import networkx as nx import pandas as pd import numpy as np import copy ''' CODE FOR FEATURES: Features CLASS: The parent class of all other child feature classes. Mainly used in and This class calls the child classes for the following tasks: - init_fun: Initialize all features for the input tree set - new_cherries_fun: Get features of new found cherries - update_cherry_features_before: Update the cherry features before reducing the chosen cherry in the tree set - update_cherry_features_after: Update some cherry features after reducing the chosen cherry - chosen_cherry_cleaning: After reducing the chosen cherry, delete attributes attached to this cherry - update_data: After updating the features, update the total input data - relabel_trivial_features If a trivial feature is chosen, and relabelling needs to happen, this function calls all child classes to relabel the features accordingly ALL FEATURE CHILD CLASSES: TreeHeight, LeafPair, Trivial, CherryHeight, RedAfterPick, LeafDist, LeafHeight. They all have a similar structure: - init_fun: Initialize all features for the input tree set based on this feature - new_cherries: Get feature values of new found cherries - update: Update the current cherries' feature values - chosen_cherry_cleaning: After reducing the chosen cherry, delete attributes attached to it - relabel Relabel certain cherries ''' # FEATURE CLASS class Features: def __init__(self, reducible_pairs, tree_set, root=2): # PARAMETERS self.num_trees = len(tree_set) # FEATURE CLASSES # independent of height = [] = pd.DataFrame(dtype=float) self.leaf_pair = LeafPair(self.num_trees) += self.trivial = Trivial() += self.red_after_pick = RedAfterPick(root) += # tree height self.tree_height = TreeHeight(root) += # dependent of height self.cherry_height = CherryHeight() += self.leaf_dist = LeafDist() += self.leaf_height = LeafHeight() += # RUN INIT FUN self.init_fun(reducible_pairs, tree_set) def init_fun(self, reducible_pairs, tree_set): = pd.DataFrame(index=reducible_pairs,, dtype=float) unique_cherries = set([tuple(sorted(c)) for c in reducible_pairs]) # LEAF PAIRS new_data_column = self.leaf_pair.init_fun(reducible_pairs, tree_set)[] = new_data_column # TRIVIAL new_data_column = self.trivial.init_fun(reducible_pairs, tree_set, unique_cherries, self.num_trees, self.leaf_pair.n)[] = new_data_column # TREE HEIGHT new_data_column = self.tree_height.init_fun(tree_set, reducible_pairs, unique_cherries, self.trivial.n)[] = new_data_column # REDUCTION AFTER PICK new_data_column = self.red_after_pick.init_fun(reducible_pairs, tree_set, unique_cherries, self.trivial.n)[] = new_data_column # HEIGHT DEPENDENT FEATURES # cherry height new_data_column = self.cherry_height.init_fun(reducible_pairs, tree_set, unique_cherries, self.tree_height.dist, self.tree_height.comb, self.trivial.n)[] = new_data_column # leaf distance new_data_column = self.leaf_dist.init_fun(reducible_pairs, tree_set, unique_cherries, self.tree_height.dist, self.tree_height.comb, self.leaf_pair.leaf_pair_cont_tree, self.leaf_pair.n)[] = new_data_column # leaf height new_data_column = self.leaf_height.init_fun(reducible_pairs, tree_set, unique_cherries, self.tree_height.dist, self.tree_height.comb, self.leaf_pair.leaf_pair_cont_tree, self.leaf_pair.n)[] = new_data_column return None def new_cherries_fun(self, reducible_pairs, tree_set, new_cherries): if len(new_cherries) == 0: return new_cherries new_reducible_pairs = {c: reducible_pairs[c] for c in new_cherries} unique_new_cherries = set([tuple(sorted(c)) for c in new_cherries]) # LEAF PAIRS self.leaf_pair.new_cherries(new_reducible_pairs, tree_set) # trivial self.trivial.new_cherries(new_reducible_pairs, unique_new_cherries, self.leaf_pair.leaf_pair_cont_tree, self.leaf_pair.n) # TREE HEIGHT self.tree_height.new_cherries(new_reducible_pairs, unique_new_cherries, self.trivial.n) # HEIGHT INDEPENDENT FEATURES # reduction after pick self.red_after_pick.new_cherries(new_reducible_pairs, tree_set, unique_new_cherries, self.tree_height.d) # HEIGHT DEPENDENT FEATURES # cherry height self.cherry_height.new_cherries(new_reducible_pairs, tree_set, unique_new_cherries, self.tree_height.dist, self.tree_height.comb, self.trivial.n) # leaf distance self.leaf_dist.new_cherries(new_reducible_pairs, tree_set, unique_new_cherries, self.tree_height.dist, self.tree_height.comb, self.leaf_pair.leaf_pair_cont_tree, self.leaf_pair.n) # leaf height self.leaf_height.new_cherries(new_reducible_pairs, tree_set, unique_new_cherries, self.tree_height.dist, self.tree_height.comb, self.leaf_pair.leaf_pair_cont_tree, self.leaf_pair.n) # UPDATE FUNCTIONS def update_cherry_features_before(self, chosen_cherry, reducible_pairs, tree_set): # leaf distance self.leaf_dist.update_before(chosen_cherry, tree_set, reducible_pairs) # leaf height self.leaf_height.update_before(chosen_cherry, tree_set, reducible_pairs) def update_cherry_features_after(self, chosen_cherry, reducible_pairs, tree_set, new_reduced): new_cherries = copy.deepcopy(set(reducible_pairs) - set( unique_reducible_pairs = {tuple(sorted(c)): trees for c, trees in reducible_pairs.items()} num_trees_changed = False for t in new_reduced: if t not in tree_set: self.num_trees -= 1 num_trees_changed = True # update leaf pair change_leaf_pair = self.leaf_pair.update(chosen_cherry, new_cherries, new_reduced, reducible_pairs, self.num_trees, num_trees_changed) # update trivial change_cherry_in_forest = self.trivial.update(new_reduced, reducible_pairs, tree_set, new_cherries, self.leaf_pair.leaf_pair_cont_tree, change_leaf_pair) # update tree height change_height_dist, change_height_comb = self.tree_height.update(chosen_cherry, new_cherries, new_reduced, tree_set, self.cherry_height.comb, self.cherry_height.dist, change_cherry_in_forest, reducible_pairs) # update cherry height self.cherry_height.update(reducible_pairs, tree_set, new_cherries, self.tree_height.dist, self.tree_height.comb, change_cherry_in_forest, change_height_dist, change_height_comb) # update red after pick self.red_after_pick.update(chosen_cherry, new_reduced, unique_reducible_pairs, tree_set, new_cherries, change_cherry_in_forest) # new cherries self.new_cherries_fun(reducible_pairs, tree_set, new_cherries) # update_data of the features already updated self.leaf_dist.update_data(new_cherries, unique_reducible_pairs, self.tree_height.dist, self.tree_height.comb, change_height_dist, change_height_comb, change_leaf_pair, tree_set) self.leaf_height.update_data(new_cherries, unique_reducible_pairs, self.tree_height.dist, self.tree_height.comb, change_height_dist, change_height_comb, change_leaf_pair, tree_set) self.chosen_cherry_cleaning(chosen_cherry) self.update_data(new_cherries) return None def chosen_cherry_cleaning(self, chosen_cherry):[chosen_cherry, chosen_cherry[::-1]], inplace=True) # LEAF PAIRS self.leaf_pair.chosen_cherry_cleaning(chosen_cherry) # TRIVIAL self.trivial.chosen_cherry_cleaning(chosen_cherry) # TREE HEIGHT self.tree_height.chosen_cherry_cleaning(chosen_cherry) # REDUCTION AFTER PICK self.red_after_pick.chosen_cherry_cleaning(chosen_cherry) # HEIGHT DEPENDENT FEATURES # cherry height self.cherry_height.chosen_cherry_cleaning(chosen_cherry) # leaf distance self.leaf_dist.chosen_cherry_cleaning(chosen_cherry) # leaf height self.leaf_height.chosen_cherry_cleaning(chosen_cherry) def update_data(self, new_cherries): # = = pd.concat([, pd.DataFrame(index=new_cherries, dtype=float)]) # LEAF PAIRS[] = self.leaf_pair.data_column # TRIVIAL[] = self.trivial.data_column # TREE HEIGHT[] = self.tree_height.data_column # REDUCTION AFTER PICK[] = self.red_after_pick.data_column # HEIGHT DEPENDENT FEATURES # cherry height[] = self.cherry_height.data_column # leaf distance[] = self.leaf_dist.data_column # leaf height[] = self.leaf_height.data_column # RELABEL def relabel_trivial_features(self, x, y, reducible_pairs, merged_cherries, tree_set): # LEAF PAIRS any_relabelled, leaf_pair_in_new_trees = self.leaf_pair.relabel(x, y, reducible_pairs, merged_cherries, tree_set) if not any_relabelled: return None # initialize data = pd.DataFrame(index=reducible_pairs, # leaf pair data[] = self.leaf_pair.data_column # TRIVIAL self.trivial.relabel(x, y, reducible_pairs, merged_cherries, leaf_pair_in_new_trees)[] = self.trivial.data_column # TREE HEIGHT self.tree_height.relabel(x, y, reducible_pairs, merged_cherries)[] = self.tree_height.data_column # REDUCTION AFTER PICK self.red_after_pick.relabel(x, y, reducible_pairs, merged_cherries)[] = self.red_after_pick.data_column # HEIGHT DEPENDENT FEATURES # cherry height self.cherry_height.relabel(x, y, reducible_pairs, merged_cherries)[] = self.cherry_height.data_column # leaf distance self.leaf_dist.relabel(x, y, reducible_pairs, merged_cherries, tree_set, leaf_pair_in_new_trees)[] = self.leaf_dist.data_column # leaf height self.leaf_height.relabel(x, y, reducible_pairs, merged_cherries, tree_set, leaf_pair_in_new_trees)[] = self.leaf_height.data_column return None # TREE HEIGHT class TreeHeight: def __init__(self, root=2): # PARAMETERS = ["tree_height", "tree_height_comb"] self.data_column = pd.DataFrame(dtype=float) self.root = root # distances self.tree_level_width_dist = {} self.dist = pd.Series(dtype=float) self.prev_dist = pd.Series(dtype=float) self.dist_n = pd.Series(dtype=float) self.max_dist = 0 # combinatorial self.tree_level_width_comb = {} self.comb = pd.Series(dtype=float) self.prev_comb = pd.Series(dtype=float) self.comb_n = pd.Series(dtype=float) self.max_comb = 0 self.d = pd.Series(dtype=float) def init_fun(self, tree_set, reducible_pairs, unique_cherries, cherry_in_forest): self.dist = pd.Series(index=tree_set, dtype=float) self.comb = pd.Series(index=tree_set, dtype=float) for t, tree in tree_set.items(): try: tree_input = tree.nw tree_leaves = tree.leaves except AttributeError: tree_input = tree tree_leaves = [u for u in tree.nodes() if tree.out_degree(u) == 0] self.tree_level_width_comb[t] = {} self.tree_level_width_dist[t] = {} for n in tree_input.nodes: # skip leaves! if n in tree_leaves or (self.root == 2 and n == 1): continue # COMBINATORIAL if tree_input.nodes[n]["node_comb"] in self.tree_level_width_comb[t]: self.tree_level_width_comb[t][tree_input.nodes[n]["node_comb"]] += 1 else: self.tree_level_width_comb[t][tree_input.nodes[n]["node_comb"]] = 1 # DISTANCES height = np.round(tree_input.nodes[n]["node_length"], 3) if height in self.tree_level_width_dist[t]: self.tree_level_width_dist[t][height] += 1 else: self.tree_level_width_dist[t][height] = 1 # find max # COMBINATORIAL self.tree_level_width_comb[t] = dict(sorted(self.tree_level_width_comb[t].items())) self.comb[t] = list(self.tree_level_width_comb[t])[-1] # DISTANCES self.tree_level_width_dist[t] = dict(sorted(self.tree_level_width_dist[t].items())) self.dist[t] = list(self.tree_level_width_dist[t])[-1] self.prev_dist = copy.copy(self.dist) self.prev_comb = copy.copy(self.comb) self.max_dist = self.dist.max() self.max_comb = self.comb.max() self.init_data(reducible_pairs, unique_cherries, cherry_in_forest, new_cherries=False) return self.data_column def init_data(self, reducible_pairs, unique_cherries, cherry_in_forest, new_cherries=True): if not new_cherries: self.data_column = pd.DataFrame(index=reducible_pairs,, dtype=float) self.dist_n = pd.Series(index=reducible_pairs, dtype=float) self.comb_n = pd.Series(index=reducible_pairs, dtype=float) self.d = cherry_in_forest for c in unique_cherries: trees = list(reducible_pairs[c]) self.dist_n[c] = self.dist[trees].sum() self.dist_n[c[::-1]] = self.dist_n[c] if self.max_dist: tree_dist_val = self.dist_n[c] / self.max_dist / self.d[c] else: tree_dist_val = 0 self.data_column.loc[c, "tree_height"] = tree_dist_val self.data_column.loc[c[::-1], "tree_height"] = tree_dist_val self.comb_n[c] = self.comb[trees].sum() self.comb_n[c[::-1]] = self.comb_n[c] if self.max_comb: tree_comb_val = self.comb_n[c] / self.max_comb / self.d[c] else: tree_comb_val = 0 self.data_column.loc[c, "tree_height_comb"] = tree_comb_val self.data_column.loc[c[::-1], "tree_height_comb"] = tree_comb_val return None def new_cherries(self, reducible_pairs, unique_cherries, cherry_in_forest): self.init_data(reducible_pairs, unique_cherries, cherry_in_forest, new_cherries=True) def update(self, chosen_cherry, new_cherries, new_reduced, tree_set, cherry_height_comb, cherry_height_dist, change_cherry_in_forest, reducible_pairs): change_height_dist = pd.Series(0, index=tree_set, dtype=float) change_height_comb = pd.Series(0, index=tree_set, dtype=float) change_height_dist_bool = False change_height_comb_bool = False for t in new_reduced: if t not in tree_set: continue # COMBINATORIAL height = cherry_height_comb.loc[chosen_cherry][t] if self.tree_level_width_comb[t][height] == 1: change_height_comb[t] = 1 change_height_comb_bool = True del self.tree_level_width_comb[t][height] if self.tree_level_width_comb[t]: self.comb[t] = list(self.tree_level_width_comb[t])[-1] else: self.comb[t] = 0 else: self.tree_level_width_comb[t][height] -= 1 # DISTANCES height = np.round(cherry_height_dist.loc[chosen_cherry][t], 3) if self.tree_level_width_dist[t][height] == 1: change_height_dist[t] = 1 change_height_dist_bool = True del self.tree_level_width_dist[t][height] if self.tree_level_width_dist[t]: self.dist[t] = list(self.tree_level_width_dist[t])[-1] else: self.dist[t] = 0 else: self.tree_level_width_dist[t][height] -= 1 # update max height level! change_max_dist = False change_max_comb = False if change_height_dist_bool: new_max_dist = self.dist.max() if abs(new_max_dist - self.max_dist) > 10e-3: self.max_dist = new_max_dist change_max_dist = True if change_height_comb_bool: new_max_comb = self.comb.max() if abs(new_max_comb - self.max_comb) > 10e-3: self.max_comb = new_max_comb change_max_comb = True self.max_comb = self.comb.max() self.update_data(reducible_pairs, new_cherries, change_height_dist, change_height_comb, change_max_dist, change_max_comb, change_cherry_in_forest, tree_set) return change_height_dist, change_height_comb def update_data(self, reducible_pairs, new_cherries, change_height_dist, change_height_comb, change_max_dist, change_max_comb, change_cherry_in_forest, tree_set): # UPDATE DATA change_dist = pd.Series(0, index=reducible_pairs, dtype=float) change_comb = pd.Series(0, index=reducible_pairs, dtype=float) for c, trees in reducible_pairs.items(): if c in new_cherries: continue for t in trees: if t in change_cherry_in_forest["trees_in"][c]: # self.d[c] += 1 self.dist_n[c] += self.dist[t] self.comb_n[c] += self.comb[t] continue if change_height_dist[t]: self.dist_n[c] -= self.prev_dist[t] self.dist_n[c] += self.dist[t] change_dist[c] = 1 if change_height_comb[t]: self.comb_n[c] -= self.prev_comb[t] self.comb_n[c] += self.comb[t] change_comb[c] = 1 if change_max_dist and change_dist[c]: self.data_column.loc[c, "tree_height"] = self.dist_n[c] / self.max_dist / self.d[c] if change_max_comb and change_comb[c]: self.data_column.loc[c, "tree_height_comb"] = self.comb_n[c] / self.max_comb / self.d[c] for t in tree_set: if change_height_dist[t]: self.prev_dist[t] = copy.copy(self.dist[t]) if change_height_comb[t]: self.prev_comb[t] = copy.copy(self.comb[t]) def chosen_cherry_cleaning(self, chosen_cherry): self.data_column.drop([chosen_cherry, chosen_cherry[::-1]], inplace=True) self.dist_n.drop([chosen_cherry, chosen_cherry[::-1]], inplace=True) self.comb_n.drop([chosen_cherry, chosen_cherry[::-1]], inplace=True) # RELABEL def relabel(self, x, y, reducible_pairs, merged_cherries): relabelled = pd.Series(0, index=reducible_pairs, dtype=float) for c_x, c_y in self.data_column.index: if (c_x, c_y) in [(x, y), (y, x)]: continue if x != c_x: continue relabelled[(y, c_y)] = True relabelled[(c_y, y)] = True if (c_x, c_y) in merged_cherries: # change dist n self.dist_n[(y, c_y)] += self.dist_n[(x, c_y)] self.dist_n[(c_y, y)] += self.dist_n[(c_y, x)] self.dist_n.drop([(x, c_y), (c_y, x)], inplace=True) # change comb n self.comb_n[(y, c_y)] += self.comb_n[(x, c_y)] self.comb_n[(c_y, y)] += self.comb_n[(c_y, x)] self.comb_n.drop([(x, c_y), (c_y, x)], inplace=True) else: # rename dist n self.dist_n.index = list(self.dist_n.index) self.dist_n.rename(index={(x, c_y): (y, c_y)}, inplace=True) self.dist_n.rename(index={(c_y, x): (c_y, y)}, inplace=True) self.dist_n.