Raw File
#!/usr/bin/env perl
# build-namelist
# This script builds the namelists for the CICE configuration of CCSM4.
# build-namelist is designed to be used in conjuction with configure.  By default configure
# produces a config_cache.xml file that contains all information needed at build time to procduce
# a CICE library.  build-namelist reads this file to obtain information it needs to provide
# default values that are consistent with the CICE library.  For example, the grid resolution
# is obtained from the cache file and used to determine appropriate defaults for namelist input
# that is resolution dependent.
# The simplest use of build-namelist is to execute it from the build directory where configure
# was run.  By default it will use the config_cache.xml file that was written by configure to
# determine the build time properties of the executable, and will write the files that contain 
# the output namelists in that same directory.  But if multiple runs are to made using the
# same executable, successive invocations of build-namelist will overwrite previously generated
# namelist files.  So generally the best strategy is to invoke build-namelist from the run
# directory and use the -config option to provide the filepath of the config_cache.xml file.
# Date        Contributor      Modification
# -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
# 2009-01-20  Vertenstein      Original version
# 2008-07-15  Sean Santos      Added -inputdata functionality

use strict;
#use warnings;
#use diagnostics;
use Cwd qw(getcwd abs_path);
use English;
use Getopt::Long;
use IO::File;

sub usage {
    die <<EOF;
     build-namelist [options]
     -config "filepath"    Read the given CICE configuration cache file. 
                           Default: "config_cache.xml".
     -csmdata "dir"        Root directory of CCSM input data.
                           Can also be set by using the CSMDATA environment variable.
     -dir "directory"      Directory where output namelist file will be
                           written, i.e., ice_in
                           Default: current working directory.
     -help [or -h]         Print usage to STDOUT.
     -infile "filepath"    Specify a file containing namelists to read values from.
     -inputdata "filepath" Writes out a list containing pathnames for required input datasets in
                           specified file.
     -namelist "namelist"  Specify namelist settings directly on the commandline by supplying 
                           a string containing FORTRAN namelist syntax, e.g.,
                              -namelist "&ice_nml dt=1800 /"
     -silent [-s]          Turns on silent mode - only fatal messages issued.
     -verbose              Turn on verbose echoing of informational messages.
     -version [or -v]      Echo the SVN tag name used to check out this CICE distribution.
     -caseroot             CASEROOT directory variable
     -rundir               RUNDIR directory variable
     -cimeroot             CIMEROOT directory variable
     -inst_string          INST_STRING variable

Note: The precedence for setting the values of namelist variables is (highest to lowest):
      1. namelist values set by specific command-line options, i.e., -dir 
      2. values set on the command-line using the -namelist option,
      3. values read from the file specified by -infile,
      4. values from the namelist defaults file.

# Set the directory that contains the CICE configuration scripts.  If the command was
# issued using a relative or absolute path, that path is in $ProgDir.  Otherwise assume the
# command was issued from the current working directory.

(my $ProgName = $0) =~ s!(.*)/!!;      # name of this script
my $ProgDir = $1;                      # name of directory containing this script -- may be a
                                       # relative or absolute path, or null if the script is in
                                       # the user's PATH
my $cwd = getcwd();                    # current working directory
my $cfgdir;                            # absolute pathname of directory that contains this script
if ($ProgDir) { 
    $cfgdir = abs_path($ProgDir);
} else {
   $cfgdir = $cwd;

my $cfg_cache = "config_cache.xml";       # Default name of configuration cache file
my $outdirname = ".";                     # Default name of output directory name

# Process command-line options.

my %opts = ( config      => $cfg_cache,
	     csmdata     => undef,
	     help        => 0,
	     dir         => $outdirname,
	     silent      => 0,
	     caseroot    => undef,
	     rundir      => undef,
	     cimeroot     => undef,
	     inst_string => undef,

