stringi package NEWS and CHANGELOG =============================================================================== ## Known bugs in ICU * [REGEX] #147: regex look-behind assertions may fail to find a multibyte Unicode search pattern [solved in ICU4C 57m1, see] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## 1.1.2 (2016-09-30) **CRAN** * [BUGFIX] round(), snprintf() is not C++98 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## 1.1.1 (2016-05-25) **CRAN** * [BUGFIX] #214: allow a regex pattern like `.*` to match an empty string. * [BUGFIX] #210: `stri_replace_all_fixed(c("1", "NULL"), "NULL", NA)` now results in `c("1", NA)`. * [NEW FEATURE] #199: `stri_sub<-` now allows for ignoring `NA` locations (a new `omit_na` argument added). * [NEW FEATURE] #207: `stri_sub<-` now allows for substring insertions (via `length=0`). * [NEW FUNCTION] #124: `stri_subset<-` functions added. * [NEW FEATURE] #216: `stri_detect`, `stri_subset`, `stri_subset<-` gained a `negate` argument. * [NEW FUNCTION] #175: `stri_join_list` concatenates all strings in a list of character vectors. Useful with, e.g., `stri_extract_all_regex`, `stri_extract_all_words` etc. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## 1.0-1 (2015-10-22) **CRAN** * [GENERAL] #88: C API is now available for use in, e.g., Rcpp packages, see for an example. * [BUGFIX] #183: Floating point exception raised in `stri_sub()` and `stri_sub<-()` when `to` or `length` was a zero-length numeric vector. * [BUGFIX] #180: `stri_c()` warned incorrectly (recycling rule) when using more than 2 elements. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## 0.5-5 (2015-06-28) **CRAN** * [BACKWARD INCOMPATIBILITY] `stri_install_check()` and `stri_install_icudt()` are now deprecated. From now on they are supposed to be used only by the `stringi` installer. * [BUGFIX] #176: a patch for `sys/feature_tests.h` no longer included (the original file was copyrighted by Sun Microsystems); fixed the *Compiler or options invalid for pre-UNIX 03 X/Open applications and pre-2001 POSIX applications* error by forcing (conditionally) `_XPG6` conformance. * [BUGFIX] #174: `stri_paste()` did not generate any warning when the recycling rule is violated and `sep==""`. * [BUGFIX] #170: `icu::setDataDirectory` no longer called if our ICU source bundle is not used (this used to cause build problems on openSUSE). * [BUILD TIME] #169: `./configure` now tries to switch to the "standard" C++ compiler if a C++11 one is not properly configured. * [BUILD TIME] `` (`Biarch: TRUE`) now mimics `autoconf`'s `AC_SUBST` and `AC_CONFIG_FILES` so that the build process is now more similar across different platforms. * [NEW FEATURE] `stri_info()` now also gives information about which version of ICU4C is in use (system or bundle). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## 0.5-2 (2015-06-21) **CRAN** * [BACKWARD INCOMPATIBILITY] The second argument to `stri_pad_*()` has been renamed `width`. * [GENERAL] #69: `stringi` is now bundled with ICU4C 55.1. * [NEW FUNCTIONS] `stri_extract_*_boundaries()` extract text between text boundaries. * [NEW FUNCTION] #46: `stri_trans_char()` is a `stringi`-flavoured `chartr()` equivalent. * [NEW FUNCTION] #8: `stri_width()` approximates the *width* of a string in a more Unicodish fashion than `nchar(..., "width")` * [NEW FEATURE] #149: `stri_pad()` and `stri_wrap()` now by default bases on code point widths instead of the number of code points. Moreover, the default behavior of `stri_wrap()` is now such that it does not get rid of non-breaking, zero width, etc. spaces * [NEW FEATURE] #133: `stri_wrap()` silently allows for `width <= 0` (for compatibility with `strwrap()`). * [NEW FEATURE] #139: `stri_wrap()` gained a new argument: `whitespace_only`. * [NEW FUNCTIONS] #137: date-time formatting/parsing: * `stri_timezone_list()` - lists all known time zone identifiers * `stri_timezone_set()`, `stri_timezone_get()` - manage current default time zone * `stri_timezone_info()` - basic