Raw File
<title>Release notes</title>
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<center><h1>Alignment API, release notes</h1></center>

<h2>To do</h2>

<ul compact="1">
<li>Pass debug flag through parameters (almost done, to be checked in StrucSubsDistNameAlignment);</li>
<li>Factorize distanceAlignment, in fact the selection;</li>
<li>Implement correctly OWL-based stuff about non 1:1 alignments</li>
<li>Integrate WordNet proximity</li>
<li>Providing an XSLT stylesheet for evaluation;</li>

<h2>Done but not released yet</h2>

<ul compact="1">
<li>Added an "id" to each cell (in API, Renderer and Parser);</li>
<li>Provided an XSLT stylesheet for alignments;</li>

<h2>April 19th, 2004</h2>

<p>New version featuring:
<ul compact="1">
<li>Corrected the problem of putting directly distances into strength
	({get/set}Measure{1/2} are now called Strength,
	new class DistanceAlignment which takes care of converting distances into strength);</li>
<li>Implemented effectively SymMeanEvaluator with a dispatch per elements;</li>
<li>Added correct 1:1 tags to all implemented OWL alignments</li>
<li>Used Object in API: no OWL in the format (all API methods which
  returned OWL... now returns Objects, dynamic typecheckking of the
  basic methods: maybe not the best idea)</li>
<li>Implemented parameters (align() and eval() take an additionnal
	Parameters parameter, new Parameters interface and
	BasicParameters class);</li> 
<li>Corrected the visitor for the Renderer (now robust to subclassing);</li>
<li>Built a renderer for RDF and use it
	(suppression of the write method in Cell and Alignment, 
	Procalign uses the same code for rendering);</li>
<li>Added a StringDistance class providing substring and editstriung distances;</li>
<li>Reviewed all catch with a printStackTraces (parser still unsatisfactory);</li>
<li>Cleaned-up traces;</li>
<li>Provided a full-fledged example illustrated with a paper;</li>
<li>Corrected StrucSubsDistNameAlignment;</li>
<li>Changed name: Evaluator.evaluate() --> Evaluator.eval();</li>
<h2>April 4th, 2004</h2>

<p>This use the last version of the OWL API (090304).</p>

<p>New version featuring:
<ul compact="1">
<li>Added the Evaluator interface and implementation (PRecEvaluator
  and SymMeanEvaluator).</li>
<li>Added a simple structural algorithm (StrucSubsDistNameAlignment).</li>
<li>Added a number of alignment based on substring distance;</li>
<li>Various improvements.</li>

<h2>January 2004</h2>

<p>Put under CVS at Sophia-Antipolis</p>
<p>New version featuring:
<ul compact="1">
<li>Added a number of alignment implementations (EditDistAlignment);</li>

<h2>December 2003</h2>

<p>First release</p>

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