Raw File
Processing adj.all...
Processing adj.pert...
Processing adv.all...
Processing noun.Tops...
noun.Tops, line 7: warning: No hypernyms in synset
Processing noun.act...
Processing noun.animal...
Processing noun.artifact...
Processing noun.attribute...
Processing noun.body...
Processing noun.cognition...
Processing noun.communication...
Processing noun.event...
Processing noun.feeling...
Processing noun.food...
Processing noun.group...
Processing noun.location...
Processing noun.motive...
Processing noun.object...
Processing noun.person...
Processing noun.phenomenon...
Processing noun.plant...
Processing noun.possession...
Processing noun.process...
Processing noun.quantity...
Processing noun.relation...
Processing noun.shape...
Processing noun.state...
Processing noun.substance...
Processing noun.time...
Processing verb.body...
Processing verb.change...
Processing verb.cognition...
Processing verb.communication...
Processing verb.competition...
Processing verb.consumption...
Processing verb.contact...
Processing verb.creation...
Processing verb.emotion...
Processing verb.motion...
Processing verb.perception...
Processing verb.possession...
Processing verb.social...
Processing verb.stative...
Processing verb.weather...
Processing adj.ppl...

*** Statistics for ground files:

81426 noun synsets
13650 verb synsets
3879 adj synsets
3644 adv synsets
3687 pertainym synsets
11311 adjective satellite synsets
117597 synsets in total (including satellite and pertainym synsets)
81426 noun synsets have definitional glosses
13650 verb synsets have definitional glosses
3879 adj synsets have definitional glosses
3644 adv synsets have definitional glosses
3687 pertainym synsets have definitional glosses
11311 adjective satellite synsets have definitional glosses
117597 definitional glosses in total (including adjective satellite synsets)
221100 pointers in total
207018 synonyms in synsets
147249 unique word phrases
83312 word phrases of length 1
54343 word phrases of length 2
7724 word phrases of length 3
1440 word phrases of length 4
294 word phrases of length 5
79 word phrases of length 6
28 word phrases of length 7
20 word phrases of length 8
9 word phrases of length 9

Resolving pointers...
Done resolving pointers...
Getting sense counts...
Done with sense counts...
Figuring out byte offsets...
Dumping data files...
Done dumping data files...
Reading cntlist...
Done reading cntlist
Dumping index files...
Done dumping index files...
Dumping sense index...
Done dumping sense index...
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