* @file mh.c
* @brief Functions for the random work Metropolis-Hastings algorithm
* @author Wayne Zhang
#include <R.h> /* for R related */
#include <Rmath.h> /* for random number simulators */
#include <R_ext/BLAS.h> /* for dtrmv etc */
#include "utilities.h" /* for chol, mult_mv related */
#include <Rinternals.h> /* for definition of R callables */
/* One dimensional truncated random walk M-H */
* Simulate a truncated Normal random variable
* @param m mean of the untruncated normal
* @param sd standard deviation of the untruncated normal
* @param lb left bound of the truncated normal
* @param rb right bound of the truncated normal
* @return one simulated truncated normal
static R_INLINE double rtnorm(double m, double sd, double lb, double rb){
double u = runif(R_FINITE(lb) ? pnorm(lb, m, sd, 1, 0) : 0.0,
R_FINITE(rb) ? pnorm(rb, m, sd, 1, 0) : 1.0);
return qnorm(u, m, sd, 1, 0);
* compute the log density of a truncated normal
* @param x the point at which the log density is computed
* @param m the mean of the untruncated normal
* @param sd the standard deviation of the untruncated normal
* @param lb the left bound of the truncated normal
* @param rb the right bound of the truncated normal
* @return the log density at the point x
static R_INLINE double dtnorm(double x, double m, double sd, double lb, double rb){
double c = (R_FINITE(rb) ? pnorm(rb, m, sd, 1, 0) : 1.0) -
(R_FINITE(lb) ? pnorm(lb, m, sd, 1, 0) : 0.0) ;
return dnorm(x, m, sd, 1) - log(c) ;
* RW Metropolis update using the truncated Normal
* @param m the mean of the untruncated normal
* @param sd the standard deviation of the untruncated normal
* @param lb the left bound of the truncated normal
* @param rb the right bound of the truncated normal
* @param sn pointer to store simulated value
* @param myfunc user specified function to compute the log posterior
* @param data the struct used in myfunc
* @return a 0-1 integer: 0 means not accepted and 1 accepted
int metrop_tnorm_rw(double m, double sd, double lb, double rb, double *sn,
double (*myfunc)(double x, void *data), void *data){
*sn = rtnorm(m, sd, lb, rb);
double C = (lb == R_NegInf && rb == R_PosInf) ? 0.0 :
(dtnorm(m, *sn, sd, lb, rb) - dtnorm(*sn, m, sd, lb, rb));
/* determine whether to accept the sample */
double A = exp(myfunc(*sn, data) - myfunc(m, data) + C) ;
if (A < 1 && runif(0, 1) >= A){
*sn = m ;
return 0 ;
else return 1 ;
/* Multivariate (untruncated) random walk M-H */
* simulation of a multivariate normal
* @param d the dimension
* @param m the mean vector
* @param v the positive-definite covariance matrix
* @param s the vector to store the simulation
static void rmvnorm(int d, double *m, double *v, double *s){
int incx = 1;
double *lv = Calloc(d * d, double) ;
/* simulate d univariate normal r.v.s */
for (int i = 0; i < d; i++) s[i] = rnorm(0, 1) ;
/* cholesky factor of v */
chol(d, v, lv) ;
/* scale and shift univariate normal r.v.s */
F77_CALL(dtrmv)("L", "N", "N", &d, lv, &d, s, &incx) ;
for (int i = 0; i < d; i++) s[i] += m[i] ;
Free(lv) ;
* return the exponent of a multivariate normal
* @param d dimension of the matrix
* @param x sample vector
* @param m mean vector
* @param iv inverse of the covariance matrix
* @return exponent of MVN
double dmvnorm(int d, double *x, double *m, double *iv){
