Raw File

// The file is meant to be included multiple times, to produce different
// pieces of declaration/definition code related to diagnostic messages
// Each diagnostic is declared here with:
//     DIAGNOSTIC(id, severity, name, messageFormat)
// Where `id` is the unique diagnostic ID, `severity` is the default
// severity (from the `Severity` enum), `name` is a name used to refer
// to this diagnostic from code, and `messageFormat` is the default
// (non-localized) message for the diagnostic, with placeholders
// for any arguments.

#error Need to #define DIAGNOSTIC(...) before including "DiagnosticDefs.h"
#define DIAGNOSTIC(id, severity, name, messageFormat) /* */

// -1 - Notes that decorate another diagnostic.

DIAGNOSTIC(-1, Note, alsoSeePipelineDefinition, "also see pipeline definition");
DIAGNOSTIC(-1, Note, implicitParameterMatchingFailedBecauseNameNotAccessible, "implicit parameter matching failed because the component of the same name is not accessible from '$0'.\ncheck if you have declared necessary requirements and properly used the 'public' qualifier.")
DIAGNOSTIC(-1, Note, implicitParameterMatchingFailedBecauseShaderDoesNotDefineComponent, "implicit parameter matching failed because shader '$0' does not define component '$1'.")
DIAGNOSTIC(-1, Note, implicitParameterMatchingFailedBecauseTypeMismatch, "implicit parameter matching failed because the component of the same name does not match parameter type '$0'.")
DIAGNOSTIC(-1, Note, noteShaderIsTargetingPipeine, "shader '$0' is targeting pipeline '$1'")
DIAGNOSTIC(-1, Note, seeDefinitionOf, "see definition of '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(-1, Note, seeInterfaceDefinitionOf, "see interface definition of '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(-1, Note, seeUsingOf, "see using of '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(-1, Note, seeDefinitionOfShader, "see definition of shader '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(-1, Note, seeInclusionOf, "see inclusion of '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(-1, Note, seeModuleBeingUsedIn, "see module '$0' being used in '$1'")
DIAGNOSTIC(-1, Note, seePipelineRequirementDefinition, "see pipeline requirement definition")
DIAGNOSTIC(-1, Note, seePotentialDefinitionOfComponent, "see potential definition of component '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(-1, Note, seePreviousDefinition, "see previous definition")
DIAGNOSTIC(-1, Note, seePreviousDefinitionOf, "see previous definition of '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(-1, Note, seeRequirementDeclaration, "see requirement declaration")
DIAGNOSTIC(-1, Note, doYouForgetToMakeComponentAccessible, "do you forget to make component '$0' acessible from '$1' (missing public qualifier)?")

DIAGNOSTIC(-1, Note, seeDeclarationOf, "see declaration of '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(-1, Note, seeOtherDeclarationOf, "see other declaration of '$0'")

// 0xxxx -  Command line and interaction with host platform APIs.

DIAGNOSTIC(    1, Error, cannotOpenFile, "cannot open file '$0'.")
DIAGNOSTIC(    2, Error, cannotFindFile, "cannot find file '$0'.")
DIAGNOSTIC(    2, Error, unsupportedCompilerMode, "unsupported compiler mode.")
DIAGNOSTIC(    4, Error, cannotWriteOutputFile, "cannot write output file '$0'.")
DIAGNOSTIC(    5, Error, failedToLoadDynamicLibrary, "failed to load dynamic library '$0'")

DIAGNOSTIC(    6, Error, tooManyOutputPathsSpecified,
    "$0 output paths specified, but only $1 entry points given")

DIAGNOSTIC(    6, Error, noOutputPathSpecifiedForEntryPoint,
    "no output path specified for entry point '$0' (the '-o' option for an entry point must precede the corresponding '-entry')")

DIAGNOSTIC(    6, Error, outputPathsImplyDifferentFormats,
    "the output paths '$0' and '$1' require different code-generation targets")

DIAGNOSTIC(    6, Error, cannotDeduceOutputFormatFromPath,
    "cannot deduce an output format from the output path '$0'")

DIAGNOSTIC(    6, Error, explicitOutputPathsAndMultipleTargets,
    "canot use both explicit output paths ('-o') and multiple targets ('-target')")

DIAGNOSTIC(    7, Error, glslIsNotSupported,
    "the Slang compiler does not support GLSL as a source language");