    "config=s"      => \$opts{'config'},
    "csmdata=s"     => \$opts{'csmdata'},
    "d|dir=s"       => \$opts{'dir'},
    "h|help"        => \$opts{'help'},
    "infile=s"      => \$opts{'infile'},
    "inputdata=s"   => \$opts{'inputdata'},
    "namelist=s"    => \$opts{'namelist'},
    "s|silent"      => \$opts{'silent'},
    "v|verbose"     => \$opts{'verbose'},
    "version"       => \$opts{'version'},
    "caseroot=s"    => \$opts{'caseroot'},
    "rundir=s"      => \$opts{'rundir'},
    "cimeroot=s"    => \$opts{'cimeroot'},
    "inst_string=s" => \$opts{'inst_string'},	   
)  or usage();

# Give usage message.
usage() if $opts{'help'};

# Echo version info.
version($cfgdir) if $opts{'version'};    

# Check for unparsed arguments
if (@ARGV) {
    print "ERROR: unrecognized arguments: @ARGV\n";

# Define print levels:
# 0 - only issue fatal error messages
# 1 - only informs what files are created (default)
# 2 - verbose
my $print = 1;
if ($opts{'silent'})  { $print = 0; }
if ($opts{'verbose'}) { $print = 2; }
my $eol = "\n";

if ($print>=2) { print "Setting CICE configuration script directory to $cfgdir$eol"; }

# Check that configuration cache file exists.
(-f $opts{'config'})  or  die <<"EOF";
** $ProgName - Cannot find configuration cache file: \"$opts{'config'}\" **

if ($print>=2) { print "Using CICE configuration cache file $opts{'config'}$eol"; }

if ( defined $opts{'caseroot'} ) {
    $CASEROOT    = $opts{'caseroot'}; 

my $CIMEROOT;     
if ( defined $opts{'cimeroot'} ) {
    $CIMEROOT = $opts{'cimeroot'};     

if ( defined $opts{'inst_string'} ) {
    $INST_STRING = $opts{'inst_string'}; 
    $RUNDIR      = $opts{'rundir'};

# Validate some of the commandline option values.
validate_options("commandline", \%opts);

# Make sure we can find required perl modules, definition, and defaults files.
# Look for them under the directory that contains the configure script.

# The root directory for the input data files must be specified.

my $cesmroot = abs_path("$CIMEROOT/../");
if (! -d "$cesmroot") {
    die "** Invalid CESM root directory: $cesmroot ** ";

my $perl5lib = "$CIMEROOT/utils/perl5lib";
if (! -d "$perl5lib") {
    die "** Invalid perl5lib root directory: $perl5lib ** ";

# The Build::Config module provides utilities to access the configuration information
# in the config_cache.xml file
(-f "$perl5lib/Build/Config.pm")  or  die <<"EOF";
** $ProgName - Cannot find perl module \"Build/Config.pm\" in directory \"$perl5lib\" **

# The Build::NamelistDefinition module provides utilities to validate that the output
# namelists are consistent with the namelist definition file
(-f "$perl5lib/Build/NamelistDefinition.pm")  or  die <<"EOF";
** $ProgName - Cannot find perl module \"Build/NamelistDefinition.pm\" in directory \"$perl5lib\" **

# The Build::NamelistDefaults module provides a utility to obtain default values of namelist
# variables based on finding a best fit with the attributes specified in the defaults file.
(-f "$perl5lib/Build/NamelistDefaults.pm")  or  die <<"EOF";
** $ProgName - Cannot find perl module \"Build/NamelistDefaults.pm\" in directory \"$perl5lib\" **

# The Build::Namelist module provides utilities to parse input namelists, to query and modify
# namelists, and to write output namelists.
(-f "$perl5lib/Build/Namelist.pm")  or  die <<"EOF";
** $ProgName - Cannot find perl module \"Build/Namelist.pm\" in directory \"$perl5lib\" **

