Raw File
= Changelog
ifdef::env-github[:outfilesuffix: .adoc]

All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.

The format is based on http://keepachangelog.com/en/1.0.0/[Keep a Changelog]
and this project adheres to http://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0.html[Semantic Versioning].

== https://github.com/robotframework/RIDE[Unreleased]

=== Added

- Added a dialog to Load or Save settings to .cfg files on Preferences -> General, Grid Editor, Text Editor and Test Runner
- Added perspectives persistance for Notebook panels, Edit, Text Editor and Run
- Added General settings to Preferences, to change Font Size and Face, and colours
- Added background colour globally on panels and dialogs
- Added on Run tab a button to open the Logs Directory
- Added on Run tab a group of elements to define Output Directory, Log and Report filenames with suite names or timestamps, and possibility to keep Console and Message logs
- Added Python 3.8 unit test support in travis CI
- Added menu option to ``Move Up`` and ``Move Down`` variables in Tree
- Added menu option to ``Sort Variables`` in resources from Tree 
- Added menu option to ``Sort Tests`` and ``Sort Variables` in suites from Tree
- Added menu icons (visible on most operating systems)
- Added RIDE application dock icon on MacOS
- Added selection of keyword suggestion with TAB key on Text Editor
- Added RIDE.app to install in Applications on MacOS
    * Also creates a symbolic link to RIDE.app on user's Desktop
    * Users will need to edit ``/etc/paths`` to include paths for ``robot`` and other commands like ``chromedriver``, etc
- Added an Open External File menu option, to open file in Code Editor
- Added multiline view in Grid Editor
    * When editing, ``\n`` will be converted to newline, ``\\n`` will remain as is.
    * When editing, ``\ `` will be converted to whitespace.
    * When editing, Alt-Enter is the same as ``\n``, converted immediately.
    * When editing, Ctrl-Up and Ctrl-Down move cursor to start and end of multiline respectively.
    * When editing, Ctrl-Home and Ctrl-End move cursor to start and end of cell content respectively.
- Added Del key to clear Grid Editor cell content when in navigation mode (clear like doing Ctrl-X)

=== Removed

- Removed alignment flag on grid cell JSON Editor (Ctrl-Shift-J)
- Removed moving to keyword/variable definition when doing Double-Click in grid cell

=== Changed

- Improved filesystem changes detection to be less reactive
- Changed Manage Plugins to be a dialog panel instead of being a notebook tab
- Added more valid file extensions to Open Test Suite
- Changed minimum number of rows and columns, because blank cells would not have correct colour
- The Arguments, Tests filters (include/exclude), Console and Message logs are now in Expandable/Collapsable groups
- Modified robot passed and failed icons to be easier to differentiate
- When searching in Text Editor by using Ctrl-G the search is done from the begining of text
- On MacOS, grid cell will not lose focus anymore when mouse is moving outside of the cell's boundary
- Changed moving to keyword definition to be with Ctrl-Click (keep Ctrl-B action)
    * To edit cell use F2 or Double-Click
- Changed Enter button in navigation mode to start editing cell, and to move to right cell when in edit mode
- Performance improvements for loading large test suites