// 1xxxx - Lexical anaylsis

DIAGNOSTIC(10000, Error, illegalCharacterPrint, "illegal character '$0'");
DIAGNOSTIC(10000, Error, illegalCharacterHex, "illegal character (0x$0)");
DIAGNOSTIC(10001, Error, illegalCharacterLiteral, "illegal character literal");

DIAGNOSTIC(10002, Warning, octalLiteral, "'0' prefix indicates octal literal")
DIAGNOSTIC(10003, Error, invalidDigitForBase, "invalid digit for base-$1 literal: '$0'")

DIAGNOSTIC(10004, Error, endOfFileInLiteral, "end of file in literal");
DIAGNOSTIC(10005, Error, newlineInLiteral, "newline in literal");

// 15xxx - Preprocessing

// 150xx - conditionals
DIAGNOSTIC(15000, Error, endOfFileInPreprocessorConditional, "end of file encountered during preprocessor conditional")
DIAGNOSTIC(15001, Error, directiveWithoutIf, "'$0' directive without '#if'")
DIAGNOSTIC(15002, Error, directiveAfterElse , "'$0' directive without '#if'")

DIAGNOSTIC(-1, Note, seeDirective, "see '$0' directive")

// 151xx - directive parsing
DIAGNOSTIC(15100, Error, expectedPreprocessorDirectiveName, "expected preprocessor directive name")
DIAGNOSTIC(15101, Error, unknownPreprocessorDirective, "unknown preprocessor directive '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(15102, Error, expectedTokenInPreprocessorDirective, "expected '$0' in '$1' directive")
DIAGNOSTIC(15102, Error, expected2TokensInPreprocessorDirective, "expected '$0' or '$1' in '$2' directive")
DIAGNOSTIC(15103, Error, unexpectedTokensAfterDirective, "unexpected tokens following '$0' directive")

// 152xx - preprocessor expressions
DIAGNOSTIC(15200, Error, expectedTokenInPreprocessorExpression, "expected '$0' in preprocessor expression");
DIAGNOSTIC(15201, Error, syntaxErrorInPreprocessorExpression, "syntax error in preprocessor expression");
DIAGNOSTIC(15202, Error, divideByZeroInPreprocessorExpression, "division by zero in preprocessor expression");
DIAGNOSTIC(15203, Error, expectedTokenInDefinedExpression, "expected '$0' in 'defined' expression");
DIAGNOSTIC(15204, Warning, directiveExpectsExpression, "'$0' directive requires an expression");

DIAGNOSTIC(-1, Note, seeOpeningToken, "see opening '$0'")

// 153xx - #include
DIAGNOSTIC(15300, Error, includeFailed, "failed to find include file '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(15301, Error, importFailed, "failed to find imported file '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(-1, Error, noIncludeHandlerSpecified, "no `#include` handler was specified")

// 154xx - macro definition
DIAGNOSTIC(15400, Warning, macroRedefinition, "redefinition of macro '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(15401, Warning, macroNotDefined, "macro '$0' is not defined")
DIAGNOSTIC(15403, Error, expectedTokenInMacroParameters, "expected '$0' in macro parameters")

// 155xx - macro expansion
DIAGNOSTIC(15500, Warning, expectedTokenInMacroArguments, "expected '$0' in macro invocation")
DIAGNOSTIC(15501, Error, wrongNumberOfArgumentsToMacro, "wrong number of arguments to macro (expected $0, got $1)")

// 159xx - user-defined error/warning
DIAGNOSTIC(15900, Error,    userDefinedError,   "#error: $0")
DIAGNOSTIC(15901, Warning,  userDefinedWarning, "#warning: $0")

// 2xxxx - Parsing

DIAGNOSTIC(20003, Error, unexpectedToken, "unexpected $0");
DIAGNOSTIC(20001, Error, unexpectedTokenExpectedTokenType, "unexpected $0, expected $1");
DIAGNOSTIC(20001, Error, unexpectedTokenExpectedTokenName, "unexpected $0, expected '$1'");