information on a given time zone * `stri_datetime_symbols()` - localizable date-time formatting data * `stri_datetime_fstr()` - convert a `strptime`-like format string to an ICU date/time format string * `stri_datetime_format()` - convert date/time to string * `stri_datetime_parse()` - convert string to date/time object * `stri_datetime_create()` - construct date-time objects from numeric representations * `stri_datetime_now()` - return current date-time * `stri_datetime_fields()` - get values for date-time fields * `stri_datetime_add()` - add specific number of date-time units to a date-time object * [GENERAL] #144: Performance improvements in handling ASCII strings (these affect `stri_sub()`, `stri_locate()` and other string index-based operations) * [GENERAL] #143: Searching for short fixed patterns (`stri_*_fixed()`) now relies on the current `libC`'s implementation of `strchr()` and `strstr()`. This is very fast e.g. on `glibc` utilizing the `SSE2/3/4` instruction set. * [BUILD TIME] #141: a local copy of `icudt*.zip` may be used on package install; see the `INSTALL` file for more information. * [BUILD TIME] #165: the `./configure` option `--disable-icu-bundle` forces the use of system ICU when building the package. * [BUGFIX] locale specifiers are now normalized in a more intelligent way: e.g. `@calendar=gregorian` expands to `DEFAULT_LOCALE@calendar=gregorian`. * [BUGFIX] #134: `stri_extract_all_words()` did not accept `simplify=NA`. * [BUGFIX] #132: incorrect behavior in `stri_locate_regex()` for matches of zero lengths * [BUGFIX] stringr/#73: `stri_wrap()` returned `CHARSXP` instead of `STRSXP` on empty string input with `simplify=FALSE` argument. * [BUGFIX] #164: `libicu-dev` usage used to fail on Ubuntu (`LIBS` shall be passed after `LDFLAGS` and the list of `.o` files). * [BUGFIX] #168: Build now fails if `icudt` is not available. * [BUGFIX] #135: C++11 is now used by default (see the `INSTALL` file, however) to build `stringi` from sources. This is because ICU4C uses the `long long` type which is not part of the C++98 standard. * [BUGFIX] #154: Dates and other objects with a custom class attribute were not coerced to the character type correctly. * [BUGFIX] Force ICU `u_init()` call on `stringi` dynlib load. * [BUGFIX] #157: many overfull hboxes in the package PDF manual has been corrected. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## 0.4-1 (2014-12-11) **CRAN** * [IMPORTANT CHANGE] `n_max` argument in `stri_split_*()` has been renamed `n`. * [IMPORTANT CHANGE] `simplify=FALSE` in `stri_extract_all_*()` and `stri_split_*()` now calls `stri_list2matrix()` with `fill=""`. `fill=NA_character_` may be obtained by using `simplify=NA`. * [IMPORTANT CHANGE, NEW FUNCTIONS] #120: `stri_extract_words` has been renamed `stri_extract_all_words` and `stri_locate_boundaries` - `stri_locate_all_boundaries` as well as `stri_locate_words` - `stri_locate_all_words`. New functions are now available: `stri_locate_first_boundaries`, `stri_locate_last_boundaries`, `stri_locate_first_words`, `stri_locate_last_words`, `stri_extract_first_words`, `stri_extract_last_words`. * [IMPORTANT CHANGE] #111: `opts_regex`, `opts_collator`, `opts_fixed`, and `opts_brkiter` can now be supplied individually via `...`. In other words, you may now simply call e.g. `stri_detect_regex(str, pattern, case_insensitive=TRUE)` instead of `stri_detect_regex(str, pattern, opts_regex=stri_opts_regex(case_insensitive=TRUE))`. * [NEW FEATURE] #110: Fixed pattern search engine's settings can now be supplied via `opts_fixed` argument in `stri_*_fixed()`, see `stri_opts_fixed()`. A simple (not suitable for natural language processing) yet very fast `case_insensitive` pattern matching can be performed now. `stri_extract_*_fixed` is again available. * [NEW FEATURE] #23: `stri_extract_all_fixed`, `stri_count`, and `stri_locate_all_fixed` may now also look for overlapping pattern matches, see `?stri_opts_fixed`. * [NEW FEATURE] #129: `stri_match_*_regex` gained a `cg_missing` argument. * [NEW FEATURE] #117: `stri_extract_all_*()`, `stri_locate_all_*()`, `stri_match_all_*()` gained a new argument: `omit_no_match`. Setting it to `TRUE` makes these functions compatible with their `stringr` equivalents. * [NEW FEATURE] #118: `stri_wrap()` gained `indent`, `exdent`, `initial`, and `prefix` arguments. Moreover Knuth's dynamic word wrapping algorithm now assumes that the cost of printing the last line is zero, see #128. * [NEW FEATURE] #122: `stri_subset()` gained an `omit_na` argument. * [NEW FEATURE] `stri_list2matrix()` gained an `n_min` argument. * [NEW FEATURE] #126: `stri_split()` now is also able to act just like `stringr::str_split_fixed()`. * [NEW FEATURE] #119: `stri_split_boundaries()` now have `n`, `tokens_only`, and `simplify` arguments. Additionally, `stri_extract_all_words()` is now equipped with `simplify` arg. * [NEW FEATURE] #116: `stri_paste()` gained a new argument: `ignore_null`. Setting it to `TRUE` makes this function more compatible with `paste()`. * [OTHER] #123: `useDynLib` is used to speed up symbol look-up in the compiled dynamic library. * [BUGFIX] #114: `stri_paste()`: could return result in an incorrect order. * [BUGFIX] #94: Run-time errors on Solaris caused by setting `-DU_DISABLE_RENAMING=1` -- memory allocation errors in i.a. ICU's UnicodeString. This setting also caused some ABSan sanity check failures within ICU code. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## 0.3-1 (2014-11-06) **CRAN** * [IMPORTANT CHANGE] #87: `%>%` overlapped with the pipe operator from the `magrittr` package; now each operator like `%>%` has been renamed `%s>%`. * [IMPORTANT CHANGE] #108: Now the BreakIterator (for text boundary analysis) may be better controlled via `stri_opts_brkiter()` (see options `type` and `locale` which aim to replace now-removed `boundary` and `locale` parameters to `stri_locate_boundaries`, `stri_split_boundaries`, `stri_trans_totitle`, `stri_extract_words`, `stri_locate_words`). * [NEW FUNCTIONS] #109: `stri_count_boundaries()` and `stri_count_words()` count the number of text boundaries in a string. * [NEW FUNCTIONS] #41: `stri_startswith_*()` and `stri_endswith_*()` determine whether a string starts or ends with a given pattern. * [NEW FEATURE] #102: `stri_replace_all_*()` gained a `vectorize_all()` parameter, which defaults to TRUE for backward compatibility. * [NEW FUNCTION] #91: `stri_subset_*()`, a convenient and more efficient substitute for `str[stri_detect_*(str, ...)]`, added. * [NEW FEATURE] #100: `stri_split_fixed()`, `stri_split_charclass()`, `stri_split_regex()`, `stri_split_coll()` gained a `tokens_only` parameter, which defaults to `FALSE` for backward compatibility. * [NEW FUNCTION] #105: `stri_list2matrix()` converts lists of atomic vectors to character matrices, useful in connection with `stri_split` and `stri_extract`. * [NEW FEATURE] #107: `stri_split_*()` now allow setting an `omit_empty=NA` argument. * [NEW FEATURE] #106: `stri_split()` and `stri_extract_all()` gained a `simplify` argument (if `TRUE`, then `stri_list2matrix(..., byrow=TRUE)` is called on the resulting list. * [NEW FUNCTION] #77: `stri_rand_lipsum()` generates (pseudo)random dummy *lorem ipsum* text. * [NEW FEATURE] #98: `stri_trans_totitle()` gained a `opts_brkiter` parameter; it indicates which ICU BreakIterator should be used when performing case mapping. * [NEW FEATURE] `stri_wrap()` gained a new parameter: `normalize`. * [BUGFIX] #86: `stri_*_fixed()`, `stri_*_coll()`, and `stri_*_regex()` could give incorrect results if one of search strings were of length 0. * [BUGFIX] #99: `stri_replace_all()` did not use the `replacement` arg. * [BUGFIX] #112: Some of the objects were not PROTECTed from being garbage collected, which might have caused spontaneous SEGFAULTS. * [BUGFIX] Some collator's options were not passed correctly to ICU services. * [BUGFIX] Memory leaks causes as detected by `valgrind --tool=memcheck --leak-check=full` have been removed. * [DOCUMENTATION] Significant extensions/clean ups in the `stringi` manual. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## 0.2-5 (2014-05-16) **CRAN** * ~~icudt-dependent examples are no longer run if `icudt` is not available.~~ ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## 0.2-4 (2014-05-15) **CRAN** * [BUGFIX] Issues with loading of misaligned addresses in `stri_*_fixed()`. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## 0.2-3 (2014-05-14) **CRAN** * [IMPORTANT CHANGE] `stri_cmp*()` now do not allow for passing `opts_collator=NA`. From now on, `stri_cmp_eq`, `stri_cmp_neq`, and the new operators `%===%`, `%!==%`, `%stri===%`, and `%stri!==%` are locale-independent operations, which base on code point comparisons. New functions `stri_cmp_equiv` and `stri_cmp_nequiv` (and from now on also `%==%`, `%!=%`, `%stri==%`, and `%stri!=%`) test for canonical equivalence. * [IMPORTANT CHANGE] `stri_*_fixed()` search functions now perform a locale-independent exact (byte-wise, of course after conversion to UTF-8) pattern search. All the Collator-based, locale-dependent search routines are now available via `stri_*_coll()`. The reason for this is that ICU USearch has currently very poor performance and in many search tasks in fact it is sufficient to do exact pattern matching. * [GENERAL] `stri_*_fixed` now use a tweaked Knuth-Morris-Pratt search algorithm, which improves the search performance drastically. * [IMPORTANT CHANGE] `stri_enc_nf*()` and `stri_enc_isnf*()` function families have been renamed to `stri_trans_nf*()` and `stri_trans_isnf*()`, respectively. This is because they deal with text transforming, and not with character encoding. Moreover, all such operations may also be performed by ICU's Transliterator (see below). * [NEW FUNCTION] `stri_trans_general()` and `stri_trans_list()` give access to ICU's Transliterator: may be used to perform very general text transforms. * [NEW FUNCTION `stri_split_boundaries()` utilizes ICU's BreakIterator to split strings at specific text boundaries. Moreover, stri_locate_boundaries indicates positions of these boundaries. * [NEW FUNCTION] `stri_extract_words()` uses ICU's BreakIterator to extract all words from a text. Additionally, `stri_locate_words` locates start and end positions of words in a text. * [NEW FUNCTION] `stri_pad()`, `stri_pad_left()`, `stri_pad_right()`, and `stri_pad_both` pad a string with a specific code point. * [NEW FUNCTION] `stri_wrap()` breaks paragraphs of text into lines. Two algorithms (greedy and minimal raggedness) are available. * [IMPORTANT CHANGE] `stri_*_charclass()` search functions now rely solely on ICU's UnicodeSet patterns. All previously accepted charclass identifiers became invalid. However, new patterns should now be more familiar to the users (they are regex-like). Moreover, we observe a very nice performance gain. * [IMPORTANT CHANGE] `stri_sort()` now does not include `NA`s in output vectors by default, for compatibility with `sort()`. Moreover, currently none of the input vector's attributes are preserved. * [NEW FUNCTION] `stri_unique()` extracts unique elements from a character vector. * [NEW FUNCTIONS] `stri_duplicated()` and `stri_duplicated_any()` determine duplicate elements in a character vector. * [NEW FUNCTION] `stri_replace_na()` replaces `NA`s in a character vector with a given string, useful for emulating e.g. R's `paste()` behavior. * [NEW FUNCTION] `stri_rand_shuffle()` generates a random permutation of code points in a string. * [NEW FUNCTION] `stri_rand_strings()` generates random strings. * [NEW FUNCTIONS] New functions and binary operators for string comparison: `stri_cmp_eq()`, `stri_cmp_neq()`, `stri_cmp_lt()`, `stri_cmp_le()`, `stri_cmp_gt()`, `stri_cmp_ge()`, `%==%`, `%!