=== Fixed

- Fixed JSON in cell editor not saving nor validating JSON
- Fixed TestRunner crash when test use SKIP keyword
- Fixed broken pipe errors when using `--loglevel  DEBUG:INFO`
- Fixed various output console encoding issue in different platforms
- Fixed errors when importing libraries with keyword only arguments (i.e. robotframework-requestschecker)
- Fixed sys.stderr is None errors if RIDE is launched by pythonw.exe
- Fixed RIDE cannot close properly when Screenshot library is loaded
- Fixed incorrect title in manage plugin settings
- Fixed search in Text Editor with wxPython 4.1.0
- Fixed resource file will disappear after saving from Text Editor
- Fixed duplicated resource file/folder in tree nodes
- Fixed Ctrl-Space causing entire column to be selected in Grid Editor
- Fixed Del key was clearing cell content on Grid Editor
- Fixed ``${CURDIR}`` & ``${EXECDIR}`` cannot be recognized in import settings
- Fixed memory leak when reloading workspace
- Fixed RIDE desktop shortcut creation when installing by Administrator on Windows
- Fixed location of icon on Linux RIDE.desktop
- Fixed incorrect app windows size configuration after maximizing
- Fixed errors raised when adding external resources
- Fixed progress dialog is missing when adding external resources
- Fixed missing keyword suggestions on Resource files in Text Editor
- Fixed Del key in Text Editor, was not deleting text
- Fixed duplicated but empty Text Editor tab when Text Editor is the only active editor Plugin
- Fixed case will be selected invisibly after being modified from Text Editor
- Fixed some of log messages log level are incorrect sometimes
- Fixed some of log messages are missing sometimes
- Fixed smart quotes replace in Grid Editor on MacOS
- Fixed incorrect arguments parsing when launching RIDE with command ``python -m robotide.\\__init__``
- Fixed RIDE startup crash when Tree or File Explorer plugins use opened=False setting
- Fixed error occurring when deleting test cases on Tree

== https://github.com/robotframework/RIDE/blob/master/doc/releasenotes/ride-2.0b1.rst[2.0b1] - 2020-07-26

=== Added

- Added CHANGELOG.adoc
- Added ignoring log.html and report.html on reporting HTML test suites
- Added conditions for wxPython versions equal or higher than 4.1.0
- Added indent and de-indent with TAB for blocks of text
- Added auto indent in Text Editor
- Added enclosing text in Text Editor or selected text with certain symbols
- Added enclosing text in Grid Editor or selected text with certain symbols
- Added 8s timer to shortcut creation dialog on install
- Added process memory limit on Messages Log

=== Removed

- Python 2.7 support
- wxPython/wxPhoenix version conditioning

=== Changed

- Improved filesystem changes detection, with a confirmation dialog to reload workspace
- Changed dependency on wx.Window on tree panel
- Improved error and removal of old log files
- Changed icon background to white
- Made Project Tree and File Explorer panels, Plugins.
- wx.NewId() to wx.NewIdRef()
- Separated AppendText for Messages Log

=== Fixed

- Fixed editing cells in Grid Editor on wxPython 4.1
- Fixed not saving file after deleting text in Text Editor
- Fixed elements sizing on Preferences panel
- Fixed tree selection, because of wrong variable name
- Fixed encodings on Windows
- Fixed bugs on Grid Editor
- Fixed error message on RIDE Log about missing clear_all
- Fixed tree nodes problems
- Fixed severe RIDE freeze when selecting all test cases in large test suites
- Fixed activation of RIDE Log plugin
- Fixed missing keywords documentation for dynamic libraries (i.e. SeleniumLibrary 4.4.0)
- Fixed not possible to create new project
- Fixed missing Save menu option
- Fixed sounding a beep and no selection when pressing down arrow in keywords help list
- Fixed output log showing garbled code when the name of the test case contains Chinese
- Fixed default arguments help
- Fixed crash when deleting tags
- Fixed cursor position when creating variables with CTRL-1,2,5
- Fixed pressing F2 in Grid Editor on MacOS started editor on Project Tree
- Fixed reprocessing of %date% %time% variables on Windows
- Fixed not editing cells with F2 and keeping focus
- Fixed keywords arguments help
- Fixed Python 3.8 incompatibility
- Fixed showing Resource files with extension .resource in Tree when not used
- Fixed RIDE not starting
- Fixed errors at start due to setlocale()
- Fixed Settings editor
- Fixed blank Edit screen
- Fixed Runner arguments parsing
- Fixed Runner Log window Chinese and Latin encoding chars on Windows

== https://github.com/robotframework/RIDE/blob/master/doc/releasenotes/ride-[] - 2020-01-20

=== Added

- wxPython version locked up to 4.0.7.post2.

=== Removed

- None

=== Changed

- None

=== Fixed

- None

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