\name{getAcop} \alias{getAcop} \title{Get "acopula" Family Object by Name} \description{ Get one of our "acopula" family objects (see \link{acopula-families} by name. } \usage{ getAcop(family, check=TRUE) } \arguments{ \item{family}{either a \code{\link{character}} string, the short or longer form of the Archimedean family name (for example, "Clayton" or simply "C"; see the \code{\link{acopula-families}} documentation), or an \code{\linkS4class{acopula}} family object.} \item{check}{logical indicating whether the class of the return value should be checked to be \code{"\linkS4class{acopula}"}.} } \value{an \code{"\linkS4class{acopula}"} family object, typically one of one of our predefined ones. } \author{Martin Maechler} \seealso{ Our predefined \code{\link{acopula-families}}; the class definition \code{"\linkS4class{acopula}"}. } \examples{ getAcop("Gumbel") stopifnot(identical(getAcop("J"), getAcop("Joe")), identical(getAcop("J"), copJoe)) } \keyword{manip}