%-------------------------------------------------------------------------- %---- Code to generate a low discrepency sequence for scanning angles ----- %-------------------------------------------------------------------------- % based on the code vdc.m developped by John Burkardt (http://people.sc.fsu.edu/~jburkardt/m_src/van_der_corput/van_der_corput.html) % parameters: % Np: number of projections % Ns: number of segments in the circle partition % p : a prime integer used as the base % Nz: projection of the angle 0 each Nz projectios function Seq = Low_discrepency_squence(Np,Ns,p,Nz) Seq = []; i = 0; while length(Seq) < Np if (length(Seq)>0 && mod (length(Seq),Nz)==0) Seq = [Seq,0]; end b = i; i = i+1; r = 0; q = 1/p; while (b~=0) a = mod(b,p); r = r + a*q; q = q/p; b = floor(b/p); end r = 360*r/Ns; k = 0; while (length(Seq) < Np && k < Ns) Seq =[Seq,r+k*360/Ns]; k = k+1; end end end