double ep = 0.0, *dx = Calloc(d, double), *tmp = Calloc(d, double) ;
for (int i = 0; i < d; i++)
dx[i] = m ? (x[i] - m[i]) : x[i];
mult_mv("N", d, d, iv, dx, tmp) ;
for (int i = 0; i < d; i++)
ep += dx[i] * tmp[i] ;
ep *= -0.5 ;
Free(dx); Free(tmp);
return ep ;
* random walk metropolis sampling for a vector of parameters
* of length d using multivariate normal proposal
* @param d the dimension of the parameter
* @param m current values of the parameter (also mean vector
* in the multivariate Normal)
* @param v covariance matrix in the proposal distribution
* @param sn simulated new vector
* @param myfunc user specified function to compute the log posterior
* @param data the struct used in myfunc
* @return a 0-1 integer: 0 means not accepted and 1 accepted
int metrop_mvnorm_rw(int d, double *m, double *v, double *sn,
double (*myfunc)(double *x, void *data), void *data){
rmvnorm(d, m, v, sn) ;
/* determine whether to accept the sample */
double A = exp(myfunc(sn, data) - myfunc(m, data) ) ;
if (A < 1 && runif(0, 1) >= A){
Memcpy(sn, m, d) ;
return 0 ;
else return 1 ;
/* R Callable functions */
* struct used in the general M-H algorithm admitting R functions.
* This struct is passed to the metrop_tnorm_rw function.
typedef struct MH_STRUCT{
SEXP R_fcall; /**<a user-defined R function */
SEXP R_env; /**<where to evaluate the function calls */
} mh_str;
* evaluate an arbitrary univaraite function stored in mh_str
* @param x the point at which to evaluate a function
* @param data a void struct to be converted to mh_str
* @return function evaluation result
static double R_fun(double x, void *data){
mh_str *da = data ;
SEXP R_x, s ;
PROTECT(R_x = allocVector(REALSXP, 1));
REAL(R_x)[0] = x ;
SETCADR(da->R_fcall, R_x); /* assign the argument */
/* evaluate function calls */
PROTECT_WITH_INDEX(s = eval(da->R_fcall, da->R_env), &ipx);
REPROTECT(s = coerceVector(s, REALSXP), ipx);
if (LENGTH(s) != 1)
error(("objective function evaluates to length %d not 1"), LENGTH(s));
if (!R_FINITE(REAL(s)[0]) || R_IsNaN(REAL(s)[0]) || R_IsNA(REAL(s)[0]))
error("objective funtion evaluates to Inf, NaN or NA");
return REAL(s)[0];
* generic random walk Metropolis algorithms for an arbitrary unvariate
* R function
* @param n number of samples
* @param m the starting value
* @param sd the proposal standard deviation
* @param lb left bound
* @param rb right bound
* @param fun the name of the R function
* @param rho the environment to evaluate the function
* @return simulated results
SEXP bcplm_metrop_rw(SEXP n, SEXP m, SEXP sd, SEXP lb, SEXP rb,
SEXP fun, SEXP rho){
mh_str *da;
SEXP ans, acc;
double sm; /* the mean used in each iteration */
int ns = INTEGER(n)[0];
if (!isFunction(fun)) error(("'fun' is not a function"));
if (!isEnvironment(rho)) error(("'rho'is not an environment"));
/* construct the mh_str object */
da = (mh_str *) R_alloc(1, sizeof(mh_str));
PROTECT(da->R_fcall = lang2(fun, R_NilValue));
da->R_env = rho;
/* run the random walk metropolis algorithm */
PROTECT(ans = allocVector(REALSXP, ns));
PROTECT(acc = allocVector(INTSXP, 1));
INTEGER(acc)[0] = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < ns; i++){
sm = (i) ? REAL(ans)[i - 1] : REAL(m)[0];
INTEGER(acc)[0] += metrop_tnorm_rw(sm, REAL(sd)[0], REAL(lb)[0], REAL(rb)[0],
REAL(ans) + i, R_fun, da);
setAttrib(ans, install("accept"), acc);
return ans;