% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/softdrink.R \docType{data} \name{softdrink} \alias{softdrink} \title{Soft Drink Data Set.} \format{A data frame with 15 lines and 10 columns. \describe{ \item{x1}{The first measure.} \item{x2}{The second measure.} \item{x3}{The third measure.} \item{x4}{The fourth measure.} \item{x5}{The fifth measure.} \item{x6}{The sixth measure.} \item{x7}{The seventh measure.} \item{x8}{The eigth measure.} \item{x9}{The ninth measure.} \item{x10}{The tenth measure.} }} \source{ Montgomery, D.C.,(2001)."Introduction to Statistical Quality Control".4th ed. Wiley. } \description{ Consists of 15 samples of 10 bottles where it is measured the volume of soft drink. } \examples{ data(softdrink) }