# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license # This type must be kept in sync with the C struct in src/gc.h struct GC_Num allocd ::Int64 # GC internal deferred_alloc ::Int64 # GC internal freed ::Int64 # GC internal malloc ::Int64 realloc ::Int64 poolalloc ::Int64 bigalloc ::Int64 freecall ::Int64 total_time ::Int64 total_allocd ::Int64 # GC internal since_sweep ::Int64 # GC internal collect ::Csize_t # GC internal pause ::Cint full_sweep ::Cint end gc_num() = ccall(:jl_gc_num, GC_Num, ()) # This type is to represent differences in the counters, so fields may be negative struct GC_Diff allocd ::Int64 # Bytes allocated malloc ::Int64 # Number of GC aware malloc() realloc ::Int64 # Number of GC aware realloc() poolalloc ::Int64 # Number of pool allocation bigalloc ::Int64 # Number of big (non-pool) allocation freecall ::Int64 # Number of GC aware free() total_time ::Int64 # Time spent in garbage collection pause ::Int64 # Number of GC pauses full_sweep ::Int64 # Number of GC full collection end gc_total_bytes(gc_num::GC_Num) = gc_num.allocd + gc_num.deferred_alloc + gc_num.total_allocd function GC_Diff(new::GC_Num, old::GC_Num) # logic from `src/gc.c:jl_gc_total_bytes` old_allocd = gc_total_bytes(old) new_allocd = gc_total_bytes(new) return GC_Diff(new_allocd - old_allocd, new.malloc - old.malloc, new.realloc - old.realloc, new.poolalloc - old.poolalloc, new.bigalloc - old.bigalloc, new.freecall - old.freecall, new.total_time - old.total_time, new.pause - old.pause, new.full_sweep - old.full_sweep) end function gc_alloc_count(diff::GC_Diff) diff.malloc + diff.realloc + diff.poolalloc + diff.bigalloc end # cumulative total time spent on compilation, in nanoseconds cumulative_compile_time_ns_before() = ccall(:jl_cumulative_compile_time_ns_before, UInt64, ()) cumulative_compile_time_ns_after() = ccall(:jl_cumulative_compile_time_ns_after, UInt64, ()) # total time spend in garbage collection, in nanoseconds gc_time_ns() = ccall(:jl_gc_total_hrtime, UInt64, ()) """ Base.gc_live_bytes() Return the total size (in bytes) of objects currently in memory. This is computed as the total size of live objects after the last garbage collection, plus the number of bytes allocated since then. """ function gc_live_bytes() num = gc_num() Int(ccall(:jl_gc_live_bytes, Int64, ())) + num.allocd + num.deferred_alloc end """ Base.jit_total_bytes() Return the total amount (in bytes) allocated by the just-in-time compiler for e.g. native code and data. """ function jit_total_bytes() return Int(ccall(:jl_jit_total_bytes, Csize_t, ())) end # print elapsed time, return expression value const _mem_units = ["byte", "KiB", "MiB", "GiB", "TiB", "PiB"] const _cnt_units = ["", " k", " M", " G", " T", " P"] function prettyprint_getunits(value, numunits, factor) if value == 0 || value == 1 return (value, 1) end unit = ceil(Int, log(value) / log(factor)) unit = min(numunits, unit) number = value/factor^(unit-1) return number, unit end function padded_nonzero_print(value, str, always_print = true) if always_print || value != 0 blanks = " "[1:(19 - length(str))] println(str, ":", blanks, value) end end function format_bytes(bytes) # also used by InteractiveUtils bytes, mb = prettyprint_getunits(bytes, length(_mem_units), Int64(1024)) if mb == 1 return string(Int(bytes), " ", _mem_units[mb], bytes==1 ? "" : "s") else return string(Ryu.writefixed(Float64(bytes), 3), " ", _mem_units[mb]) end end function time_print(elapsedtime, bytes=0, gctime=0, allocs=0, compile_time=0, newline=false, _lpad=true) timestr = Ryu.writefixed(Float64(elapsedtime/1e9), 6) str = sprint() do io _lpad && print(io, length(timestr) < 10 ? (" "^(10 - length(timestr))) : "") print(io, timestr, " seconds") parens = bytes != 0 || allocs != 0 || gctime > 0 || compile_time > 0 parens && print(io, " (") if bytes != 0 || allocs != 0 allocs, ma = prettyprint_getunits(allocs, length(_cnt_units), Int64(1000)) if ma == 1 print(io, Int(allocs), _cnt_units[ma], allocs==1 ? " allocation: " : " allocations: ") else print(io, Ryu.writefixed(Float64(allocs), 2), _cnt_units[ma], " allocations: ") end print(io, format_bytes(bytes)) end if gctime > 0 if bytes != 0 || allocs != 0 print(io, ", ") end