sudo: required cache: packages: true apt: true directories: - $HOME/.ya notifications: email: false addons: apt: sources: - ubuntu-toolchain-r-test packages: - build-essential - libc6-dev - python-dev - python3-dev before_script: | # `ya` provides it's own compiler toolchains, `CC` and CXX` environment variables will override # them so we have to unset them. # unset CC unset CXX pip install webdavclient || sudo pip2 install webdavclient matrix: include: - os: linux dist: trusty language: cpp env: CB_BUILD_AGENT='clang-linux-x86_64-release-cuda' script: ~/build/${TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG}/ci/travis/ - os: linux dist: trusty language: python python: 2.7 env: CB_BUILD_AGENT='python2-linux-x86_64-release' script: ~/build/${TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG}/ci/travis/ - os: linux dist: trusty language: python python: 3.5 env: CB_BUILD_AGENT='python35-linux-x86_64-release' script: ~/build/${TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG}/ci/travis/ - os: linux dist: trusty language: python python: 3.4 env: CB_BUILD_AGENT='python34-linux-x86_64-release' script: ~/build/${TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG}/ci/travis/ - os: linux dist: trusty language: python python: 3.6 env: CB_BUILD_AGENT='python36-linux-x86_64-release' script: ~/build/${TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG}/ci/travis/ - os: osx osx_image: xcode8.3 language: cpp env: CB_BUILD_AGENT='clang-darwin-x86_64-release' script: ~/build/${TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG}/ci/travis/ - os: osx osx_image: xcode8.3 language: cpp env: CB_BUILD_AGENT='R-clang-darwin-x86_64-release' script: ~/build/${TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG}/ci/travis/ - os: linux dist: trusty language: cpp env: CB_BUILD_AGENT='R-clang-linux-x86_64-release' script: ~/build/${TRAVIS_REPO_SLUG}/ci/travis/