUMatrix); else a.m_GPUMatrix->AssignNCEUnnormalizedEval(*b.m_GPUMatrix, *c.m_GPUMatrix, *m_GPUMatrix); return *this; } template Matrix& Matrix::AssignNoiseContrastiveEstimation(const Matrix& a, const Matrix& b, const Matrix& c, const Matrix& bias, Matrix& tmp) { if (a.IsEmpty() || b.IsEmpty() || c.IsEmpty()) LogicError("AssignNoiseContrastiveEstimation: one of the input matrices is empty."); if (a.GetDeviceId() != b.GetDeviceId() || b.GetDeviceId() != c.GetDeviceId() || c.GetDeviceId() != GetDeviceId()) NOT_IMPLEMENTED; Resize(1, 1); if (GetDeviceId() < 0) { size_t sampleCount = a.m_CPUMatrix->GetNumElements() / a.m_CPUMatrix->GetNumRows(); tmp.Resize(a.GetNumRows() / 2, sampleCount); a.m_CPUMatrix->AssignNoiseContrastiveEstimation(*b.m_CPUMatrix, *c.m_CPUMatrix, *bias.m_CPUMatrix, *tmp.m_CPUMatrix, *m_CPUMatrix); } else { size_t sampleCount = a.m_GPUMatrix->GetNumElements() / a.m_GPUMatrix->GetNumRows(); tmp.Resize(a.GetNumRows() / 2, sampleCount); a.m_GPUMatrix->AssignNoiseContrastiveEstimation(*b.m_GPUMatrix, *c.m_GPUMatrix, *bias.m_GPUMatrix, sampleCount, *tmp.m_GPUMatrix, *m_GPUMatrix); } return *this; } template Matrix& Matrix::AssignNCEDerivative(const Matrix& tmp, const Matrix& a, const Matrix& b, const Matrix& c, size_t inputIndex) { if (a.IsEmpty() || b.IsEmpty() || c.IsEmpty()) LogicError("AssignNoiseContrastiveEstimation: one of the input matrices is empty."); if (a.GetDeviceId() != b.GetDeviceId() || b.GetDeviceId() != c.GetDeviceId() || c.GetDeviceId() != GetDeviceId()) NOT_IMPLEMENTED; assert(tmp.GetNumRows() == a.GetNumRows() / 2); if (GetDeviceId() < 0) { // samples gradient hidden embedding embedding/hidden a.m_CPUMatrix->AssignNCEDerivative(*tmp.m_CPUMatrix, *b.m_CPUMatrix, *c.m_CPUMatrix, inputIndex, *m_CPUMatrix); } else { a.m_GPUMatrix->AssignNCEDerivative(*tmp.m_GPUMatrix, *b.m_GPUMatrix, *c.m_GPUMatrix, inputIndex, *m_GPUMatrix); } return *this; } template Matrix& Matrix::AddAveragePoolingGradient(const Matrix& outputGradientBatch, const size_t channels, const size_t inputWidth, const size_t inputHeight, const size_t inputSizePerSample, const size_t outputWidth, const size_t outputHeight, const size_t outputSizePerSample, const size_t windowWidth, const size_t windowHeight, const size_t horizontalSubsample, const size_t verticalSubsample) { DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(*this, outputGradientBatch); if (!(GetMatrixType() == outputGradientBatch.GetMatrixType())) NOT_IMPLEMENTED; DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, m_CPUMatrix->AddAveragePoolingGradient(*(outputGradientBatch.m_CPUMatrix), channels, inputWidth, inputHeight, inputSizePerSample, outputWidth, outputHeight, outputSizePerSample, windowWidth, windowHeight, horizontalSubsample, verticalSubsample), m_GPUMatrix->AddAveragePoolingGradient(*(outputGradientBatch.m_GPUMatrix), channels, inputWidth, inputHeight, inputSizePerSample, outputWidth, outputHeight, outputSizePerSample, windowWidth, windowHeight, horizontalSubsample, verticalSubsample), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return *this; } #pragma endregion Other Helper Functions template void Matrix::ConvolutionForward(const Matrix& kernel, const Matrix& mpRowCol, const Matrix& mpRowIwht, const Matrix& mpRowRun, const Matrix& runs, Matrix& output) const { assert(mpRowCol.GetNumCols() == 1); assert(mpRowIwht.GetNumCols() == 1); assert(mpRowRun.GetNumCols() == 1); assert(runs.GetNumCols() == 1); DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(*this, output); // REVIEW alexeyk: add sparse version. DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, m_CPUMatrix->ConvolutionForward(*(kernel.m_CPUMatrix), *(mpRowCol.m_CPUMatrix), *(mpRowIwht.m_CPUMatrix), *(mpRowRun.m_CPUMatrix), *(runs.m_CPUMatrix), *(output.m_CPUMatrix)), m_GPUMatrix->ConvolutionForward(*(kernel.m_GPUMatrix), *(mpRowCol.m_GPUMatrix), *(mpRowIwht.m_GPUMatrix), *(mpRowRun.m_GPUMatrix), *(runs.m_GPUMatrix), *(output.m_GPUMatrix)), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } template void Matrix::ConvolutionBackwardData(const Matrix& kernel, const Matrix& mpRowCol, const Matrix& mpRowIwht, const Matrix& mpRowRun, const Matrix& runs, Matrix& grad) const { assert(mpRowCol.GetNumCols() == 1); assert(mpRowIwht.GetNumCols() == 1); assert(mpRowRun.GetNumCols() == 1); assert(runs.GetNumCols() == 1); DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(*this, grad); // REVIEW alexeyk: add sparse version. DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, m_CPUMatrix->ConvolutionBackwardData(*(kernel.m_CPUMatrix), *(mpRowCol.m_CPUMatrix), *(mpRowIwht.m_CPUMatrix), *(mpRowRun.m_CPUMatrix), *(runs.m_CPUMatrix), *(grad.m_CPUMatrix)), m_GPUMatrix->ConvolutionBackwardData(*(kernel.m_GPUMatrix), *(mpRowCol.m_GPUMatrix), *(mpRowIwht.m_GPUMatrix), *(mpRowRun.m_GPUMatrix), *(runs.m_GPUMatrix), *(grad.m_GPUMatrix)), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } template void Matrix::ConvolutionBackwardKernel(const Matrix& in, const Matrix& mpRowCol, const Matrix& mpRowIwht, const Matrix& mpRowRun, const Matrix& runs, Matrix& kernelGrad) const { assert(mpRowCol.GetNumCols() == 1); assert(mpRowIwht.GetNumCols() == 1); assert(mpRowRun.GetNumCols() == 1); assert(runs.GetNumCols() == 1); DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(*this, kernelGrad); // REVIEW alexeyk: add sparse version. DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, m_CPUMatrix->ConvolutionBackwardKernel(*(in.m_CPUMatrix), *(mpRowCol.m_CPUMatrix), *(mpRowIwht.m_CPUMatrix), *(mpRowRun.m_CPUMatrix), *(runs.m_CPUMatrix), *(kernelGrad.m_CPUMatrix)), m_GPUMatrix->ConvolutionBackwardKernel(*(in.m_GPUMatrix), *(mpRowCol.m_GPUMatrix), *(mpRowIwht.m_GPUMatrix), *(mpRowRun.m_GPUMatrix), *(runs.m_GPUMatrix), *(kernelGrad.m_GPUMatrix)), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } template void Matrix::UnrollConvolutionInput(size_t unrollCols, size_t mapOutSize, const Matrix& mpRowCol, const Matrix& mpRowRun, const Matrix& runs, Matrix& output) const { assert(mpRowCol.GetNumCols() == 1); assert(mpRowRun.GetNumCols() == 1); assert(runs.GetNumCols() == 1); DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(*this, output); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, m_CPUMatrix->UnrollConvolutionInput(unrollCols, mapOutSize, *(mpRowCol.m_CPUMatrix), *(mpRowRun.m_CPUMatrix), *(runs.m_CPUMatrix), *(output.m_CPUMatrix)), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } template void Matrix::UnrollConvolutionOutput(size_t unrollCols, size_t mapInCount, size_t mapOutCount, const Matrix& mpRowCol, const Matrix& mpRowRun, const Matrix& runs, Matrix& output) const { assert(mpRowCol.GetNumCols() == 1); assert(mpRowRun.GetNumCols() == 