print(io, Ryu.writefixed(Float64(100*gctime/elapsedtime), 2), "% gc time") end if compile_time > 0 if bytes != 0 || allocs != 0 || gctime > 0 print(io, ", ") end print(io, Ryu.writefixed(Float64(100*compile_time/elapsedtime), 2), "% compilation time") end parens && print(io, ")") end newline ? println(str) : print(str) nothing end function timev_print(elapsedtime, diff::GC_Diff, compile_time, _lpad) allocs = gc_alloc_count(diff) time_print(elapsedtime, diff.allocd, diff.total_time, allocs, compile_time, true, _lpad) padded_nonzero_print(elapsedtime, "elapsed time (ns)") padded_nonzero_print(diff.total_time, "gc time (ns)") padded_nonzero_print(diff.allocd, "bytes allocated") padded_nonzero_print(diff.poolalloc, "pool allocs") padded_nonzero_print(diff.bigalloc, "non-pool GC allocs") padded_nonzero_print(diff.malloc, "malloc() calls", false) padded_nonzero_print(diff.realloc, "realloc() calls", false) # always print number of frees if there are mallocs padded_nonzero_print(diff.freecall, "free() calls", diff.malloc > 0) minor_collects = diff.pause - diff.full_sweep padded_nonzero_print(minor_collects, "minor collections") padded_nonzero_print(diff.full_sweep, "full collections") end # Like a try-finally block, except without introducing the try scope # NOTE: This is deprecated and should not be used from user logic. A proper solution to # this problem will be introduced in https://github.com/JuliaLang/julia/pull/39217 macro __tryfinally(ex, fin) Expr(:tryfinally, :($(esc(ex))), :($(esc(fin))) ) end """ @time expr @time "description" expr A macro to execute an expression, printing the time it took to execute, the number of allocations, and the total number of bytes its execution caused to be allocated, before returning the value of the expression. Any time spent garbage collecting (gc) or compiling is shown as a percentage. Optionally provide a description string to print before the time report. In some cases the system will look inside the `@time` expression and compile some of the called code before execution of the top-level expression begins. When that happens, some compilation time will not be counted. To include this time you can run `@time @eval ...`. See also [`@showtime`](@ref), [`@timev`](@ref), [`@timed`](@ref), [`@elapsed`](@ref), and [`@allocated`](@ref). !!! note For more serious benchmarking, consider the `@btime` macro from the BenchmarkTools.jl package which among other things evaluates the function multiple times in order to reduce noise. !!! compat "Julia 1.8" The option to add a description was introduced in Julia 1.8. ```julia-repl julia> x = rand(10,10); julia> @time x * x; 0.606588 seconds (2.19 M allocations: 116.555 MiB, 3.75% gc time, 99.94% compilation time) julia> @time x * x; 0.000009 seconds (1 allocation: 896 bytes) julia> @time begin sleep(0.3) 1+1 end 0.301395 seconds (8 allocations: 336 bytes) 2 julia> @time "A one second sleep" sleep(1) A one second sleep: 1.005750 seconds (5 allocations: 144 bytes) julia> for loop in 1:3 @time loop sleep(1) end 1: 1.006760 seconds (5 allocations: 144 bytes) 2: 1.001263 seconds (5 allocations: 144 bytes) 3: 1.003676 seconds (5 allocations: 144 bytes) ``` """ macro time(ex) quote @time nothing $(esc(ex)) end end macro time(msg, ex) quote Experimental.@force_compile local stats = gc_num() local elapsedtime = time_ns() local compile_elapsedtime = cumulative_compile_time_ns_before() local val = @__tryfinally($(esc(ex)), (elapsedtime = time_ns() - elapsedtime; compile_elapsedtime = cumulative_compile_time_ns_after() - compile_elapsedtime) ) local diff = GC_Diff(gc_num(), stats) local _msg = $(esc(msg)) local has_msg = !isnothing(_msg) has_msg && print(_msg, ": ") time_print(elapsedtime, diff.allocd, diff.total_time, gc_alloc_count(diff), compile_elapsedtime, true, !has_msg) val end end """ @showtime expr Like `@time` but also prints the expression being evaluated for reference. !!! compat "Julia 1.8" This macro was added in Julia 1.8. See also [`@time`](@ref). ```julia-repl julia> @showtime sleep(1) sleep(1): 1.002164 seconds (4 allocations: 128 bytes) ``` """ macro showtime(ex) quote @time $(sprint(show_unquoted,ex)) $(esc(ex)) end end """ @timev