import os import math import random import import numpy as np import tensorflow as tf from PIL import Image from rasterization_utils.RealRenderer import GizehRasterizor as RealRenderer def copy_hparams(hparams): """Return a copy of an HParams instance.""" return**hparams.values()) class GeneralRawDataLoader(object): def __init__(self, image_path, raster_size, test_dataset): self.image_path = image_path self.raster_size = raster_size self.test_dataset = test_dataset def get_test_image(self, random_cursor=True, init_cursor_on_undrawn_pixel=False, init_cursor_num=1): input_image_data, image_size_test = self.gen_input_images(self.image_path) input_image_data = np.array(input_image_data, dtype=np.float32) # (1, image_size, image_size, (3)), [0.0-strokes, 1.0-BG] return input_image_data, \ self.gen_init_cursors(input_image_data, random_cursor, init_cursor_on_undrawn_pixel, init_cursor_num), \ image_size_test def gen_input_images(self, image_path): img ='RGB') height, width = img.height, img.width max_dim = max(height, width) img = np.array(img, dtype=np.uint8) if height != width: # Padding to a square image if self.test_dataset == 'clean_line_drawings': pad_value = [255, 255, 255] elif self.test_dataset == 'faces': pad_value = [0, 0, 0] else: # TODO: find better padding pixel value pad_value = img[height - 10, width - 10] img_r, img_g, img_b = img[:, :, 0], img[:, :, 1], img[:, :, 2] pad_width = max_dim - width pad_height = max_dim - height pad_img_r = np.pad(img_r, ((0, pad_height), (0, pad_width)), 'constant', constant_values=pad_value[0]) pad_img_g = np.pad(img_g, ((0, pad_height), (0, pad_width)), 'constant', constant_values=pad_value[1]) pad_img_b = np.pad(img_b, ((0, pad_height), (0, pad_width)), 'constant', constant_values=pad_value[2]) image_array = np.stack([pad_img_r, pad_img_g, pad_img_b], axis=-1) else: image_array = img if self.test_dataset == 'faces' and max_dim != 256: image_array_resize = Image.fromarray(image_array, 'RGB') image_array_resize = image_array_resize.resize(size=(256, 256), resample=Image.BILINEAR) image_array = np.array(image_array_resize, dtype=np.uint8) assert image_array.shape[0] == image_array.shape[1] img_size = image_array.shape[0] image_array = image_array.astype(np.float32) if self.test_dataset == 'clean_line_drawings': image_array = image_array[:, :, 0] / 255.0 # [0.0-stroke, 1.0-BG] else: image_array = image_array / 255.0 # [0.0-stroke, 1.0-BG] image_array = np.expand_dims(image_array, axis=0) return image_array, img_size def crop_patch(self, image, center, image_size, crop_size): x0 = center[0] - crop_size // 2 x1 = x0 + crop_size y0 = center[1] - crop_size // 2 y1 = y0 + crop_size x0 = max(0, min(x0, image_size)) y0 = max(0, min(y0, image_size)) x1 = max(0, min(x1, image_size)) y1 = max(0, min(y1, image_size)) patch = image[y0:y1, x0:x1] return patch def gen_init_cursor_single(self, sketch_image, init_cursor_on_undrawn_pixel, misalign_size=3): # sketch_image: [0.0-stroke, 1.0-BG] image_size = sketch_image.shape[0] if np.sum(1.0 - sketch_image) == 0: center = np.zeros((2), dtype=np.int32) return center else: while True: center = np.random.randint(0, image_size, size=(2)) # (2), in large size patch = 1.0 - self.crop_patch(sketch_image, center, image_size, self.raster_size) if np.sum(patch) != 0: if not init_cursor_on_undrawn_pixel: return center.astype(np.float32) / float(image_size) # (2), in size [0.0, 1.0) else: center_patch = 1.0 - self.crop_patch(sketch_image, center, image_size, misalign_size) if np.sum(center_patch) != 0: return center.astype(np.float32) / float(image_size) # (2), in size [0.0, 1.0) def gen_init_cursors(self, sketch_data, random_pos=True, init_cursor_on_undrawn_pixel=False, init_cursor_num=1): init_cursor_batch_list = [] for cursor_i in range(init_cursor_num): if random_pos: init_cursor_batch = [] for i in range(len(sketch_data)): sketch_image = sketch_data[i].copy().astype(np.float32) # [0.0-stroke, 1.0-BG] center = self.gen_init_cursor_single(sketch_image, init_cursor_on_undrawn_pixel) init_cursor_batch.append(center) init_cursor_batch = np.stack(init_cursor_batch, axis=0) # (N, 2) else: raise Exception('Not finished') init_cursor_batch_list.append(init_cursor_batch) if init_cursor_num == 1: init_cursor_batch = init_cursor_batch_list[0] init_cursor_batch = np.expand_dims(init_cursor_batch, axis=1).astype(np.float32) # (N, 1, 2) else: init_cursor_batch = np.stack(init_cursor_batch_list, axis=1) # (N, init_cursor_num, 2) init_cursor_batch = np.expand_dims(init_cursor_batch, axis=2).astype( np.float32) # (N, init_cursor_num, 1, 2) return init_cursor_batch def load_dataset_testing(test_data_base_dir, test_dataset, test_img_name, model_params): assert test_dataset in ['clean_line_drawings', 'rough_sketches', 'faces'] img_path = os.path.join(test_data_base_dir, test_dataset, test_img_name) print('Loaded {} from {}'.format(img_path, test_dataset)) eval_model_params = copy_hparams(model_params) eval_model_params.use_input_dropout = 0 eval_model_params.use_recurrent_dropout = 0 eval_model_params.use_output_dropout = 0 eval_model_params.batch_size = 1 eval_model_params.model_mode = 'sample' sample_model_params = copy_hparams(eval_model_params) sample_model_params.batch_size = 1 # only sample one at a time sample_model_params.max_seq_len = 1 # sample one point at a time test_set = GeneralRawDataLoader(img_path, eval_model_params.raster_size, test_dataset=test_dataset) result = [test_set, eval_model_params, sample_model_params] return result class