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(self.dist_n.index) # rename comb n self.comb_n.index = list(self.comb_n.index) self.comb_n.rename(index={(x, c_y): (y, c_y)}, inplace=True) self.comb_n.rename(index={(c_y, x): (c_y, y)}, inplace=True) self.comb_n.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(self.comb_n.index) self.data_column.drop([(x, c_y), (c_y, x)], inplace=True) for c in reducible_pairs: if relabelled[c]: # update data self.data_column.loc[c, "tree_height"] = self.dist_n[c] / self.d[c] self.data_column.loc[c, "tree_height_comb"] = self.comb_n[c] / self.d[c] # LEAF PAIR class LeafPair: def __init__(self, num_trees): = ["leaf_pair_in_tree"] self.data_column = pd.DataFrame( self.n = pd.Series(dtype=float) self.d = num_trees self.leaf_pair_cont_tree = pd.DataFrame(dtype=float) def init_fun(self, reducible_pairs, tree_set): self.leaf_pair_cont_tree = pd.DataFrame(True, index=reducible_pairs, columns=tree_set) self.n = pd.Series(0, index=reducible_pairs, dtype=float) for t, tree in tree_set.items(): for c in reducible_pairs: if set(c).issubset(tree.leaves): self.leaf_pair_cont_tree.loc[c, t] = True self.n[c] += 1 else: self.leaf_pair_cont_tree.loc[c, t] = False self.data_column["leaf_pair_in_tree"] = self.n / self.d return self.data_column def new_cherries(self, reducible_pairs, tree_set): for c in reducible_pairs: for t, tree in tree_set.items(): self.leaf_pair_cont_tree.loc[c, t] = set(c).issubset(tree.leaves) self.n[c] = self.leaf_pair_cont_tree.loc[c].sum() self.data_column.loc[c, "leaf_pair_in_tree"] = self.n[c] / self.d def update(self, chosen_cherry, new_cherries, new_reduced, reducible_pairs, num_trees, num_trees_changed): # delete, only change! The x in the cherry only disappears in the reduced change_leaf_pair = {"any_diff": pd.Series(0, index=reducible_pairs, dtype=float), "trees_out": {c: set() for c in reducible_pairs}} change_leaf_pair_bool = False for c in reducible_pairs: num_new_reduced = 0 if c in [chosen_cherry, chosen_cherry[::-1]]: continue if chosen_cherry[0] not in c: continue for t in new_reduced: if self.leaf_pair_cont_tree.loc[c, t]: num_new_reduced += 1 self.leaf_pair_cont_tree.loc[c, t] = False change_leaf_pair["trees_out"][c].add(t) self.n[c] -= num_new_reduced change_leaf_pair["any_diff"][c] = 1 change_leaf_pair_bool = True # UPDATE DATA if num_trees_changed: self.d = num_trees if not num_trees_changed and not change_leaf_pair_bool: return change_leaf_pair for c in reducible_pairs: if c in new_cherries: continue if num_trees_changed or change_leaf_pair["any_diff"][c]: self.data_column.loc[c, "leaf_pair_in_tree"] = self.n[c] / self.d return change_leaf_pair def chosen_cherry_cleaning(self, chosen_cherry): self.data_column.drop([chosen_cherry, chosen_cherry[::-1]], inplace=True) self.n.drop([chosen_cherry, chosen_cherry[::-1]], inplace=True) self.leaf_pair_cont_tree.drop([chosen_cherry, chosen_cherry[::-1]], inplace=True) def relabel(self, x, y, reducible_pairs, merged_cherries, tree_set): anything_relabelled = False relabelled = pd.Series(0, index=reducible_pairs, dtype=float) leaf_pair_in_new_trees = {c: set() for c in reducible_pairs} for c_x, c_y in self.data_column.index: if (c_x, c_y) in [(x, y), (y, x)]: continue if x == c_x: anything_relabelled = True relabelled[(y, c_y)] = True relabelled[(c_y, y)] = True if (c_x, c_y) in merged_cherries: self.leaf_pair_cont_tree.loc[(y, c_y)] = self.leaf_pair_cont_tree.loc[[(x, c_y), (y, c_y)]].max() self.leaf_pair_cont_tree.loc[(c_y, y)] = self.leaf_pair_cont_tree.loc[[(c_y, x), (c_y, y)]].max() self.leaf_pair_cont_tree.drop([(x, c_y), (c_y, x)], inplace=True) # change n self.n[(y, c_y)] += self.n[(x, c_y)] self.n[(c_y, y)] += self.n[(c_y, x)] self.n.drop([(x, c_y), (c_y, x)], inplace=True) else: self.leaf_pair_cont_tree.index = list(self.leaf_pair_cont_tree.index) self.leaf_pair_cont_tree.rename(index={(x, c_y): (y, c_y)}, inplace=True) self.leaf_pair_cont_tree.rename(index={(c_y, x): (c_y, y)}, inplace=True) self.leaf_pair_cont_tree.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(self.leaf_pair_cont_tree.index) # rename n self.n.index = list(self.n.index) self.n.rename(index={(x, c_y): (y, c_y)}, inplace=True) self.n.rename(index={(c_y, x): (c_y, y)}, inplace=True) self.n.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(self.n.index) self.data_column.drop([(x, c_y), (c_y, x)], inplace=True) for c in reducible_pairs: c_x, c_y = c if c in [(x, y), (y, x)]: continue if y == c_x: for t in tree_set: if not self.leaf_pair_cont_tree.loc[c][t] and {c_x, c_y}.issubset(tree_set[t].leaves): anything_relabelled = True relabelled[c] = True relabelled[c[::-1]] = True leaf_pair_in_new_trees[c].add(t) leaf_pair_in_new_trees[c[::-1]].add(t) self.leaf_pair_cont_tree.loc[c, t] = True self.leaf_pair_cont_tree.loc[c[::-1], t] = True self.n[c] += 1 self.n[c[::-1]] += 1 if relabelled[c]: # update data self.data_column.loc[c, "leaf_pair_in_tree"] = self.n[c] / self.d return anything_relabelled, leaf_pair_in_new_trees # TRIVIAL class Trivial: def __init__(self): # PARAMETERS = ["trivial", "cherry_in_tree"] self.data_column = pd.DataFrame( self.trivial = pd.DataFrame() self.n = pd.Series(dtype=float) self.triv_d = pd.Series(dtype=float) self.cher_d = 1 def init_fun(self, reducible_pairs, tree_set, unique_cherries, num_trees, leaf_pair_forest): # ONLY WORKS FOR FULL LEAF SET self.trivial = pd.DataFrame(index=reducible_pairs, columns=tree_set) for c in unique_cherries: trees = list(reducible_pairs[c]) self.trivial.loc[c, trees] = True self.trivial.loc[c[::-1], trees] = True self.trivial.fillna(False, inplace=True) # trivial data self.n = self.trivial.sum(axis=1) self.triv_d = leaf_pair_forest self.data_column["trivial"] = self.n / self.triv_d # cherry in tree data self.cher_d = num_trees self.data_column["cherry_in_tree"] = self.n / self.cher_d return self.data_column def new_cherries(self, reducible_pairs, unique_cherries, leaf_pair_in_tree, leaf_pair_forest): for c in unique_cherries: trees = reducible_pairs[c] # first fill with false where this leaf pair exist, then fill with true? for t in leaf_pair_in_tree.columns: if leaf_pair_in_tree.loc[c, t]: self.trivial.loc[c, t] = False self.trivial.loc[c[::-1], t] = False # now check where it should be for t in trees: self.trivial.loc[c, t] = True self.trivial.loc[c[::-1], t] = True # trivial data for c in unique_cherries: nom = self.trivial.loc[c].sum() self.n.loc[c] = nom self.n.loc[c[::-1]] = nom triv_val = self.n[c] / self.triv_d[c] self.data_column.loc[c, "trivial"] = triv_val self.data_column.loc[c[::-1], "trivial"] = triv_val # cherry in tree data cher_val = self.n[c] / self.cher_d self.data_column.loc[c, "cherry_in_tree"] = cher_val self.data_column.loc[c[::-1], "cherry_in_tree"] = cher_val def update(self, new_reduced, reducible_pairs, tree_set, new_cherries, leaf_pair_cont_tree, change_leaf_pair): change_cher_denom = 0 change_cherry_in = {"any_diff": pd.Series(0, index=reducible_pairs, dtype=int), "trees_in": {c: set() for c in reducible_pairs}} for t in new_reduced: if t not in tree_set: # cherry denom is only changed if a tree is fully reduced change_cher_denom = 1 self.cher_d -= 1 continue for c, trees in reducible_pairs.items(): if c in new_cherries: continue # if triv is False, could become nan or True # if triv is True, nothing changes # if triv is nan, nothing changes if not self.trivial.loc[c, t]: if not leaf_pair_cont_tree.loc[c, t]: self.trivial.loc[c, t] = np.nan # self.triv_d[c] -= 1 elif t in trees: self.trivial.loc[c, t] = True self.n[c] += 1 change_cherry_in["any_diff"][c] = 1 change_cherry_in["trees_in"][c].add(t) for c in reducible_pairs: if c in new_cherries: continue if change_cherry_in["any_diff"][c]: self.data_column.loc[c, "trivial"] = self.n[c] / self.triv_d[c] self.data_column.loc[c, "cherry_in_tree"] = self.n[c] / self.cher_d continue if change_leaf_pair["any_diff"][c]: self.data_column.loc[c, "trivial"] = self.n[c] / self.triv_d[c] if