DIAGNOSTIC(0, Error, tokenNameExpectedButEOF, "\"$0\" expected but end of file encountered.");
DIAGNOSTIC(0, Error, tokenTypeExpectedButEOF, "$0 expected but end of file encountered.");
DIAGNOSTIC(20001, Error, tokenNameExpected, "\"$0\" expected");
DIAGNOSTIC(20001, Error, tokenNameExpectedButEOF2, "\"$0\" expected but end of file encountered.");
DIAGNOSTIC(20001, Error, tokenTypeExpected, "$0 expected");
DIAGNOSTIC(20001, Error, tokenTypeExpectedButEOF2, "$0 expected but end of file encountered.");
DIAGNOSTIC(20001, Error, typeNameExpectedBut, "unexpected $0, expected type name");
DIAGNOSTIC(20001, Error, typeNameExpectedButEOF, "type name expected but end of file encountered.");
DIAGNOSTIC(20001, Error, unexpectedEOF, " Unexpected end of file.");
DIAGNOSTIC(20002, Error, syntaxError, "syntax error.");
DIAGNOSTIC(20004, Error, unexpectedTokenExpectedComponentDefinition, "unexpected token '$0', only component definitions are allowed in a shader scope.")
DIAGNOSTIC(20008, Error, invalidOperator, "invalid operator '$0'.");
DIAGNOSTIC(20011, Error, unexpectedColon, "unexpected ':'.")

// 3xxxx - Semantic analysis

DIAGNOSTIC(30001, Error, functionRedefinitionWithArgList, "'$0$1': function redefinition.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30002, Error, parameterAlreadyDefined, "parameter '$0' already defined.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30003, Error, breakOutsideLoop, "'break' must appear inside loop constructs.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30004, Error, continueOutsideLoop, "'continue' must appear inside loop constructs.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30005, Error, whilePredicateTypeError, "'while': expression must evaluate to int.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30006, Error, ifPredicateTypeError,  "'if': expression must evaluate to int.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30006, Error, returnNeedsExpression, "'return' should have an expression.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30007, Error, componentReturnTypeMismatch, "expression type '$0' does not match component's type '$1'")
DIAGNOSTIC(30007, Error, functionReturnTypeMismatch, "expression type '$0' does not match function's return type '$1'")
DIAGNOSTIC(30008, Error, variableNameAlreadyDefined, "variable $0 already defined.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30009, Error, invalidTypeVoid, "invalid type 'void'.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30010, Error, whilePredicateTypeError2, "'while': expression must evaluate to int.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30011, Error, assignNonLValue, "left of '=' is not an l-value.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30012, Error, noApplicationUnaryOperator, "no overload found for operator $0 ($1).")
DIAGNOSTIC(30012, Error, noOverloadFoundForBinOperatorOnTypes, "no overload found for operator $0  ($1, $2).")
DIAGNOSTIC(30013, Error, subscriptNonArray, "no subscript operation found for  type '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(30014, Error, subscriptIndexNonInteger, "index expression must evaluate to int.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30015, Error, undefinedIdentifier, "'$0': undefined identifier.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30015, Error, undefinedIdentifier2, "undefined identifier '$0'.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30017, Error, componentNotAccessibleFromShader, "component '$0' is not accessible from shader '$1'.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30019, Error, typeMismatch, "expected an expression of type '$0', got '$1'")
DIAGNOSTIC(30020, Error, importOperatorReturnTypeMismatch, "import operator should return '$1', but the expression has type '$0''. do you forget 'project'?")
DIAGNOSTIC(30021, Error, noApplicationFunction, "$0: no overload takes arguments ($1)")
DIAGNOSTIC(30022, Error, invalidTypeCast, "invalid type cast between \"$0\" and \"$1\".")
DIAGNOSTIC(30023, Error, typeHasNoPublicMemberOfName, "\"$0\" does not have public member \"$1\".");
DIAGNOSTIC(30025, Error, invalidArraySize, "array size must be larger than zero.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30026, Error, returnInComponentMustComeLast, "'return' can only appear as the last statement in component definition.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30027, Error, noMemberOfNameInType, "'$0' is not a member of '$1'.");
DIAGNOSTIC(30028, Error, forPredicateTypeError, "'for': predicate expression must evaluate to bool.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30030, Error, projectionOutsideImportOperator, "'project': invalid use outside import operator.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30031, Error, projectTypeMismatch, "'project': expression must evaluate to record type '$0'.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30033, Error, invalidTypeForLocalVariable, "cannot declare a local variable of this type.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30035, Error, componentOverloadTypeMismatch, "'$0': type of overloaded component mismatches previous definition.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30041, Error, bitOperationNonIntegral, "bit operation: operand must be integral type.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30047, Error, argumentExpectedLValue, "argument passed to parameter '$0' must be l-value.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30048, Note,  implicitCastUsedAsLValue, "argument was implicitly cast from '$0' to '$1', and Slang does not support using an implicit cast as an l-value")

DIAGNOSTIC(30051, Error, invalidValueForArgument, "invalid value for argument '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(30052, Error, invalidSwizzleExpr, "invalid swizzle pattern '$0' on type '$1'")
DIAGNOSTIC(33070, Error, expectedFunction, "expression preceding parenthesis of apparent call must have function type.")