GeneralMultiObjectDataLoader(object): def __init__(self, stroke3_data, batch_size, raster_size, image_size_small, image_size_large, is_bin, is_train): self.batch_size = batch_size # minibatch size self.raster_size = raster_size self.image_size_small = image_size_small self.image_size_large = image_size_large self.is_bin = is_bin self.is_train = is_train self.num_batches = len(stroke3_data) // self.batch_size self.batch_idx = -1 print('batch_size', batch_size, ', num_batches', self.num_batches) self.rasterizor = RealRenderer() self.memory_sketch_data_batch = [] assert type(stroke3_data) is list self.preprocess_rand_data(stroke3_data) def preprocess_rand_data(self, stroke3): if self.is_train: random.shuffle(stroke3) self.stroke3_data = stroke3 def cal_dist(self, posA, posB): return np.sqrt(np.sum(np.power(posA - posB, 2))) def invalid_position(self, pos, obj_size, pos_list, size_list): if len(pos_list) == 0: return False pos_a = pos size_a = obj_size for i in range(len(pos_list)): pos_b = pos_list[i] size_b = size_list[i] if self.cal_dist(pos_a, pos_b) < ((size_a + size_b) // 4): return True return False def get_object_info(self, image_size, vary_thickness=True, try_total_times=3): if image_size <= 172: obj_num = 1 obj_thickness_list = [3] elif image_size <= 225: obj_num = random.randint(1, 2) obj_thickness_list = np.random.randint(3, 4 + 1, size=(obj_num)) elif image_size <= 278: obj_num = 2 obj_thickness_list = np.random.randint(3, 4 + 1, size=(obj_num)) elif image_size <= 331: obj_num = random.randint(2, 3) while True: obj_thickness_list = np.random.randint(3, 5 + 1, size=(obj_num)) if np.sum(obj_thickness_list) / obj_num != 5 and np.sum(obj_thickness_list) < 13: break elif image_size <= 384: obj_num = 3 while True: obj_thickness_list = np.random.randint(3, 5 + 1, size=(obj_num)) if np.sum(obj_thickness_list) / obj_num != 5 and np.sum(obj_thickness_list) < 13: break else: raise Exception('Invalid image_size', image_size) if not vary_thickness: num_item = len(obj_thickness_list) obj_thickness_list = [3 for _ in range(num_item)] obj_pos_list = [] obj_size_list = [] if obj_num == 1: obj_size_list.append(image_size) center = (image_size // 2, image_size // 2) obj_pos_list.append(center) else: for obj_i in range(obj_num): for try_i in range(try_total_times): obj_size = random.randint(128, image_size * 3 // 4) obj_center = np.random.randint(obj_size // 3, image_size - (obj_size // 3) + 1, size=(2)) if not self.invalid_position(obj_center, obj_size, obj_pos_list, obj_size_list) or try_i == try_total_times - 1: obj_pos_list.append(obj_center) obj_size_list.append(obj_size) break assert len(obj_size_list) == len(obj_pos_list) == len(obj_thickness_list) == obj_num return obj_num, obj_size_list, obj_pos_list, obj_thickness_list def object_pasting(self, obj_img, canvas_img, center): c_y, c_x = center[0], center[1] obj_size = obj_img.shape[0] canvas_size = canvas_img.shape[0] box_left = max(0, c_x - obj_size // 2) box_right = min(canvas_size, c_x + obj_size // 2) box_up = max(0, c_y - obj_size // 2) box_bottom = min(canvas_size, c_y + obj_size // 2) box_canvas = canvas_img[box_up: box_bottom, box_left: box_right] obj_box_up = box_up - (c_y - obj_size // 2) obj_box_left = box_left - (c_x - obj_size // 2) box_obj = obj_img[obj_box_up: obj_box_up + (box_bottom - box_up), obj_box_left: obj_box_left + (box_right - box_left)] box_canvas += box_obj rst_canvas = np.copy(canvas_img) rst_canvas[box_up: box_bottom, box_left: box_right] = box_canvas rst_canvas = np.clip(rst_canvas, 0.0, 1.0) return rst_canvas def get_multi_object_image(self, img_size, vary_thickness): object_num, object_size_list, object_pos_list, object_thickness_list = self.get_object_info( img_size, vary_thickness=vary_thickness) canvas = np.zeros(shape=(img_size, img_size), dtype=np.float32) for obj_i in range(object_num): rand_idx = np.random.randint(0, len(self.stroke3_data)) rand_stroke3 = self.stroke3_data[rand_idx] # (N_points, 3) object_size = object_size_list[obj_i] object_enter = object_pos_list[obj_i] object_thickness = object_thickness_list[obj_i] stroke_image = self.gen_stroke_images([rand_stroke3], object_size, object_thickness) stroke_image = 1.0 - stroke_image[0] # (image_size, image_size), [0.0-BG, 1.0-strokes] canvas = self.object_pasting(stroke_image, canvas, object_enter) # [0.0-BG, 1.0-strokes] canvas = 1.0 - canvas # [0.0-strokes, 1.0-BG] return canvas def get_batch_from_memory(self, memory_idx, vary_thickness, fixed_image_size=-1, random_cursor=True, init_cursor_on_undrawn_pixel=False, init_cursor_num=1): if len(self.memory_sketch_data_batch) >= memory_idx + 1: sketch_data_batch = self.memory_sketch_data_batch[memory_idx] sketch_data_batch = np.expand_dims(sketch_data_batch, axis=0) # (1, image_size, image_size), [0.0-strokes, 1.0-BG] image_size_rand = sketch_data_batch.shape[1] else: if fixed_image_size == -1: image_size_rand = random.randint(self.image_size_small, self.image_size_large) else: image_size_rand = fixed_image_size multi_obj_image = self.get_multi_object_image(image_size_rand, vary_thickness) # [0.0-strokes, 1.0-BG] self.memory_sketch_data_batch.append(multi_obj_image) sketch_data_batch = np.expand_dims(multi_obj_image, axis=0) # (1, image_size, image_size), [0.0-strokes, 1.0-BG] return None, sketch_data_batch, \ self.gen_init_cursors(sketch_data_batch, random_cursor, init_cursor_on_undrawn_pixel, init_cursor_num), \ image_size_rand def get_batch_multi_res(self, loop_num, vary_thickness, random_cursor=True, init_cursor_on_undrawn_pixel=False, init_cursor_num=1): sketch_data_batch = [] init_cursors_batch = [] image_size_batch = [] batch_size_per_loop = self.batch_size // loop_num for loop_i in range(loop_num): image_size_rand = random.randint(self.image_size_small, self.image_size_large) sketch_data_sub_batch = [] for batch_i in range(batch_size_per_loop): multi_obj_image = self.get_multi_object_image(image_size_rand, vary_thickness) # [0.0-strokes, 1.0-BG] sketch_data_sub_batch.append(multi_obj_image) sketch_data_sub_batch = np.stack(sketch_data_sub_batch, axis=0) # (N, image_size, image_size), [0.0-strokes, 1.0-BG] init_cursors_sub_batch = self.gen_init_cursors(sketch_data_sub_batch, random_cursor, init_cursor_on_undrawn_pixel, init_cursor_num) sketch_data_batch.append(sketch_data_sub_batch) init_cursors_batch.append(init_cursors_sub_batch) image_size_batch.append(image_size_rand) return None, \ sketch_data_batch, \ init_cursors_batch, \ image_size_batch def gen_stroke_images(self, stroke3_list, image_size, stroke_width): """ :param stroke3_list: list of (batch_size,), each with (N_points, 3) :param image_size: :return: """ gt_image_array = self.rasterizor.raster_func(stroke3_list, image_size, stroke_width=stroke_width, is_bin=self.is_bin, version='v2') gt_image_array = np.stack(gt_image_array, axis=0) gt_image_array = 1.0 - gt_image_array # (batch_size, image_size, image_size), [0.0-strokes, 1.0-BG] return gt_image_array def crop_patch(self, image, center, image_size, crop_size): x0 = center[0] - crop_size // 2 x1 = x0 + crop_size y0 = center[1] - crop_size // 2 y1 = y0 + crop_size x0 = max(0, min(x0, image_size)) y0 = max(0, min(y0, image_size)) x1 = max(0, min(x1, image_size)) y1 = max(0, min(y1, image_size)) patch = image[y0:y1, x0:x1] return patch def gen_init_cursor_single(self, sketch_image, init_cursor_on_undrawn_pixel, misalign_size=3): # sketch_image: [0.0-stroke, 1.0-BG] image_size = sketch_image.shape[0] if np.sum(1.0 - sketch_image) == 0: center = np.zeros((2), dtype=np.int32) return center else: while True: center = np.random.randint(0, image_size, size=(2)) # (2), in large size patch = 1.0 - self.crop_patch(sketch_image, center, image_size, self.raster_size) if np.sum(patch) != 0: if not init_cursor_on_undrawn_pixel: return center.astype(np.float32) / float(image_size) # (2), in size [0.0, 1.0) else: center_patch = 1.0 - self.crop_patch(sketch_image, center, image_size, misalign_size) if np.sum(center_patch) != 0: return center.astype(np.float32) / float(image_size) # (2), in size [0.0, 1.0) def gen_init_cursors(self, sketch_data, random_pos=True, init_cursor_on_undrawn_pixel=False, init_cursor_num=1): init_cursor_batch_list = [] for cursor_i in range(init_cursor_num): if random_pos: init_cursor_batch = [] for i in range(len(sketch_data)): sketch_image = sketch_data[i].copy().astype(np.float32) # [0.0-stroke, 1.0-BG] center = self.gen_init_cursor_single(sketch_image, init_cursor_on_undrawn_pixel) init_cursor_batch.append(center) init_cursor_batch = np.stack(init_cursor_batch, axis=0) # (N, 2) else: raise Exception('Not finished') init_cursor_batch_list.append(init_cursor_batch) if init_cursor_num == 1: init_cursor_batch = init_cursor_batch_list[0] init_cursor_batch = np.expand_dims(init_cursor_batch, axis=1).astype(np.float32) # (N, 1, 2) else: init_cursor_batch = np.stack(init_cursor_batch_list, axis=1) # (N, init_cursor_num, 2) init_cursor_batch = np.expand_dims(init_cursor_batch, axis=2).astype( np.float32) # (N, init_cursor_num, 1, 2) return init_cursor_batch def load_dataset_multi_object(dataset_base_dir, model_params): train_stroke3_data = [] val_stroke3_data = [] if model_params.data_set == 'clean_line_drawings': def load_qd_npz_data(npz_path): data = np.load(npz_path, encoding='latin1', allow_pickle=True) selected_strokes3 = data['stroke3'] # (N_sketches,), each with (N_points, 3) selected_strokes3 = selected_strokes3.tolist() return selected_strokes3 base_dir_clean = 'QuickDraw-clean' cates = ['airplane', 'bus', 'car', 'sailboat', 'bird', 'cat', 'dog', # 'rabbit', 'tree', 'flower', # 'circle', 'line', 'zigzag' ] for cate in cates: train_cate_sketch_data_npz_path = os.path.join(dataset_base_dir, base_dir_clean, 'train', cate + '.npz') val_cate_sketch_data_npz_path = os.path.join(dataset_base_dir, base_dir_clean, 'test', cate + '.npz') print(train_cate_sketch_data_npz_path) train_cate_stroke3_data = load_qd_npz_data( train_cate_sketch_data_npz_path) # list of (N_sketches,), each with (N_points, 3) val_cate_stroke3_data = load_qd_npz_data(val_cate_sketch_data_npz_path) train_stroke3_data += train_cate_stroke3_data val_stroke3_data += val_cate_stroke3_data else: raise Exception('Unknown data type:', model_params.data_set) print('Loaded {}/{} from {}'.format(len(train_stroke3_data), len(val_stroke3_data), model_params.data_set)) print('model_params.max_seq_len %i.' % model_params.max_seq_len) eval_sample_model_params = copy_hparams(model_params) eval_sample_model_params.use_input_dropout = 0 eval_sample_model_params.use_recurrent_dropout = 0 eval_sample_model_params.use_output_dropout = 0 eval_sample_model_params.batch_size = 1 # only sample one at a time eval_sample_model_params.model_mode = 'eval_sample' train_set = GeneralMultiObjectDataLoader(train_stroke3_data, model_params.batch_size, model_params.raster_size, model_params.image_size_small, model_params.image_size_large, model_params.bin_gt, is_train=True) val_set = GeneralMultiObjectDataLoader(val_stroke3_data, eval_sample_model_params.batch_size, eval_sample_model_params.raster_size, eval_sample_model_params.image_size_small, eval_sample_model_params.image_size_large, eval_sample_model_params.bin_gt, is_train=False) result = [train_set, val_set, model_params, eval_sample_model_params] return result class GeneralDataLoaderMultiObjectRough(object): def __init__(self, photo_data, sketch_data, texture_data, shadow_data, batch_size, raster_size, image_size_small, image_size_large, is_train): self.batch_size = batch_size # minibatch size self.raster_size = raster_size self.image_size_small = image_size_small self.image_size_large = image_size_large self.is_train = is_train assert photo_data is not None assert len(photo_data) == len(sketch_data) # self.num_batches = len(sketch_data) // self.batch_size self.batch_idx = -1 print('batch_size', batch_size) assert type(photo_data) is list assert type(sketch_data) is list assert type(texture_data) is list and len(texture_data) > 0 assert type(shadow_data) is list and len(shadow_data) > 0 self.photo_data = photo_data self.sketch_data = sketch_data self.texture_data = texture_data # list of (H, W, 3), [0, 255], uint8 self.shadow_data = shadow_data # list of (H, W), [0, 255], uint8 self.memory_photo_data_batch = [] self.memory_sketch_data_batch = [] def rough_augmentation(self, raw_photo, texture_prob=0.20, noise_prob=0.15, shadow_prob=0.20): # raw_photo: (H, W), [0.0-stroke, 1.0-BG] aug_photo_rgb = np.stack([raw_photo for _ in range(3)], axis=-1) def texture_generation(texture_list, image_shape): while True: random_texture_id = random.randint(0, len(texture_list) - 1) texture_large = texture_list[random_texture_id] t_w, t_h = texture_large.shape[1], texture_large.shape[0] i_w, i_h = image_shape[1], image_shape[0] if t_h >= i_h and t_w >= i_w: texture_large = np.copy(texture_large).astype(np.float32) crop_y = random.randint(0, t_h - i_h) crop_x = random.randint(0, t_w - i_w) crop_texture = texture_large[crop_y: crop_y + i_h, crop_x: crop_x + i_w, :] return crop_texture def texture_change(rough_img_, all_textures): # rough_img_: (H, W, 3), [0.0-stroke, 1.0-BG] texture_image = texture_generation(all_textures, rough_img_.shape) # (h, w, 3) texture_image /= 255.0 rand_b = np.random.uniform(1.0, 2.0, size=rough_img_.shape) textured_img = rough_img_ * (texture_image / rand_b + (rand_b - 1.0) / rand_b) # [0.0, 1.0] return textured_img def noise_change(rough_img_, noise_scale=25): # rough_img_: (H, W, 3), [0.0, 1.0] rough_img_255 = rough_img_ * 255.0 rand_noise = np.random.uniform(-1.0, 1.0, size=rough_img_255.shape) * noise_scale # rand_noise = np.random.normal(size=rough_img.shape) * noise_scale noise_img = rough_img_255 + rand_noise noise_img = np.clip(noise_img, 0.0, 255.0) noise_img /= 255.0 return noise_img def shadow_change(rough_img_, all_shadows): # rough_img_: (H, W, 3), [0.0, 1.0] rough_img_255 = rough_img_ * 255.0 shadow_i = random.randint(0, len(all_shadows) - 1) shadow_full = all_shadows[shadow_i] # (H, W), [0, 255] shadow_img_size = shadow_full.shape[0] while True: position = np.random.randint(-shadow_img_size // 2, shadow_img_size // 2, (2)) if abs(position[0]) > (shadow_img_size // 8) and abs(position[1]) > (shadow_img_size // 8): break position += (shadow_img_size // 2) crop_up = shadow_img_size - position[0] crop_left = shadow_img_size - position[1] shadow_image_large = shadow_full[crop_up: crop_up + shadow_img_size, crop_left: crop_left + shadow_img_size] shadow_bg = Image.fromarray(shadow_image_large, 'L') shadow_bg = shadow_bg.resize(size=(rough_img_255.shape[1], rough_img_255.shape[0]), resample=Image.BILINEAR) shadow_bg = np.array(shadow_bg, dtype=np.float32) / 255.0 # [0.0-shadow, 1.0-BG] shadow_bg = np.stack([shadow_bg for _ in range(3)], axis=-1) shadow_img = rough_img_255 * shadow_bg shadow_img /= 255.0 return shadow_img if random.random() <= texture_prob: aug_photo_rgb = texture_change(aug_photo_rgb, self.texture_data) # (H, W, 3), [0.0, 1.0] if random.random() <= noise_prob: aug_photo_rgb = noise_change(aug_photo_rgb) # (H, W, 3), [0.0, 1.0] if random.random() <= shadow_prob: aug_photo_rgb = shadow_change(aug_photo_rgb, self.shadow_data) # (H, W, 3), [0.0, 1.0] return aug_photo_rgb def image_interpolation(self, photo, sketch, photo_prob): interp_photo = photo * photo_prob + sketch * (1.0 - photo_prob) interp_photo = np.clip(interp_photo, 0.0, 1.0) return interp_photo def get_batch_from_memory(self, memory_idx, interpolate_type, fixed_image_size=-1, random_cursor=True, photo_prob=1.0, init_cursor_num=1): if len(self.memory_sketch_data_batch) >= memory_idx + 1: photo_data_batch = self.memory_photo_data_batch[memory_idx] sketch_data_batch = self.memory_sketch_data_batch[memory_idx] image_size_rand = sketch_data_batch.shape[1] else: if fixed_image_size == -1: image_size_rand = random.randint(self.image_size_small, self.image_size_large) else: image_size_rand = fixed_image_size # photo_prob = 0.0 if photo_prob_type == 'zero' else 1.0 photo_data_batch, sketch_data_batch = self.select_sketch( image_size_rand) # both: (H, W), [0.0-stroke, 1.0-BG] photo_data_batch = self.rough_augmentation(photo_data_batch) # (H, W, 3), [0.0-stroke, 1.0-BG] self.memory_photo_data_batch.append(photo_data_batch) self.memory_sketch_data_batch.append(sketch_data_batch) if interpolate_type == 'prob': if random.random() >= photo_prob: photo_data_batch = np.stack([sketch_data_batch for _ in range(3)], axis=-1) # (H, W, 3), [0.0-stroke, 1.0-BG] elif interpolate_type == 'image': photo_data_batch = self.image_interpolation( photo_data_batch, np.stack([sketch_data_batch