Raw File
Tip revision: f7e35a2e3ef398191b9e49a57f80d514d8f880c1 authored by lauziere on 01 June 2022, 00:33:05 UTC
Tip revision: f7e35a2

import numpy as np
from scipy.spatial import distance

class BinaryHeap:

	def __init__(self, *args):

		nargin = len(locals())

		if nargin == 0:
			initialMaxSize = 1
			isMaxHeap = True
		elif nargin == 1:
			initialMaxSize = args[0]
			isMaxHeap = True
		elif nargin == 2:
			initialMaxSize = args[0]
			isMaxHeap = args[1]

		self.initialMaxSize = initialMaxSize
		self.heapArray = [0] + [KeyVal() for i in range(initialMaxSize)]
		self.numInHeap = 0
		self.isMaxHeap = isMaxHeap

	def __lt__(self, obj1, obj2):
		if isinstance(obj1, KeyVal) and isinstance(obj2, Keyval):
			val = obj1.key < obj2.key

		elif isinstance(obj1, KeyVal):
			val = obj1.key < obj2


		return val

	def __gt__(self, obj1, obj2):
		if isinstance(obj1, KeyVal) and isinstance(obj2, Keyval):
			val = obj1.key > obj2.key

		elif isinstance(obj1, KeyVal):
			val = obj1.key > obj2


		return val

	def heapSize(self):
		return self.numInHeap

	def isEmpty(self):
		return self.numInHeap==0

	def buildHeapFromKeysData(self, keyArray, dataArray):

		numKeys = keyArray.shape[0]
		self.numInHeap = numKeys
		self.heapArray[numKeys] = KeyVal

		for curKey in range(numKeys):
			self.heapArray[curKey] = KeyVal(keyArray[curKey], dataArray[curKey])

		idx = int(np.florr(self.numInHeap/2))

		while idx > 0:
			idx = idx - 1

	def insert(self, key, value):

		self.numInHeap = self.numInHeap + 1
		hole = self.numInHeap

		if self.isMaxHeap:
			while hole>0 and key>self.heapArray[hole//2]:
				self.heapArray[hole] = self.heapArray[hole//2]
				hole = hole//2
			while hole>0 and key<self.heapArray[hole//2]:
				self.heapArray[hole] = self.heapArray[hole//2]
				hole = hole//2

		self.heapArray[hole] = KeyVal(key, value).copy()

	def getTop(self):

		if self.numInHeap > 0:
			val = self.heapArray[1].copy()
			val = 0

		return val

	def deleteTop(self):

		if self.numInHeap == 0:
			val = 0
			return val

		val = self.heapArray[1]

		self.heapArray[1] = self.heapArray[self.numInHeap]
		self.numInHeap = self.numInHeap - 1


		return val

	def percolateDown(self, hole):

		temp = self.heapArray[hole]

		if self.isMaxHeap:

			while 2*hole <= self.numInHeap: 

				child = 2*hole

				if child != self.numInHeap and self.heapArray[child+1] > self.heapArray[child]:
					child = child + 1

				if self.heapArray[child] > temp:
					self.heapArray[hole] = self.heapArray[child]


				hole = child


			while 2*hole <= self.numInHeap:
				child = 2*hole

				if child != self.numInHeap and self.heapArray[child+1] < self.heapArray[child]:
					child = child + 1

				if self.heapArray[child] < temp:
					self.heapArray[hole] = self.heapArray[child].copy()

				hole = child

		self.heapArray[hole] = temp

class KeyVal:

	def __init__(self, *args):

		nargin = len(args)

		if nargin == 0:
			key = 0
			val = 0

		elif nargin == 1: 
			key = args[0]
			val = 0

		if nargin == 2:
			key = args[0]
			val = args[1]

		self.key = key
		self.value = val

	def __lt__(self, obj2):

		if isinstance(obj2, KeyVal):
			val = self.key < obj2.key

			val = self.key < obj2

		return val

	def __gt__(self, obj2):

		if isinstance(obj2, KeyVal):
			val = self.key > obj2.key

			val = self.key > obj2

		return val

	def copy(obj):

		objCopy = KeyVal(obj.key, obj.value)

		return objCopy

class MurtyData:

	def __init__(self, *args):
		nargin = len(args)
		if nargin == 2:

			A, numVarRow = args

			self.numVarRow = numVarRow

			numCol = A.shape[1]

			self.col4rowLCFull, self.row4colLCFull, self.gainFull, self.u, self.v = assign2DByCol(A)

			if self.gainFull != -1:

				self.activeRow = 0
				self.forbiddenActiveCol = np.zeros(numCol, 'bool')


