Tip revision: 885ab129b2402c353548bcfc51214f608f09bade authored by Loic Gouarin on 02 December 2022, 12:34:47 UTC
add fenics example and update environment.yml
add fenics example and update environment.yml
Tip revision: 885ab12
# Authors:
# Loic Gouarin <>
# Nicole Spillane <>
# License: BSD 3 clause
def buildVecWithFunction(da, func, extra_args=()):
Construct a vector using a function applied on
each point of the mesh.
da : petsc.DMDA
The mesh structure.
func: function
Function to apply on each point.
extra_args: tuple
extra parameters of the function.
b: petsc.Vec
The vector with the function values on each point.
OUT = da.createGlobalVec()
out = da.getVecArray(OUT)
coords = da.getVecArray(da.getCoordinates())
if da.getDim() == 2:
(xs, xe), (ys, ye) = da.getRanges()
func(coords[xs:xe, ys:ye], out[xs:xe, ys:ye], *extra_args)
(xs, xe), (ys, ye), (zs, ze) = da.getRanges()
func(coords[xs:xe, ys:ye, zs:ze], out[xs:xe, ys:ye, zs:ze], *extra_args)
return OUT
def buildCellArrayWithFunction(da, func, extra_args=()):
Construct a vector using a function applied on
each cell of the mesh.
da : petsc.DMDA
The mesh structure.
func: function
Function to apply on each cell.
extra_args: tuple
extra parameters of the function.
b: petsc.Vec
The vector with the function values on each cell.
elem = da.getElements()
coords = da.getCoordinatesLocal()
dof = da.getDof()
x = .5*(coords[dof*elem[:, 0]] + coords[dof*elem[:, 1]])
y = .5*(coords[dof*elem[:, 0] + 1] + coords[dof*elem[:, 3] + 1])
if da.getDim() == 2:
return func(x, y, *extra_args)
z= .5*(coords[dof*elem[:, 0] + 2] + coords[dof*elem[:, 4] + 2])
return func(x, y, z, *extra_args)