Raw File
// This program is free software: you can use, modify and/or redistribute it
// under the terms of the simplified BSD License. You should have received a
// copy of this license along this program. If not, see
// <http://www.opensource.org/licenses/bsd-license.html>.
// Copyright (C) 2012, Javier Sánchez Pérez <jsanchez@dis.ulpgc.es>
// Copyright (C) 2014, Nelson Monzón López <nmonzon@ctim.es>
// All rights reserved.

#ifndef ZOOM_H
#define ZOOM_H

#include <omp.h>
#include <cmath>
#include <stdio.h>

#include "gaussian.h"
#include "bicubic_interpolation.h"

#define ZOOM_SIGMA_ZERO 0.6

  * Compute the size of a zoomed image from the zoom factor
zoom_size (int nx,		//width of the orignal image
	   int ny,		//height of the orignal image
	   int &nxx,		//width of the zoomed image
	   int &nyy,		//height of the zoomed image
	   float factor = 0.5	//zoom factor between 0 and 1
  nxx = (int) ((float) nx * factor + 0.5);
  nyy = (int) ((float) ny * factor + 0.5);

  * Function to downsample the image
zoom_out (const float *I,	//input image
	  float *Iout,		//output image
	  const int nx,		//image width
	  const int ny,		//image height
          const int nz,		// number of color channels in image	 	  
          const float factor = 0.5	//zoom factor between 0 and 1
  int nxx, nyy, original_size = nx * ny * nz;
  float *Is = new float[original_size];

  for (int i = 0; i < original_size; i++)
    Is[i] = I[i];

  //calculate the size of the zoomed image
  zoom_size (nx, ny, nxx, nyy, factor);
  //compute the Gaussian sigma for smoothing
  const float sigma = ZOOM_SIGMA_ZERO * sqrt (1.0 / (factor * factor) - 1.0);

  //pre-smooth the image
  gaussian (Is, nx, ny, nz, sigma);
  // re-sample the image using bicubic interpolation 
  for(int index_multichannel = 0; index_multichannel < nz; index_multichannel++){

    for (int i1 = 0; i1 < nyy; i1++)
      for (int j1 = 0; j1 < nxx; j1++){
	    const float i2  = (float) i1 / factor;
	    const float j2  = (float) j1 / factor;
	    Iout[(i1 * nxx + j1) * nz + index_multichannel] = bicubic_interpolation (Is, j2, i2, nx, ny, nz, index_multichannel);
  delete []Is;

  * Function to upsample the flow

zoom_in_flow (const float *I,	//input image
	 float *Iout,		//output image
	 int nx,		//width of the original image
	 int ny,		//height of the original image
	 int nxx,		//width of the zoomed image
	 int nyy		//height of the zoomed image
  // compute the zoom factor
  const float factorx = ((float) nxx / nx);
  const float factory = ((float) nyy / ny);

  // re-sample the image using bicubic interpolation
  #pragma omp parallel for    
  for (int i1 = 0; i1 < nyy; i1++){
      for (int j1 = 0; j1 < nxx; j1++){

	  float i2 = (float) i1 / factory;
	  float j2 = (float) j1 / factorx;

	  Iout[i1 * nxx + j1] = bicubic_interpolation (I, j2, i2, nx, ny, 1, 0);

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