Raw File
# Your first REBOUND simulation

If you have successfully [installed REBOUND](quickstart_installation.md), then you are now ready to run your first simulation.
On this page, we'll walk you through one simple example, line by line.

## Python version

There are different ways to run python code:

- interactively, by using the python interpreter
- by executing a python script
- by using a Jupyter notebook

All of these methods work with REBOUND.
Choose whichever you are most comfortable with.

We start by importing REBOUND:

import rebound

To run an N-body simulation, we need to create a simulation object first:

sim = rebound.Simulation()

Then, we add particles to the simulation:

sim.add(m=1.)                # Central object
sim.add(m=1e-3, a=1., e=0.1) # Jupiter mass planet 
sim.add(a=1.4, e=0.1)        # Massless test particle

Now we can integrate the particles forward in time using the default integrator ([IAS15](integrators.md#ias15)) for 100 time [units](units.md):


Finally, let us output the cartesian coordinates and the orbital parameters at the end of the simulation:

for p in sim.particles:
    print(p.x, p.y, p.z)
for o in sim.calculate_orbits(): 

As a next step, have a look at the examples and tutorials in the `python_examples` and `ipython_examples` directories.

## C version

A very short example is provided in the `examples/simplest/` directory. 
Go to this directory with 

cd examples/simplest/

Then have a look at the source code in the `problem.c` file. First, we include the REBOUND header file which contains all the public function prototype and dataype definitions for REBOUND:

#include "rebound.h"

In the main function, we first create a REBOUND simulation with 

struct reb_simulation* r = reb_create_simulation();

This function has now allocated memory for the simulation and initialized all the variables in the simulation to their default values.
We can then add particles to the simulation:

reb_add_fmt(r, "m", 1.);                // Central object
reb_add_fmt(r, "m a e", 1e-3, 1., 0.1); // Jupiter mass planet
reb_add_fmt(r, "a e", 1.4, 0.1);        // Massless test particle

We then integrate the simulation for 100 time [units](units.md) with the default integrator ([IAS15](integrators.md#ias15)):


After the integration is done, we can output the cartesian coordinates and the orbital parameters:

for (int i=0; i<r->N; i++){
    struct reb_particle p = r->particles[i];
    printf("%f %f %f\n", p.x, p.y, p.z);
struct reb_particle primary = r->particles[0];
for (int i=1; i<r->N; i++){
    struct reb_particle p = r->particles[i];
    struct reb_orbit o = reb_tools_particle_to_orbit(r->G, p, primary);
    printf("%f %f %f\n", o.a, o.e, o.f);

To compile the example, simple type


into a terminal window while you're in the `examples/simplest/` directory. Then run the simulation with 
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