1); assert(runs.GetNumCols() == 1); DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(*this, output); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, m_CPUMatrix->UnrollConvolutionOutput(unrollCols, mapInCount, mapOutCount, *(mpRowCol.m_CPUMatrix), *(mpRowRun.m_CPUMatrix), *(runs.m_CPUMatrix), *(output.m_CPUMatrix)), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } template void Matrix::UnrollConvolutionInputForKernelBackprop(size_t mapOutSize, const Matrix& mpRowCol, const Matrix& mpRowRun, const Matrix& runs, Matrix& output) const { assert(mpRowCol.GetNumCols() == 1); assert(mpRowRun.GetNumCols() == 1); assert(runs.GetNumCols() == 1); DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(*this, output); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, m_CPUMatrix->UnrollConvolutionInputForKernelBackprop(mapOutSize, *(mpRowCol.m_CPUMatrix), *(mpRowRun.m_CPUMatrix), *(runs.m_CPUMatrix), *(output.m_CPUMatrix)), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } template void Matrix::MaxPoolingForward(const Matrix& mpRowCol, const Matrix& mpRowIndices, const Matrix& indices, Matrix& output) const { assert(mpRowCol.GetNumCols() == 1); assert(mpRowIndices.GetNumCols() == 1); assert(indices.GetNumCols() == 1); DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(*this, output); // REVIEW alexeyk: add sparse version. DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, m_CPUMatrix->MaxPoolingForward(*(mpRowCol.m_CPUMatrix), *(mpRowIndices.m_CPUMatrix), *(indices.m_CPUMatrix), *(output.m_CPUMatrix)), m_GPUMatrix->MaxPoolingForward(*(mpRowCol.m_GPUMatrix), *(mpRowIndices.m_GPUMatrix), *(indices.m_GPUMatrix), *(output.m_GPUMatrix)), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } template void Matrix::MaxPoolingBackward(const Matrix& out, const Matrix& in, const Matrix& mpRowCol, const Matrix& mpRowIndices, const Matrix& indices, Matrix& grad) const { assert(mpRowCol.GetNumCols() == 1); assert(mpRowIndices.GetNumCols() == 1); assert(indices.GetNumCols() == 1); DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(*this, grad); // REVIEW alexeyk: add sparse version. DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, m_CPUMatrix->MaxPoolingBackward(*(out.m_CPUMatrix), *(in.m_CPUMatrix), *(mpRowCol.m_CPUMatrix), *(mpRowIndices.m_CPUMatrix), *(indices.m_CPUMatrix), *(grad.m_CPUMatrix)), m_GPUMatrix->MaxPoolingBackward(*(out.m_GPUMatrix), *(in.m_GPUMatrix), *(mpRowCol.m_GPUMatrix), *(mpRowIndices.m_GPUMatrix), *(indices.m_GPUMatrix), *(grad.m_GPUMatrix)), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } template void Matrix::MaxUnpooling(const Matrix& mpRowCol, const Matrix& mpRowIndices, const Matrix& indices, const Matrix& poolInput, Matrix& input) const { assert(mpRowCol.GetNumCols() == 1); assert(mpRowIndices.GetNumCols() == 1); assert(indices.GetNumCols() == 1); DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(*this, input); // REVIEW alexeyk: setting values to zero may cause inconsistency when negative values are unpooled. // To see why, let's assume we have just one input with negative value and output of, for example, 2x2. // As a result of unpooling, there will be 3 zero values and one negative. If we now apply max pooling // operation to the output then we get 0 as the output, not the original negative value. // In practice this will not happen as pooling layers usually go right after ReLU layer. input.SetValue(0); // REVIEW alexeyk: add sparse version. DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, m_CPUMatrix->MaxUnpooling(*(mpRowCol.m_CPUMatrix), *(mpRowIndices.m_CPUMatrix), *(indices.m_CPUMatrix), *(poolInput.m_CPUMatrix), *(input.m_CPUMatrix)), m_GPUMatrix->MaxUnpooling(*(mpRowCol.m_GPUMatrix), *(mpRowIndices.m_GPUMatrix), *(indices.m_GPUMatrix), *(poolInput.m_GPUMatrix), *(input.m_GPUMatrix)), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } template void Matrix::AveragePoolingForward(const Matrix& mpRowCol, const Matrix& mpRowIndices, const Matrix& indices, Matrix& output) const { assert(mpRowCol.GetNumCols() == 1); assert(mpRowIndices.GetNumCols() == 1); assert(indices.GetNumCols() == 1); DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(*this, output); // REVIEW alexeyk: add sparse version. DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, m_CPUMatrix->AveragePoolingForward(*(mpRowCol.m_CPUMatrix), *(mpRowIndices.m_CPUMatrix), *(indices.m_CPUMatrix), *(output.m_CPUMatrix)), m_GPUMatrix->AveragePoolingForward(*(mpRowCol.m_GPUMatrix), *(mpRowIndices.m_GPUMatrix), *(indices.m_GPUMatrix), *(output.m_GPUMatrix)), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } template void Matrix::AveragePoolingBackward(const Matrix& mpRowCol, const Matrix& mpRowIndices, const Matrix& indices, Matrix& grad) const { assert(mpRowCol.GetNumCols() == 1); assert(mpRowIndices.GetNumCols() == 1); assert(indices.GetNumCols() == 1); DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(*this, grad); // REVIEW alexeyk: add sparse version. DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, m_CPUMatrix->AveragePoolingBackward(*(mpRowCol.m_CPUMatrix), *(mpRowIndices.m_CPUMatrix), *(indices.m_CPUMatrix), *(grad.m_CPUMatrix)), m_GPUMatrix->AveragePoolingBackward(*(mpRowCol.m_GPUMatrix), *(mpRowIndices.m_GPUMatrix), *(indices.m_GPUMatrix), *(grad.m_GPUMatrix)), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } template void Matrix::BatchNormalizationForward(const Matrix& scale, const Matrix& bias, double expAvgFactor, double blendFactor, Matrix& runMean, Matrix& runInvStdDev, Matrix& out, double epsilon, Matrix& saveMean, Matrix& saveInvStdDev) const { DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(*this, out); // REVIEW alexeyk: add sparse version. DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, m_CPUMatrix->BatchNormalizationForward(*(scale.m_CPUMatrix), *(bias.m_CPUMatrix), expAvgFactor, blendFactor, *(runMean.m_CPUMatrix), *(runInvStdDev.m_CPUMatrix), *(out.m_CPUMatrix), epsilon, *(saveMean.m_CPUMatrix), *(saveInvStdDev.m_CPUMatrix)), m_GPUMatrix->BatchNormalizationForward(*(scale.m_GPUMatrix), *(bias.m_GPUMatrix), expAvgFactor, blendFactor, *(runMean.m_GPUMatrix), *(runInvStdDev.m_GPUMatrix), *(out.m_GPUMatrix), epsilon, *(saveMean.m_GPUMatrix), *(saveInvStdDev.m_GPUMatrix)), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } template void Matrix::BatchNormalizationBackward(const Matrix& in, Matrix& grad, const Matrix& scale, const Matrix& saveMean, const Matrix& saveInvStdDev, Matrix& scaleGrad, Matrix& biasGrad) const { DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(*this, grad); // REVIEW alexeyk: add sparse version. DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, m_CPUMatrix->BatchNormalizationBackward(*(in.m_CPUMatrix), *(grad.m_CPUMatrix), *(scale.m_CPUMatrix), *(saveMean.m_CPUMatrix), *(saveInvStdDev.m_CPUMatrix), *(scaleGrad.m_CPUMatrix), *(biasGrad.m_CPUMatrix)), m_GPUMatrix->BatchNormalizationBackward(*(in.m_GPUMatrix), *(grad.m_GPUMatrix), *(scale.m_GPUMatrix), *(saveMean.m_GPUMatrix), *(saveInvStdDev.m_GPUMatrix), *(scaleGrad.m_GPUMatrix), *(biasGrad.m_GPUMatrix)), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } #pragma region Static BLAS Functions template void Matrix::SVD(const Matrix& A, Matrix& SIGMA, Matrix& U, Matrix& VT, Matrix& W) { if (A.IsEmpty()) LogicError("SVD: the input matrix is empty."); DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(A, SIGMA, U); VT._transferToDevice(A.GetDeviceId()); W._transferToDevice(A.GetDeviceId()); SIGMA.SwitchToMatrixType(A.GetMatrixType(), A.GetFormat(), false); U.SwitchToMatrixType(A.GetMatrixType(), A.GetFormat(), false); VT.SwitchToMatrixType(A.GetMatrixType(), A.GetFormat(), false); W.SwitchToMatrixType(A.GetMatrixType(), A.GetFormat(), false); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&A, nullptr, { Matrix tA = A.DeepClone(); CPUMatrix::SVD(*tA.m_CPUMatrix, *SIGMA.m_CPUMatrix, *U.m_CPUMatrix, *VT.m_CPUMatrix, *W.m_CPUMatrix); SIGMA.SetDataLocation(CPU); U.SetDataLocation(CPU); VT.SetDataLocation(CPU); W.SetDataLocation(CPU); // need to SetDataLocation() on all matrices we write to }, { NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }, { NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }, { NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }); } /// Matrix-matrix multiply with col-major matrices (a and b may be transposed): c = alpha * op(a) * op(b) + beta*c /// Scalar /// Input matrix /// Whether matrix a is transposed /// Input matrix /// Whether matrix b is transposed /// Scalar /// Resulting matrix, user is responsible for allocating this template void Matrix::MultiplyAndWeightedAdd(ElemType alpha, const Matrix& a, const bool transposeA, const Matrix& b, const bool transposeB, ElemType beta, Matrix& c) { DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(a, b, c); if (c.GetDeviceId() < 0) // CPU { if (a.GetMatrixType() == MatrixType::SPARSE) NOT_IMPLEMENTED; if (b.GetMatrixType() == MatrixType::SPARSE) { if (c.GetMatrixType() == MatrixType::DENSE) { CPUSparseMatrix::MultiplyAndWeightedAdd(alpha, *a.m_CPUMatrix, transposeA, *b.m_CPUSparseMatrix, transposeB, beta, *c.m_CPUMatrix); c.SetDataLocation(CPU, DENSE); } else if (c.GetMatrixType() == MatrixType::SPARSE) { CPUSparseMatrix::MultiplyAndAdd(alpha, *a.m_CPUMatrix, transposeA, *b.m_CPUSparseMatrix, transposeB, *c.m_CPUSparseMatrix); c.SetDataLocation(CPU, SPARSE); } else NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } else { c.SwitchToMatrixType(MatrixType::DENSE, matrixFormatDense, false); CPUMatrix::MultiplyAndWeightedAdd(alpha, *a.m_CPUMatrix, transposeA, *b.m_CPUMatrix, transposeB, beta, *c.m_CPUMatrix); c.SetDataLocation(CPU, DENSE); } } else // GPU operations { if (a.m_matrixType == b.m_matrixType && b.m_matrixType == c.m_matrixType && a.m_matrixType == MatrixType::DENSE) // All dense { GPUMatrix::MultiplyAndWeightedAdd(alpha, *a.m_GPUMatrix, transposeA, *b.m_GPUMatrix, transposeB, beta, *c.m_GPUMatrix); c.SetDataLocation(GPU, DENSE); } else if (a.m_matrixType == MatrixType::SPARSE && b.m_matrixType == c.m_matrixType && b.m_matrixType == MatrixType::DENSE) // Sparse*Dense+Dense { GPUMatrix second = transposeB ? b.m_GPUMatrix->Transpose() : *b.m_GPUMatrix; GPUSparseMatrix::MultiplyAndWeightedAdd(alpha, *a.m_GPUSparseMatrix, transposeA, second, false, beta, *c.m_GPUMatrix); c.SetDataLocation(GPU, DENSE); } else if (a.m_matrixType == MatrixType::DENSE && b.m_matrixType == MatrixType::SPARSE && c.m_matrixType == MatrixType::DENSE) // Dense*Sparse + Dense { // if (b.m_GPUSparseMatrix->GetFormat() == MatrixFormat::matrixFormatSparseCSR) // { GPUSparseMatrix::MultiplyAndWeightedAdd(alpha, *a.m_GPUMatrix, transposeA, *b.m_GPUSparseMatrix, transposeB, beta, *c.m_GPUMatrix); // } // else // { // GPUMatrix firstDummy = transposeA ? a.m_GPUMatrix->Transpose()*alpha : (*a.m_GPUMatrix)*alpha; // GPUMatrix & first= firstDummy; // GCC does not support mixing refs and non-refs // GPUSparseMatrix secondDummy = transposeB ? b.m_GPUSparseMatrix->Transpose() : *b.m_GPUSparseMatrix; // GPUSparseMatrix & second = secondDummy; // if (beta==0) // { // GPUSparseMatrix::Multiply(first,second,*c.m_GPUMatrix); // } // else // { // Matrix tmp(c.GetNumRows(),c.GetNumCols(),(DEVICEID_TYPE)c.GetDeviceId()); // GPUSparseMatrix::Multiply(first,second,*tmp.m_GPUMatrix); // c=tmp+c*beta; // } // } c.SetDataLocation(GPU, DENSE); } else if (a.m_matrixType == MatrixType::DENSE && b.m_matrixType == MatrixType::SPARSE && c.m_matrixType == MatrixType::SPARSE) // h -> u0 { // new GPU sparse matrix code GPUSparseMatrix::MultiplyAndAdd(alpha, *a.m_GPUMatrix, transposeA, *b.m_GPUSparseMatrix, transposeB, *c.m_GPUSparseMatrix); c.SetDataLocation(GPU, SPARSE); } else if (a.m_matrixType == b.m_matrixType && b.m_matrixType == c.m_matrixType && a.m_matrixType == MatrixType::SPARSE) { GPUSparseMatrix firstDummy = alpha == 1 ? *a.m_GPUSparseMatrix : (*a.m_GPUSparseMatrix) * alpha; GPUSparseMatrix& first = firstDummy; // By Malcolm.. gcc doesn't support auto if (beta == 0) { GPUSparseMatrix::Multiply(first, transposeA, *b.m_GPUSparseMatrix, transposeB, *c.m_GPUSparseMatrix); c.SetDataLocation(GPU, SPARSE); } else { GPUSparseMatrix tmp(b.m_GPUSparseMatrix->GetComputeDeviceId()); GPUSparseMatrix::Multiply(first, transposeA, *b.m_GPUSparseMatrix, transposeB, tmp); *c.m_GPUSparseMatrix = tmp + (*c.m_GPUSparseMatrix) * beta; c.SetDataLocation(GPU, SPARSE); } } else if (a.m_matrixType == b.m_matrixType && a.m_matrixType == MatrixType::DENSE && c.m_matrixType == MatrixType::SPARSE) { GPUMatrix tmp(a.m_GPUMatrix->GetComputeDeviceId()); GPUSparseMatrix tmpSparse(a.m_GPUMatrix->GetComputeDeviceId()); GPUMatrix::MultiplyAndWeightedAdd(alpha, *a.m_GPUMatrix, transposeA, *b.m_GPUMatrix, transposeB, beta, tmp); tmpSparse.SetValue(tmp); *c.m_GPUSparseMatrix = tmpSparse + (*c.m_GPUSparseMatrix) * beta; c.SetDataLocation(GPU, SPARSE); } else NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } } template /*static*/ void Matrix::Multiply1x1AndWeightedAdd(ElemType alpha, const Matrix& a, const Matrix& b, ElemType beta, Matrix& c) { // special case: a is a 1x1 matrix // The only alternative is to Get00Elements(), which makes things inefficient. if (a.GetNumElements() != 1) InvalidArgument("Multiply1x1AndWeightedAdd: first arg must be a