## SSANOVA, GSSANOVA, SSDEN, AND SSHZD SUITES ssanova Fitting smoothing spline ANOVA models predict.ssanova Predicting from ssanova fits summary.ssanova Summarizing ssanova fits ssanova1 Fitting smoothing spline ANOVA models predict.ssanova1 Predicting from ssanova1 fits summary.ssanova1 Summarizing ssanova1 fits project.ssanova1 Projecting ssanova1 fits for model diagnostic residuals.ssanova Extracting the residuals from ssanova objects fitted.ssanova Extracting the fitted values from ssanova objects print.ssanova Print function for ssanova objects print.summary.ssanova Print function for summary.ssanova objects gssanova Fitting smoothing spline ANOVA models with non Gaussian data summary.gssanova Summarizing gssanova fits gssanova1 Fitting smoothing spline ANOVA models with non Gaussian data summary.gssanova1 Summarizing gssanova1 fits project.gssanova1 Projecting gssanova1 fits for model diagnostic residuals.gssanova Extracting the residuals from gssanova objects fitted.gssanova Extracting the fitted values from gssanova objects print.summary.gssanova Print function for summary.gssanova objects print.summary.gssanova1 Print function for summary.gssanova1 objects ssden Estimating probability density using smoothing splines dssden Evaluating pdf of ssden estimates pssden Evaluating cdf of 1-D ssden estimates qssden Evaluating quantiles of 1-D ssden estimates cdssden Evaluating conditional pdf of ssden estimates cpssden Evaluating 1-D conditional cdf of ssden estimates cqssden Evaluating 1-D conditional quantiles of ssden estimates project.ssden Projecting ssden fits for model diagnostic print.ssden Print function for ssden objects sshzd Estimating hazard function using smoothing splines hzdrate.sshzd Evaluating hazard estimates hzdcurve.sshzd Evaluating hazard curves survexp.sshzd Computing expected survivals project.ssden Projecting sshzd fits for model diagnostic print.ssden Print function for sshzd objects ## UTILITIES FOR MAKING MODEL TERMS mkterm.cubic Making model terms for cubic spline marginals mkterm.cubic1 Making model terms for cubic spline marginals mkphi.cubic Making phi function for cubic splines mkrk.cubic Making RK function for cubic splines mkterm.linear Making model terms for linear spline marginals mkterm.linear1 Making model terms for linear spline marginals mkrk.linear Making RK function for linear splines mkterm.tp Making model terms for thin-plate spline marginals mkphi.tp Making phi functions for thin-plate splines mkphi.tp.p Making pseudo phi functions for thin-plate splines mkrk.tp Making RK functions for thin-plate splines mkrk.tp.p Making pseudo RK functions for thin-plate splines mkrk.nominal Making RK function for nominal factors mkrk.ordinal Making RK function for ordinal factors ## UTILITIES FOR DISTRIBUTION FAMILIES mkdata.binomial Making pseudo data for logistic regression dev.resid.binomial Deviance residuals for logistic regression dev.null.binomial Null model deviance for logistic regression cv.binomial CV score for logistic regression proj0.binomial Making pseudo data for projecting logistic fit mkdata.poisson Making pseudo data for Poisson regression dev.resid.poisson Deviance residuals for Poisson regression dev.null.poisson Null model deviance for Poisson regression cv.binomial CV score for Poisson regression proj0.binomial Making pseudo data for projecting Poisson fit mkdata.Gamma Making pseudo data for gamma regression dev.resid.Gamma Deviance residuals for gamma regression dev.null.Gamma Null model deviance for gamma regression cv.binomial CV score for gamma regression proj0.binomial Making pseudo data for projecting gamma fit mkdata.inverse.gaussian Making pseudo data for IG regression dev.resid.inverse.gaussian Deviance residuals for IG regression dev.null.inverse.gaussian Null model deviance for IG regression mkdata.nbinomial Making pseudo data for negative binomial regression dev.resid.nbinomial Deviance residuals for negative binomial regression dev.null.nbinomial Null model deviance for negative binomial regression mkdata.weibull Making pseudo data for Weibull regression dev.resid.weibull Deviance residuals for Weibull regression dev.null.weibull Null model deviance for Weibull regression mkdata.lognorm Making pseudo data for log normal regression dev.resid.lognorm Deviance residuals for log normal regression dev.null.lognorm Null model deviance for log normal regression mkdata.loglogis Making pseudo data for log logistic regression dev.resid.loglogis Deviance residuals for log logistic regression dev.null.loglogis Null model deviance for log logistic regression ## UTILITIES FOR NUMERICAL INTEGRATION gauss.quad Generating Gauss-Legendre quadrature smolyak.quad Generating Smolyak cubature smolyak.size Getting the size of Smolyak cubature ## UTILITY FOR OPTIMIZATION nlm0 Minimizing univariate functions on finite intervals ## NUMERICAL ENGINE sspreg An interface to RKPACK driver DSIDR sspregpoi Performance-oriented iteration using RKPACK driver DSIDR mspreg An interface to RKPACK driver DMUDR mspregpoi Performance-oriented iteration using RKPACK driver DMUDR getcrdr An interface to RKPACK utility DCRDR getsms An interface to RKPACK utility DSMS sspreg1 Compute regression estimate with single smoothing parameter mspreg1 Compute regression estimate with multiple smoothing parameters sspdsty Compute density estimate with single smoothing parameter mspdsty Compute density estimate with multiple smoothing parameters sspngreg1 Compute NG regression estimate with single smoothing parameter mspngreg1 Compute NG regression estimate with single smoothing parameter ngreg1 Newton iteration for NG regression with fixed smoothing parameter ngreg.proj Calculate Kullback-Leibler projection for NG regression