DIAGNOSTIC(33071, Error, expectedAStringLiteral, "expected a string literal")

// Attributes
DIAGNOSTIC(31000, Error, unknownAttributeName, "unknown attribute '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(31001, Error, attributeArgumentCountMismatch, "attribute '$0' expects $1 arguments ($2 provided)")
DIAGNOSTIC(31001, Error, attributeNotApplicable, "attribute '$0' is not valid here")

DIAGNOSTIC(31100, Error, unknownStageName,  "unknown stage name '$0'")

// 303xx: interfaces and associated types
DIAGNOSTIC(30300, Error, assocTypeInInterfaceOnly, "'associatedtype' can only be defined in an 'interface'.")
DIAGNOSTIC(30301, Error, globalGenParamInGlobalScopeOnly, "'__generic_param' can only be defined global scope.")
// TODO: need to assign numbers to all these extra diagnostics...
DIAGNOSTIC(39999, Fatal, cyclicReference, "cyclic reference '$0'.")
DIAGNOSTIC(39999, Fatal, localVariableUsedBeforeDeclared, "local variable '$0' is being used before its declaration.")

DIAGNOSTIC(39999, Error, expectedIntegerConstantWrongType, "expected integer constant (found: '$0')")
DIAGNOSTIC(39999, Error, expectedIntegerConstantNotConstant, "expression does not evaluate to a compile-time constant")
DIAGNOSTIC(39999, Error, expectedIntegerConstantNotLiteral, "could not extract value from integer constant")

DIAGNOSTIC(39999, Error, noApplicableOverloadForNameWithArgs, "no overload for '$0' applicable to arguments of type $1")
DIAGNOSTIC(39999, Error, noApplicableWithArgs, "no overload applicable to arguments of type $0")

DIAGNOSTIC(39999, Error, ambiguousOverloadForNameWithArgs, "ambiguous call to '$0' operation with arguments of type $1")
DIAGNOSTIC(39999, Error, ambiguousOverloadWithArgs, "ambiguous call to overloaded operation with arguments of type $0")

DIAGNOSTIC(39999, Note, overloadCandidate, "candidate: $0")
DIAGNOSTIC(39999, Note, moreOverloadCandidates, "$0 more overload candidates")

DIAGNOSTIC(39999, Error, caseOutsideSwitch, "'case' not allowed outside of a 'switch' statement")
DIAGNOSTIC(39999, Error, defaultOutsideSwitch, "'default' not allowed outside of a 'switch' statement")

DIAGNOSTIC(39999, Error, expectedAGeneric, "expected a generic when using '<...>' (found: '$0')")

DIAGNOSTIC(39999, Error, genericArgumentInferenceFailed, "could not specialize generic for arguments of type $0")
DIAGNOSTIC(39999, Note, genericSignatureTried, "see declaration of $0")

DIAGNOSTIC(39999, Error, expectedAnInterfaceGot, "expected an interface, got '$0'")

DIAGNOSTIC(39999, Error, ambiguousReference, "amiguous reference to '$0'");

DIAGNOSTIC(39999, Error, declarationDidntDeclareAnything, "declaration does not declare anything");

DIAGNOSTIC(39999, Error, expectedPrefixOperator, "function called as prefix operator was not declared `__prefix`")
DIAGNOSTIC(39999, Error, expectedPostfixOperator, "function called as postfix operator was not declared `__postfix`")

DIAGNOSTIC(39999, Error, notEnoughArguments, "not enough arguments to call (got $0, expected $1)")
DIAGNOSTIC(39999, Error, tooManyArguments, "too many arguments to call (got $0, expected $1)")

DIAGNOSTIC(39999, Error, invalidIntegerLiteralSuffix, "invalid suffix '$0' on integer literal")
DIAGNOSTIC(39999, Error, invalidFloatingPOintLiteralSuffix, "invalid suffix '$0' on floating-point literal")