expr @timev "description" expr This is a verbose version of the `@time` macro. It first prints the same information as `@time`, then any non-zero memory allocation counters, and then returns the value of the expression. Optionally provide a description string to print before the time report. !!! compat "Julia 1.8" The option to add a description was introduced in Julia 1.8. See also [`@time`](@ref), [`@timed`](@ref), [`@elapsed`](@ref), and [`@allocated`](@ref). ```julia-repl julia> x = rand(10,10); julia> @timev x * x; 0.546770 seconds (2.20 M allocations: 116.632 MiB, 4.23% gc time, 99.94% compilation time) elapsed time (ns): 546769547 gc time (ns): 23115606 bytes allocated: 122297811 pool allocs: 2197930 non-pool GC allocs:1327 malloc() calls: 36 realloc() calls: 5 GC pauses: 3 julia> @timev x * x; 0.000010 seconds (1 allocation: 896 bytes) elapsed time (ns): 9848 bytes allocated: 896 pool allocs: 1 ``` """ macro timev(ex) quote @timev nothing $(esc(ex)) end end macro timev(msg, ex) quote Experimental.@force_compile local stats = gc_num() local elapsedtime = time_ns() local compile_elapsedtime = cumulative_compile_time_ns_before() local val = @__tryfinally($(esc(ex)), (elapsedtime = time_ns() - elapsedtime; compile_elapsedtime = cumulative_compile_time_ns_after() - compile_elapsedtime) ) local diff = GC_Diff(gc_num(), stats) local _msg = $(esc(msg)) local has_msg = !isnothing(_msg) has_msg && print(_msg, ": ") timev_print(elapsedtime, diff, compile_elapsedtime, !has_msg) val end end """ @elapsed A macro to evaluate an expression, discarding the resulting value, instead returning the number of seconds it took to execute as a floating-point number. In some cases the system will look inside the `@elapsed` expression and compile some of the called code before execution of the top-level expression begins. When that happens, some compilation time will not be counted. To include this time you can run `@elapsed @eval ...`. See also [`@time`](@ref), [`@timev`](@ref), [`@timed`](@ref), and [`@allocated`](@ref). ```julia-repl julia> @elapsed sleep(0.3) 0.301391426 ``` """ macro elapsed(ex) quote Experimental.@force_compile local t0 = time_ns() $(esc(ex)) (time_ns() - t0) / 1e9 end end # total number of bytes allocated so far gc_bytes(b::Ref{Int64}) = ccall(:jl_gc_get_total_bytes, Cvoid, (Ptr{Int64},), b) # NOTE: gc_bytes() is deprecated function gc_bytes() b = Ref{Int64}() gc_bytes(b) b[] end """ @allocated A macro to evaluate an expression, discarding the resulting value, instead returning the total number of bytes allocated during evaluation of the expression. See also [`@time`](@ref), [`@timev`](@ref), [`@timed`](@ref), and [`@elapsed`](@ref). ```julia-repl julia> @allocated rand(10^6) 8000080 ``` """ macro allocated(ex) quote Experimental.@force_compile local b0 = Ref{Int64}(0) local b1 = Ref{Int64}(0) gc_bytes(b0) $(esc(ex)) gc_bytes(b1) b1[] - b0[] end end """ @timed A macro to execute an expression, and return the value of the expression, elapsed time, total bytes allocated, garbage collection time, and an object with various memory allocation counters. In some cases the system will look inside the `@timed` expression and compile some of the called code before execution of the top-level expression begins. When that happens, some compilation time will not be counted. To include this time you can run `@timed @eval ...`. See also [`@time`](@ref), [`@timev`](@ref), [`@elapsed`](@ref), and [`@allocated`](@ref). ```julia-repl julia> stats = @timed rand(10^6); julia> stats.time 0.006634834 julia> stats.bytes 8000256 julia> stats.gctime 0.0055765 julia> propertynames(stats.gcstats) (:allocd, :malloc, :realloc, :poolalloc, :bigalloc, :freecall, :total_time, :pause, :full_sweep) julia> stats.gcstats.total_time 5576500 ``` !!! compat "Julia 1.5" The return type of this macro was changed from `Tuple` to `NamedTuple` in Julia 1.5. """ macro timed(ex) quote Experimental.@force_compile local stats = gc_num() local elapsedtime = time_ns() local val = $(esc(ex)) elapsedtime = time_ns() - elapsedtime local diff = GC_Diff(gc_num(), stats) (value=val, time=elapsedtime/1e9, bytes=diff.allocd, gctime=diff.total_time/1e9, gcstats=diff) end end