#!/usr/bin/perl -w #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# # Author: Meng Wu, the Gordon Lab, Washington University in St. Louis # # # # Usage: # # see Usage in the code # # # # Contact: mengwu@wustl.edu # #--------------------------------------------------------------------------# if (!@ARGV){ print "Usage: perl $0 \n"; exit; } my @experiment=@ARGV; my $sample; my @sample; my $ratio; my $insertion; foreach my $file(@experiment){ chomp $file; print "Get the files\n"; if ($file=~m/(.*)\_filter\_cpm\.txt/){ $sample=$1; push @sample,$sample; open FILE,$file; ; while (){ chomp; @temp=split /\t/,$_; $ratio->{$temp[0]}->{$sample}=$temp[2]; $insertion->{$temp[0]}->{$sample}=$temp[1]; } } } my $out1="summary_reads.txt"; my $out2="summary_insertions.txt"; open OUT1,">$out1"; open OUT2,">$out2"; sort @sample; my @header; push @header,"Gene"; foreach my $sample (@sample){ # if (defined $candidate->{$sample}){ push @header,$sample; # } } my $line=join "\t",@header; print OUT1 "$line\n"; print OUT2 "$line\n"; shift @header; foreach my $gene(sort keys %$ratio){ my @out1; my @out2; push @out1,$gene; push @out2,$gene; foreach my $sample (@sample){ push @out1,$ratio->{$gene}->{$sample}; push @out2,$insertion->{$gene}->{$sample}; } my $line1=join "\t",@out1; my $line2=join "\t",@out2; print OUT1 "$line1\n"; print OUT2 "$line2\n"; } close OUT1; close OUT2;