\name{summary.RLResult} \alias{summary.RLResult} \alias{summary,RLResult-method} \alias{print.summaryRLResult} \title{ Summary method for \code{"RLResult"} objects. } \description{ Get summarized information on a \code{"\linkS4class{RLResult}"} object. } \usage{ \S4method{summary}{RLResult}(object) \method{print}{summaryRLResult}(x, ...) } \arguments{ \item{object}{The object for which to show a summary.} \item{x}{Return value of the summary function.} \item{...}{Additional arguments from the generic function are ignored.} } \details{ The \code{summary} methods return a list of the format shown below. The print method displays this information on the console in a user-friendly format. } \value{ For \code{summary}, a list with components \item{nPairs}{Number of record pairs.} \item{nLinks}{Number of detected links.} \item{nPossibleLinks}{Number of detected possible links.} } \author{ Andreas Borg, Murat Sariyar } \seealso{ \code{\link{summary}} \code{"\linkS4class{RLResult}"} } \examples{ data(RLdata500) rpairs <- RLBigDataDedup(RLdata500, blockfld=list(1,3,5:7), identity = identity.RLdata500) rpairs <- epiWeights(rpairs) result <- epiClassify(rpairs, 0.7) summary(result) } \keyword{methods}