change_cher_denom: self.data_column.loc[c, "cherry_in_tree"] = self.n[c] / self.cher_d return change_cherry_in def chosen_cherry_cleaning(self, chosen_cherry): self.data_column.drop([chosen_cherry, chosen_cherry[::-1]], inplace=True) self.trivial.drop([chosen_cherry, chosen_cherry[::-1]], inplace=True) self.n.drop([chosen_cherry, chosen_cherry[::-1]], inplace=True) # self.triv_d.drop([chosen_cherry, chosen_cherry[::-1]], inplace=True) # RELABEL def relabel(self, x, y, reducible_pairs, merged_cherries, leaf_pair_in_new_trees): relabelled = pd.Series(0, index=reducible_pairs, dtype=int) for c_x, c_y in self.data_column.index: if (c_x, c_y) in [(x, y), (y, x)]: continue if x != c_x: continue relabelled[(y, c_y)] = True relabelled[(c_y, y)] = True if (c_x, c_y) in merged_cherries: self.trivial.loc[(y, c_y)] = self.trivial.loc[[(x, c_y), (y, c_y)]].max().fillna(value=np.nan) self.trivial.loc[(c_y, y)] = self.trivial.loc[[(c_y, x), (c_y, y)]].max().fillna(value=np.nan) self.trivial = self.trivial.drop([(x, c_y), (c_y, x)]) # change n self.n[(y, c_y)] += self.n[(x, c_y)] self.n[(c_y, y)] += self.n[(c_y, x)] self.n.drop([(x, c_y), (c_y, x)], inplace=True) else: self.trivial.index = list(self.trivial.index) self.trivial.rename(index={(x, c_y): (y, c_y)}, inplace=True) self.trivial.rename(index={(c_y, x): (c_y, y)}, inplace=True) self.trivial.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(self.trivial.index) # rename n self.n.index = list(self.n.index) self.n.rename(index={(x, c_y): (y, c_y)}, inplace=True) self.n.rename(index={(c_y, x): (c_y, y)}, inplace=True) self.n.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(self.n.index) self.data_column.drop([(x, c_y), (c_y, x)], inplace=True) for c in reducible_pairs: for t in leaf_pair_in_new_trees[c]: relabelled[c] = True self.triv_d[c] += 1 self.trivial.loc[c, t] = False if relabelled[c]: # update data self.data_column.loc[c, "trivial"] = self.n[c] / self.triv_d[c] self.data_column.loc[c, "cherry_in_tree"] = self.n[c] / self.cher_d # CHERRY HEIGHT class CherryHeight: def __init__(self): # PARAMETERS = ["cherry_height", "cherry_height_comb"] self.data_column = pd.DataFrame( # distances self.dist_n = pd.Series(dtype=float) self.dist = pd.DataFrame(dtype=float) # combinatorial self.comb_n = pd.Series(dtype=float) self.comb = pd.DataFrame(dtype=float) self.d = pd.Series(dtype=float) # tree height parameters self.tree_dist_prev = pd.Series(dtype=float) self.tree_comb_prev = pd.Series(dtype=float) def init_fun(self, reducible_pairs, tree_set, unique_cherries, tree_height_dist, tree_height_comb, cherry_in_forest, new_cherries=False): if not new_cherries: self.tree_dist_prev = copy.deepcopy(tree_height_dist) self.tree_comb_prev = copy.deepcopy(tree_height_comb) self.dist = pd.DataFrame(index=reducible_pairs, columns=tree_set) self.comb = pd.DataFrame(index=reducible_pairs, columns=tree_set) self.d = cherry_in_forest for c in unique_cherries: for t in reducible_pairs[c]: tree = tree_set[t] dist, comb = self.get_cherry_height(tree, *c) self.dist.loc[c, t] = dist self.dist.loc[c[::-1], t] = dist self.comb.loc[c, t] = comb self.comb.loc[c[::-1], t] = comb # DATA if not new_cherries: self.dist_n = (self.dist / self.tree_dist_prev).sum(axis=1) self.comb_n = (self.comb / self.tree_comb_prev).sum(axis=1) self.data_column["cherry_height"] = self.dist_n / self.d self.data_column["cherry_height_comb"] = self.comb_n / self.d return self.data_column else: for c in unique_cherries: self.dist_n[c] = 0 self.dist_n[c[::-1]] = 0 self.comb_n[c] = 0 self.comb_n[c[::-1]] = 0 for t in reducible_pairs[c]: if not tree_height_dist[t]: dist_n_val = 0 else: dist_n_val = self.dist.loc[c, t] / tree_height_dist[t] self.dist_n[c] += dist_n_val self.dist_n[c[::-1]] += dist_n_val if not tree_height_comb[t]: comb_n_val = 0 else: comb_n_val = self.comb.loc[c, t] / tree_height_comb[t] self.comb_n[c] += comb_n_val self.comb_n[c[::-1]] += comb_n_val dist_val = self.dist_n[c] / self.d[c] self.data_column.loc[c, "cherry_height"] = dist_val self.data_column.loc[c[::-1], "cherry_height"] = dist_val comb_val = self.comb_n[c] / self.d[c] self.data_column.loc[c, "cherry_height_comb"] = comb_val self.data_column.loc[c[::-1], "cherry_height_comb"] = comb_val def get_cherry_height(self, tree, x, y): for p in tree.nw.predecessors(x): p_cherry = p height = tree.nw.nodes[p_cherry]["node_length"] height_comb = tree.nw.nodes[p_cherry]["node_comb"] return height, height_comb def new_cherries(self, reducible_pairs, tree_set, unique_cherries, tree_height_dist, tree_height_comb, cherry_in_forest): self.init_fun(reducible_pairs, tree_set, unique_cherries, tree_height_dist, tree_height_comb, cherry_in_forest, new_cherries=True) def update(self, reducible_pairs, tree_set, new_cherries, new_height_dist, new_height_comb, change_cherry_in_forest, change_height_dist, change_height_comb): changed_dist = pd.Series(0, index=reducible_pairs, dtype=int) changed_comb = pd.Series(0, index=reducible_pairs, dtype=int) for c in reducible_pairs: if c in new_cherries: continue for t in change_cherry_in_forest["trees_in"][c]: self.dist.loc[c][t], self.comb.loc[c][t] = self.get_cherry_height(tree_set[t], *c) if self.tree_comb_prev[t]: self.comb_n[c] += self.comb.loc[c][t] / self.tree_comb_prev[t] if self.tree_dist_prev[t]: self.dist_n[c] += self.dist.loc[c][t] / self.tree_dist_prev[t] changed_dist[c] = 1 changed_comb[c] = 1 # CHANGE tree height and denominator at once for c, trees in reducible_pairs.items(): if c in new_cherries: continue # numerator for t in trees: if change_height_dist[t]: changed_dist[c] = 1 if self.tree_dist_prev[t]: self.dist_n[c] -= self.dist.loc[c][t] / self.tree_dist_prev[t] if new_height_dist[t]: self.dist_n[c] += self.dist.loc[c][t] / new_height_dist[t] if change_height_comb[t]: changed_comb[c] = 1 if self.tree_comb_prev[t]: self.comb_n[c] -= self.comb.loc[c][t] / self.tree_comb_prev[t] if new_height_comb[t]: self.comb_n[c] += self.comb.loc[c][t] / new_height_comb[t] # denominator if change_cherry_in_forest["any_diff"][c]: self.data_column.loc[c, "cherry_height"] = self.dist_n[c] / self.d[c] self.data_column.loc[c, "cherry_height_comb"] = self.comb_n[c] / self.d[c] continue if changed_dist[c]: self.data_column.loc[c, "cherry_height"] = self.dist_n[c] / self.d[c] if changed_comb[c]: self.data_column.loc[c, "cherry_height_comb"] = self.comb_n[c] / self.d[c] # and finally, update previous tree heights self.tree_dist_prev = copy.deepcopy(new_height_dist) self.tree_comb_prev = copy.deepcopy(new_height_comb) def chosen_cherry_cleaning(self, chosen_cherry): self.data_column.drop([chosen_cherry, chosen_cherry[::-1]], inplace=True) self.dist_n.drop([chosen_cherry, chosen_cherry[::-1]], inplace=True) self.dist.drop([chosen_cherry, chosen_cherry[::-1]], inplace=True) self.comb_n.drop([chosen_cherry, chosen_cherry[::-1]], inplace=True) self.comb.drop([chosen_cherry, chosen_cherry[::-1]], inplace=True) # self.d.drop([chosen_cherry, chosen_cherry[::-1]], inplace=True) # RELABEL def relabel(self, x, y, reducible_pairs, merged_cherries): relabelled = pd.Series(0, index=reducible_pairs, dtype=int) for c_x, c_y in self.data_column.index: if (c_x, c_y) in [(x, y), (y, x)]: continue if x != c_x: continue relabelled[(y, c_y)] = True relabelled[(c_y, y)] = True if (c_x, c_y) in merged_cherries: # change dist n self.dist_n[(y, c_y)] += self.dist_n[(x, c_y)] self.dist_n[(c_y, y)] += self.dist_n[(c_y, x)] self.dist_n.drop([(x, c_y), (c_y, x)], inplace=True) # change comb n self.comb_n[(y, c_y)] += self.comb_n[(x, c_y)] self.comb_n[(c_y, y)] += self.comb_n[(c_y, x)] self.comb_n.drop([(x, c_y), (c_y, x)], inplace=True) # change comb self.comb.loc[(y, c_y)] = self.comb.loc[[(x, c_y), (y, c_y)]].max() self.comb.loc[(c_y, y)] = self.comb.loc[[(c_y, x), (c_y, y)]].max() self.comb.drop([(x, c_y), (c_y, x)], inplace=True) # change dist self.dist.loc[(y, c_y)] = self.dist.loc[[(x, c_y), (y, c_y)]].max() self.dist.loc[(c_y, y)] = self.dist.loc[[(c_y, x), (c_y, y)]].max() self.dist.drop([(x, c_y), (c_y, x)], inplace=True) else: # rename dist n self.dist_n.index = list(self.dist_n.index) self.dist_n.rename(index={(x, c_y): (y, c_y)}, inplace=True) self.dist_n.rename(index={(c_y, x): (c_y, y)}, inplace=True) self.dist_n.