scalar."); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&c, nullptr, CPUMatrix::Multiply1x1AndWeightedAdd(alpha, *a.m_CPUMatrix, *b.m_CPUMatrix, beta, *c.m_CPUMatrix), GPUMatrix::Multiply1x1AndWeightedAdd(alpha, *a.m_GPUMatrix, *b.m_GPUMatrix, beta, *c.m_GPUMatrix), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } /// Matrix-matrix multiply with col-major matrices (a and b may be transposed): c = op(a) * op(b) + c /// Input matrix /// Whether matrix a is transposed /// Input matrix /// Whether matrix b is transposed /// Resulting matrix, user is responsible for allocating this template void Matrix::MultiplyAndAdd(const Matrix& a, const bool transposeA, const Matrix& b, const bool transposeB, Matrix& c) { return Matrix::MultiplyAndWeightedAdd(1.0, a, transposeA, b, transposeB, 1.0, c); } /// Matrix-matrix multiply with col-major matrices (a and b may be transposed): c = op(a) * op(b) /// Input matrix /// Whether matrix a is transposed /// Input matrix /// Whether matrix b is transposed /// Resulting matrix, user is responsible for allocating this template void Matrix::Multiply(const Matrix& a, const bool transposeA, const Matrix& b, const bool transposeB, Matrix& c) { return Matrix::MultiplyAndWeightedAdd(1.0, a, transposeA, b, transposeB, 0.0, c); } /// Matrix-matrix multiply with col-major matrices (a and b are not transposed): c = a * b /// Input matrix /// Input matrix /// Resulting matrix, user is responsible for allocating this template void Matrix::Multiply(const Matrix& a, const Matrix& b, Matrix& c) { return Matrix::MultiplyAndWeightedAdd(1.0, a, false, b, false, 0.0, c); } /// 1-D Convolution with col-major matrices (a and b may be transposed): c = alpha * op(a) * op(b) + beta*c. MultiplyAndWeightedAdd is just a special case of this. /// Scalar /// Input matrix /// Whether matrix a is transposed /// Input matrix /// Whether matrix b is transposed /// Scalar /// Resulting matrix, user is responsible for allocating this template void Matrix::ConvolveAndWeightedAdd(ElemType alpha, const Matrix& a, const bool transposeA, const Matrix& b, const bool transposeB, ElemType beta, Matrix& c, size_t numChannels, size_t horizontalSubsample, bool padding, bool channelwise) { DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(a, b, c); if (c.GetDeviceId() >= 0 /*GPU*/ && a.GetMatrixType() == MatrixType::DENSE && b.GetMatrixType() == MatrixType::SPARSE && c.GetMatrixType() == MatrixType::DENSE) { GPUSparseMatrix::ConvolveAndWeightedAdd(alpha, *a.m_GPUMatrix, transposeA, *b.m_GPUSparseMatrix, transposeB, beta, *c.m_GPUMatrix, numChannels, horizontalSubsample, padding, channelwise); } else { NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } } /// Matrix-scalar multiply with col-major matrices: c = alpha * a + c /// if a is a column vector, add to all columns of c /// if a is a row vector, add to all rows of c /// Scalar /// Input matrix /// Resulting matrix, user is responsible for allocating this template /*static*/ void Matrix::ScaleAndAdd(ElemType alpha, const Matrix& a, Matrix& c) { if (a.IsEmpty() || c.IsEmpty()) LogicError("ScaleAndAdd: one of the input matrices is empty."); DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(c, a); if (a.GetMatrixType() == c.GetMatrixType()) { DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&c, &c, { CPUMatrix::ScaleAndAdd(alpha, *a.m_CPUMatrix, *c.m_CPUMatrix); }, { GPUMatrix::ScaleAndAdd(alpha, *a.m_GPUMatrix, *c.m_GPUMatrix); }, { NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }, { GPUSparseMatrix b = move(*c.m_GPUSparseMatrix); GPUSparseMatrix::ScaleAndAdd(alpha, *a.m_GPUSparseMatrix, 1, b, *c.m_GPUSparseMatrix); }); } else { DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&c, nullptr, { CPUSparseMatrix::ScaleAndAdd(alpha, *a.m_CPUSparseMatrix, *c.m_CPUMatrix); c.SetDataLocation(CPU); }, { if (a.m_GPUSparseMatrix->GetFormat() == MatrixFormat::matrixFormatSparseCSC) GPUSparseMatrix::ScaleAndAdd(alpha, *a.m_GPUSparseMatrix, 1, *c.m_GPUMatrix, *c.m_GPUMatrix); else // new GPU sparse matrix code GPUSparseMatrix::ScaleAndAdd(alpha, *a.m_GPUSparseMatrix, *c.m_GPUMatrix); c.SetDataLocation(GPU); }, { NOT_IMPLEMENTED; }, { c.m_GPUMatrix = make_shared>(c.m_GPUSparseMatrix->CopyToDenseMatrix()); GPUSparseMatrix::ScaleAndAdd(alpha, *a.m_GPUMatrix, 1, *c.m_GPUSparseMatrix, *c.m_GPUMatrix); c.SetDataLocation(GPU, DENSE); c.m_GPUSparseMatrix = nullptr; }); } } /// Matrix-scalar multiply with col-major matrices: c = alpha * a + beta * c /// if a is a column vector, add to all columns of c /// if a is a row vector, add to all rows of c /// Scalar /// Input matrix /// Scalar /// Resulting matrix, caller is responsible for allocating this template /*static*/ void Matrix::ScaleAndAdd(ElemType alpha, const Matrix& a, ElemType beta, Matrix& c) { if (beta == 1) ScaleAndAdd(alpha, a, c); else if (beta == 0) Scale(alpha, a, c); else { ScaleAndAdd(alpha / beta, a, c); // c1=alpha/beta * a + c Scale(beta, c); // c/beta * beta } } // tensor swapping and addition: c <- keepWeight * b + scaleFactor * swap_dimensions(a, S, K) // where // - a is interpreted as a tensor of dimension (D x S x M x K x T) // column-major, as usual // - b and c as a tensor of dimension (D x K x M x S x T) // note: K and S swapped // The main point of this function is to reshuffle a tensor w.r.t. two dimensions that get swapped in memory, // but for gradients, we will need to add, hence the keepWeight. // Notes: // - c and b may be the same (in-place operation is expressly allowed). // - D, M, and/or T may be 1. For example, D == M == T == 1 implements a 2D matrix transpose from (S x K) to (K x S). // - If keepWeight == 0, then b will just get overwritten (straight assignment, b may be uninitialized or contain NaNs). // - The original matrix dimensions are ignored except that sizes must match (rows x cols == D x S x M x K x T). // For diagnostics purposes, this function also enforces the rows % D == 0 and cols % T == 0, but this is not a functional requirement and can be removed if that helps. // - Dense matrices only. // TODO: Handle these cases: // - no swapping happening --just do a block copy // - swapping can be implemented by cuDNN --do so template /*static*/ void Matrix::TensorShuffleScaleAndAdd(ElemType keepWeight, const Matrix& a, size_t D, size_t S, size_t M, size_t K, size_t T, ElemType scaleFactor, const Matrix& b, Matrix& c) { if (a.GetNumElements() != c.GetNumElements() || b.GetNumElements() != c.GetNumElements()) // allocations must match (but not dimensions, since we reinterpret the dimensions anyway) InvalidArgument("TensorShuffleScaleAndAdd: a, b, and c must have same number of elements."); if (c.IsEmpty()) // operating on empty minibatch slices is perfectly cromulent return; // sanity checks for current use cases--these are not strictly necessary and can be deleted if (a.GetNumRows() % D != 0 || b.GetNumRows() % D != 0 || c.GetNumRows() % D != 0) InvalidArgument("TensorShuffleScaleAndAdd: a, b, and c are meant to have a row dimension that is a multiple of D."); if (a.GetNumCols() % T != 0 || b.GetNumCols() % T != 0 || c.GetNumCols() % T != 0) InvalidArgument("TensorShuffleScaleAndAdd: a, b, and c are meant to have a column dimension that is a multiple of T."); DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(a, b, c); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&c, nullptr, CPUMatrix::TensorShuffleScaleAndAdd(keepWeight, *a.m_CPUMatrix, D, S, M, K, T, scaleFactor, *b.m_CPUMatrix, *c.m_CPUMatrix), GPUMatrix::TensorShuffleScaleAndAdd(keepWeight, *a.m_GPUMatrix, D, S, M, K, T, scaleFactor, *b.m_GPUMatrix, *c.m_GPUMatrix), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, GPUSparseMatrix::TensorShuffleScaleAndAdd(keepWeight, *a.m_GPUSparseMatrix, D, S, M, K, T, scaleFactor, *b.m_GPUSparseMatrix, *c.m_GPUSparseMatrix)); } /// c += alpha * (a-b) /// if a, b, c must have same dim /// Scalar /// Input matrix /// Input matrix /// Resulting matrix, user is responsible for allocating this template void Matrix::AddScaledDifference(const ElemType alpha, const Matrix& a, const Matrix& b, Matrix& c) { DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(c, a, b); if (!(a.GetMatrixType() == b.GetMatrixType() && a.GetMatrixType() == c.GetMatrixType())) NOT_IMPLEMENTED; DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&c, &c, CPUMatrix::AddScaledDifference(alpha, *a.m_CPUMatrix, *b.m_CPUMatrix, *c.m_CPUMatrix), GPUMatrix::AddScaledDifference(alpha, *a.m_GPUMatrix, *b.m_GPUMatrix, *c.m_GPUMatrix), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } /// c = alpha * (a-b) /// if a, b, c must have same dim /// Scalar /// Input matrix /// Input matrix /// Resulting matrix, user is responsible for allocating this template void Matrix::AssignScaledDifference(const ElemType alpha, const Matrix& a, const Matrix& b, Matrix& c) { DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(a, b, c); if (!(a.GetMatrixType() == b.GetMatrixType())) NOT_IMPLEMENTED; c.SwitchToMatrixType(a.GetMatrixType(), a.GetFormat(), false); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&c, &c, CPUMatrix::AssignScaledDifference(alpha, *a.m_CPUMatrix, *b.m_CPUMatrix, *c.m_CPUMatrix), GPUMatrix::AssignScaledDifference(alpha, *a.m_GPUMatrix, *b.m_GPUMatrix, *c.m_GPUMatrix), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } /// c += alpha * (a-b) /// if a, b, c must have same dim /// Scalar /// Input matrix /// Input matrix /// Resulting matrix, user is responsible for allocating this template void Matrix::AddScaledDifference(const Matrix& alpha, const Matrix& a, const Matrix& b, Matrix& c) { DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(c, a, b); alpha._transferToDevice(c.GetDeviceId()); if (!(a.GetMatrixType() == b.GetMatrixType() && a.GetMatrixType() == c.GetMatrixType() && a.GetMatrixType() == alpha.GetMatrixType())) NOT_IMPLEMENTED; DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&c, &c, CPUMatrix::AddScaledDifference(*alpha.m_CPUMatrix, *a.m_CPUMatrix, *b.m_CPUMatrix, *c.m_CPUMatrix), GPUMatrix::AddScaledDifference(*alpha.m_GPUMatrix, *a.m_GPUMatrix, *b.m_GPUMatrix, *c.m_GPUMatrix), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } /// c = alpha * (a-b) /// if a, b, c must have same dim /// Scalar /// Input matrix /// Input matrix /// Resulting matrix, user is responsible for allocating this template void Matrix::AssignScaledDifference(const Matrix& alpha, const Matrix& a, const Matrix& b, Matrix& c) { DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(a, b, alpha); c._transferToDevice(a.GetDeviceId()); if (!(a.GetMatrixType() == b.GetMatrixType() && a.GetMatrixType() == alpha.GetMatrixType())) NOT_IMPLEMENTED; c.SwitchToMatrixType(a.GetMatrixType(), a.GetFormat(), false); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&c, nullptr, CPUMatrix::AssignScaledDifference(*alpha.m_CPUMatrix, *a.m_CPUMatrix, *b.m_CPUMatrix, *c.m_CPUMatrix), GPUMatrix::AssignScaledDifference(*alpha.m_GPUMatrix, *a.m_GPUMatrix, *b.m_GPUMatrix, *c.m_GPUMatrix), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } //c[ci,cj] += a[ai,aj] template void Matrix::AddElementToElement(const Matrix& a, const size_t ai, const size_t aj, Matrix& c, const size_t ci, const size_t cj) { DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(c, a); if (c.GetMatrixType() != a.GetMatrixType()) NOT_IMPLEMENTED; DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&c, &c, CPUMatrix::AddElementToElement(1, *a.m_CPUMatrix, ai, aj, *c.m_CPUMatrix, ci, cj), GPUMatrix::AddElementToElement(1, *a.m_GPUMatrix, ai, aj, *c.m_GPUMatrix, ci, cj), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } //c[ci,cj] = a[ai,aj] template void Matrix::AssignElementToElement(const Matrix& a, const size_t ai, const size_t aj, Matrix& c, const size_t ci, const size_t cj) { DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(c, a); if (c.GetMatrixType() != a.GetMatrixType()) NOT_IMPLEMENTED; DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&c, &c, CPUMatrix::AddElementToElement(0, *a.m_CPUMatrix, ai, aj, *c.m_CPUMatrix, ci, cj), GPUMatrix::AddElementToElement(0, *a.m_GPUMatrix, ai, aj, *c.m_GPUMatrix, ci, cj), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } //for each column of this, we add row slice of a starting from startIndex template void Matrix::MinusOneAt(Matrix& a, const size_t position) { DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&a, &a, CPUMatrix::MinusOneAt(*a.m_CPUMatrix, position), GPUMatrix::MinusOneAt(*a.m_GPUMatrix, position), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } /// Matrix-scalar multiply with col-major matrices: c = alpha * a /// Scalar /// Input matrix /// Resulting matrix, user is responsible for allocating this template void Matrix::Scale(ElemType alpha, const Matrix& a, Matrix& c) { DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(c, a); c.SwitchToMatrixType(a.GetMatrixType(), a.GetFormat(), false); if (alpha == 0) { c.Resize(a); c.SetValue(0); // this is a little faster, and also does not propagate NaNs, which we'd expect from 'beta' parameters return; } else DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&c, &c, CPUMatrix::Scale(alpha, *a.m_CPUMatrix, *c.m_CPUMatrix), GPUMatrix::Scale(alpha, *a.m_GPUMatrix, *c.m_GPUMatrix), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, * c.m_GPUSparseMatrix = (*a.m_GPUSparseMatrix) * alpha); } /// Matrix-scalar multiply with col-major matrices: a = alpha * a /// Scalar /// Input matrix template void Matrix::Scale(ElemType alpha, Matrix& a) { if (alpha == 0) a.SetValue(0); // this is a little faster, and also does not propagate