"boot.rq"<- function (x, y, tau = 0.5, R = 200, bsmethod = "xy", mofn = length(y), ...) { n <- length(y) x <- as.matrix(x) p <- ncol(x) B <- matrix(0, R, p) if(tau <= 0 || tau >= 1) stop("tau outside (0,1) not allowed") if (bsmethod == "xy") { if(mofn < p || mofn > n) stop("mofn is out of range") s <- matrix(sample(n, mofn * R, replace = TRUE), mofn, R) B <- sqrt(mofn/n)*boot.rq.xy(x, y, s, tau) } else if (bsmethod == "wxy") { w <- matrix(rexp(n * R,1), n, R) B <- boot.rq.wxy(x, y, w, tau) } else if (bsmethod == "pwy") { U <- t(x) %*% matrix(((runif(n * R) < tau) - tau), n, R) B <- boot.rq.pwy(U, x, y, tau) } else if (bsmethod == "mcmb") { B <- boot.rq.mcmb(x, y, tau = tau, R = R) } else if (bsmethod == "wild") { n <- length(y) fit <- rq.fit(x, y, tau = tau) S <- sample(c(-2*tau,2*(1-tau)),prob = c(tau,1-tau),size = n * R, replace = TRUE) W <- matrix(S,n,R) r <- c(fit$resid) f0 <- akj(r,z=0)$dens r <- r + hat(x) * (tau - I(r < 0))/f0 Y <- c(fitted(fit)) + W * abs(r) B <- rqs.fit(x,Y,tau = tau) } else stop("your chosen bootstrap method is not allowed") #cat(paste("Bootstrap standard errors based on ",R," replications")) B } "boot.rq.mcmb" <- function (x, y, tau = 0.5, R = 200) { n <- length(y) p <- ncol(x) if(n < 2000) fit <- rq(y~x - 1, tau = tau, ci = FALSE) else fit <- rq(y~x - 1, tau = tau, method = "fn") coef <- fit$coef svdx <- svd(x) condx <- svdx$d[1]/svdx$d[p] Ainv <- svdx$v %*% diag(svdx$d) %*% t(svdx$v) coefTilda <- Ainv %*% coef A <- svdx$v %*% diag(1/svdx$d) %*% t(svdx$v) r <- fit$resid psi <- signr <- sign(r) psi[signr > 0] <- tau psi[signr < 0] <- tau - 1 psimat <- matrix(psi, nrow = n, ncol = p, byrow = FALSE) x <- x %*% A ZTilda <- x * psimat sumxij <- apply(x, 2, sum) sumabsxij <- apply(abs(x), 2, sum) zstar <- .C("bootnp", as.double(t(x)), as.double(y), as.double(tau), as.double(coefTilda), as.double(t(A)), as.double(ZTilda), as.double(sumxij), as.double(sumabsxij), as.integer(n), as.integer(p), success = as.integer(1), theta = as.double(rep(0, R * p + p), as.integer(c(p, R + 1))), as.integer(R), PACKAGE = "quantreg") if (zstar$success == 0) return(list(success = 0)) else{ B <- matrix(zstar$theta,p,R+1)[,-1] B <- t(A %*% B) } B } "boot.rq.xy"<- function(x, y, s, tau = 0.5, tol = 0.0001) { #function to compute xypairs bootstrap for regression quantiles #stripped down for monte-carlo purposes x <- as.matrix(x) p <- ncol(x) n <- nrow(x) R <- ncol(s) m <- nrow(s) z <- .Fortran("xys", as.integer(m), as.integer(n), as.integer(p), as.integer(R), as.integer(m + 5), as.integer(p + 2), as.double(x), as.double(y), as.double(tau), as.double(tol), flag = integer(R), coef = double(p * R), resid = double(m), integer(m), double((m + 5) * (p + 2)), double(m), xx = double(m * p), yy = double(m), as.integer(s), PACKAGE = "quantreg") if(sum(z$flag)>0){ if(any(z$flag)==2) warning(paste(sum(z$flag==2),"out of",R, "BS replications have near singular design")) if(any(z$flag)==1) warning(paste(sum(z$flag==1),"out of",R,"may be nonuniqu")) } return(t(matrix(z$coef, p, R))) } "boot.rq.wxy"<- function(x, y, w, tau = 0.5, tol = 0.0001) { #function to compute weighted bootstrap a la Bose for regression quantiles x <- as.matrix(x) p <- ncol(x) n <- nrow(x) R <- ncol(w) m <- nrow(w) z <- .Fortran("wxy", as.integer(n), as.integer(p), as.integer(R), as.integer(m + 5), as.integer(p + 2), as.double(x), as.double(y), as.double(tau), as.double(tol), flag = integer(R), coef = double(p * R), resid = double(m), integer(m), double((m + 5) * (p + 2)), double(m), xx = double(m * p), yy = double(m), as.double(w), PACKAGE = "quantreg") if(sum(z$flag)>0){ if(any(z$flag)==2) warning(paste(sum(z$flag==2),"out of",R, "BS replications have near singular design")) if(any(z$flag)==1) warning(paste(sum(z$flag==1),"out of",R,"may be nonunique")) } return(t(matrix(z$coef, p, R))) } "boot.rq.pwy"<- function(U,X, y, tau = 0.5, tol=1e-4) { #resampling method of parzen,wei,ying for quantile regression #NB. x should be full design matrix including intercept n <- length(y) p <- ncol(X) R <- ncol(U) Y <- c(y,500000) x <- rbind(X,0) xu <- t(U)/tau n <- n+1 z<-.Fortran("pwy", as.integer(n), as.integer(p), as.integer(R), as.integer(n + 5), as.integer(p + 2), as.double(xu), as.double(x), as.double(Y), as.double(tau), as.double(tol), flag = as.integer(1), coef = double(p * R), resid = double(n), integer(n), double((n + 5) * (p + 2)), double(n), PACKAGE = "quantreg") return(t(matrix(z$coef, p, R))) }