/** * \file * \copyright * Copyright (c) 2012-2021, OpenGeoSys Community (http://www.opengeosys.org) * Distributed under a Modified BSD License. * See accompanying file LICENSE.txt or * http://www.opengeosys.org/project/license * */ #include "PhreeqcIO.h" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "BaseLib/Algorithm.h" #include "BaseLib/ConfigTreeUtil.h" #include "MaterialLib/MPL/Medium.h" #include "MathLib/LinAlg/Eigen/EigenVector.h" #include "MathLib/LinAlg/LinAlg.h" #include "MeshLib/Mesh.h" #include "PhreeqcIOData/AqueousSolution.h" #include "PhreeqcIOData/ChemicalSystem.h" #include "PhreeqcIOData/Dump.h" #include "PhreeqcIOData/EquilibriumReactant.h" #include "PhreeqcIOData/KineticReactant.h" #include "PhreeqcIOData/Knobs.h" #include "PhreeqcIOData/Output.h" #include "PhreeqcIOData/ReactionRate.h" #include "PhreeqcIOData/Surface.h" #include "PhreeqcIOData/UserPunch.h" namespace ChemistryLib { namespace PhreeqcIOData { namespace { template std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, std::vector const& data_blocks) { std::copy(data_blocks.begin(), data_blocks.end(), std::ostream_iterator(os)); return os; } void setAqueousSolution(std::vector const& concentrations, GlobalIndexType const& chemical_system_id, AqueousSolution& aqueous_solution) { // components auto& components = aqueous_solution.components; for (unsigned component_id = 0; component_id < components.size(); ++component_id) { components[component_id].amount->set(chemical_system_id, concentrations[component_id]); } // pH aqueous_solution.pH->set(chemical_system_id, concentrations.back()); } template void initializeReactantMolality(Reactant& reactant, GlobalIndexType const& chemical_system_id, MaterialPropertyLib::Medium const* medium, ParameterLib::SpatialPosition const& pos, double const t) { auto const& solid_phase = medium->phase("Solid"); auto const& solid_constituent = solid_phase.component(reactant.name); auto const& liquid_phase = medium->phase("AqueousLiquid"); if (solid_constituent.hasProperty( MaterialPropertyLib::PropertyType::molality)) { auto const molality = solid_constituent .property(MaterialPropertyLib::PropertyType::molality) .template initialValue(pos, t); (*reactant.molality)[chemical_system_id] = molality; } else { auto const volume_fraction = solid_constituent .property(MaterialPropertyLib::PropertyType::volume_fraction) .template initialValue(pos, t); (*reactant.volume_fraction)[chemical_system_id] = volume_fraction; auto const fluid_density = liquid_phase.property(MaterialPropertyLib::PropertyType::density) .template initialValue(pos, t); auto const porosity = medium->property(MaterialPropertyLib::PropertyType::porosity) .template initialValue(pos, t); auto const molar_volume = solid_constituent .property(MaterialPropertyLib::PropertyType::molar_volume) .template initialValue(pos, t); (*reactant.molality)[chemical_system_id] = volume_fraction / fluid_density / porosity / molar_volume; } } template void setReactantMolality(Reactant& reactant, GlobalIndexType const& chemical_system_id, MaterialPropertyLib::Medium const* medium, MaterialPropertyLib::VariableArray const& vars, ParameterLib::SpatialPosition const& pos, double const t, double const dt) { auto const& solid_phase = medium->phase("Solid"); auto const& solid_constituent = solid_phase.component(reactant.name); if (solid_constituent.hasProperty( MaterialPropertyLib::PropertyType::molality)) { return; } auto const volume_fraction = (*reactant.volume_fraction)[chemical_system_id]; auto const& liquid_phase = medium->phase("AqueousLiquid"); auto const fluid_density = liquid_phase.property(MaterialPropertyLib::PropertyType::density) .template value(vars, pos, t, dt); auto const porosity = std::get( vars[static_cast(MaterialPropertyLib::Variable::porosity)]); auto const molar_volume = solid_constituent .property(MaterialPropertyLib::PropertyType::molar_volume) .template value(vars, pos, t, dt); (*reactant.molality)[chemical_system_id] = volume_fraction / fluid_density / porosity / molar_volume; } template static double averageReactantMolality( Reactant const& reactant, std::vector const& chemical_system_indices) { double const sum = std::accumulate( chemical_system_indices.begin(), chemical_system_indices.end(), 0.0, [&](double