# The namelist definition file contains entries for all namelist variables that
# can be output by build-namelist.
my $nl_definition_file = "$cfgdir/namelist_files/namelist_definition.xml";
(-f "$nl_definition_file")  or  die <<"EOF";
** $ProgName - Cannot find namelist definition file \"$nl_definition_file\" **
if ($print>=2) { print "Using namelist definition file $nl_definition_file$eol"; }

# The namelist defaults file contains default values for all required namelist variables.
my $nl_defaults_file = "$cfgdir/namelist_files/namelist_defaults_cice.xml";
(-f "$nl_defaults_file")  or  die <<"EOF";
** $ProgName - Cannot find namelist defaults file \"$nl_defaults_file\" **
if ($print>=2) { print "Using namelist defaults file $nl_defaults_file$eol"; }

# Add $cfgdir/perl5lib to the list of paths that Perl searches for modules
unshift @INC, "$perl5lib";
require Build::Config;
require Build::NamelistDefinition;
require Build::NamelistDefaults;
require Build::Namelist;
require Config::SetupTools;

# Create a configuration object from the CICE config_cache.xml file. 
my $cfg = Build::Config->new($opts{'config'});

# Create a namelist definition object.  This object provides a method for verifying that the
# output namelist variables are in the definition file, and are output in the correct
# namelist groups.
my $definition = Build::NamelistDefinition->new($nl_definition_file);

# Create a namelist defaults object.  This object provides default values for variables
# contained in the input defaults file.  The configuration object provides attribute
# values that are relevent for the CICE library for which the namelist is being produced.
my $defaults = Build::NamelistDefaults->new($nl_defaults_file, $cfg);

# Create an empty namelist object.  Add values to it in order of precedence.
my $nl = Build::Namelist->new();

my $TRUE  = '\.true\.';
my $FALSE = '\.false\.';


# Process the user input in order of precedence.  At each point we'll only add new
# values to the namelist and not overwrite previously specified specified values which
# have higher precedence.

# Process the commandline args that provide specific namelist values.

# Process the -namelist arg.

if (defined $opts{'namelist'}) {
    # Parse commandline namelist
    my $nl_arg = Build::Namelist->new($opts{'namelist'});

    # Validate input namelist -- trap exceptions
    my $nl_arg_valid;
    eval { $nl_arg_valid = $definition->validate($nl_arg); };
    if ($@) {
	die "$ProgName - ERROR: Invalid namelist variable in commandline arg '-namelist'.\n $@";

    # Merge input values into namelist.  Previously specified values have higher precedence
    # and are not overwritten.

# Process the -infile arg.

if (defined $opts{'infile'}) {
    # Parse namelist input from a file
    my $nl_infile = Build::Namelist->new($opts{'infile'});

    # Validate input namelist -- trap exceptions
    my $nl_infile_valid;
    eval { $nl_infile_valid = $definition->validate($nl_infile); };
    if ($@) {
	die "$ProgName - ERROR: Invalid namelist variable in '-infile' $opts{'infile'}.\n $@";

    # Merge input values into namelist.  Previously specified values have higher precedence
    # and are not overwritten.

# Get cice mode - note that cice_mode must be a configure time option since it sets
# NCAT which is a CPP variable

my $cice_mode = $cfg->get('cice_mode');
if ($cice_mode ne 'prognostic' && $cice_mode ne 'thermo_only') {
    add_default($nl, 'prescribed_ice', 'val'=>'.true.');
} else {
    add_default($nl, 'prescribed_ice', 'val'=>'.false.');

