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Tip revision: 4f77b23d5f94e6e8c5e1a76a059cae4f1811659a authored by latereshko on 08 December 2020, 22:49:32 UTC
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Tip revision: 4f77b23
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\f0\fs24 \cf0 8/13/03\
Robert Cudmore\
This is a port to OS X of the Mini Analysis routines.\
-I did not make ANY changes in the analysis routines\
-anywhere I modified code I added a comment starting with //abb\
-made mostly syntax changes\
-you can now cancel mini detection part way through a cell\
   -if you do this, you need to note exactly where you cancelled so you can get the mini frequency correct\
-you now need to include NoteUtils.ipf as this file is no longer included in Igor 4.x\
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