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(self.dist_n.index) # rename comb n self.comb_n.index = list(self.comb_n.index) self.comb_n.rename(index={(x, c_y): (y, c_y)}, inplace=True) self.comb_n.rename(index={(c_y, x): (c_y, y)}, inplace=True) self.comb_n.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(self.comb_n.index) # rename comb self.comb.index = list(self.comb.index) self.comb.rename(index={(x, c_y): (y, c_y)}, inplace=True) self.comb.rename(index={(c_y, x): (c_y, y)}, inplace=True) self.comb.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(self.comb.index) # rename dist self.dist.index = list(self.dist.index) self.dist.rename(index={(x, c_y): (y, c_y)}, inplace=True) self.dist.rename(index={(c_y, x): (c_y, y)}, inplace=True) self.dist.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(self.dist.index) # DATA self.data_column.drop([(x, c_y), (c_y, x)], inplace=True) for c in reducible_pairs: if relabelled[c]: # update data self.data_column.loc[c, "cherry_height"] = self.dist_n[c] / self.d[c] self.data_column.loc[c, "cherry_height_comb"] = self.comb_n[c] / self.d[c] # REDUCTION AFTER PICKING A CHERRY class RedAfterPick: def __init__(self, root=2): # PARAMETERS = ["red_after_pick", "new_diff_cherries"] self.root = root self.data_column = pd.DataFrame( self.red_n = pd.Series(dtype=float) self.red_d = pd.Series(dtype=float) self.red_after_pick = pd.DataFrame() self.cher_red_n = pd.Series(dtype=float) self.cher_red_d = 1 self.prev_cher_red_d = 1 self.cherry_red_set = dict() def init_fun(self, reducible_pairs, tree_set, unique_cherries, cherry_in_forest, new_cherries=False): if not new_cherries: self.red_after_pick = pd.DataFrame(index=reducible_pairs, columns=tree_set) # new cherries/old cherries, so doesn't have to be scaled anymore # network cherries works with just one tree, tree cherries with a set num_unique_cherries = len(unique_cherries) self.cher_red_n = pd.Series(num_unique_cherries - 1, index=reducible_pairs) self.cher_red_d = num_unique_cherries self.prev_cher_red_d = num_unique_cherries if new_cherries: for c in reducible_pairs: self.cher_red_n[c] = self.cher_red_d - 1 for c in unique_cherries: self.cherry_red_set[c] = set() self.cherry_red_set[c[::-1]] = set() for t in reducible_pairs[c]: num_after_pick, new_cat_cherry_a, new_cat_cherry_b = self.get_num_red_after_pick(tree_set[t], *c) self.red_after_pick.loc[c, t] = num_after_pick self.red_after_pick.loc[c[::-1], t] = num_after_pick if new_cat_cherry_a is not None: self.cherry_red_set[c].add(new_cat_cherry_a) self.cherry_red_set[c[::-1]].add(new_cat_cherry_b) for red_cher in self.cherry_red_set[c]: if red_cher not in unique_cherries: self.cher_red_n[c] += 1 for red_cher in self.cherry_red_set[c[::-1]]: if red_cher not in unique_cherries: self.cher_red_n[c[::-1]] += 1 # DATA if not new_cherries: self.data_column["new_diff_cherries"] = self.cher_red_n/self.cher_red_d self.red_n = self.red_after_pick.sum(axis=1) self.red_d = copy.deepcopy(cherry_in_forest) self.data_column["red_after_pick"] = self.red_n / self.red_d return self.data_column else: for c in unique_cherries: cher_val = self.cher_red_n[c]/self.cher_red_d self.data_column.loc[c, "new_diff_cherries"] = cher_val self.data_column.loc[c[::-1], "new_diff_cherries"] = cher_val red_n_val = self.red_after_pick.loc[c].sum() self.red_n[c] = red_n_val self.red_n[c[::-1]] = red_n_val self.red_d[c] = cherry_in_forest[c] self.red_d[c[::-1]] = cherry_in_forest[c[::-1]] red_val = self.red_n[c] / self.red_d[c] self.data_column.loc[c, "red_after_pick"] = red_val self.data_column.loc[c[::-1], "red_after_pick"] = red_val def new_cherries(self, reducible_pairs, tree_set, unique_cherries, denom): self.init_fun(reducible_pairs, tree_set, unique_cherries, denom, new_cherries=True) def get_num_red_after_pick(self, tree, x, y): # new cherries/old cherries, so doesn't have to be scaled anymore # network cherries works with just one tree, tree cherries with a set # ALL ABOUT CATERPILLARS for p in tree.nw.predecessors(x): p_cherry = p if p_cherry == self.root: return 0, None, None for p in tree.nw.predecessors(p_cherry): if tree.nw.out_degree(p) != 2: if self.root == 2 and p in [1, 2]: return 0, None, None print(f"Something went wrong") for ch in tree.nw.successors(p): if ch == p_cherry: continue if tree.nw.out_degree(ch) == 0: return 1, tuple(sorted([ch, y])), tuple(sorted([ch, x])) else: return 0, None, None def update(self, chosen_cherry, new_reduced, unique_reducible_pairs, tree_set, new_cherries, change_cherry_in_forest): x, y = chosen_cherry unique_cherries = set(unique_reducible_pairs) # UPDATE self.cher_red_d FOR ALL CHERRIES! num_new_cherries = len(new_cherries) / 2 if num_new_cherries == 0 or num_new_cherries > 1: update_cher_num = True self.cher_red_d += num_new_cherries - 1 self.cher_red_n += num_new_cherries - 1 else: update_cher_num = False for c, trees in unique_reducible_pairs.items(): cher_updated = False if c in new_cherries: continue for t in trees: if t not in new_reduced: continue # EITHER, NEW CHERRY IN TREE if t in change_cherry_in_forest["trees_in"][c]: num_after_pick, new_cat_cherry_a, new_cat_cherry_b = self.get_num_red_after_pick(tree_set[t], *c) self.red_after_pick.loc[c, t] = num_after_pick self.red_after_pick.loc[c[::-1], t] = num_after_pick self.red_d[c] += 1 self.red_d[c[::-1]] += 1 if num_after_pick: self.red_n[c] += 1 self.red_n[c[::-1]] += 1 if new_cat_cherry_a is not None: if new_cat_cherry_a: if new_cat_cherry_a not in self.cherry_red_set[c]: self.cherry_red_set[c].add(new_cat_cherry_a) if new_cat_cherry_a not in unique_cherries: self.cher_red_n[c] += 1 if new_cat_cherry_b not in self.cherry_red_set[c[::-1]]: self.cherry_red_set[c[::-1]].add(new_cat_cherry_b) if new_cat_cherry_b not in unique_cherries: self.cher_red_n[c[::-1]] += 1 cher_updated = True continue if self.red_after_pick.loc[c, t] == 1: continue # OR, ALREADY IN TREE, BUT BECAUSE OF CHERRY PICKED, OTHER SCENARIO NOW tree = tree_set[t] # test if child of grand parent is y # first: find grand parent of c for p in tree.nw.predecessors(c[0]): p_c = p for p in tree.nw.predecessors(p_c): gp_c = p # second: find child of grand parent for ch in tree.nw.successors(gp_c): if ch == y: cher_updated = True # red_after_pick becomes 1 self.red_after_pick.loc[c, t] = 1 self.red_after_pick.loc[c[::-1], t] = 1 self.red_n[c] += 1 self.red_n[c[::-1]] += 1 # add (y, c[0]) and (y, c[1]) to cherry_red_set new_cat_cherry_a = tuple(sorted([c[0], y])) new_cat_cherry_b = tuple(sorted([c[1], y])) if new_cat_cherry_a not in self.cherry_red_set[c]: self.cherry_red_set[c].add(new_cat_cherry_a) if new_cat_cherry_a not in unique_cherries: self.cher_red_n[c] += 1 if new_cat_cherry_b not in self.cherry_red_set[c[::-1]]: self.cherry_red_set[c[::-1]].add(new_cat_cherry_b) if new_cat_cherry_b not in unique_cherries: self.cher_red_n[c[::-1]] += 1 # UPDATE DATA if cher_updated: self.data_column.loc[c, "new_diff_cherries"] = self.cher_red_n[c] / self.cher_red_d self.data_column.loc[c[::-1], "new_diff_cherries"] = self.cher_red_n[c[::-1]] / self.cher_red_d red_val = self.red_n[c] / self.red_d[c] self.data_column.loc[c, "red_after_pick"] = red_val self.data_column.loc[c[::-1], "red_after_pick"] = red_val elif update_cher_num: self.data_column.loc[c, "new_diff_cherries"] = self.cher_red_n[c] / self.cher_red_d self.data_column.loc[c[::-1], "new_diff_cherries"] = self.cher_red_n[c[::-1]] / self.cher_red_d def chosen_cherry_cleaning(self, chosen_cherry): self.data_column.drop([chosen_cherry, chosen_cherry[::-1]], inplace=True) self.red_n.drop([chosen_cherry, chosen_cherry[::-1]], inplace=True) self.red_d.drop([chosen_cherry, chosen_cherry[::-1]], inplace=True) self.red_after_pick.drop([chosen_cherry, chosen_cherry[::-1]], inplace=True) self.cher_red_n.drop([chosen_cherry, chosen_cherry[::-1]], inplace=True) del self.cherry_red_set[chosen_cherry], self.cherry_red_set[chosen_cherry[::-1]] # RELABEL