(*****************************************************************************) (* *) (* Open Source License *) (* Copyright (c) 2021 Nomadic Labs. *) (* *) (* Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a *) (* copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"),*) (* to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation *) (* the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, *) (* and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the *) (* Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: *) (* *) (* The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included *) (* in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. *) (* *) (* THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR*) (* IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, *) (* FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL *) (* THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER*) (* LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING *) (* FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER *) (* DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. *) (* *) (*****************************************************************************) type t = { endpoint : Uri.t option; rpc_addr : Uri.t option; rpc_tls : string option; sym_block_caching_time : int option; } let pp ppf {endpoint; rpc_addr; rpc_tls; sym_block_caching_time} = let pp_uri_opt = Format.pp_print_option Uri.pp in Format.fprintf ppf "@[endpoint=%a@,rpc_addr=%a@,rpc_tls=%a@,sym_block_caching_time=%a@]" pp_uri_opt endpoint pp_uri_opt rpc_addr (Format.pp_print_option Format.pp_print_string) rpc_tls (Format.pp_print_option Format.pp_print_int) sym_block_caching_time let example_config = {|{"endpoint": "", "rpc_addr": "", "sym_block_caching_time": 60}|} let encoding : t Data_encoding.t = let open Data_encoding in conv (fun t -> ( Option.map Uri.to_string t.endpoint, Option.map Uri.to_string t.rpc_addr, t.rpc_tls, Option.map Int32.of_int t.sym_block_caching_time )) (fun (endpoint, rpc_addr, rpc_tls, sym_block_caching_time) -> { endpoint = Option.map Uri.of_string endpoint; rpc_addr = Option.map Uri.of_string rpc_addr; rpc_tls; sym_block_caching_time = Option.map Int32.to_int sym_block_caching_time; }) (obj4 (opt "endpoint" string) (opt "rpc_addr" string) (opt "rpc_tls" string) (opt "sym_block_caching_time" int32)) let make ~endpoint ~rpc_addr ~rpc_tls ~sym_block_caching_time : t = {endpoint; rpc_addr; rpc_tls; sym_block_caching_time} let sym_block_caching_time_error sym_block_caching_time = match sym_block_caching_time with | Some sym_block_caching_time when sym_block_caching_time <= 0 -> Some (Format.sprintf {|--sym-block-caching-time argument and sym_block_caching_time field must be strictly positive, but found %d|} sym_block_caching_time) | _ -> None type 'a destructed = Valid of 'a | Invalid of string | CannotDeserialize let destruct_config json = match Data_encoding.Json.destruct encoding json with | cfg -> ( match sym_block_caching_time_error cfg.sym_block_caching_time with | Some err -> Invalid err | None -> Valid cfg) | exception _ -> CannotDeserialize let union_right_bias (t1 : t) (t2 : t) = { endpoint = Option.either t2.endpoint t1.endpoint; rpc_addr = Option.either t2.rpc_addr t1.rpc_addr; rpc_tls = Option.either t2.rpc_tls t1.rpc_tls; sym_block_caching_time = Option.either t2.sym_block_caching_time t1.sym_block_caching_time; } type runtime = { endpoint : Uri.t; rpc_server_address : P2p_addr.t; rpc_server_port : int; rpc_server_tls : (string * string) option; sym_block_caching_time : int option; } (** Given the value of the [--rpc-addr] argument (or the [rpc_addr] CONFIG field), return the address and the port of the server that should be spawned. *) let address_and_port_for_runtime rpc_addr = let open Result in let wrong_rpc_addr looked_for = error @@ Format.asprintf {|Wrong "--rpc-addr" argument or "rpc_addr" field: %a. %s cannot be determined|} Uri.pp rpc_addr looked_for in match (Uri.host rpc_addr, Uri.port rpc_addr) with | (None, _) -> wrong_rpc_addr "Hostname" | (_, None) -> wrong_rpc_addr "Port" | (Some rpc_server_address, Some rpc_server_port) -> ( match P2p_addr.of_string_opt rpc_server_address with | Some rpc_server_address -> Ok (rpc_server_address, rpc_server_port) | None -> error @@ Format.asprintf {|Cannot convert hostname of "--rpc-addr" argument or "rpc_addr" field to P2p_addr: %s|} rpc_server_address) (** Given the value of the [--rpc-tls] argument (or the [rpc_tls] CONFIG field), return the paths to the certificate and the key for use by TLS *) let tls_for_runtime = let open Result in let regexp_str = "(.*),(.*)" in let regexp = Re.compile (Re.Perl.re regexp_str) in fun rpc_tls -> match Re.exec_opt regexp rpc_tls with | None -> error @@ Format.asprintf {|Value of "--rpc-tls" argument or "rpc_tls" field cannot be parsed: %s doesn't match regexp %s|} rpc_tls regexp_str | Some group -> ok (Re.Group.get group 1, Re.Group.get group 2) (** Helper to lift a validation function [f : 'a -> ('b * _) result] over an optional value. *) let opt_res_to_res_opt = function | None -> (* No data to validate: no error, no data. *) Ok None | Some (Ok x) -> (* Data was successfully validated: no error, some data. *) Ok (Some x) | Some (Error x) -> (* Data could not be successfully validated: an error and no data *) Error x let to_runtime ({endpoint; rpc_addr; rpc_tls; sym_block_caching_time} : t) : (runtime, string) result = (* Validating sym_block_caching_time is required if it was specified on the command line. In this case it wasn't validated yet. *) match (endpoint, rpc_addr, sym_block_caching_time_error sym_block_caching_time) with | (None, _, _) -> Error {|Endpoint not specified: pass argument --endpoint or specify "endpoint" field in CONFIG file|} | (_, None, _) -> Error {|RPC address not specified: pass argument --rpc-addr or specify "rpc_addr" field in CONFIG file|} | (_, _, Some err) -> Error err | (Some endpoint, Some rpc_addr, None) -> address_and_port_for_runtime rpc_addr >>? fun (rpc_server_address, rpc_server_port) -> Option.map tls_for_runtime rpc_tls |> opt_res_to_res_opt >>? fun rpc_server_tls -> Ok { endpoint; rpc_server_address; rpc_server_port; rpc_server_tls; sym_block_caching_time; }