# Determine xml variables

my $inputdata_rootdir = undef;
my $CASE;
my $SSTICE_STREAM;       

my %xmlvars = ();
if ( defined $opts{'caseroot'} ) {

    SetupTools::getxmlvars($CASEROOT, \%xmlvars);
    foreach my $attr (keys %xmlvars) {
	$xmlvars{$attr} = SetupTools::expand_xml_var($xmlvars{$attr}, \%xmlvars);
    $ICE_GRID        = $xmlvars{'ICE_GRID'};
    $CASE            = $xmlvars{'CASE'};
    $ICE_NCPL        = $xmlvars{'ICE_NCPL'};
    $CONTINUE_RUN    = $xmlvars{'CONTINUE_RUN'};
    $RUN_TYPE        = $xmlvars{'RUN_TYPE'};
    $RUN_REFCASE     = $xmlvars{'RUN_REFCASE'};
    $RUN_REFDATE     = $xmlvars{'RUN_REFDATE'};
    $RUN_REFTOD      = $xmlvars{'RUN_REFTOD'};
    if ($cice_mode eq 'prescribed') {
	$SSTICE_YEAR_END      = $xmlvars{'SSTICE_YEAR_END'};
	$SSTICE_STREAM        = $xmlvars{'SSTICE_STREAM'};

    # Check that the CIME inputdata root directory has been specified.  This must be
    # a local or nfs mounted directory.
    if (defined($opts{'csmdata'})) {
	$inputdata_rootdir = $opts{'csmdata'};
    } else {
	$inputdata_rootdir = $xmlvars{'DIN_LOC_ROOT'};
if ($print>=2) { print "CIME inputdata root directory: $inputdata_rootdir$eol"; }

# Add default values for required namelist variables that have not been previously set.
# This is done either by using the namelist default object, or directly with inline logic.

# namelist group: setup_nml      #

if ( defined $opts{'caseroot'} ) {
    if ( $RUN_TYPE eq 'startup' && $cice_mode ne 'prescribed') {
        add_default($nl, 'ice_ic');
    if ( $RUN_TYPE eq 'startup' && $cice_mode eq 'prescribed') {	
	add_default($nl, 'ice_ic', 'val'=>"default", 'noprepend'=>"1");
    if ($RUN_TYPE eq 'branch' || $RUN_TYPE eq 'hybrid') {
       my $ice_ic;
       if (-e "${RUN_REFCASE}.cice${INST_STRING}.r.${RUN_REFDATE}-${RUN_REFTOD}.nc") {
           $ice_ic = "${RUN_REFCASE}.cice${INST_STRING}.r.${RUN_REFDATE}-${RUN_REFTOD}.nc";
       } else {
           $ice_ic = "${RUN_REFCASE}.cice.r.${RUN_REFDATE}-${RUN_REFTOD}.nc";
       add_default($nl, 'ice_ic', 'val'=>"$ice_ic", 'noprepend'=>"1");
} else {
    # This is used for cam mode only
    add_default($nl, 'ice_ic', 'val'=>'default', 'noprepend'=>"1");

add_default($nl, 'xndt_dyn');
add_default($nl, 'histfreq');
add_default($nl, 'histfreq_n');
add_default($nl, 'hist_avg');
add_default($nl, 'diagfreq');
add_default($nl, 'lcdf64');

# namelist group: grid_nml       #

if ($cice_mode eq 'prescribed') {
    add_default($nl, 'grid_type',  'val'=>'latlon');
    add_default($nl, 'grid_format','val'=>'nc');
    add_default($nl, 'grid_file',  'val'=>"$ICE_DOMAIN_PATH/${ICE_DOMAIN_FILE}" );
    add_default($nl, 'kmt_file',   'val'=>"$ICE_DOMAIN_PATH/${ICE_DOMAIN_FILE}" );
} else {
    add_default($nl, 'grid_type');
    add_default($nl, 'grid_format');
    add_default($nl, 'grid_file');
    add_default($nl, 'kmt_file');
add_default($nl, 'gridcpl_file');
add_default($nl, 'kcatbound');