for _ in range(3)], axis=-1), photo_prob) else: raise Exception('Unknown interpolate_type', interpolate_type) photo_data_batch = np.expand_dims(photo_data_batch, axis=0) # (1, image_size, image_size, 3) sketch_data_batch = np.expand_dims(sketch_data_batch, axis=0) # (1, image_size, image_size), [0.0-strokes, 1.0-BG] return photo_data_batch, sketch_data_batch, \ self.gen_init_cursors(sketch_data_batch, random_cursor, init_cursor_num), image_size_rand def select_sketch(self, image_size_rand): resolution_idx = image_size_rand - self.image_size_small img_idx = random.randint(0, len(self.sketch_data[resolution_idx]) - 1) assert img_idx != -1 selected_sketch = self.sketch_data[resolution_idx][img_idx] # [0-stroke, 255-BG], uint8 selected_photo = self.photo_data[resolution_idx][img_idx] # [0-stroke, 255-BG], uint8 rst_sketch_image = selected_sketch.astype(np.float32) / 255.0 # [0.0-stroke, 1.0-BG] rst_photo_image = selected_photo.astype(np.float32) / 255.0 # [0.0-stroke, 1.0-BG] return rst_photo_image, rst_sketch_image def get_batch_multi_res(self, loop_num, interpolate_type, random_cursor=True, init_cursor_num=1, photo_prob=1.0): photo_data_batch = [] sketch_data_batch = [] init_cursors_batch = [] image_size_batch = [] batch_size_per_loop = self.batch_size // loop_num for loop_i in range(loop_num): image_size_rand = random.randint(self.image_size_small, self.image_size_large) photo_data_sub_batch = [] sketch_data_sub_batch = [] for img_i in range(batch_size_per_loop): photo_patch, sketch_patch = self.select_sketch(image_size_rand) # both: (H, W), [0.0-stroke, 1.0-BG] photo_patch = self.rough_augmentation(photo_patch) # (H, W, 3), [0.0-stroke, 1.0-BG] if interpolate_type == 'prob': if random.random() >= photo_prob: photo_patch = np.stack([sketch_patch for _ in range(3)], axis=-1) # (H, W, 3), [0.0-stroke, 1.0-BG] elif interpolate_type == 'image': photo_patch = self.image_interpolation( photo_patch, np.stack([sketch_patch for _ in range(3)], axis=-1), photo_prob) else: raise Exception('Unknown interpolate_type', interpolate_type) photo_data_sub_batch.append(photo_patch) sketch_data_sub_batch.append(sketch_patch) photo_data_sub_batch = np.stack(photo_data_sub_batch, axis=0) # (N, image_size, image_size, 3), [0.0-strokes, 1.0-BG] sketch_data_sub_batch = np.stack(sketch_data_sub_batch, axis=0) # (N, image_size, image_size), [0.0-strokes, 1.0-BG] init_cursors_sub_batch = self.gen_init_cursors(sketch_data_sub_batch, random_cursor, init_cursor_num) photo_data_batch.append(photo_data_sub_batch) sketch_data_batch.append(sketch_data_sub_batch) init_cursors_batch.append(init_cursors_sub_batch) image_size_batch.append(image_size_rand) return photo_data_batch, sketch_data_batch, init_cursors_batch, image_size_batch def crop_patch(self, image, center, image_size, crop_size): x0 = center[0] - crop_size // 2 x1 = x0 + crop_size y0 = center[1] - crop_size // 2 y1 = y0 + crop_size x0 = max(0, min(x0, image_size)) y0 = max(0, min(y0, image_size)) x1 = max(0, min(x1, image_size)) y1 = max(0, min(y1, image_size)) patch = image[y0:y1, x0:x1] return patch def gen_init_cursor_single(self, sketch_image): # sketch_image: [0.0-stroke, 1.0-BG] image_size = sketch_image.shape[0] if np.sum(1.0 - sketch_image) == 0: center = np.zeros((2), dtype=np.int32) return center else: while True: center = np.random.randint(0, image_size, size=(2)) # (2), in large size patch = 1.0 - self.crop_patch(sketch_image, center, image_size, self.raster_size) if np.sum(patch) != 0: return center.astype(np.float32) / float(image_size) # (2), in size [0.0, 1.0) def gen_init_cursors(self, sketch_data, random_pos=True, init_cursor_num=1): init_cursor_batch_list = [] for cursor_i in range(init_cursor_num): if random_pos: init_cursor_batch = [] for i in range(len(sketch_data)): sketch_image = sketch_data[i].copy().astype(np.float32) # [0.0-stroke, 1.0-BG] center = self.gen_init_cursor_single(sketch_image) init_cursor_batch.append(center) init_cursor_batch = np.stack(init_cursor_batch, axis=0) # (N, 2) else: raise Exception('Not finished') init_cursor_batch_list.append(init_cursor_batch) if init_cursor_num == 1: init_cursor_batch = init_cursor_batch_list[0] init_cursor_batch = np.expand_dims(init_cursor_batch, axis=1).astype(np.float32) # (N, 1, 2) else: init_cursor_batch = np.stack(init_cursor_batch_list, axis=1) # (N, init_cursor_num, 2) init_cursor_batch = np.expand_dims(init_cursor_batch, axis=2).astype( np.float32) # (N, init_cursor_num, 1, 2) return init_cursor_batch def load_dataset_multi_object_rough(dataset_base_dir, model_params): train_photo_data = [] train_sketch_data = [] val_photo_data = [] val_sketch_data = [] texture_data = [] shadow_data = [] if model_params.data_set == 'rough_sketches': base_dir_rough = 'QuickDraw-rough' def load_sketch_data(mat_path): sketch_data_mat = sketch_data = sketch_data_mat['sketch_array'] sketch_data = np.array(sketch_data, dtype=np.uint8) # (N, resolution, resolution), [0-strokes, 255-BG] return sketch_data def load_photo_data(mat_path): photo_data_mat = photo_data = photo_data_mat['image_array'] photo_data = np.array(photo_data, dtype=np.uint8) # (N, resolution, resolution), [0-strokes, 255-BG] return photo_data def load_normal_data(img_path): assert '.png' in img_path or '.jpg' img ='RGB') img = np.array(img, dtype=np.uint8) # (H, W, 3), [0-stroke, 255-BG], uint8 return img ## Texture texture_base = os.path.join(dataset_base_dir, base_dir_rough, 'texture') all_texture = os.listdir(texture_base) all_texture.sort() for