def relabel(self, x, y, reducible_pairs, merged_cherries): relabelled = pd.Series(0, index=reducible_pairs, dtype=int) for c_x, c_y in self.data_column.index: if (c_x, c_y) in [(x, y), (y, x)]: continue if x != c_x: continue relabelled[(y, c_y)] = True relabelled[(c_y, y)] = True if (c_x, c_y) in merged_cherries: # change red n self.red_n[(y, c_y)] += self.red_n[(x, c_y)] self.red_n[(c_y, y)] += self.red_n[(c_y, x)] self.red_n.drop([(x, c_y), (c_y, x)], inplace=True) # change red d self.red_d[(y, c_y)] += self.red_d[(x, c_y)] self.red_d[(c_y, y)] += self.red_d[(c_y, x)] self.red_d.drop([(x, c_y), (c_y, x)], inplace=True) # change cher red n self.cher_red_n[(y, c_y)] += self.cher_red_n[(x, c_y)] self.cher_red_n[(c_y, y)] += self.cher_red_n[(c_y, x)] self.cher_red_n.drop([(x, c_y), (c_y, x)], inplace=True) # change red after pick self.red_after_pick.loc[(y, c_y)] = self.red_after_pick.loc[[(x, c_y), (y, c_y)]].max() self.red_after_pick.loc[(c_y, y)] = self.red_after_pick.loc[[(c_y, x), (c_y, y)]].max() self.red_after_pick.drop([(x, c_y), (c_y, x)], inplace=True) # cher red set for cher_red in self.cherry_red_set[(x, c_y)]: self.cherry_red_set[(y, c_y)].add(cher_red) for cher_red in self.cherry_red_set[(c_y, x)]: self.cherry_red_set[(c_y, y)].add(cher_red) del self.cherry_red_set[(x, c_y)], self.cherry_red_set[(c_y, x)] else: # rename red n self.red_n.index = list(self.red_n.index) self.red_n.rename(index={(x, c_y): (y, c_y)}, inplace=True) self.red_n.rename(index={(c_y, x): (c_y, y)}, inplace=True) self.red_n.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(self.red_n.index) # rename red d self.red_d.index = list(self.red_d.index) self.red_d.rename(index={(x, c_y): (y, c_y)}, inplace=True) self.red_d.rename(index={(c_y, x): (c_y, y)}, inplace=True) self.red_d.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(self.red_d.index) # rename cher red n self.cher_red_n.index = list(self.cher_red_n.index) self.cher_red_n.rename(index={(x, c_y): (y, c_y)}, inplace=True) self.cher_red_n.rename(index={(c_y, x): (c_y, y)}, inplace=True) self.cher_red_n.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(self.cher_red_n.index) # rename red after pick self.red_after_pick.index = list(self.red_after_pick.index) self.red_after_pick = self.red_after_pick.rename(index={(x, c_y): (y, c_y)}, inplace=False) self.red_after_pick = self.red_after_pick.rename(index={(c_y, x): (c_y, y)}, inplace=False) self.red_after_pick.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(self.red_after_pick.index) # cher red set self.cherry_red_set[(y, c_y)] = self.cherry_red_set[(x, c_y)] self.cherry_red_set[(c_y, y)] = self.cherry_red_set[(c_y, x)] del self.cherry_red_set[(x, c_y)], self.cherry_red_set[(c_y, x)] # DATA self.data_column.drop([(x, c_y), (c_y, x)], inplace=True) for c in reducible_pairs: if relabelled[c]: # update data self.data_column.loc[c, "red_after_pick"] = self.red_n[c] / self.red_d[c] self.data_column.loc[c, "new_diff_cherries"] = self.cher_red_n[c] / self.cher_red_d # FEATURES WITH UPDATE BEFORE # LEAF DISTANCE class LeafDist: def __init__(self): # PARAMETERS = ["leaf_dist", "leaf_dist_comb", "leaf_dist_frac", "leaf_dist_comb_frac"] self.data_column = pd.DataFrame(, dtype=float) # distances self.dist_n = pd.Series(dtype=float) self.dist = pd.DataFrame(dtype=float) self.dist_frac_n = pd.Series(dtype=float) self.dist_frac = pd.DataFrame(dtype=float) # combinatorial self.comb_n = pd.Series(dtype=float) self.comb = pd.DataFrame(dtype=float) self.comb_frac_n = pd.Series(dtype=float) self.comb_frac = pd.DataFrame(dtype=float) self.d = pd.Series(dtype=float) # tree height parameters self.tree_dist_prev = pd.Series(dtype=float) self.tree_comb_prev = pd.Series(dtype=float) self.changed_before = pd.Series(dtype=int) def init_fun(self, reducible_pairs, tree_set, unique_cherries, tree_height_dist, tree_height_comb, leaf_pair_in_forest, leaf_pair_in, new_cherries=False): if not new_cherries: self.tree_dist_prev = copy.deepcopy(tree_height_dist) self.tree_comb_prev = copy.deepcopy(tree_height_comb) self.dist = pd.DataFrame(index=reducible_pairs, columns=tree_set) self.dist_frac = pd.DataFrame(index=reducible_pairs, columns=tree_set) self.comb = pd.DataFrame(index=reducible_pairs, columns=tree_set) self.comb_frac = pd.DataFrame(index=reducible_pairs, columns=tree_set) for c in unique_cherries: for t, tree in tree_set.items(): if not leaf_pair_in_forest.loc[c, t]: continue leaf_dist_comb, x_comb, leaf_dist, x_dist = self.get_leaf_dist(tree, *c) # data stuff self.comb.loc[c, t] = leaf_dist_comb self.comb.loc[c[::-1], t] = leaf_dist_comb self.comb_frac.loc[c, t] = x_comb self.comb_frac.loc[c[::-1], t] = 1 - x_comb self.dist.loc[c, t] = leaf_dist self.dist.loc[c[::-1], t] = leaf_dist self.dist_frac.loc[c, t] = x_dist self.dist_frac.loc[c[::-1], t] = 1 - x_dist # DATA if not new_cherries: self.d = leaf_pair_in # leaf distance self.dist_n = (self.dist / self.tree_dist_prev).sum(axis=1) self.comb_n = (self.comb / self.tree_comb_prev).sum(axis=1) self.data_column["leaf_dist_comb"] = self.comb_n / self.d self.data_column["leaf_dist"] = self.dist_n / self.d # leaf distance frac self.dist_frac_n = self.dist_frac.sum(axis=1) self.comb_frac_n = self.comb_frac.sum(axis=1) self.data_column["leaf_dist_comb_frac"] = self.comb_frac_n / self.d self.data_column["leaf_dist_frac"] = self.dist_frac_n / self.d return self.data_column else: for c in unique_cherries: self.dist_n[c] = 0 self.dist_n[c[::-1]] = 0 self.comb_n[c] = 0 self.comb_n[c[::-1]] = 0 for t in tree_set: if np.isnan(self.dist.loc[c, t]): continue # leaf distance if not tree_height_dist[t]: dist_n_val = 0 else: dist_n_val = self.dist.loc[c, t] / tree_height_dist[t] self.dist_n[c] += dist_n_val self.dist_n[c[::-1]] += dist_n_val if not tree_height_comb[t]: comb_n_val = 0 else: comb_n_val = self.comb.loc[c, t] / tree_height_comb[t] self.comb_n[c] += comb_n_val self.comb_n[c[::-1]] += comb_n_val leaf_dist_val = self.dist_n[c] / self.d[c] self.data_column.loc[c, "leaf_dist"] = leaf_dist_val self.data_column.loc[c[::-1], "leaf_dist"] = leaf_dist_val leaf_comb_val = self.comb_n[c] / self.d[c] self.data_column.loc[c, "leaf_dist_comb"] = leaf_comb_val self.data_column.loc[c[::-1], "leaf_dist_comb"] = leaf_comb_val # leaf distance frac self.dist_frac_n[c] = self.dist_frac.loc[c].sum() self.dist_frac_n[c[::-1]] = self.dist_frac.loc[c[::-1]].sum() self.comb_frac_n[c] = self.comb_frac.loc[c].sum() self.comb_frac_n[c[::-1]] = self.comb_frac.loc[c[::-1]].sum() self.data_column.loc[c, "leaf_dist_frac"] = self.dist_frac_n[c] / self.d[c] self.data_column.loc[c[::-1], "leaf_dist_frac"] = self.dist_frac_n[c[::-1]] / self.d[c[::-1]] self.data_column.loc[c, "leaf_dist_comb_frac"] = self.comb_frac_n[c] / self.d[c] self.data_column.loc[c[::-1], "leaf_dist_comb_frac"] = self.comb_frac_n[c[::-1]] / self.d[c[::-1]] return self.data_column.loc[list(reducible_pairs)] def get_leaf_dist(self, tree, x, y): # so-called up down distance. So find first common ancestor, # and then compute distance from this node to both leaves lca = nx.algorithms.lowest_common_ancestors.lowest_common_ancestor(tree.nw, x, y) # LENGTH TO X for p in tree.nw.predecessors(x): p_x = p # LENGTH TO Y for p in tree.nw.predecessors(y): p_y = p # ignore length of thingy itself dist_length = tree.nw.nodes[p_x]["node_length"] + tree.nw.nodes[p_y]["node_length"] - 2 * tree.nw.nodes[lca][ "node_length"] x_dist = (tree.nw.nodes[x]["node_length"] - tree.nw.nodes[lca]["node_length"]) / (tree.nw.nodes[x]["node_length"] + tree.nw.nodes[y]["node_length"] - 2 * tree.nw.nodes[lca][ "node_length"]) comb_length = tree.nw.nodes[p_x]["node_comb"] + tree.nw.nodes[p_y]["node_comb"] - 2 * tree.nw.nodes[lca][ "node_comb"] x_comb = (tree.nw.nodes[x]["node_comb"] - tree.nw.nodes[lca]["node_comb"]) / (tree.nw.nodes[x]["node_comb"] + \ tree.nw.nodes[y]["node_comb"] - 2 * tree.nw.nodes[lca]["node_comb"]) return comb_length, x_comb, dist_length, x_dist def new_cherries(self, reducible_pairs, tree_set, unique_cherries, tree_height_dist, tree_height_comb, leaf_pair_in_forest, leaf_pair_in): return