# namelist group: ice_nml        #

my $cam5 = $nl->get_value('cam5') =~ /$TRUE/io;

add_default($nl, 'ndte');
add_default($nl, 'maskhalo_dyn');
add_default($nl, 'maskhalo_remap');
add_default($nl, 'maskhalo_stress');
add_default($nl, 'maskhalo_bound');
add_default($nl, 'splitcomm_dyn');
add_default($nl, 'albicev');
add_default($nl, 'albicei');
add_default($nl, 'albsnowv');
add_default($nl, 'albsnowi');
add_default($nl, 'albedo_type');
add_default($nl, 'shortwave');
if ($cam5) {
    add_default($nl, 'dT_mlt_in'   , 'cam5'=>'.true.');
    add_default($nl, 'rsnw_melt_in', 'cam5'=>'.true.');
    add_default($nl, 'R_snw'       , 'cam5'=>'.true.');
} else {
    add_default($nl, 'dT_mlt_in'   );
    add_default($nl, 'rsnw_melt_in');
    add_default($nl, 'R_snw'       );
add_default($nl, 'kitd');
add_default($nl, 'kdyn');
add_default($nl, 'kstrength');
add_default($nl, 'krdg_partic');
add_default($nl, 'krdg_redist');
add_default($nl, 'evp_damping');
add_default($nl, 'advection');
add_default($nl, 'fsnowoptics');

# namelist group: tracer_nml     #

add_default($nl, 'tr_iage');
add_default($nl, 'tr_FY');
add_default($nl, 'tr_pond');

my $ntr_aero = $cfg->get('ntr_aero');
if ($ntr_aero gt "0") {
   add_default($nl, 'tr_aero');
} else {
   add_default($nl, 'tr_aero', 'val'=>'.false.');

# namelist group: domain_nml     #

if (defined $xmlvars{'CICE_DECOMPSETTING'}) {
  add_default($nl, 'processor_shape', 'val'=>"$xmlvars{'CICE_DECOMPSETTING'}");
} else {
  add_default($nl, 'processor_shape');

if (defined $xmlvars{'CICE_DECOMPTYPE'}) {
    add_default($nl, 'distribution_type', 'val'=>"$xmlvars{'CICE_DECOMPTYPE'}");
} else {
    add_default($nl, 'distribution_type');
    my $distribution_type = $nl->get_value('distribution_type');
    if ($distribution_type =~ 'spacecurve') {
	add_default($nl, 'distribution_wght'); 
my $distribution_wght = $nl->get_value('distribution_wght');
if ($distribution_wght =~ 'file') {
  add_default($nl, 'distribution_wght_file');
add_default($nl, 'ew_boundary_type');
add_default($nl, 'ns_boundary_type');

# namelist group: ice_prescribed_nml #

if ($cice_mode eq 'prescribed') {
    if ( defined $opts{'caseroot'} ) {
	    die "SSTICE_GRID_FILENAME must be set for cice prescribed mode \n";
	    die "SSTICE_DATA_FILENAME must be set for cice prescribed mode \n"; 
	if ($SSTICE_YEAR_ALIGN eq '-999') {
	    die "SSTICE_YEAR_ALIGN must be set for cice prescribed mode \n"; 
	if ($SSTICE_YEAR_START eq '-999') {
	    die "SSTICE_YEAR_START must be set for cice prescribed mode \n"; 
	if ($SSTICE_YEAR_END eq '-999') {
	    die "SSTICE_YEAR_END must be set for cice prescribed mode \n"; 
	my $stream_domxvarname;
	my $stream_domyvarname;
	    $stream_domxvarname = "xc";  
	    $stream_domyvarname = "yc";
	} elsif ($SSTICE_STREAM eq 'WRFDATA') {
	    $stream_domxvarname = "xc";  
	    $stream_domyvarname = "yc";
	} else {       
	    $stream_domxvarname = "lon";  
	    $stream_domyvarname = "lat";
	add_default($nl, 'model_year_align',  'val'=>"$SSTICE_YEAR_ALIGN");
	add_default($nl, 'stream_domtvarname','val'=>"time");
	add_default($nl, 'stream_domxvarname','val'=>"$stream_domxvarname");
	add_default($nl, 'stream_domyvarname','val'=>"$stream_domyvarname");
	add_default($nl, 'stream_domareaname','val'=>"area");
	add_default($nl, 'stream_dommaskname','val'=>"mask");
	add_default($nl, 'stream_domfilename','val'=>"$SSTICE_GRID_FILENAME");
	add_default($nl, 'stream_fldvarname' ,'val'=>"ice_cov");
	add_default($nl, 'stream_fldfilename','val'=>"$SSTICE_DATA_FILENAME");
	add_default($nl, 'stream_year_first' ,'val'=>"$SSTICE_YEAR_START");
	add_default($nl, 'stream_year_last'  ,'val'=>"$SSTICE_YEAR_END");
    } else {
	add_default($nl, 'model_year_align');
	add_default($nl, 'stream_domtvarname');
	add_default($nl, 'stream_domxvarname');
	add_default($nl, 'stream_domyvarname');
	add_default($nl, 'stream_domareaname'); 
	add_default($nl, 'stream_dommaskname');
	add_default($nl, 'stream_domfilename');
	add_default($nl, 'stream_fldvarname' );
	add_default($nl, 'stream_fldfilename');
	add_default($nl, 'stream_year_first' );
	add_default($nl, 'stream_year_last'  );
    add_default($nl, 'prescribed_ice_fill', 'val'=>'.false.') ;
    add_default($nl, 'stream_mapread', 'val'=>'NOT_SET') ;

