Raw File
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\title{PhD students in the EU}
\format{A data set on 32 compositions and 11 variables.}
PhD students in Europe based on the standard classification system splitted
by different kind of studies (given as percentages).
Due to unknown reasons the rowSums of the percentages is not always 100.

\item{\code{country }}{country of origin (German)}  
\item{\code{countryEN }}{country of origin (English)}    
\item{\code{country2 }}{country of origin, 2-digits}   
\item{\code{total }}{total phd students (in 1.000)}              
\item{\code{male }}{male phd students (in 1.000)}                   
\item{\code{female }}{total phd students (in 1.000)}               
\item{\code{technical }}{phd students in natural and technical sciences}
\item{\code{socio-economic-low }}{phd students in social sciences, economic sciences and law sciences}                    
\item{\code{human }}{phd students in human sciences including teaching}
\item{\code{health }}{phd students in health and life sciences}               
\item{\code{agriculture }}{phd students in agriculture} 


Hron, K. and Templ, M. and Filzmoser, P. (2010) Imputation of missing values for compositional data using classical and robust methods. \emph{Computational Statistics and Data Analysis}, vol 54 (12), pages 3095-3107.
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