self.init_fun(reducible_pairs, tree_set, unique_cherries, tree_height_dist, tree_height_comb, leaf_pair_in_forest, leaf_pair_in, new_cherries=True) def update_before(self, chosen_cherry, tree_set, reducible_pairs): self.changed_before = pd.Series(0, index=reducible_pairs, dtype=int) x, y = chosen_cherry for t in reducible_pairs[chosen_cherry]: tree = tree_set[t] for w in tree.leaves: if w == x: continue # Don't delete following: UPDATE leaf distance for cherry (w, y) try: check = reducible_pairs[(w, y)] except KeyError: continue # if (w, y) in reducible_pairs: self.changed_before[(w, y)] = 1 self.changed_before[(y, w)] = 1 # COMBINATORIAL self.comb.loc[(w, y), t] -= 1 self.comb_n[(w, y)] -= 1 / self.tree_comb_prev[t] self.comb.loc[(y, w), t] -= 1 self.comb_n[(y, w)] -= 1 / self.tree_comb_prev[t] lca = nx.algorithms.lowest_common_ancestors.lowest_common_ancestor(tree.nw, x, w) comb_frac = (tree.nw.nodes[x]["node_comb"] - tree.nw.nodes[lca]["node_comb"] - 1) / (tree.nw.nodes[x]["node_comb"] + \ tree.nw.nodes[w]["node_comb"] - 2 * tree.nw.nodes[lca]["node_comb"] - 1) prev_comb_frac_a = self.comb_frac.loc[(y, w), t] prev_comb_frac_b = self.comb_frac.loc[(w, y), t] if abs(prev_comb_frac_a - comb_frac) > 10e-3: self.comb_frac.loc[(y, w), t] = comb_frac self.comb_frac_n[(y, w)] -= prev_comb_frac_a self.comb_frac_n[(y, w)] += comb_frac if abs(prev_comb_frac_b - (1 - comb_frac)) > 10e-3: self.comb_frac.loc[(w, y), t] = 1 - comb_frac self.comb_frac_n[(w, y)] -= prev_comb_frac_a self.comb_frac_n[(w, y)] += 1 - comb_frac def update_data(self, new_cherries, unique_reducible_pairs, new_height, new_height_comb, change_height_dist, change_height_comb, change_leaf_pair, tree_set): for c, trees in unique_reducible_pairs.items(): change_dist = False change_comb = False if c in new_cherries: continue for t in trees: if t in change_leaf_pair["trees_out"]: if self.tree_comb_prev[t]: self.comb_n[c] -= self.comb.loc[c, t] / self.tree_comb_prev[t] self.comb_n[c[::-1]] -= self.comb.loc[c[::-1], t] / self.tree_comb_prev[t] self.comb.loc[c, t] = np.nan self.comb.loc[c[::-1], t] = np.nan self.comb_frac_n[c] -= self.comb_frac.loc[c, t] self.comb_frac_n[c[::-1]] -= self.comb_frac.loc[c[::-1], t] self.comb_frac.loc[c, t] = np.nan self.comb_frac.loc[c[::-1], t] = np.nan if self.tree_dist_prev[t]: self.dist_n[c] -= self.dist.loc[c, t] / self.tree_dist_prev[t] self.dist_n[c[::-1]] -= self.dist.loc[c[::-1], t] / self.tree_dist_prev[t] self.dist.loc[c, t] = np.nan self.dist.loc[c[::-1], t] = np.nan self.dist_frac_n[c] -= self.dist_frac.loc[c, t] self.dist_frac_n[c[::-1]] -= self.dist_frac.loc[c[::-1], t] self.dist_frac.loc[c, t] = np.nan self.dist_frac.loc[c[::-1], t] = np.nan continue if change_height_dist[t]: if self.tree_dist_prev[t]: self.dist_n[c] -= self.dist.loc[c, t] / self.tree_dist_prev[t] self.dist_n[c[::-1]] -= self.dist.loc[c[::-1], t] / self.tree_dist_prev[t] if new_height[t]: self.dist_n[c] += self.dist.loc[c, t] / new_height[t] self.dist_n[c[::-1]] += self.dist.loc[c[::-1], t] / new_height[t] change_dist = True if change_height_comb[t]: if self.tree_comb_prev[t]: self.comb_n[c] -= self.comb.loc[c, t] / self.tree_comb_prev[t] self.comb_n[c[::-1]] -= self.comb.loc[c[::-1], t] / self.tree_comb_prev[t] if new_height_comb[t]: self.comb_n[c] += self.comb.loc[c, t] / new_height_comb[t] self.comb_n[c[::-1]] += self.comb.loc[c[::-1], t] / new_height_comb[t] change_comb = True if change_leaf_pair["any_diff"][c]: leaf_dist_val = self.dist_n[c] / self.d[c] self.data_column.loc[c, "leaf_dist"] = leaf_dist_val self.data_column.loc[c[::-1], "leaf_dist"] = leaf_dist_val leaf_comb_val = self.comb_n[c] / self.d[c] self.data_column.loc[c, "leaf_dist_comb"] = leaf_comb_val self.data_column.loc[c[::-1], "leaf_dist_comb"] = leaf_comb_val self.data_column.loc[c, "leaf_dist_frac"] = self.dist_frac_n[c] / self.d[c] self.data_column.loc[c[::-1], "leaf_dist_frac"] = self.dist_frac_n[c[::-1]] / self.d[c[::-1]] self.data_column.loc[c, "leaf_dist_comb_frac"] = self.comb_frac_n[c] / self.d[c] self.data_column.loc[c[::-1], "leaf_dist_comb_frac"] = self.comb_frac_n[c[::-1]] / self.d[c[::-1]] continue if change_dist: leaf_dist_val = self.dist_n[c] / self.d[c] self.data_column.loc[c, "leaf_dist"] = leaf_dist_val self.data_column.loc[c[::-1], "leaf_dist"] = leaf_dist_val if self.changed_before[c]: self.data_column.loc[c, "leaf_dist_frac"] = self.dist_frac_n[c] / self.d[c] self.data_column.loc[c[::-1], "leaf_dist_frac"] = self.dist_frac_n[c[::-1]] / self.d[c[::-1]] self.data_column.loc[c, "leaf_dist_comb_frac"] = self.comb_frac_n[c] / self.d[c] self.data_column.loc[c[::-1], "leaf_dist_comb_frac"] = self.comb_frac_n[c[::-1]] / self.d[c[::-1]] continue if change_comb: leaf_comb_val = self.comb_n[c] / self.d[c] self.data_column.loc[c, "leaf_dist_comb"] = leaf_comb_val self.data_column.loc[c[::-1], "leaf_dist_comb"] = leaf_comb_val for t in tree_set: if change_height_dist[t]: self.tree_dist_prev[t] = new_height[t] if change_height_comb[t]: self.tree_comb_prev[t] = new_height_comb[t] return None def chosen_cherry_cleaning(self, chosen_cherry): self.data_column.drop([chosen_cherry, chosen_cherry[::-1]], inplace=True) # distances self.dist_n.drop([chosen_cherry, chosen_cherry[::-1]], inplace=True) self.dist.drop([chosen_cherry, chosen_cherry[::-1]], inplace=True) self.dist_frac_n.drop([chosen_cherry, chosen_cherry[::-1]], inplace=True) self.dist_frac.drop([chosen_cherry, chosen_cherry[::-1]], inplace=True) # combinatorial self.comb_n.drop([chosen_cherry, chosen_cherry[::-1]], inplace=True) self.comb.drop([chosen_cherry, chosen_cherry[::-1]], inplace=True) self.comb_frac_n.drop([chosen_cherry, chosen_cherry[::-1]], inplace=True) self.comb_frac.drop([chosen_cherry, chosen_cherry[::-1]], inplace=True) self.changed_before = pd.Series(dtype=int) # RELABEL def relabel(self, x, y, reducible_pairs, merged_cherries, tree_set, leaf_pair_in_new_trees): relabelled = pd.Series(0, index=reducible_pairs, dtype=int) unique_reducible_pairs = {tuple(sorted(c)): trees for c, trees in reducible_pairs.items()} for c_x, c_y in self.data_column.index: if (c_x, c_y) in [(x, y), (y, x)]: continue if x != c_x: continue relabelled[(y, c_y)] = True relabelled[(c_y, y)] = True if (c_x, c_y) in merged_cherries: # change dist self.dist.loc[(y, c_y)] = self.dist.loc[[(x, c_y), (y, c_y)]].max() self.dist.loc[(c_y, y)] = self.dist.loc[[(c_y, x), (c_y, y)]].max() self.dist = self.dist.drop([(x, c_y), (c_y, x)]) # n self.dist_n[(y, c_y)] += self.dist_n[(x, c_y)] self.dist_n[(c_y, y)] += self.dist_n[(c_y, x)] self.dist_n.drop([(x, c_y), (c_y, x)], inplace=True) # change dist frac self.dist_frac.loc[(y, c_y)] = self.dist_frac.loc[[(x, c_y), (y, c_y)]].max() self.dist_frac.loc[(c_y, y)] = self.dist_frac.loc[[(c_y, x), (c_y, y)]].max() self.dist_frac = self.dist_frac.drop([(x, c_y), (c_y, x)]) # n self.dist_frac_n[(y, c_y)] += self.dist_frac_n[(x, c_y)] self.dist_frac_n[(c_y, y)] += self.dist_frac_n[(c_y, x)] self.dist_frac_n.drop([(x, c_y), (c_y, x)], inplace=True) # change comb self.comb.loc[(y, c_y)] = self.comb.loc[[(x, c_y), (y, c_y)]].max() self.comb.loc[(c_y, y)] = self.comb.loc[[(c_y, x), (c_y, y)]].max() self.comb = self.comb.drop([(x, c_y), (c_y, x)]) # n self.comb_n[(y, c_y)] += self.comb_n[(x, c_y)] self.comb_n[(c_y, y)] += self.comb_n[(c_y, x)] self.comb_n.drop([(x, c_y), (c_y, x)], inplace=True) # change comb frac self.comb_frac.loc[(y, c_y)] = self.comb_frac.loc[[(x, c_y), (y, c_y)]].max() self.comb_frac.loc[(c_y, y)] = self.comb_frac.loc[[(c_y, x), (c_y, y)]].max() self.comb_frac = self.comb_frac.drop([(x, c_y), (c_y, x)]) # n self.comb_frac_n[(y, c_y)] += self.comb_frac_n[(x, c_y)] self.comb_frac_n[(c_y, y)] += self.comb_frac_n[(c_y, x)] self.comb_frac_n.drop([(x, c_y), (c_y, x)], inplace=True) else: # rename dist self.dist.index = list(self.dist.index) self.dist.rename(index={(x, c_y): (y, c_y)}, inplace=True) self.dist.rename(index={(c_y, x): (c_y, y)}, inplace=True) self.dist.