file_name in all_texture: texture_path = os.path.join(texture_base, file_name) texture_uint8 = load_normal_data(texture_path) texture_data.append(texture_uint8) ## shadow def process_angle(img, temp_size): padded_img = img.copy() padded_img[0, 0:temp_size] -= 1 padded_img[0, -(temp_size + 1):-1] -= 1 padded_img[-1, 0:temp_size] -= 1 padded_img[-1, -(temp_size + 1):-1] -= 1 padded_img[0:temp_size, 0] -= 1 padded_img[0:temp_size, -1] -= 1 padded_img[-(temp_size + 1):-1, 0] -= 1 padded_img[-(temp_size + 1):-1, -1] -= 1 return padded_img def pad_img(ori_img, pad_value): padded_img = np.pad(ori_img, 1, constant_values=pad_value) img_h, img_w = padded_img.shape[0], padded_img.shape[1] temp_size = img_h // 3 padded_img = process_angle(padded_img, temp_size) temp_size = img_h // 9 padded_img = process_angle(padded_img, temp_size) temp_size = img_h // 15 padded_img = process_angle(padded_img, temp_size) temp_size = img_h // 21 padded_img = process_angle(padded_img, temp_size) padded_img = np.clip(padded_img, 0, 255) return padded_img def shadow_generation(transparency, shadow_img_size=1024): deepest_value = int(255 * transparency) center_patch = np.zeros((shadow_img_size // 2, shadow_img_size // 2), dtype=np.uint8) center_patch.fill(255) pad_gap = shadow_img_size // 2 shadow_patch = center_patch.copy() for i in range(pad_gap): curr_pad_value = 255.0 - float(255.0 - deepest_value) / float(pad_gap) * (i + 1) shadow_patch = pad_img(shadow_patch, pad_value=curr_pad_value) for i in range(shadow_img_size // 4): shadow_patch = pad_img(shadow_patch, pad_value=deepest_value) assert shadow_patch.shape[0] == shadow_img_size * 2, shadow_patch.shape[0] return shadow_patch for transparency_ in range(90, 95 + 1): transparency = transparency_ / 100.0 shadow_full = shadow_generation(transparency) shadow_data.append(shadow_full) splits = ['train', 'test'] resolutions = [model_params.image_size_small, model_params.image_size_large] for resolution in range(resolutions[0], resolutions[1] + 1): for split in splits: sketch_mat1_path = os.path.join(dataset_base_dir, base_dir_rough, 'model_pencil1', 'sketch', split, 'res_' + str(resolution) + '.mat') photo_mat1_path = os.path.join(dataset_base_dir, base_dir_rough, 'model_pencil1', 'photo', split, 'res_' + str(resolution) + '.mat') sketch_data1_uint8 = load_sketch_data( sketch_mat1_path) # (N, resolution, resolution), [0-strokes, 255-BG] photo_data1_uint8 = load_photo_data(photo_mat1_path) # (N, resolution, resolution), [0-strokes, 255-BG] sketch_mat2_path = os.path.join(dataset_base_dir, base_dir_rough, 'model_pencil2', 'sketch', split, 'res_' + str(resolution) + '.mat') photo_mat2_path = os.path.join(dataset_base_dir, base_dir_rough, 'model_pencil2', 'photo', split, 'res_' + str(resolution) + '.mat') sketch_data2_uint8 = load_sketch_data( sketch_mat2_path) # (N, resolution, resolution), [0-strokes, 255-BG] photo_data2_uint8 = load_photo_data(photo_mat2_path) # (N, resolution, resolution), [0-strokes, 255-BG] sketch_data_uint8 = np.concatenate([sketch_data1_uint8, sketch_data2_uint8], axis=0) # (N, resolution, resolution), [0-strokes, 255-BG] photo_data_uint8 = np.concatenate([photo_data1_uint8, photo_data2_uint8], axis=0) # (N, resolution, resolution), [0-strokes, 255-BG] if split == 'train': train_photo_data.append(photo_data_uint8) train_sketch_data.append(sketch_data_uint8) else: val_photo_data.append(photo_data_uint8) val_sketch_data.append(sketch_data_uint8) assert len(train_sketch_data) == len(train_photo_data) assert len(val_sketch_data) == len(val_photo_data) else: raise Exception('Unknown data type:', model_params.data_set) print('Loaded {}/{} from {}'.format(len(train_sketch_data), len(val_sketch_data), model_params.data_set)) print('model_params.max_seq_len %i.' % model_params.max_seq_len) eval_sample_model_params = copy_hparams(model_params) eval_sample_model_params.use_input_dropout = 0 eval_sample_model_params.use_recurrent_dropout = 0 eval_sample_model_params.use_output_dropout = 0 eval_sample_model_params.batch_size = 1 # only sample one at a time eval_sample_model_params.model_mode = 'eval_sample' train_set = GeneralDataLoaderMultiObjectRough(train_photo_data, train_sketch_data, texture_data, shadow_data, model_params.batch_size, model_params.raster_size, model_params.image_size_small, model_params.image_size_large, is_train=True) val_set = GeneralDataLoaderMultiObjectRough(val_photo_data, val_sketch_data, texture_data, shadow_data, eval_sample_model_params.batch_size, eval_sample_model_params.raster_size, eval_sample_model_params.image_size_small, eval_sample_model_params.image_size_large, is_train=False) result = [ train_set, val_set, model_params, eval_sample_model_params ] return result class GeneralDataLoaderNormalImageLinear(object): def __init__(self, photo_data, sketch_data, sketch_shape, batch_size, raster_size, image_size_small, image_size_large, random_image_size, flip_prob, rotate_prob, is_train): self.batch_size = batch_size # minibatch size self.raster_size = raster_size self.image_size_small = image_size_small self.image_size_large = image_size_large self.random_image_size = random_image_size self.is_train = is_train assert photo_data is not None assert len(photo_data) == len(sketch_data) self.num_batches = len(sketch_data) // self.batch_size self.batch_idx = -1 print('batch_size', batch_size, ', num_batches', self.num_batches) self.flip_prob = flip_prob self.rotate_prob = rotate_prob assert type(photo_data) is list assert type(sketch_data) is