#' @title Show correlations as HTML table #' @name sjt.corr #' @references \itemize{ #' \item \url{http://strengejacke.wordpress.com/sjplot-r-package/} #' \item \url{http://strengejacke.wordpress.com/2014/03/04/beautiful-table-outputs-in-r-part-2-rstats-sjplot/} #' } #' #' @description Shows the results of a computed correlation as HTML table. Requires either #' a data frame or a computed \code{\link{cor}}-object. #' #' @seealso \code{\link{sjp.corr}} #' #' @param data A correlation object, built with the R-\code{\link{cor}}-function, or a data frame #' which correlations should be calculated. #' @param missingDeletion Indicates how missing values are treated. May be either #' \code{"listwise"} or \code{"pairwise"} (default). #' @param corMethod Indicates the correlation computation method. May be one of #' \code{"spearman"} (default), \code{"pearson"} or \code{"kendall"}. #' @param showPValues Whether significance levels (p-values) of correlations should #' be printed or not. #' @param pvaluesAsNumbers If \code{TRUE}, the significance levels (p-values) are printed as numbers. #' if \code{FALSE} (default), asterisks are used. #' @param fadeNS If \code{TRUE} (default), non-significant correlation-values appear faded (by using #' a lighter grey text color). #' @param file The destination file, which will be in html-format. If no filepath is specified, #' the file will be saved as temporary file and openend either in the RStudio View pane or #' in the default web browser. #' @param varlabels The item labels that are printed along the first column/row. If no item labels are #' provided (default), the data frame's column names are used. Item labels must #' be a string vector, e.g.: \code{varlabels=c("Var 1", "Var 2", "Var 3")}. #' varlabels are detected automatically if \code{data} is a data frame where each variable has #' a \code{"variable.label"} attribute (see \code{\link{sji.setVariableLabels}}) for details). #' @param breakLabelsAt Wordwrap for diagram labels. Determines how many chars of the variable labels are displayed in #' one line and when a line break is inserted. Default is 40. #' @param digits The amount of digits used the values inside table cells. #' Default is 2. #' @param encoding The charset encoding used for variable and value labels. Default is \code{"UTF-8"}. Change #' encoding if specific chars are not properly displayed (e.g.) German umlauts). #' @param CSS A \code{\link{list}} with user-defined style-sheet-definitions, according to the official CSS syntax (see #' \url{http://www.w3.org/Style/CSS/}). See return value \code{page.style} for details #' of all style-sheet-classnames that are used in this function. Parameters for this list need: #' \enumerate{ #' \item the class-names with \code{"css."}-prefix as parameter name and #' \item each style-definition must end with a semicolon #' } #' Examples: #' \itemize{ #' \item \code{css.table='border:2px solid red;'} for a solid 2-pixel table border in red. #' \item \code{css.summary='font-weight:bold;'} for a bold fontweight in the summary row. #' \item \code{css.lasttablerow='border-bottom: 1px dotted blue;'} for a blue dotted border of the last table row. #' } #' See further examples below. #' @param useViewer If \code{TRUE}, the function tries to show the HTML table in the IDE's viewer pane. If #' \code{FALSE} or no viewer available, the HTML table is opened in a web browser. #' @param no.output If \code{TRUE}, the html-output is neither opened in a browser nor shown in #' the viewer pane and not even saved to file. This option is useful when the html output #' should be used in \code{knitr} documents. The html output can be accessed via the return #' value. #' @return Invisibly returns a \code{\link{structure}} with #' \itemize{ #' \item the web page style sheet (\code{page.style}), #' \item the web page content (\code{page.content}), #' \item the complete html-output (\code{output.complete}) and #' \item the html-table with inline-css for use with knitr (\code{knitr}) #' } #' for further use. #' #' @note The HTML tables can either be saved as file and manually opened (specify parameter \code{file}) or #' they can be saved as temporary files and will be displayed in the RStudio Viewer pane (if working with RStudio) #' or opened with the default web browser. Displaying resp. opening a temporary file is the #' default behaviour (i.e. \code{file=NULL}). #' #' @examples #' # create data frame with 5 random variables #' df <- as.data.frame(cbind(rnorm(10), rnorm(10), rnorm(10), rnorm(10), rnorm(10))) #' #' # plot correlation matrix using circles #' \dontrun{ #' sjt.corr(df)} #' #' # ------------------------------- #' # Data from the EUROFAMCARE sample dataset #' # ------------------------------- #' data(efc) #' #' # retrieve variable and value labels #' varlabs <- sji.getVariableLabels(efc) #' #' # recveive first item of COPE-index scale #' start <- which(colnames(efc)=="c83cop2") #' # recveive last item of COPE-index scale #' end <- which(colnames(efc)=="c88cop7") #' #' # create data frame with COPE-index scale #' df <- as.data.frame(efc[,c(start:end)]) #' colnames(df) <- varlabs[c(start:end)] #' #' # we have high correlations here, because all items #' # belong to one factor. See example from "sjp.pca". #' \dontrun{ #' sjt.corr(df, pvaluesAsNumbers=TRUE)} #' #' # ------------------------------- #' # auto-detection of labels #' # ------------------------------- #' efc <- sji.setVariableLabels(efc, varlabs) #' \dontrun{ #' sjt.corr(efc[,c(start:end)])} #' #' @export sjt.corr <- function (data, missingDeletion="pairwise", corMethod="spearman", showPValues=TRUE, pvaluesAsNumbers=FALSE, fadeNS=TRUE, file=NULL, varlabels=NULL, breakLabelsAt=40, digits=3, encoding="UTF-8", CSS=NULL, useViewer=TRUE, no.output=FALSE) { # -------------------------------------------------------- # try to automatically set labels is not passed as parameter # -------------------------------------------------------- if (is.null(varlabels) && is.data.frame(data)) { varlabels <- c() # if yes, iterate each variable for (i in 1:ncol(data)) { # retrieve variable name attribute vn <- autoSetVariableLabels(data[,i]) # if variable has attribute, add to variableLabel list if (!is.null(vn)) { varlabels <- c(varlabels, vn) } else { # else break out of loop varlabels <- NULL break } } } # ---------------------------- # check for valid parameter # ---------------------------- if (corMethod!="pearson" && corMethod!="spearman" && corMethod!= "kendall") { stop("Parameter 'corMethod' must be one of: pearson, spearman or kendall") } # ---------------------------- # check if user has passed a data frame # or a pca object # ---------------------------- if (class(data)=="matrix") { corr <- data cpvalues <- NULL } else { # missing deletion corresponds to # SPSS listwise if (missingDeletion=="listwise") { data <- na.omit(data) corr <- cor(data, method=corMethod) } # missing deletion corresponds to # SPSS pairwise else { corr <- cor(data, method=corMethod, use="pairwise.complete.obs") } #--------------------------------------- # if we have a data frame as parameter, # compute p-values of significances #--------------------------------------- computePValues <- function(df) { cp <- c() for (i in 1:ncol(df)) { pv <- c() for (j in 1:ncol(df)) { test <- cor.test(df[,i], df[,j], alternative="two.sided", method=corMethod) pv <- cbind(pv, round(test$p.value,5)) } cp <- rbind(cp, pv) } return (cp) } cpvalues <- computePValues(data) } # -------------------------------------------------------- # save original p-values # -------------------------------------------------------- cpv <- cpvalues # -------------------------------------------------------- # add column with significance value # -------------------------------------------------------- if (!is.null(cpvalues)) { if (!pvaluesAsNumbers) { # -------------------------------------------------------- # prepare function for apply-function. replace sig. p # with asterisks # -------------------------------------------------------- fun.star <- function(x) { if (x>=0.05) x="" else if (x>=0.01 && x<0.05) x="*" else if (x>=0.001 && x<0.01) x="**" else if (x<0.001) x="***" } } else { # -------------------------------------------------------- # prepare function for apply-function. # round p-values, keeping the numeric values # -------------------------------------------------------- fun.star <- function(x) { round(x,digits) } } cpvalues <- apply(cpvalues, c(1,2), fun.star) } else { showPValues <- FALSE } # ---------------------------- # check if user defined labels have been supplied # if not, use variable names from data frame # ---------------------------- if (is.null(varlabels)) { varlabels <- row.names(corr) } # check length of x-axis-labels and split longer strings at into new lines varlabels <- sju.wordwrap(varlabels, breakLabelsAt, "
") # ------------------------------------- # init header # ------------------------------------- toWrite <- sprintf("\n\n\n", encoding) # ------------------------------------- # init style sheet and tags used for css-definitions # we can use these variables for string-replacement # later for return value # ------------------------------------- tag.table <- "table" tag.thead <- "thead" tag.tdata <- "tdata" tag.notsig <- "notsig" tag.pval <- "pval" tag.summary <- "summary" tag.centeralign <- "centeralign" tag.firsttablecol <- "firsttablecol" css.table <- "border-collapse:collapse; border:none;" css.thead <- "border-top:double black; padding:0.2cm;" css.tdata <- "padding:0.2cm;" css.centeralign <- "text-align:center;" css.firsttablecol <- "font-weight:bold;" css.notsig <- "color:#999999;" css.summary <- "border-bottom:double black; border-top:1px solid black; font-style:italic; font-size:0.9em; text-align:right;" css.pval <- "vertical-align:super;font-size:0.8em;" if (pvaluesAsNumbers) css.pval <- "font-style:italic;" # ------------------------ # check user defined style sheets # ------------------------ if (!is.null(CSS)) { if (!is.null(CSS[['css.table']])) css.table <- CSS[['css.table']] if (!is.null(CSS[['css.thead']])) css.thead <- CSS[['css.thead']] if (!is.null(CSS[['css.tdata']])) css.tdata <- CSS[['css.tdata']] if (!is.null(CSS[['css.summary']])) css.summary <- CSS[['css.summary']] if (!is.null(CSS[['css.notsig']])) css.notsig <- CSS[['css.notsig']] if (!is.null(CSS[['css.pval']])) css.pval <- CSS[['css.pval']] if (!is.null(CSS[['css.centeralign']])) css.centeralign <- CSS[['css.centeralign']] if (!is.null(CSS[['css.firsttablecol']])) css.firsttablecol <- CSS[['css.firsttablecol']] } # ------------------------ # set page style # ------------------------ page.style <- sprintf("", tag.table, css.table, tag.thead, css.thead, tag.tdata, css.tdata, tag.firsttablecol, css.firsttablecol, tag.centeralign, css.centeralign, tag.notsig, css.notsig, tag.pval, css.pval, tag.summary, css.summary) # ------------------------ # start content # ------------------------ toWrite <- paste0(toWrite, page.style) toWrite = paste(toWrite, "\n\n", "\n") # ------------------------------------- # start table tag # ------------------------------------- page.content <- "\n" # ------------------------------------- # header row # ------------------------------------- # write tr-tag page.content <- paste0(page.content, " \n") # first column page.content <- paste0(page.content, " \n") # iterate columns for (i in 1:ncol(corr)) { page.content <- paste0(page.content, sprintf(" \n", varlabels[i])) } # close table row page.content <- paste0(page.content, " \n") # ------------------------------------- # data rows # ------------------------------------- # iterate all rows of df for (i in 1:nrow(corr)) { # write tr-tag page.content <- paste0(page.content, " \n") # print first table cell page.content <- paste0(page.content, sprintf(" \n", varlabels[i])) # -------------------------------------------------------- # iterate all columns # -------------------------------------------------------- for (j in 1:ncol(corr)) { # -------------------------------------------------------- # leave out self-correlations # -------------------------------------------------------- if (j==i) { page.content <- paste0(page.content, " \n") } else { # -------------------------------------------------------- # print table-cell-data (cor-value) # -------------------------------------------------------- cellval <- round(corr[i,j],digits) # -------------------------------------------------------- # check whether we want to show P-Values # -------------------------------------------------------- if (showPValues) { if (pvaluesAsNumbers) { # -------------------------------------------------------- # if we have p-values as number, print them in new row # -------------------------------------------------------- cellval <- sprintf("%s
(%.*f)", cellval, digits, cpvalues[i,j]) } else { # -------------------------------------------------------- # if we have p-values as "*", add them # -------------------------------------------------------- cellval <- sprintf("%s%s", cellval, cpvalues[i,j]) } } # -------------------------------------------------------- # prepare css for not significant values # -------------------------------------------------------- notsig <- "" # -------------------------------------------------------- # check whether not significant values should be blurred # -------------------------------------------------------- if (fadeNS) { # set css-class-attribute if (cpv[i,j] >=0.05) notsig <- " notsig" } page.content <- paste0(page.content, sprintf(" \n", notsig, cellval)) } } # close row page.content <- paste0(page.content, " \n") } # ------------------------------------- # feedback... # ------------------------------------- page.content <- paste0(page.content, " \n") page.content <- paste0(page.content, sprintf(" \n \n") # ------------------------------------- # finish table # ------------------------------------- page.content <- paste(page.content, "\n
%s %s
", ncol(corr)+1)) page.content <- paste0(page.content, sprintf("Computed correlation used %s-method with %s-deletion.", corMethod, missingDeletion)) page.content <- paste0(page.content, "
") # ------------------------------------- # finish html page # ------------------------------------- toWrite <- paste(toWrite, page.content, "\n") toWrite <- paste0(toWrite, "") # ------------------------------------- # replace class attributes with inline style, # useful for knitr # ------------------------------------- # copy page content # ------------------------------------- knitr <- page.content # ------------------------------------- # set style attributes for main table tags # ------------------------------------- knitr <- gsub("class=", "style=", knitr) knitr <- gsub("