# namelist group: ice_fields_nml     #

add_default($nl, 'f_sst');
add_default($nl, 'f_sss');
add_default($nl, 'f_uocn');
add_default($nl, 'f_vocn');
add_default($nl, 'f_frzmlt');
add_default($nl, 'f_strtltx');
add_default($nl, 'f_strtlty');
add_default($nl, 'f_mlt_onset');
add_default($nl, 'f_frz_onset');
add_default($nl, 'f_icepresent');
add_default($nl, 'f_aicen');
add_default($nl, 'f_vicen');
add_default($nl, 'f_fsalt');
add_default($nl, 'f_fsalt_ai');
add_default($nl, 'f_fresh');
add_default($nl, 'f_fresh_ai');
add_default($nl, 'f_fhocn');
add_default($nl, 'f_fhocn_ai');
add_default($nl, 'f_dvidtt');
add_default($nl, 'f_dvidtd');
add_default($nl, 'f_daidtt');
add_default($nl, 'f_daidtd');
add_default($nl, 'f_sig1');
add_default($nl, 'f_sig2');
add_default($nl, 'f_strairx');
add_default($nl, 'f_strairy');
add_default($nl, 'f_strcorx');
add_default($nl, 'f_strcory');
add_default($nl, 'f_strocnx');
add_default($nl, 'f_strocny');
add_default($nl, 'f_strintx');
add_default($nl, 'f_strinty');
add_default($nl, 'f_strength');
add_default($nl, 'f_opening');
add_default($nl, 'f_divu');
add_default($nl, 'f_shear');
add_default($nl, 'f_congel');
add_default($nl, 'f_snoice');
add_default($nl, 'f_meltt');
add_default($nl, 'f_meltb');
add_default($nl, 'f_meltl');
add_default($nl, 'f_uvel');
add_default($nl, 'f_vvel');
add_default($nl, 'f_frazil');
add_default($nl, 'f_apondn');
add_default($nl, 'f_faero_atm');
add_default($nl, 'f_faero_ocn');
add_default($nl, 'f_aero');
add_default($nl, 'f_FY');
add_default($nl, 'f_aisnap');
add_default($nl, 'f_hisnap');

# Write cice namelist file 

# Sea ice component 
my @groups = qw(setup_nml grid_nml ice_nml tracer_nml domain_nml ice_prescribed_nml 
my $outfile = "$opts{'dir'}/ice_in";
$nl->write($outfile, 'groups'=>\@groups);
if ($print>=2) { print "Writing sea ice component namelist to $outfile $eol"; }