NaNs, which we'd expect from 'beta' parameters else if (a.IsEmpty()) return; else DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&a, &a, CPUMatrix::Scale(alpha, *a.m_CPUMatrix), GPUMatrix::Scale(alpha, *a.m_GPUMatrix), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, GPUSparseMatrix::Scale(alpha, *a.m_GPUSparseMatrix)); } /// Matrix scalar matrix multiply with col-major matrices: a = alpha[0,0] * a /// 1x1 matrix /// Input matrix template void Matrix::Scale(const Matrix& alpha, Matrix& a) { if (a.IsEmpty()) return; DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(a, alpha); if (a.GetMatrixType() != alpha.GetMatrixType()) NOT_IMPLEMENTED; DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&a, nullptr, CPUMatrix::Scale(*alpha.m_CPUMatrix, *a.m_CPUMatrix), GPUMatrix::Scale(*alpha.m_GPUMatrix, *a.m_GPUMatrix), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } template void Matrix::InnerProduct(const Matrix& a, const Matrix& b, Matrix& c, const bool isColWise) { if (a.IsEmpty() || b.IsEmpty()) LogicError("InnerProduct: one of the input matrix is empty."); DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(a, b, c); if (a.GetMatrixType() != b.GetMatrixType()) NOT_IMPLEMENTED; c.SwitchToMatrixType(a.GetMatrixType(), a.GetFormat(), false); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&c, &c, CPUMatrix::InnerProduct(*a.m_CPUMatrix, *b.m_CPUMatrix, *c.m_CPUMatrix, isColWise), GPUMatrix::InnerProduct(*a.m_GPUMatrix, *b.m_GPUMatrix, *c.m_GPUMatrix, isColWise), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } template ElemType Matrix::InnerProductOfMatrices(const Matrix& a, const Matrix& b) { if (a.IsEmpty() || b.IsEmpty()) LogicError("InnerProductOfMatrices: one of the input matrices is empty."); DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(a, b); if (a.GetMatrixType() == b.GetMatrixType()) { DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&a, nullptr, return CPUMatrix::InnerProductOfMatrices(*a.m_CPUMatrix, *b.m_CPUMatrix), return GPUMatrix::InnerProductOfMatrices(*a.m_GPUMatrix, *b.m_GPUMatrix), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } else { DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&a, nullptr, NOT_IMPLEMENTED, return GPUSparseMatrix::InnerProductOfMatrices(*a.m_GPUMatrix, *b.m_GPUSparseMatrix), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, return GPUSparseMatrix::InnerProductOfMatrices(*a.m_GPUSparseMatrix, *b.m_GPUMatrix)); } } template Matrix& Matrix::AssignInnerProductOfMatrices(const Matrix& a, const Matrix& b) { if (a.IsEmpty() || b.IsEmpty()) LogicError("InnerProductOfMatrices: one of the input matrices is empty."); Resize(1, 1); DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(a, b, *this); if (a.GetMatrixType() == b.GetMatrixType()) { SwitchToMatrixType(a.GetMatrixType(), a.GetFormat(), false); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&a, this, m_CPUMatrix->SetValue(CPUMatrix::InnerProductOfMatrices(*a.m_CPUMatrix, *b.m_CPUMatrix)), m_GPUMatrix->AssignInnerProductOfMatrices(*a.m_GPUMatrix, *b.m_GPUMatrix), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } else { NOT_IMPLEMENTED; } return *this; } template void Matrix::ElementWisePower(ElemType alpha, const Matrix& a, Matrix& c) { if (a.IsEmpty()) return; DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(a, c); c.SwitchToMatrixType(a.GetMatrixType(), a.GetFormat(), false); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&c, nullptr, CPUMatrix::ElementWisePower(alpha, *a.m_CPUMatrix, *c.m_CPUMatrix), GPUMatrix::ElementWisePower(alpha, *a.m_GPUMatrix, *c.m_GPUMatrix), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, GPUSparseMatrix::ElementWisePower(alpha, *a.m_GPUSparseMatrix, *c.m_GPUSparseMatrix)); } template bool Matrix::AreEqual(const Matrix& a, const Matrix& b, const ElemType threshold /*= 1e-8*/) { if (a.GetNumRows() != b.GetNumRows() || a.GetNumCols() != b.GetNumCols()) return false; DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(a, b); if (a.GetMatrixType() == b.GetMatrixType()) { DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&a, nullptr, return CPUMatrix::AreEqual(*a.m_CPUMatrix, *b.m_CPUMatrix, threshold), return GPUMatrix::AreEqual(*a.m_GPUMatrix, *b.m_GPUMatrix, threshold), return CPUSparseMatrix::AreEqual(*a.m_CPUSparseMatrix, *b.m_CPUSparseMatrix, threshold), return GPUSparseMatrix::AreEqual(*a.m_GPUSparseMatrix, *b.m_GPUSparseMatrix, threshold)); } else { DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&a, nullptr, NOT_IMPLEMENTED; return false, return GPUSparseMatrix::AreEqual(*a.m_GPUMatrix, *b.m_GPUSparseMatrix, threshold), NOT_IMPLEMENTED; return false, return GPUSparseMatrix::AreEqual(*a.m_GPUSparseMatrix, *b.m_GPUMatrix, threshold)); } } template bool Matrix::HasElement(const Matrix& a, const ElemType value) { if (a.IsEmpty()) return false; DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&a, &a, return CPUMatrix::HasElement(*a.m_CPUMatrix, value), return GPUMatrix::HasElement(*a.m_GPUMatrix, value), NOT_IMPLEMENTED; return false, NOT_IMPLEMENTED; return false); } // diagnostics helper to check if matrix has a NaN // This is very slow. template bool Matrix::HasNan(const char* name) const { // Not implemented for sparse matrices. // Return false as a workaround to at // least evaluate the dense matrices. if (m_matrixType == MatrixType::SPARSE) return false; if (IsEmpty()) return false; // if GPU then first detect NaN there, will be faster if (GetDeviceId() != CPUDEVICE) { Matrix sum(GetDeviceId()); sum.AssignSumOfElements(*this); auto x = sum.Get00Element(); if (!std::isnan(x)) return false; } // const auto & us = *this; const Matrix& us = *this; foreach_coord (i, j, us) if (std::isnan(us(i, j))) { fprintf(stderr, "HasNan: NaN detected at %s (%ld,%ld) in (%d,%d) matrix\n", name, i, j, (int) GetNumRows(), (int) GetNumCols()); return true; } return false; } #define CheckNan(m) m.HasNan(#m) // another diagnostics helper to check if matrix has a NaN // This is used at load and save time. This test is slow. template size_t Matrix::CountNanInf() const { const auto& us = *this; size_t n = 0; // number of NaNs/INF found foreach_coord (i, j, us) { auto val = us(i, j); if (std::isnan(val) || !std::isfinite(val)) n++; } return n; } // TODO: these are scalar operations--why are they in Matrix? template ElemType Matrix::Exp10(ElemType num) { return (ElemType) exp(num * 2.302585093); } template ElemType Matrix::Mod(ElemType x, ElemType y) { assert(y > 0); if (y <= 0) LogicError("y is smaller than zero"); return x - y * floor(x / y); } // TODO: use static LogAdd() as defined in TensorOps.h // Not doing this currently because that one uses ElemType for all ops, while this one uses double