const s, GlobalIndexType const id) { return s + (*reactant.molality)[id]; }); return sum / chemical_system_indices.size(); } } // namespace PhreeqcIO::PhreeqcIO(std::string const& project_file_name, std::string&& database, std::unique_ptr&& chemical_system, std::vector&& reaction_rates, std::vector&& surface, std::unique_ptr&& user_punch, std::unique_ptr&& output, std::unique_ptr&& dump, Knobs&& knobs) : _phreeqc_input_file(project_file_name + "_phreeqc.inp"), _database(std::move(database)), _chemical_system(std::move(chemical_system)), _reaction_rates(std::move(reaction_rates)), _surface(std::move(surface)), _user_punch(std::move(user_punch)), _output(std::move(output)), _dump(std::move(dump)), _knobs(std::move(knobs)) { // initialize phreeqc instance if (CreateIPhreeqc() != phreeqc_instance_id) { OGS_FATAL( "Failed to initialize phreeqc instance, due to lack of memory."); } // load specified thermodynamic database if (LoadDatabase(phreeqc_instance_id, _database.c_str()) != IPQ_OK) { OGS_FATAL( "Failed in loading the specified thermodynamic database file: " "{:s}.", _database); } if (SetSelectedOutputFileOn(phreeqc_instance_id, 1) != IPQ_OK) { OGS_FATAL( "Failed to fly the flag for the specified file {:s} where phreeqc " "will write output.", _output->basic_output_setups.output_file); } if (_dump) { // Chemical composition of the aqueous solution of last time step will // be written into .dmp file once the second function argument is set to // one. SetDumpFileOn(phreeqc_instance_id, 1); } } void PhreeqcIO::initialize() { _num_chemical_systems = chemical_system_index_map.size(); _chemical_system->initialize(_num_chemical_systems); if (_user_punch) { _user_punch->initialize(_num_chemical_systems); } } void PhreeqcIO::initializeChemicalSystemConcrete( std::vector const& concentrations, GlobalIndexType const& chemical_system_id, MaterialPropertyLib::Medium const* medium, ParameterLib::SpatialPosition const& pos, double const t) { setAqueousSolution(concentrations, chemical_system_id, *_chemical_system->aqueous_solution); for (auto& kinetic_reactant : _chemical_system->kinetic_reactants) { initializeReactantMolality(kinetic_reactant, chemical_system_id, medium, pos, t); } for (auto& equilibrium_reactant : _chemical_system->equilibrium_reactants) { initializeReactantMolality(equilibrium_reactant, chemical_system_id, medium, pos, t); } } void PhreeqcIO::setChemicalSystemConcrete( std::vector const& concentrations, GlobalIndexType const& chemical_system_id, MaterialPropertyLib::Medium const* medium, MaterialPropertyLib::VariableArray const& vars, ParameterLib::SpatialPosition const& pos, double const t, double const dt) { setAqueousSolution(concentrations, chemical_system_id, *_chemical_system->aqueous_solution); for (auto& kinetic_reactant : _chemical_system->kinetic_reactants) { setReactantMolality(kinetic_reactant, chemical_system_id, medium, vars, pos, t, dt); } for (auto& equilibrium_reactant : _chemical_system->equilibrium_reactants) { setReactantMolality(equilibrium_reactant, chemical_system_id, medium, vars, pos, t, dt); } } void PhreeqcIO::executeSpeciationCalculation(double const dt) { writeInputsToFile(dt); callPhreeqc(); readOutputsFromFile(); } std::vector PhreeqcIO::getIntPtProcessSolutions() const { auto const& aqueous_solution = _chemical_system->aqueous_solution; std::vector int_pt_process_solutions; int_pt_process_solutions.reserve(aqueous_solution->components.size() + 1); std::transform(aqueous_solution->components.begin(), aqueous_solution->components.end(), std::back_inserter(int_pt_process_solutions), [](auto const& c) { return c.amount.get(); }); int_pt_process_solutions.push_back(aqueous_solution->pH.get()); return int_pt_process_solutions; } void PhreeqcIO::setAqueousSolutionsPrevFromDumpFile() { if (!