# Write cice input dataset list.
if ($opts{'inputdata'}) {
    check_input_files($nl, $inputdata_rootdir, $opts{'inputdata'});



sub add_default {

# Add a value for the specified variable to the specified namelist object.  The variables
# already in the object have the higher precedence, so if the specified variable is already
# defined in the object then don't overwrite it, just return.
# This method checks the definition file and adds the variable to the correct
# namelist group.
# The value can be provided by using the optional argument key 'val' in the
# calling list.  Otherwise a default value is obtained from the namelist
# defaults object.  If no default value is found this method throws an exception
# unless the 'nofail' option is set true.
# Additional optional keyword=>value pairs may be specified.  If the keyword 'val' is
# not present, then any other keyword=>value pairs that are specified will be used to
# match attributes in the defaults file.
# Example 1: Specify the default value $val for the namelist variable $var in namelist
#            object $nl:
#  add_default($nl, $var, 'val'=>$val)
# Example 2: Add a default for variable $var if an appropriate value is found.  Otherwise
#            don't add the variable
#  add_default($nl, $var, 'nofail'=>1)
# ***** N.B. ***** This routine assumes the following variables are in package main::
#  $definition        -- the namelist definition object
#  $inputdata_rootdir -- CESM inputdata root directory

    my $nl = shift;     # namelist object
    my $var = shift;    # name of namelist variable
    my %opts = @_;      # options

    my $val = undef;

    # Query the definition to find which group the variable belongs to.  Exit if not found.
    my $group = $definition->get_group_name($var);
    unless ($group) {
	my $fname = $definition->get_file_name();
	die "$ProgName - ERROR: variable \"$var\" not found in namelist definition file $fname.\n";

    # check whether the variable has a value in the namelist object -- if so then return
    $val = $nl->get_variable_value($group, $var);
    if (defined $val) {return;}

    # Look for a specified value in the options hash
    if (defined $opts{'val'}) {
	$val = $opts{'val'};
    # or else get a value from namelist defaults object.
    # Note that if the 'val' key isn't in the hash, then just pass anything else
    # in %opts to the get_value method to be used as attributes that are matched
    # when looking for default values.
    else {
	$val = get_default_value($var, \%opts);

    # if no value is found then exit w/ error (unless 'nofail' option set)
    unless (defined $val) {
	unless ($opts{'nofail'}) {
	    print "$ProgName - ERROR: No default value found for $var\n".
		"user defined attributes:\n";
	    foreach my $key (keys(%opts)) {
		if ($key ne 'nofail' and $key ne 'val') {
		    print "key=$key  val=$opts{$key}\n";
	else {

    # query the definition to find out if the variable is an input pathname
    my $is_input_pathname = $definition->is_input_pathname($var);

    # The default values for input pathnames are relative.  If the namelist
    # variable is defined to be an absolute pathname, then prepend
    # the CESM inputdata root directory.
    # TODO: unless ignore_abs is passed as argument - and filename is not equal to 'default'  
    if ($is_input_pathname eq 'abs') {
	unless ($opts{'noprepend'}){
	    if ($val ne 'default') {
		$val = set_abs_filepath($val, $inputdata_rootdir);

    # query the definition to find out if the variable takes a string value.
    # The returned string length will be >0 if $var is a string, and 0 if not.
    my $str_len = $definition->get_str_len($var);

    # If the variable is a string, then add quotes if they're missing
    if ($str_len > 0) {
	$val = quote_string($val);

    # set the value in the namelist
    $nl->set_variable_value($group, $var, $val);


sub get_default_value {

# Return a default value for the requested variable.
# Return undef if no default found.
# ***** N.B. ***** This routine assumes the following variables are in package main::
#  $defaults          -- the namelist defaults object
#  $uc_defaults       -- the use CASE defaults object

    my $var_name    = lc(shift);   # name of namelist variable (CASE insensitive interface)
    my $usr_att_ref = shift;       # reference to hash containing user supplied attributes