DIAGNOSTIC(39999, Error, conflictingExplicitBindingsForParameter, "conflicting explicit bindings for parameter '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(39999, Warning, parameterBindingsOverlap, "explicit binding for parameter '$0' overlaps with parameter '$1'")

DIAGNOSTIC(39999, Error, shaderParameterDeclarationsDontMatch, "declarations of shader parameter '$0' in different translation units don't match")

DIAGNOSTIC(39999, Note, shaderParameterTypeMismatch, "type is declared as '$0' in one translation unit, and '$0' in another")
DIAGNOSTIC(39999, Note, fieldTypeMisMatch, "type of field '$0' is declared as '$1' in one translation unit, and '$2' in another")
DIAGNOSTIC(39999, Note, fieldDeclarationsDontMatch, "type '$0' is declared with different fields in each translation unit")
DIAGNOSTIC(39999, Note, usedInDeclarationOf, "used in declaration of '$0'")

DIAGNOSTIC(38000, Error, entryPointFunctionNotFound, "no function found matching entry point name '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(38001, Error, ambiguousEntryPoint, "more than one function matches entry point name '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(38002, Note, entryPointCandidate, "see candidate declaration for entry point '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(38003, Error, entryPointSymbolNotAFunction, "entry point '$0' must be declared as a function")

DIAGNOSTIC(38004, Error, entryPointTypeParameterNotFound, "no type found matching entry-point type parameter name '$0'")
DIAGNOSTIC(38005, Error, entryPointTypeSymbolNotAType, "entry-point type parameter '$0' must be declared as a type")

DIAGNOSTIC(38100, Error, typeDoesntImplementInterfaceRequirement, "type '$0' does not provide required interface member '$1'")
DIAGNOSTIC(38101, Error, thisExpressionOutsideOfTypeDecl, "'this' expression can only be used in members of an aggregate type")
DIAGNOSTIC(38102, Error, initializerNotInsideType, "an 'init' declaration is only allowed inside a type or 'extension' declaration")
DIAGNOSTIC(38102, Error, accessorMustBeInsideSubscriptOrProperty, "an accessor declaration is only allowed inside a subscript or property declaration")

DIAGNOSTIC(38020, Error, mismatchEntryPointTypeArgument, "expecting $0 entry-point type arguments, provided $1.")
DIAGNOSTIC(38021, Error, typeArgumentDoesNotConformToInterface, "type argument `$1` for generic parameter `$0` does not conform to interface `$1`.")

DIAGNOSTIC(38200, Error, recursiveModuleImport, "module `$0` recursively imports itself")
DIAGNOSTIC(39999, Fatal, errorInImportedModule, "error in imported module, compilation ceased.")

// 4xxxx - IL code generation.
DIAGNOSTIC(40001, Error, bindingAlreadyOccupiedByComponent, "resource binding location '$0' is already occupied by component '$1'.")
DIAGNOSTIC(40002, Error, invalidBindingValue, "binding location '$0' is out of valid range.")
DIAGNOSTIC(40003, Error, bindingExceedsLimit, "binding location '$0' assigned to component '$1' exceeds maximum limit.")
DIAGNOSTIC(40004, Error, bindingAlreadyOccupiedByModule, "DescriptorSet ID '$0' is already occupied by module instance '$1'.")
DIAGNOSTIC(40005, Error, topLevelModuleUsedWithoutSpecifyingBinding, "top level module '$0' is being used without specifying binding location. Use [Binding: \"index\"] attribute to provide a binding location.")

DIAGNOSTIC(49999, Error, unknownSystemValueSemantic, "unknown system-value semantic '$0'")

DIAGNOSTIC(40006, Error, needCompileTimeConstant, "expected a compile-time constant")

DIAGNOSTIC(40007, Internal, irValidationFailed, "IR validation failed: $0")