_dump) { return; } auto const& dump_file = _dump->dump_file; std::ifstream in(dump_file); if (!in) { OGS_FATAL("Could not open phreeqc dump file '{:s}'.", dump_file); } _dump->readDumpFile(in, _num_chemical_systems); if (!in) { OGS_FATAL("Error when reading phreeqc dump file '{:s}'", dump_file); } in.close(); } void PhreeqcIO::writeInputsToFile(double const dt) { DBUG("Writing phreeqc inputs into file '{:s}'.", _phreeqc_input_file); std::ofstream out(_phreeqc_input_file, std::ofstream::out); if (!out) { OGS_FATAL("Could not open file '{:s}' for writing phreeqc inputs.", _phreeqc_input_file); } out << std::scientific << std::setprecision(std::numeric_limits::digits10); out << (*this << dt); if (!out) { OGS_FATAL("Failed in generating phreeqc input file '{:s}'.", _phreeqc_input_file); } out.close(); } std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& os, PhreeqcIO const& phreeqc_io) { os << phreeqc_io._knobs << "\n"; os << *phreeqc_io._output << "\n"; auto const& user_punch = phreeqc_io._user_punch; if (user_punch) { os << *user_punch << "\n"; } auto const& reaction_rates = phreeqc_io._reaction_rates; if (!reaction_rates.empty()) { os << "RATES" << "\n"; os << reaction_rates << "\n"; } for (std::size_t chemical_system_id = 0; chemical_system_id < phreeqc_io._num_chemical_systems; ++chemical_system_id) { os << "SOLUTION " << chemical_system_id + 1 << "\n"; phreeqc_io._chemical_system->aqueous_solution->print( os, chemical_system_id); auto const& dump = phreeqc_io._dump; if (dump) { auto const& aqueous_solutions_prev = dump->aqueous_solutions_prev; if (!aqueous_solutions_prev.empty()) { os << aqueous_solutions_prev[chemical_system_id] << "\n\n"; } } os << "USE solution none" << "\n"; os << "END" << "\n\n"; os << "USE solution " << chemical_system_id + 1 << "\n\n"; auto const& equilibrium_reactants = phreeqc_io._chemical_system->equilibrium_reactants; if (!equilibrium_reactants.empty()) { os << "EQUILIBRIUM_PHASES " << chemical_system_id + 1 << "\n"; for (auto const& equilibrium_reactant : equilibrium_reactants) { equilibrium_reactant.print(os, chemical_system_id); } os << "\n"; } auto const& kinetic_reactants = phreeqc_io._chemical_system->kinetic_reactants; if (!kinetic_reactants.empty()) { os << "KINETICS " << chemical_system_id + 1 << "\n"; for (auto const& kinetic_reactant : kinetic_reactants) { kinetic_reactant.print(os, chemical_system_id); } os << "-steps " << phreeqc_io._dt << "\n" << "\n"; } auto const& surface = phreeqc_io._surface; if (!surface.empty()) { os << "SURFACE " << chemical_system_id + 1 << "\n"; std::size_t aqueous_solution_id = dump->aqueous_solutions_prev.empty() ? chemical_system_id + 1 : phreeqc_io._num_chemical_systems + chemical_system_id + 1; os << "-equilibrate with solution " << aqueous_solution_id << "\n"; os << "-sites_units DENSITY" << "\n"; os << surface << "\n"; os << "SAVE solution " << chemical_system_id + 1 << "\n"; } os << "END" << "\n\n"; } auto const& dump = phreeqc_io._dump; if (dump) { dump->print(os, phreeqc_io._num_chemical_systems); } return os; } void PhreeqcIO::callPhreeqc() { INFO("Phreeqc: Executing chemical calculation."); if (RunFile(phreeqc_instance_id, _phreeqc_input_file.c_str()) != IPQ_OK) { OutputErrorString(phreeqc_instance_id); OGS_FATAL( "Failed in performing speciation calculation with the generated " "phreeqc input file '{:s}'.", _phreeqc_input_file); } } void PhreeqcIO::readOutputsFromFile() { auto const& basic_output_setups = _output->basic_output_setups; auto const& phreeqc_result_file = basic_output_setups.output_file; DBUG("Reading phreeqc results from file '{:s}'.", phreeqc_result_file); std::ifstream in(phreeqc_result_file); if (!in) { OGS_FATAL("Could not open phreeqc result file '{:s}'.", phreeqc_result_file); } in >> *this; if (!in) { OGS_FATAL("Error when reading phreeqc result file '{:s}'", phreeqc_result_file); } in.close(); } std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& in, PhreeqcIO& phreeqc_io) { // Skip the headline in.ignore(std::numeric_limits::max(), '\n'); std::string line; auto const& output = *phreeqc_io._output; auto const& dropped_item_ids = output.dropped_item_ids; auto const& surface = phreeqc_io._surface; int const num_skipped_lines = surface.empty() ? 