    # Check in the namelist defaults
    return $defaults->get_value($var_name, $usr_att_ref);



sub check_input_files {

# For each variable in the namelist which is an input dataset, check to see if it
# exists locally.
# ***** N.B. ***** This routine assumes the following variables are in package main::
#  $definition        -- the namelist definition object

    my $nl = shift;                 # namelist object
    my $inputdata_rootdir = shift;  # inputdata root directory
    my $outfile = shift;            # output file
    open(OUTFILE, ">$outfile") if defined $inputdata_rootdir;
    # Look through all namelist groups
    my @groups = $nl->get_group_names();
    foreach my $group (@groups) {
	# Look through all variables in each group
	my @vars = $nl->get_variable_names($group);
	foreach my $var (@vars) {
	    # Is the variable an input dataset?
	    my $input_pathname_type = $definition->is_input_pathname($var);
	    # If it is, check whether it exists locally and print status
	    if ($input_pathname_type) {
		# Get pathname of input dataset
		my $pathname = $nl->get_variable_value($group, $var);
		# Need to strip the quotes
		$pathname =~ s/[\'\"]//g;
                if ($pathname =~ m/unknown.+/) {
		    # skip file
		elsif ($pathname =~ m/.*UNSET.*/) {
		    # skip file
		elsif ($pathname =~ m/.*unset.*/) {
		    # skip file
		elsif ($input_pathname_type eq 'stream') {
		    if ($pathname =~ m/.*(,).*/) {
			my @paths = split ",", $pathname, -1;   # The -1 prevents split from stripping trailing nulls
			foreach my $path (@paths) {
			    print OUTFILE "$var = $path\n";
		    } else {
			print OUTFILE "$var = $pathname\n";
		elsif ($input_pathname_type eq 'abs') {
		    if ($pathname ne 'default') {
			print OUTFILE "$var = $pathname\n";
		    elsif ($input_pathname_type =~ m/rel:(.+)/o) {
			# The match provides the namelist variable that contains the
			# root directory for a relative filename
			my $rootdir_var = $1;
			my $rootdir = $nl->get_variable_value($group, $rootdir_var);
			$rootdir =~ s/[\'\"]//g;
			$pathname = "$rootdir/$pathname";
			print OUTFILE "$var = $pathname\n";


sub set_abs_filepath {

# check whether the input filepath is an absolute path, and if it isn't then
# prepend a root directory

    my ($filepath, $rootdir) = @_;

    # strip any leading/trailing whitespace
    $filepath =~ s/^\s+//;
    $filepath =~ s/\s+$//;
    $rootdir  =~ s/^\s+//;
    $rootdir  =~ s/\s+$//;

    # strip any leading/trailing quotes
    $filepath =~ s/^['"]+//;
    $filepath =~ s/["']+$//;
    $rootdir =~ s/^['"]+//;
    $rootdir =~ s/["']+$//;

    my $out = $filepath;
    unless ( $filepath =~ /^\// ) {  # unless $filepath starts with a /
        if ($filepath =~ m/unknown.+/ ) {
           $out = "$filepath";
       } else {
	   $out = "$rootdir/$filepath"; # prepend the root directory
    return $out;


sub valid_option {

    my ($val, @expect) = @_;
    my ($expect);

    $val =~ s/^\s+//;
    $val =~ s/\s+$//;
    foreach $expect (@expect) {
	if ($val =~ /^$expect$/i) { return $expect; }
    return undef;


sub validate_options {

    my $source = shift;   # text string declaring the source of the options being validated
    my $opts   = shift;   # reference to hash that contains the options

    my ($opt, $old, @expect);



sub quote_string {
    my $str = shift;
    $str =~ s/^\s+//;
    $str =~ s/\s+$//;
    unless ($str =~ /^[\'\"]/) {        #"'
        $str = "\'$str\'";
    return $str;

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