// 5xxxx - Target code generation.
DIAGNOSTIC(50020, Error, invalidTessCoordType,          "TessCoord must have vec2 or vec3 type.")
DIAGNOSTIC(50020, Error, invalidFragCoordType,          "FragCoord must be a vec4.")
DIAGNOSTIC(50020, Error, invalidInvocationIdType,       "InvocationId must have int type.")
DIAGNOSTIC(50020, Error, invalidThreadIdType,           "ThreadId must have int type.")
DIAGNOSTIC(50020, Error, invalidPrimitiveIdType,        "PrimitiveId must have int type.")
DIAGNOSTIC(50020, Error, invalidPatchVertexCountType,    "PatchVertexCount must have int type.")
DIAGNOSTIC(50022, Error, worldIsNotDefined, "world '$0' is not defined.");
DIAGNOSTIC(50023, Error, stageShouldProvideWorldAttribute, "'$0' should provide 'World' attribute.");
DIAGNOSTIC(50040, Error, componentHasInvalidTypeForPositionOutput, "'$0': component used as 'loc' output must be of vec4 type.")
DIAGNOSTIC(50041, Error, componentNotDefined, "'$0': component not defined.")

DIAGNOSTIC(50052, Error, domainShaderRequiresControlPointCount, "'DomainShader' requires attribute 'ControlPointCount'.");
DIAGNOSTIC(50052, Error, hullShaderRequiresControlPointCount, "'HullShader' requires attribute 'ControlPointCount'.")
DIAGNOSTIC(50052, Error, hullShaderRequiresControlPointWorld, "'HullShader' requires attribute 'ControlPointWorld'.");
DIAGNOSTIC(50052, Error, hullShaderRequiresCornerPointWorld, "'HullShader' requires attribute 'CornerPointWorld'.");
DIAGNOSTIC(50052, Error, hullShaderRequiresDomain, "'HullShader' requires attribute 'Domain'.");
DIAGNOSTIC(50052, Error, hullShaderRequiresInputControlPointCount, "'HullShader' requires attribute 'InputControlPointCount'.")
DIAGNOSTIC(50052, Error, hullShaderRequiresOutputTopology, "'HullShader' requires attribute 'OutputTopology'.")
DIAGNOSTIC(50052, Error, hullShaderRequiresPartitioning, "'HullShader' requires attribute 'Partitioning'.")
DIAGNOSTIC(50052, Error, hullShaderRequiresPatchWorld, "'HullShader' requires attribute 'PatchWorld'.");
DIAGNOSTIC(50052, Error, hullShaderRequiresTessLevelInner, "'HullShader' requires attribute 'TessLevelInner'.")
DIAGNOSTIC(50052, Error, hullShaderRequiresTessLevelOuter, "'HullShader' requires attribute 'TessLevelOuter'.")

DIAGNOSTIC(50053, Error, invalidTessellationDomian, "'Domain' should be either 'triangles' or 'quads'.");
DIAGNOSTIC(50053, Error, invalidTessellationOutputTopology, "'OutputTopology' must be one of: 'point', 'line', 'triangle_cw', or 'triangle_ccw'.");
DIAGNOSTIC(50053, Error, invalidTessellationPartitioning, "'Partitioning' must be one of: 'integer', 'pow2', 'fractional_even', or 'fractional_odd'.")
DIAGNOSTIC(50053, Error, invalidTessellationDomain,     "'Domain' should be either 'triangles' or 'quads'.")

DIAGNOSTIC(50082, Error, importingFromPackedBufferUnsupported, "importing type '$0' from PackedBuffer is not supported by the GLSL backend.")
DIAGNOSTIC(51090, Error, cannotGenerateCodeForExternComponentType, "cannot generate code for extern component type '$0'.")
DIAGNOSTIC(51091, Error, typeCannotBePlacedInATexture, "type '$0' cannot be placed in a texture.")
DIAGNOSTIC(51092, Error, stageDoesntHaveInputWorld, "'$0' doesn't appear to have any input world");

// 99999 - Internal compiler errors, and not-yet-classified diagnostics.

DIAGNOSTIC(99999, Internal, unimplemented, "unimplemented feature in Slang compiler: $0")
DIAGNOSTIC(99999, Internal, unexpected, "unexpected condition encountered in Slang compiler: $0")
DIAGNOSTIC(99999, Internal, internalCompilerError, "Slang internal compiler error")
DIAGNOSTIC(99999, Error, compilationAborted, "Slang compilation aborted due to internal error");
DIAGNOSTIC(99999, Error, compilationAbortedDueToException, "Slang compilation aborted due to an exception of $0: $1");
DIAGNOSTIC(99999, Note, noteLocationOfInternalError, "the Slang compiler threw an exception while working on code near this location");

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