1 : 2; auto& equilibrium_reactants = phreeqc_io._chemical_system->equilibrium_reactants; auto& kinetic_reactants = phreeqc_io._chemical_system->kinetic_reactants; for (std::size_t chemical_system_id = 0; chemical_system_id < phreeqc_io._num_chemical_systems; ++chemical_system_id) { // Skip equilibrium calculation result of initial solution for (int i = 0; i < num_skipped_lines; ++i) { in.ignore(std::numeric_limits::max(), '\n'); } // Get calculation result of the solution after the reaction if (!std::getline(in, line)) { OGS_FATAL( "Error when reading calculation result of Solution {:d} " "after " "the reaction.", chemical_system_id); } std::vector accepted_items; std::vector items; boost::trim_if(line, boost::is_any_of("\t ")); boost::algorithm::split(items, line, boost::is_any_of("\t "), boost::token_compress_on); for (int item_id = 0; item_id < static_cast(items.size()); ++item_id) { if (std::find(dropped_item_ids.begin(), dropped_item_ids.end(), item_id) == dropped_item_ids.end()) { double value; try { value = std::stod(items[item_id]); } catch (const std::invalid_argument& e) { OGS_FATAL( "Invalid argument. Could not convert string '{:s}' " "to double for chemical system {:d}, column {:d}. " "Exception '{:s}' was thrown.", items[item_id], chemical_system_id + 1, item_id, e.what()); } catch (const std::out_of_range& e) { OGS_FATAL( "Out of range error. Could not convert string " "'{:s}' to double for chemical system {:d}, column " "{:d}. Exception '{:s}' was thrown.", items[item_id], chemical_system_id + 1, item_id, e.what()); } accepted_items.push_back(value); } } assert(accepted_items.size() == output.accepted_items.size()); auto& aqueous_solution = phreeqc_io._chemical_system->aqueous_solution; auto& components = aqueous_solution->components; auto& user_punch = phreeqc_io._user_punch; for (int item_id = 0; item_id < static_cast(accepted_items.size()); ++item_id) { auto const& accepted_item = output.accepted_items[item_id]; auto const& item_name = accepted_item.name; auto compare_by_name = [&item_name](auto const& item) { return item.name == item_name; }; switch (accepted_item.item_type) { case ItemType::pH: { // Update pH value aqueous_solution->pH->set( chemical_system_id, std::pow(10, -accepted_items[item_id])); break; } case ItemType::pe: { // Update pe value (*aqueous_solution->pe)[chemical_system_id] = accepted_items[item_id]; break; } case ItemType::Component: { // Update component concentrations auto& component = BaseLib::findElementOrError( components.begin(), components.end(), compare_by_name, "Could not find component '" + item_name + "'."); component.amount->set(chemical_system_id, accepted_items[item_id]); break; } case ItemType::EquilibriumReactant: { // Update amounts of equilibrium reactant auto& equilibrium_reactant = BaseLib::findElementOrError( equilibrium_reactants.begin(), equilibrium_reactants.end(), compare_by_name, "Could not find equilibrium reactant '" + item_name + "'."); (*equilibrium_reactant.molality)[chemical_system_id] = accepted_items[item_id]; break; } case ItemType::KineticReactant: { // Update amounts of kinetic reactants auto& kinetic_reactant = BaseLib::findElementOrError( kinetic_reactants.begin(), kinetic_reactants.end(), compare_by_name, "Could not find kinetic reactant '" + item_name + "'."); (*kinetic_reactant.molality)[chemical_system_id] = accepted_items[item_id]; break; } case ItemType::SecondaryVariable: { assert(user_punch); auto& secondary_variables = user_punch->secondary_variables; // Update values of secondary variables auto& secondary_variable = BaseLib::findElementOrError( secondary_variables.begin(), secondary_variables.end(), compare_by_name, "Could not find secondary variable '" + item_name + "'."); (*secondary_variable.value)[chemical_system_id] = accepted_items[item_id]; break; } } } } return in; } std::vector const PhreeqcIO::getComponentList() const { std::vector component_names; auto const& components = _chemical_system->aqueous_solution->components; std::transform(components.begin(), components.end(), std::back_inserter(component_names), [](auto const& c) { return c.name; }); component_names.push_back("H"); return component_names; } void PhreeqcIO::computeSecondaryVariable( std::size_t const ele_id, std::vector const& chemical_system_indices) { for (auto& kinetic_reactant : _chemical_system->kinetic_reactants) { (*kinetic_reactant.mesh_prop_molality)[ele_id] = averageReactantMolality(kinetic_reactant, chemical_system_indices); } for (auto& equilibrium_reactant : _chemical_system->equilibrium_reactants) { (*equilibrium_reactant.mesh_prop_molality)[ele_id] = averageReactantMolality(equilibrium_reactant, chemical_system_indices); } } } // namespace PhreeqcIOData } // namespace ChemistryLib