inside. Must compare before making this change. template ElemType Matrix::LogAdd(ElemType x, ElemType y) { ElemType temp, diff, z; if (x < y) { temp = x; x = y; y = temp; // TODO: ::swap(x,y)? } diff = y - x; if (diff < MINLOGEXP) { return (ElemType)((x < LSMALL) ? LZERO : x); } else { z = exp(diff); return (ElemType)(x + log(1.0 + z)); } } //Matrix& Matrix::Shift(const Matrix& a, size_t shift) //[this]= (a right shift by n), padded with zeros // shift left, shift needs to be negative value // shift right, shift needs to be positive value // BUGBUG: Leaves uninitialized values in the opened-up columns. template Matrix& Matrix::Shift(const Matrix& a, int shift) { if (a.IsEmpty()) LogicError("Shift: Matrix is empty."); else LogicError("Shift: BUGBUG This function currently leaves uninitialized values. Fix the code or contact fseide@microsoft.com."); auto& us = *this; if (this != &a) { Resize(a.GetNumRows(), a.GetNumCols()); } long n = (long) GetNumCols(); if (shift >= 0 && shift < n) us.ColumnSlice(shift, n - shift).AssignValuesOf(a.ColumnSlice(0, n - shift)); if (shift < 0 && shift > -n) us.ColumnSlice(0, n + shift).AssignValuesOf(a.ColumnSlice(-shift, n + shift)); return *this; } template Matrix& Matrix::AssignElementProductOfWithShiftNeg(const Matrix& a, const Matrix& b, size_t shift, size_t negnumber) { if (a.IsEmpty() || b.IsEmpty()) LogicError("AssignElementProductOfWithShiftNeg: Matrix is empty."); assert(a.GetNumRows() == b.GetNumRows() && a.GetNumCols() == b.GetNumCols()); if (!(a.GetNumRows() == b.GetNumRows() && a.GetNumCols() == b.GetNumCols())) InvalidArgument("The input matrix dimensions do not match."); if (a.GetNumRows() != 1) InvalidArgument("AssignElementProductOfWithShiftNeg: The input matrix must be a row vector."); DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(a, b, *this); if (!(a.GetMatrixType() == b.GetMatrixType())) NOT_IMPLEMENTED; SwitchToMatrixType(a.GetMatrixType(), a.GetFormat(), false); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, m_CPUMatrix->AssignElementProductOfWithShiftNeg(*a.m_CPUMatrix, *b.m_CPUMatrix, shift, negnumber), m_GPUMatrix->AssignElementProductOfWithShiftNeg(*a.m_GPUMatrix, *b.m_GPUMatrix, shift, negnumber), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return *this; } template Matrix& Matrix::AssignInnerProductOfWithShiftNeg(const Matrix& a, const Matrix& b, const bool isColWise, size_t shift, size_t negnumber) { InnerProductWithShiftNeg(a, b, *this, isColWise, shift, negnumber); return *this; } template void Matrix::InnerProductWithShiftNeg(const Matrix& a, const Matrix& b, Matrix& c, const bool isColWise, size_t shift, size_t negnumber) { if (a.IsEmpty() || b.IsEmpty()) LogicError("InnerProduct: one of the input matrix is empty."); DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(a, b, c); if (a.GetMatrixType() != b.GetMatrixType()) NOT_IMPLEMENTED; c.SwitchToMatrixType(a.GetMatrixType(), a.GetFormat(), false); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&c, &c, CPUMatrix::InnerProductWithShiftNeg(*a.m_CPUMatrix, *b.m_CPUMatrix, *c.m_CPUMatrix, isColWise, shift, negnumber), GPUMatrix::InnerProductWithShiftNeg(*a.m_GPUMatrix, *b.m_GPUMatrix, *c.m_GPUMatrix, shift, negnumber), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } template Matrix& Matrix::GetARowByIndex(const Matrix& a, size_t index) { if (a.IsEmpty()) LogicError("GetARowByIndex: Matrix is empty."); // WARNING: a and this must have same type if (!(GetMatrixType() == a.GetMatrixType())) NOT_IMPLEMENTED; SwitchToMatrixType(a.GetMatrixType(), a.GetFormat(), false); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, m_CPUMatrix->GetARowByIndex(*a.m_CPUMatrix, index), m_GPUMatrix->GetARowByIndex(*a.m_GPUMatrix, index), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return *this; } template void Matrix::ConductRowElementMultiplyWithShift(const Matrix& a, const Matrix& b, Matrix& c, size_t shift, bool bFirstmatrixfixed) { if (a.IsEmpty() || b.IsEmpty()) LogicError("InnerProduct: one of the input matrix is empty."); DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(a, b, c); if (a.GetMatrixType() != b.GetMatrixType()) NOT_IMPLEMENTED; c.SwitchToMatrixType(a.GetMatrixType(), a.GetFormat(), false); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&c, &c, CPUMatrix::ConductRowElementMultiplyWithShift(*a.m_CPUMatrix, *b.m_CPUMatrix, *c.m_CPUMatrix, shift, bFirstmatrixfixed), GPUMatrix::ConductRowElementMultiplyWithShift(*a.m_GPUMatrix, *b.m_GPUMatrix, *c.m_GPUMatrix, shift, bFirstmatrixfixed), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } template Matrix& Matrix::AssignElementProductOfWithShift(const Matrix& a, const Matrix& b, size_t shift) { if (a.IsEmpty() || b.IsEmpty()) LogicError("AssignElementProductOfWithShift: Matrix is empty."); assert(a.GetNumRows() == b.GetNumRows() && a.GetNumCols() == b.GetNumCols()); if (!(a.GetNumRows() == b.GetNumRows() && a.GetNumCols() == b.GetNumCols())) InvalidArgument("The input matrix dimensions do not match."); if (a.GetNumRows() != 1) InvalidArgument("AssignElementProductOfWithShiftNeg: The input matrix must be a row vector."); DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(a, b, *this); if (!(a.GetMatrixType() == b.GetMatrixType())) NOT_IMPLEMENTED; SwitchToMatrixType(a.GetMatrixType(), a.GetFormat(), false); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, m_CPUMatrix->AssignElementProductOfWithShift(*a.m_CPUMatrix, *b.m_CPUMatrix, shift), m_GPUMatrix->AssignElementProductOfWithShift(*a.m_GPUMatrix, *b.m_GPUMatrix, shift), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return *this; } template void Matrix::RCRFBackwardCompute(const Matrix& alpha, Matrix& beta, Matrix& functionValues, const Matrix& lbls, const Matrix& pos_scores, const Matrix& pair_scores, const int shift) { DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(alpha, beta); functionValues._transferToDevice(alpha.GetDeviceId()); beta._transferToDevice(alpha.GetDeviceId()); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&alpha, &beta, CPUMatrix::RCRFBackwardCompute( *alpha.m_CPUMatrix, *beta.m_CPUMatrix, *lbls.m_CPUMatrix, *pair_scores.m_CPUMatrix), GPUMatrix::RCRFBackwardCompute( *alpha.m_GPUMatrix, *beta.m_GPUMatrix, *lbls.m_GPUMatrix, *pos_scores.m_GPUMatrix, *pair_scores.m_GPUMatrix, shift), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } template void Matrix::RCRFTransGrdCompute(const Matrix& lbls, const Matrix& alpha, const Matrix& beta, const Matrix& pair_scores, Matrix& grd, const int startLbl, const int