list self.photo_data = photo_data self.sketch_data = sketch_data self.sketch_shape = sketch_shape def get_batch_from_memory(self, memory_idx, interpolate_type, fixed_image_size=-1, random_cursor=True, photo_prob=1.0, init_cursor_num=1): if self.random_image_size: image_size_rand = fixed_image_size else: image_size_rand = self.image_size_large photo_data_batch, sketch_data_batch = self.select_sketch_and_crop( image_size_rand, data_idx=memory_idx, photo_prob=photo_prob, interpolate_type=interpolate_type) # sketch_patch: [0.0-stroke, 1.0-BG] photo_data_batch = np.expand_dims(photo_data_batch, axis=0) # (1, image_size, image_size, 3) sketch_data_batch = np.expand_dims(sketch_data_batch, axis=0) # (1, image_size, image_size), [0.0-strokes, 1.0-BG] image_size_rand = sketch_data_batch.shape[1] return photo_data_batch, sketch_data_batch, \ self.gen_init_cursors(sketch_data_batch, random_cursor, init_cursor_num), image_size_rand def crop_and_augment(self, photo, sketch, shape, crop_size, rotate_angle, stroke_cover=0.01): # img: [0-stroke, 255-BG], uint8 def angle_convert(angle): return angle / 180.0 * math.pi img_h, img_w = shape[0], shape[1] if self.is_train: crop_up = random.randint(0, img_h - crop_size) crop_left = random.randint(0, img_w - crop_size) else: crop_up = (img_h - crop_size) // 2 crop_left = (img_w - crop_size) // 2 assert crop_up >= 0 assert crop_left >= 0 crop_box = (crop_left, crop_up, crop_left + crop_size, crop_up + crop_size) rst_sketch_image = sketch.crop(crop_box) rst_photo_image = photo.crop(crop_box) if random.random() <= self.flip_prob and self.is_train: rst_sketch_image = rst_sketch_image.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT) rst_photo_image = rst_photo_image.transpose(Image.FLIP_LEFT_RIGHT) if rotate_angle != 0 and self.is_train: rst_sketch_image = rst_sketch_image.rotate(rotate_angle, resample=Image.BILINEAR) rst_photo_image = rst_photo_image.rotate(rotate_angle, resample=Image.BILINEAR) rst_sketch_image = np.array(rst_sketch_image, dtype=np.uint8) rst_photo_image = np.array(rst_photo_image, dtype=np.uint8) center = rst_photo_image.shape[0] // 2 new_dim = float(crop_size) / ( math.sin(angle_convert(abs(rotate_angle))) + math.cos(angle_convert(abs(rotate_angle)))) new_dim = int(round(new_dim)) start_pos = center - new_dim // 2 end_pos = start_pos + new_dim rst_sketch_image = rst_sketch_image[start_pos:end_pos, start_pos:end_pos, :] rst_photo_image = rst_photo_image[start_pos:end_pos, start_pos:end_pos, :] rst_sketch_image = np.array(rst_sketch_image, dtype=np.float32) / 255.0 # [0.0-stroke, 1.0-BG] rst_sketch_image = rst_sketch_image[:, :, 0] rst_photo_image = np.array(rst_photo_image, dtype=np.float32) / 255.0 # [0.0-stroke, 1.0-BG] percentage = np.mean(1.0 - rst_sketch_image) valid = True if percentage < stroke_cover: valid = False return rst_photo_image, rst_sketch_image, valid def image_interpolation(self, photo, sketch, photo_prob): interp_photo = photo * photo_prob + sketch * (1.0 - photo_prob) interp_photo = np.clip(interp_photo, 0.0, 1.0) return interp_photo def select_sketch_and_crop(self, image_size_rand, interpolate_type, rotate_angle=0, photo_prob=1.0, data_idx=-1, trial_times=10): if self.is_train: while True: rand_img_idx = random.randint(0, len(self.sketch_data) - 1) selected_sketch_shape = self.sketch_shape[rand_img_idx] if selected_sketch_shape[0] >= image_size_rand and selected_sketch_shape[1] >= image_size_rand: img_idx = rand_img_idx break else: assert data_idx != -1 img_idx = data_idx assert img_idx != -1 selected_sketch = self.sketch_data[img_idx] selected_photo = self.photo_data[img_idx] selected_shape = self.sketch_shape[img_idx] assert interpolate_type in ['prob', 'image'] if interpolate_type == 'prob' and random.random() >= photo_prob: selected_photo = self.sketch_data[img_idx] for trial_i in range(trial_times): cropped_photo, cropped_sketch, valid = \ self.crop_and_augment(selected_photo, selected_sketch, selected_shape, image_size_rand, rotate_angle) # cropped_photo, cropped_sketch: [0.0-stroke, 1.0-BG] if valid or trial_i == trial_times - 1: if interpolate_type == 'image': cropped_photo = self.image_interpolation(cropped_photo, np.stack([cropped_sketch for _ in range(3)], axis=-1), photo_prob) return cropped_photo, cropped_sketch def get_batch_multi_res(self, loop_num, interpolate_type, random_cursor=True, init_cursor_num=1, photo_prob=1.0): photo_data_batch = [] sketch_data_batch = [] init_cursors_batch = [] image_size_batch = [] batch_size_per_loop = self.batch_size // loop_num for loop_i in range(loop_num): if self.random_image_size: image_size_rand = random.randint(self.image_size_small, self.image_size_large) else: image_size_rand = self.image_size_large rotate_angle = 0 if random.random() <= self.rotate_prob: rotate_angle = random.randint(-45, 45) photo_data_sub_batch = [] sketch_data_sub_batch = [] for img_i in range(batch_size_per_loop): photo_patch, sketch_patch = \ self.select_sketch_and_crop(image_size_rand, rotate_angle=rotate_angle, photo_prob=photo_prob, interpolate_type=interpolate_type) # sketch_patch: [0.0-stroke, 1.0-BG] photo_data_sub_batch.append(photo_patch) sketch_data_sub_batch.append(sketch_patch) photo_data_sub_batch = np.stack(photo_data_sub_batch, axis=0) # (N, image_size, image_size, 3), [0.0-strokes, 1.0-BG] sketch_data_sub_batch = np.stack(sketch_data_sub_batch, axis=0) # (N, image_size, image_size), [0.0-strokes, 1.0-BG] init_cursors_sub_batch = self.gen_init_cursors(sketch_data_sub_batch, random_cursor, init_cursor_num) photo_data_batch.append(photo_data_sub_batch) sketch_data_batch.append(sketch_data_sub_batch) init_cursors_batch.append(init_cursors_sub_batch) image_size_rand = photo_data_sub_batch.shape[1] image_size_batch.append(image_size_rand) return photo_data_batch, sketch_data_batch, init_cursors_batch, image_size_batch def crop_patch(self, image, center, image_size, crop_size): x0 = center[0] - crop_size // 2 x1 = x0 + crop_size y0 = center[1] - crop_size // 2 y1 = y0 + crop_size x0 = max(0, min(x0, image_size)) y0 = max(0, min(y0, image_size)) x1 = max(0, min(x1, image_size)) y1 = max(0, min(y1, image_size)) patch = image[y0:y1, x0:x1] return patch def gen_init_cursor_single(self, sketch_image): # sketch_image: [0.0-stroke, 1.0-BG] image_size = sketch_image.shape[0] if np.sum(1.0 - sketch_image) == 0: center = np.zeros((2), dtype=np.int32) return center else: while True: center = np.random.randint(0, image_size, size=(2)) # (2), in large size patch = 1.0 - self.crop_patch(sketch_image, center, image_size, self.raster_size) if np.sum(patch) != 0: return center.astype(np.float32) / float(image_size) # (2), in size [0.0, 1.0) def gen_init_cursors(self, sketch_data, random_pos=True, init_cursor_num=1): init_cursor_batch_list = [] for cursor_i in range(init_cursor_num): if random_pos: init_cursor_batch = [] for i in range(len(sketch_data)): sketch_image = sketch_data[i].copy().astype(np.float32) # [0.0-stroke, 1.0-BG] center = self.gen_init_cursor_single(sketch_image) init_cursor_batch.append(center) init_cursor_batch = np.stack(init_cursor_batch, axis=0) # (N, 2) else: raise Exception('Not finished') init_cursor_batch_list.append(init_cursor_batch) if init_cursor_num == 1: init_cursor_batch = init_cursor_batch_list[0] init_cursor_batch = np.expand_dims(init_cursor_batch, axis=1).astype(np.float32) # (N, 1, 2) else: init_cursor_batch = np.stack(init_cursor_batch_list, axis=1) # (N, init_cursor_num, 2) init_cursor_batch = np.expand_dims(init_cursor_batch, axis=2).astype( np.float32) # (N, init_cursor_num, 1, 2) return init_cursor_batch def load_dataset_normal_images(dataset_base_dir, model_params): train_photo_data = [] train_sketch_data = [] train_data_shape = [] val_photo_data = [] val_sketch_data = [] val_data_shape = [] if model_params.data_set == 'faces': random_training_image_size = False flip_prob = -0.1 rotate_prob = -0.1 splits = ['train', 'val'] database = os.path.join(dataset_base_dir, 'CelebAMask-faces') photo_base = os.path.join(database, 'CelebA-HQ-img256') edge_base = os.path.join(database, 'CelebAMask-HQ-edge256') train_split_txt_save_path = os.path.join(database, 'train.txt') val_split_txt_save_path = os.path.join(database, 'val.txt') celeba_train_txt = np.loadtxt(train_split_txt_save_path, dtype=str) celeba_val_txt = np.loadtxt(val_split_txt_save_path, dtype=str) splits_indices_map = {'train': celeba_train_txt, 'val': celeba_val_txt} for split in splits: split_indices = splits_indices_map[split] for i in range(len(split_indices)): file_idx = split_indices[i] img_file_path = os.path.join(photo_base, str(file_idx) + '.jpg') edge_img_path = os.path.join(edge_base, str(file_idx) + '.png') img_data ='RGB') edge_data ='RGB') if split == 'train': train_photo_data.append(img_data) train_sketch_data.append(edge_data) train_data_shape.append((img_data.height, img_data.width)) else: # split == 'val' val_photo_data.append(img_data) val_sketch_data.append(edge_data) val_data_shape.append((img_data.height, img_data.width)) assert len(train_sketch_data) == len(train_data_shape) == len(train_photo_data) assert len(val_sketch_data) == len(val_data_shape) == len(val_photo_data) else: raise Exception('Unknown data type:', model_params.data_set) print('Loaded {}/{} from {}'.format(len(train_sketch_data), len(val_sketch_data), model_params.data_set)) print('model_params.max_seq_len %i.' % model_params.max_seq_len) eval_sample_model_params = copy_hparams(model_params) eval_sample_model_params.use_input_dropout = 0 eval_sample_model_params.use_recurrent_dropout = 0 eval_sample_model_params.use_output_dropout = 0 eval_sample_model_params.batch_size = 1 # only sample one at a time eval_sample_model_params.model_mode = 'eval_sample' train_set = GeneralDataLoaderNormalImageLinear(train_photo_data, train_sketch_data, train_data_shape, model_params.batch_size, model_params.raster_size, image_size_small=model_params.image_size_small, image_size_large=model_params.image_size_large, random_image_size=random_training_image_size, flip_prob=flip_prob, rotate_prob=rotate_prob, is_train=True) val_set = GeneralDataLoaderNormalImageLinear(val_photo_data, val_sketch_data, val_data_shape, eval_sample_model_params.batch_size, eval_sample_model_params.raster_size, image_size_small=eval_sample_model_params.image_size_small, image_size_large=eval_sample_model_params.image_size_large, random_image_size=random_training_image_size, flip_prob=flip_prob, rotate_prob=rotate_prob, is_train=False) result = [ train_set, val_set, model_params, eval_sample_model_params ] return result def load_dataset_training(dataset_base_dir, model_params): if model_params.data_set == 'clean_line_drawings': return load_dataset_multi_object(dataset_base_dir, model_params) elif model_params.data_set == 'rough_sketches': return load_dataset_multi_object_rough(dataset_base_dir, model_params) elif model_params.data_set == 'faces': return load_dataset_normal_images(dataset_base_dir, model_params) else: raise Exception('Unknown data_set', model_params.data_set)