			A, numVarRow, activeRow, forbiddenActiveCols, col4rowInit, row4colInit, col2Scan, uInit, vInit = args

			self.numVarRow = numVarRow

			self.col4rowLCFull, self.row4colLCFull, self.gainFull, self.u, self.v = ShortestPathUpdate(A, activeRow, forbiddenActiveCols, col4rowInit, row4colInit, col2Scan, uInit.copy(), vInit.copy())

			if self.gainFull != -1:
				self.activeRow = activeRow
				self.forbiddenActiveCol = forbiddenActiveCols.copy()
				self.forbiddenActiveCol[self.col4rowLCFull[activeRow]] = 1

		self.A = A

	def split(self, splitList):

		numCol = self.A.shape[1]

		col2Scan = self.col4rowLCFull[self.activeRow:].copy()

		for curRow in range(self.activeRow, self.numVarRow):

			if curRow == self.activeRow:

				forbiddenColumns = self.forbiddenActiveCol.copy()


				forbiddenColumns = np.zeros(numCol, 'bool')
				forbiddenColumns[self.col4rowLCFull[curRow]] = 1

			row4colInit = self.row4colLCFull.copy()
			col4rowInit = self.col4rowLCFull.copy()
			row4colInit[col4rowInit[curRow]] = 10000
			col4rowInit[curRow] = 10000

			splitHyp = MurtyData(self.A, self.numVarRow, curRow, forbiddenColumns, col4rowInit, row4colInit, col2Scan, self.u, self.v)

			if splitHyp.gainFull != -1:
				del splitHyp

			sel = col2Scan==self.col4rowLCFull[curRow]
			col2Scan = np.delete(col2Scan, sel)

	def __lt__(self, data2):

		if isinstance(data2, MurtyData):
			val = self.gainFull < data2.gainFull
			val = self.gainFull < data2

		return val

	def __gt__(self, data2):

		if isinstance(data2, MurtyData):
			val = self.gainFull > data2.gainFull

			val = self.gainFull > data2

		return val

	def disp(data):

		print('Data with col4rowLC:', data.col4rowLCFull, 'and gain:', data.gainFull)

def ShortestPathUpdate(C, activeRow, forbiddenActiveCols, col4row, row4col, col2Scan, u, v):

	numRow, numCol = C.shape
	numCol2Scan = len(col2Scan)

	ScannedRows = np.zeros(numRow, 'int')
	ScannedCol = np.zeros(numCol, 'int')

	sink = -1
	pred = np.zeros(numCol, 'int')
	delta = 0
	curRow = activeRow
	shortestPathCost = np.inf*np.ones(numCol)

	while sink == -1:

		ScannedRows[curRow] = 1

		minVal = np.inf

		for curColScan in range(numCol2Scan):
			curCol = col2Scan[curColScan]
			if curRow == activeRow and forbiddenActiveCols[curCol]==1:

			reducedCost = delta + C[curRow,curCol] - u[curRow] - v[curCol]

			if reducedCost<shortestPathCost[curCol]:
				pred[curCol] = curRow
				shortestPathCost[curCol] = reducedCost

			if shortestPathCost[curCol]<minVal:
				minVal = shortestPathCost[curCol]
				closestColScan = curColScan

		if np.isinf(minVal):
			return col4row, row4col, gain, u, v

		closestCol = col2Scan[closestColScan]

		ScannedCol[closestCol] = 1
		numCol2Scan = numCol2Scan - 1
		col2Scan = np.delete(col2Scan, closestColScan)

		delta = shortestPathCost[closestCol]

		if row4col[closestCol]==10000:

	u[activeRow] = u[activeRow] + delta
	sel = ScannedRows != 0
	sel[activeRow] = 0
	u[sel] = u[sel] + delta - shortestPathCost[col4row[sel]]

	sel = ScannedCol != 0
	v[sel] = v[sel] - delta + shortestPathCost[sel]

	j = sink
	while True:
		i = pred[j]
		row4col[j] = i
		h = col4row[i]
		col4row[i] = j
		j = h

		if i==activeRow:

	gain = 0
	for curRow in range(numRow):
		gain = gain + C[curRow, col4row[curRow]]

	return col4row, row4col, gain, u, v

def kBest2DAssign(*args):

	nargin = len(locals())

	if nargin<3:
		C, k = args

	elif nargin==3:
		C, k, maximize = args

	numRow, numCol = C.shape

	if maximize:
		CDelta = np.max(C)
		C = -C + CDelta
		CDelta = np.min(C)
		C = C - CDelta

	didFlip = False
	if numRow>numCol:
		C = C.T
		temp = numRow
		numRow = numCol
		numCol = temp
		didFlip = True

	col4rowBest = np.zeros((numRow, k), 'int')
	row4colBest = np.zeros((numCol, k), 'int')
	gainBest = np.zeros(k)

	numPad = numCol - numRow
	C = np.concatenate([C, np.zeros((numPad, numCol))], axis=0)