=%`, `%<%`, `%<=%`, `%>%`, `%>=%`. * [NEW FUNCTION] `stri_enc_mark()` reads declared encodings of character strings as seen by `stringi`. * [NEW FUNCTION] `stri_enc_tonative(str)` is an alias to `stri_encode(str, NULL, NULL)`. * [NEW FEATURE] `stri_order()` and `stri_sort()` now have an additional argument `na_last` (defaults to `TRUE` and `NA`, respectively). * [NEW FEATURE] `stri_replace_all_charclass()`, `stri_extract_all_charclass()`, and `stri_locate_all_charclass()` now have a new arg, `merge` (defaults to `FALSE` for backward-compatibility). It may be used to e.g. replace sequences of white spaces with a single space. * [NEW FEATURE] `stri_enc_toutf8()` now has a new `validate` arg (defaults to FALSE for backward-compatibility). It may be used in a (rare) case in which a user wants to fix an invalid UTF-8 byte sequence. stri_length (among others) now detect invalid UTF-8 byte sequences. * [NEW FEATURE] All binary operators `%???%` now also have aliases `%stri???%`. * [GENERAL] Performance improvements in `StriContainerUTF8` and `StriContainerUTF16` (they affect most other functions). * [GENERAL] Significant performance improvements in `stri_join()`, `stri_flatten()`, `stri_cmp()`, `stri_trans_to*()`, and others. * [GENERAL] Added 3rd mirror site for our `icudt` binary distribution. * `U_MISSING_RESOURCE_ERROR` message in `StriException` now suggests calling `stri_install_check()`. * [BUGFIX] UTF-8 BOMs are now silently removed from input strings. * [BUGFIX] no more attempts to re-encode UTF-8 encoded strings if native encoding=UTF-8 in `StriContainerUTF8`. * [BUGFIX] possible memory leaks when throwing errors via `Rf_error()`. * [BUGFIX] `stri_order()` and `stri_cmp()` could return incorrect results for `opts_collator=NA`. * [BUGFIX] `stri_sort()` did not guarantee to return strings in UTF-8. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## 0.1-25 (2014-03-12) **CRAN** * LICENSE tweaks. * Initial CRAN release. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## 0.1-24 (2014-03-11) **devel** * Fixed bugs detected with `ASan` and `UBSan`, e.g. fixed `CharClass::gcmask` type (`enum` -> `uint32_t`) (reported by `UBSan`). * Fixed array over-runs detected with `valgrind` in `string8.h`. * Fixed unitialized class fields in `StriContainerUTF8` (reported by `valgrind`). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## 0.1-23 (2014-03-11) **devel** * License changed to BSD-3-clause, COPYRIGHTS updated. * `icudt` is not shipped with `stringi` anymore; it is now downloaded in `install.libs.R` from one of our servers. * New functions: `stri_install_check()`, `stri_install_icudt()`. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## 0.1-22 (2014-02-20) **devel** * System ICU is used on systems which do have one (version >= 50 needed). ICU is autodetected with `pkg-config` in `./configure`. Pass `'--disable-pkg-config'` to `./configure` to force building ICU from sources. * `icudt52b` (custom subset) is now shipped with `stringi` (for big-endian, ASCII systems). ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## 0.1-21 (2014-02-19) **devel** * Fixed some Solaris-related issues while preparing `stringi` for CRAN submission. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## 0.1-20 (2014-02-17) **devel** * ICU4C 52.1 sources included (common, i18n, stubdata + icu52dt.dat loaded dynamically). Compilation via Makevars. * `stringi` now does not depend on any external libraries. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## 0.1-11 (2013-11-16) **devel** * ICU4C is now statically linked on Windows. * First OS X binary build. * The package is being intensively tested by our students @ FMIS WUT. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## 0.1-10 (2013-11-13) **devel** * Using `pkg-config` via `./configure` to look for ICU4C libs. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## 0.1-6 (2013-07-05) **devel** * First Windows binary build. * Compilation passed on Oracle Sun Studio compiler collection. * By now we have implemented most of the functionality scheduled for milestone 0.1. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ## 0.1-1 (2013-01-05) **devel** * The `stringi` project has been established on GitHub. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------