shift) { DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(alpha, grd); grd._transferToDevice(alpha.GetDeviceId()); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(&alpha, &grd, CPUMatrix::RCRFTransGrdCompute( *lbls.m_CPUMatrix, *alpha.m_CPUMatrix, *beta.m_CPUMatrix, *pair_scores.m_CPUMatrix, *grd.m_CPUMatrix), GPUMatrix::RCRFTransGrdCompute( *lbls.m_GPUMatrix, *alpha.m_GPUMatrix, *beta.m_GPUMatrix, *pair_scores.m_GPUMatrix, *grd.m_GPUMatrix, startLbl, shift), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } template Matrix& Matrix::DropFrame(const Matrix& label, const Matrix& gamma, const ElemType& threshhold) { DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(*this, label, gamma); if (label.GetNumCols() != gamma.GetNumCols() || label.GetNumRows() != gamma.GetNumRows()) LogicError("DropFrame: label matrix is not in the same size as gamm matrix."); SwitchToMatrixType(label.GetMatrixType(), label.GetFormat(), false); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, m_CPUMatrix->DropFrame(*label.m_CPUMatrix, *gamma.m_CPUMatrix, threshhold), m_GPUMatrix->DropFrame(*label.m_GPUMatrix, *gamma.m_GPUMatrix, threshhold), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return *this; } /// c = alpha * (a-b) /// if a, b, c must have same dim /// Scalar /// Input matrix /// Input matrix /// Resulting matrix, user is responsible for allocating this template Matrix& Matrix::AssignSequenceError(const ElemType hsmoothingWeight, const Matrix& label, const Matrix& dnnoutput, const Matrix& gamma, ElemType alpha) { DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(label, dnnoutput, gamma); if (!(label.GetMatrixType() == gamma.GetMatrixType())) NOT_IMPLEMENTED; SwitchToMatrixType(label.GetMatrixType(), label.GetFormat(), false); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, m_CPUMatrix->AssignSequenceError(hsmoothingWeight, *label.m_CPUMatrix, *dnnoutput.m_CPUMatrix, *gamma.m_CPUMatrix, alpha), m_GPUMatrix->AssignSequenceError(hsmoothingWeight, *label.m_GPUMatrix, *dnnoutput.m_GPUMatrix, *gamma.m_GPUMatrix, alpha), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); return *this; } #pragma endregion Static BLAS Functions // TensorView currently does not interface with sparse matrices. For now, we just catch this and throw. template static bool VerifyIsDense(const Matrix& a) { if (a.GetMatrixType() != DENSE) RuntimeError("TensorOp: Tensor operations are currently not supported for sparse matrices."); return true; } template void Matrix::TensorOp(ElemType beta, const Matrix& a, ElemType alpha, ElementWiseOperator op, ElementWiseOperator reductionOp, const array& offsets, const SmallVector& regularOpDims, const array, 2>& regularStrides, const SmallVector& reducingOpDims, const array, 2>& reducingStrides) { VerifyIsDense(*this) && VerifyIsDense(a); DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(*this, a); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, m_CPUMatrix->TensorOp(beta, *a.m_CPUMatrix, alpha, op, reductionOp, offsets, regularOpDims, regularStrides, reducingOpDims, reducingStrides), m_GPUMatrix->TensorOp(beta, *a.m_GPUMatrix, alpha, op, reductionOp, offsets, regularOpDims, regularStrides, reducingOpDims, reducingStrides), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } template void Matrix::TensorOp(ElemType beta, const Matrix& a, const Matrix& b, ElemType alpha, ElementWiseOperator op, ElementWiseOperator reductionOp, const array& offsets, const SmallVector& regularOpDims, const array, 3>& regularStrides, const SmallVector& reducingOpDims, const array, 3>& reducingStrides) { VerifyIsDense(*this) && VerifyIsDense(a) && VerifyIsDense(b); DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(*this, a, b); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, m_CPUMatrix->TensorOp(beta, *a.m_CPUMatrix, *b.m_CPUMatrix, alpha, op, reductionOp, offsets, regularOpDims, regularStrides, reducingOpDims, reducingStrides), m_GPUMatrix->TensorOp(beta, *a.m_GPUMatrix, *b.m_GPUMatrix, alpha, op, reductionOp, offsets, regularOpDims, regularStrides, reducingOpDims, reducingStrides), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } template void Matrix::TensorOp(ElemType beta, const Matrix& a, const Matrix& b, const Matrix& c, ElemType alpha, ElementWiseOperator op, ElementWiseOperator reductionOp, const array& offsets, const SmallVector& regularOpDims, const array, 4>& regularStrides, const SmallVector& reducingOpDims, const array, 4>& reducingStrides) { VerifyIsDense(*this) && VerifyIsDense(a) && VerifyIsDense(b) && VerifyIsDense(c); DecideAndMoveToRightDevice(*this, a, b, c); DISPATCH_MATRIX_ON_FLAG(this, this, m_CPUMatrix->TensorOp(beta, *a.m_CPUMatrix, *b.m_CPUMatrix, *c.m_CPUMatrix, alpha, op, reductionOp, offsets, regularOpDims, regularStrides, reducingOpDims, reducingStrides), m_GPUMatrix->TensorOp(beta, *a.m_GPUMatrix, *b.m_GPUMatrix, *c.m_GPUMatrix, alpha, op, reductionOp, offsets, regularOpDims, regularStrides, reducingOpDims, reducingStrides), NOT_IMPLEMENTED, NOT_IMPLEMENTED); } template class Matrix; template class Matrix; // We use Matrix as the backing store for QuantizedMatrix, and also as a flag matrix. // Let's explicitly instantiate the methods we need for that purpose template Matrix::Matrix(DEVICEID_TYPE); template Matrix::Matrix(Matrix&&); template Matrix::Matrix(const size_t numRows, const size_t numCols, DEVICEID_TYPE deviceId, const MatrixType matrixType, const MatrixFormat matrixFormat); template Matrix::Matrix(const size_t numRows, const size_t numCols, char* pArray, DEVICEID_TYPE deviceId, const size_t matrixFlags, const size_t nnz); template Matrix::~Matrix(); template Matrix& Matrix::operator=(Matrix&& moveFrom); template char* Matrix::Data() const; template int Matrix::GetDeviceId() const; template size_t Matrix::GetNumElements() const; template Matrix Matrix::ColumnSlice(size_t startColumn, size_t numCols) const; template void Matrix::_transferToDevice(int id_to, bool isBeingMoved, bool emptyTransfer) const; template void Matrix::TransferToDeviceIfNotThere(int id_to, bool isBeingMoved, bool emptyTransfer, bool updatePreferredDevice) const; template size_t Matrix::GetNumRows() const; template size_t Matrix::GetNumCols() const; template void Matrix::SetValue(const char); template void Matrix::SetValue(size_t numRows, const size_t numCols, int deviceId, char* pArray, size_t matrixFlags); //template void Matrix::SetValue(const Matrix&, MatrixFormat); template void Matrix::SetValue(const Matrix&); template void Matrix::AssignValuesOf (const Matrix&); template bool Matrix::IsEmpty() const; template void Matrix::Resize(const size_t numRows, const size_t numCols, const size_t numNZElemToReserve, bool growOnly); template void Matrix::Reshape(const size_t, const size_t); template char* Matrix::CopyToArray(void) const; template Matrix::Matrix(const size_t, const size_t, int*, DEVICEID_TYPE, const size_t, const size_t); }}}