	LCHyp = MurtyData(C, numRow)

	if LCHyp.gainFull == -1:
		col4rowBest = []
		row4colBest = []
		gainBest = -1

		return col4rowBest, row4colBest, gainBest

	col4rowBest[:,0] = LCHyp.col4rowLCFull[:numRow].copy()
	row4colBest[:,0] = LCHyp.row4colLCFull.copy()
	gainBest[0] = LCHyp.gainFull
	HypList = BinaryHeap(50*k, False)
	HypList.insert(LCHyp, 0)

	for curSweep in range(1, k):

		smallestSol = HypList.deleteTop()
		smallestSol = HypList.getTop()

		if HypList.heapSize() != 0:

			col4rowBest[:,curSweep] = smallestSol.key.col4rowLCFull[:numRow]
			row4colBest[:,curSweep] = smallestSol.key.row4colLCFull
			gainBest[curSweep] = smallestSol.key.gainFull
			row4colBest = row4colBest[:,:curSweep-1]
			gainBest = gainBest[:curSweep-1]


	del HypList

	if numPad>0:
		sel = row4colBest>numRow-1
		row4colBest[sel] = -1

	if maximize:
		gainBest = -gainBest + CDelta*numRow
		gainBest = gainBest+CDelta*numRow

	if didFlip:
		temp = row4colBest.copy()
		row4colBest = col4rowBest.copy()
		col4rowBest = temp.copy()

	return col4rowBest, row4colBest, gainBest

def assign2DByCol(C, maximize=False):

	nargin = len(locals())

	if nargin < 2:
		maximize = False

	numRow, numCol = C.shape

	if maximize:
		CDelta = np.max(C)
		C = -C + CDelta 
		CDelta = np.min(C)
		C = C - CDelta

	didFlip = False
	if numRow > numCol:
		C = C.T
		temp = numRow
		numRow = numCol
		numCol = temp
		didFlip = True

	col4row = -1*np.ones(numRow, 'int')
	row4col = -1*np.ones(numCol, 'int')

	u = np.zeros(numRow)
	v = np.zeros(numCol)

	for curUnassRow in range(numRow):

		sink, pred, u, v = ShortestPath(curUnassRow, u, v, C, col4row, row4col)

		if sink == -1:

			col4row = []
			row4col = []
			gain = -1

			return (col4row, row4col, gain, u, v)

		j = sink
		while True:

			i = pred[j]
			row4col[j] = i
			h = col4row[i]
			col4row[i] = j
			j = h

			if i == curUnassRow:
	gain = 0

	for curRow in range(numRow):
		gain = gain + C[curRow, col4row[curRow]]

	if maximize:
		gain = -gain + CDelta*numRow
		gain = gain + CDelta*numRow

	if didFlip:
		temp = row4col
		row4col = col4row
		col4row = temp

		temp = u
		u = v
		v = temp

	return col4row, row4col, gain, u, v

def ShortestPath(curUnassRow, u, v, C, col4row, row4col):

	numRow, numCol = C.shape
	pred = np.zeros(numCol, 'int')
	ScannedRows = np.zeros(numRow, 'int')
	ScannedCol = np.zeros(numCol, 'int')
	Col2Scan = np.arange(numCol)
	numCol2Scan = numCol

	sink = -1
	delta = 0
	curRow = curUnassRow
	shortestPathCost = np.inf*np.ones(numCol)

	while sink == -1:

		ScannedRows[curRow] = 1

		minVal = np.inf

		for curColScan in range(numCol2Scan):

			curCol = Col2Scan[curColScan]

			reducedCost = delta + C[curRow, curCol] - u[curRow] - v[curCol]

			if reducedCost < shortestPathCost[curCol]:
				pred[curCol] = curRow
				shortestPathCost[curCol] = reducedCost

			if shortestPathCost[curCol] < minVal:
				minVal = shortestPathCost[curCol]
				closestColScan = curColScan

		if np.isinf(minVal):

			sink = -1

			return sink, pred, u, v

		closestCol = Col2Scan[closestColScan]

		ScannedCol[closestCol] = 1
		numCol2Scan = numCol2Scan - 1

		Col2Scan = np.delete(Col2Scan, closestColScan)

		delta = shortestPathCost[closestCol]

		if row4col[closestCol] == -1:
			sink = closestCol
			curRow = row4col[closestCol]

	u[curUnassRow] = u[curUnassRow] + delta
	sel = ScannedRows != 0
	sel[curUnassRow] = 0
	u[sel] = u[sel] + delta - shortestPathCost[col4row[sel]]

	sel = ScannedCol != 0
	v[sel] = v[sel] - delta + shortestPathCost[sel]

	return sink, pred, u, v

def Murty_mat_MSC(in_arr, out_arr, rad):

	N = in_arr.shape[0]
	M = out_arr.shape[0]

	C = distance.cdist(in_arr, out_arr)
	gate = 1e6*np.ones((N,N))
	np.fill_diagonal(gate, rad)
	C_aug = np.hstack((C,gate))

	return C_aug

def Murty_MSC(C, K):

	col4row, row4col, gain = kBest2DAssign(C, K)

	N = C.shape[0]
	rows = np.zeros((N, K), 'int')
	cols = np.zeros((N, K), 'int')
	for i in range(K):
	    for j in range(N):
	        rows[j,i] = j
	        cols[j,i] = col4row[j,i]

	return gain, rows.T, cols.T
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