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(self.dist.index) # rename n self.dist_n.index = list(self.dist_n.index) self.dist_n.rename(index={(x, c_y): (y, c_y)}, inplace=True) self.dist_n.rename(index={(c_y, x): (c_y, y)}, inplace=True) self.dist_n.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(self.dist_n.index) # rename dist frac self.dist_frac.index = list(self.dist_frac.index) self.dist_frac.rename(index={(x, c_y): (y, c_y)}, inplace=True) self.dist_frac.rename(index={(c_y, x): (c_y, y)}, inplace=True) self.dist_frac.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(self.dist_frac.index) # rename n self.dist_frac_n.index = list(self.dist_frac_n.index) self.dist_frac_n.rename(index={(x, c_y): (y, c_y)}, inplace=True) self.dist_frac_n.rename(index={(c_y, x): (c_y, y)}, inplace=True) self.dist_frac_n.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(self.dist_frac_n.index) # rename comb self.comb.index = list(self.comb.index) self.comb.rename(index={(x, c_y): (y, c_y)}, inplace=True) self.comb.rename(index={(c_y, x): (c_y, y)}, inplace=True) self.comb.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(self.comb.index) # rename n self.comb_n.index = list(self.comb_n.index) self.comb_n.rename(index={(x, c_y): (y, c_y)}, inplace=True) self.comb_n.rename(index={(c_y, x): (c_y, y)}, inplace=True) self.comb_n.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(self.comb_n.index) # rename comb frac self.comb_frac.index = list(self.comb_frac.index) self.comb_frac.rename(index={(x, c_y): (y, c_y)}, inplace=True) self.comb_frac.rename(index={(c_y, x): (c_y, y)}, inplace=True) self.comb_frac.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(self.comb_frac.index) # rename n self.comb_frac_n.index = list(self.comb_frac_n.index) self.comb_frac_n.rename(index={(x, c_y): (y, c_y)}, inplace=True) self.comb_frac_n.rename(index={(c_y, x): (c_y, y)}, inplace=True) self.comb_frac_n.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(self.comb_frac_n.index) # DATA self.data_column.drop([(x, c_y), (c_y, x)], inplace=True) for c in unique_reducible_pairs: for t in leaf_pair_in_new_trees[c]: relabelled[c] = True relabelled[c[::-1]] = True # self.d[c] += 1 # self.d[c[::-1]] += 1 leaf_dist_comb, x_comb, leaf_dist, x_dist = self.get_leaf_dist(tree_set[t], *c) # data stuff self.comb.loc[c, t] = leaf_dist_comb self.comb.loc[c[::-1], t] = leaf_dist_comb if self.tree_comb_prev[t]: self.comb_n[c] += leaf_dist_comb / self.tree_comb_prev[t] self.comb_n[c[::-1]] += leaf_dist_comb / self.tree_comb_prev[t] self.comb_frac.loc[c, t] = x_comb self.comb_frac.loc[c[::-1], t] = 1 - x_comb self.comb_frac_n[c] += x_comb self.comb_frac_n[c[::-1]] += 1 - x_comb self.dist.loc[c, t] = leaf_dist self.dist.loc[c[::-1], t] = leaf_dist if self.tree_dist_prev[t]: self.dist_n[c] += leaf_dist / self.tree_dist_prev[t] self.dist_n[c[::-1]] += leaf_dist / self.tree_dist_prev[t] self.dist_frac.loc[c, t] = x_dist self.dist_frac.loc[c[::-1], t] = 1 - x_dist self.dist_frac_n[c] += x_dist self.dist_frac_n[c[::-1]] += 1 - x_dist for c in reducible_pairs: if relabelled[c]: # update data self.data_column.loc[c, "leaf_dist"] = self.dist_n[c] / self.d[c] self.data_column.loc[c, "leaf_dist_comb"] = self.comb_n[c] / self.d[c] self.data_column.loc[c, "leaf_dist_frac"] = self.dist_frac_n[c] / self.d[c] self.data_column.loc[c, "leaf_dist_comb_frac"] = self.comb_frac_n[c] / self.d[c] # LEAF HEIGHT class LeafHeight: def __init__(self): # PARAMETERS = ["x_height", "y_height", "x_vs_y_height", "x_height_comb", "y_height_comb", "x_vs_y_height_comb"] self.data_column = pd.DataFrame( # distances self.x_dist_n = pd.Series(dtype=float) self.x_dist = pd.DataFrame(dtype=float) self.y_dist_n = pd.Series(dtype=float) self.y_dist = pd.DataFrame(dtype=float) self.xy_dist_n = pd.Series(dtype=float) self.x_vs_y = pd.DataFrame(dtype=float) # combinatorial self.x_comb_n = pd.Series(dtype=float) self.x_comb = pd.DataFrame(dtype=float) self.y_comb_n = pd.Series(dtype=float) self.y_comb = pd.DataFrame(dtype=float) self.xy_comb_n = pd.Series(dtype=float) self.x_vs_y_comb = pd.DataFrame(dtype=float) self.d = pd.Series(dtype=float) # height parameters self.tree_dist_prev = pd.Series(dtype=float) self.tree_comb_prev = pd.Series(dtype=float) self.changed_before = pd.Series(dtype=float) def init_fun(self, reducible_pairs, tree_set, unique_cherries, tree_height_dist, tree_height_comb, leaf_pair_in_forest, leaf_pair_in, new_cherries=False): if not new_cherries: self.tree_dist_prev = copy.deepcopy(tree_height_dist) self.tree_comb_prev = copy.deepcopy(tree_height_comb) self.x_dist = pd.DataFrame(index=reducible_pairs, columns=tree_set, dtype=float) self.y_dist = pd.DataFrame(index=reducible_pairs, columns=tree_set, dtype=float) self.x_comb = pd.DataFrame(index=reducible_pairs, columns=tree_set, dtype=float) self.y_comb = pd.DataFrame(index=reducible_pairs, columns=tree_set, dtype=float) self.x_vs_y = pd.DataFrame(index=reducible_pairs, columns=tree_set, dtype=float) self.x_vs_y_comb = pd.DataFrame(index=reducible_pairs, columns=tree_set, dtype=float) self.d = leaf_pair_in for c in unique_cherries: for t, tree in tree_set.items(): if not leaf_pair_in_forest.loc[c, t]: continue x_height, x_height_comb, y_height, y_height_comb, x_vs_y, x_vs_y_comb = self.get_leaf_height(tree, *c) # data stuff # distances self.x_dist.loc[c, t] = x_height self.x_dist.loc[c[::-1], t] = y_height self.y_dist.loc[c, t] = y_height self.y_dist.loc[c[::-1], t] = x_height self.x_vs_y.loc[c, t] = x_vs_y self.x_vs_y.loc[c[::-1], t] = 1 / x_vs_y # combinatorial self.x_comb.loc[c, t] = x_height_comb self.x_comb.loc[c[::-1], t] = y_height_comb self.y_comb.loc[c, t] = y_height_comb self.y_comb.loc[c[::-1], t] = x_height_comb self.x_vs_y_comb.loc[c, t] = x_vs_y_comb self.x_vs_y_comb.loc[c[::-1], t] = 1 / x_vs_y_comb # DATA if not new_cherries: # leaf heights self.x_dist_n = (self.x_dist / self.tree_dist_prev).sum(axis=1) self.y_dist_n = (self.y_dist / self.tree_dist_prev).sum(axis=1) self.x_comb_n = (self.x_comb / self.tree_comb_prev).sum(axis=1) self.y_comb_n = (self.y_comb / self.tree_comb_prev).sum(axis=1) self.data_column["x_height"] = self.x_dist_n / self.d self.data_column["y_height"] = self.y_dist_n / self.d self.data_column["x_height_comb"] = self.x_comb_n / self.d self.data_column["y_height_comb"] = self.y_comb_n / self.d # leaf distance frac self.xy_dist_n = self.x_vs_y.sum(axis=1) self.xy_comb_n = self.x_vs_y_comb.sum(axis=1) self.data_column["x_vs_y_height"] = self.xy_dist_n / self.d self.data_column["x_vs_y_height_comb"] = self.xy_comb_n / self.d return self.data_column else: for c in unique_cherries: self.x_dist_n[c] = 0 self.x_dist_n[c[::-1]] = 0 self.y_dist_n[c] = 0 self.y_dist_n[c[::-1]] = 0 self.x_comb_n[c] = 0 self.x_comb_n[c[::-1]] = 0 self.y_comb_n[c] = 0 self.y_comb_n[c[::-1]] = 0 for t in tree_set: if np.isnan(self.x_dist.loc[c, t]): continue if not tree_height_dist[t]: x_dist_n_val = 0 y_dist_n_val = 0 else: # leaf heights x_dist_n_val = self.x_dist.loc[c, t] / tree_height_dist[t] y_dist_n_val = self.y_dist.loc[c, t] / tree_height_dist[t] self.x_dist_n[c] += x_dist_n_val self.x_dist_n[c[::-1]] += y_dist_n_val self.y_dist_n[c] += y_dist_n_val self.y_dist_n[c[::-1]] += x_dist_n_val if not tree_height_comb[t]: x_comb_n_val = 0 y_comb_n_val = 0 else: x_comb_n_val = self.x_comb.loc[c, t] / tree_height_comb[t] y_comb_n_val = self.y_comb.loc[c, t] / tree_height_comb[t] self.x_comb_n[c] += x_comb_n_val self.x_comb_n[c[::-1]] += y_comb_n_val self.y_comb_n[c] += y_comb_n_val self.y_comb_n[c[::-1]] += x_comb_n_val self.data_column.loc[c, "x_height"] = self.x_dist_n[c] / self.d[c] self.data_column.loc[c[::-1], "x_height"] = self.x_dist_n[c[::-1]] / self.d[c[::-1]] self.data_column.loc[c, "y_height"] = self.y_dist_n[c] / self.d[c] self.data_column.loc[c[::-1], "y_height"] = self.y_dist_n[c[::-1]] / self.d[c[::-1]] self.data_column.loc[c, "x_height_comb"] = self.x_comb_n[c] / self.d[c] self.data_column.loc[c[::-1], "x_height_comb"] = self.x_comb_n[c[::-1]] / self.d[c[::-1]] self.data_column.loc[c, "y_height_comb"] = self.y_comb_n[c] / self.d[c] self.data_column.loc[c[::-1], "y_height_comb"] = self.y_comb_n[c[::-1]] / self.d[c[::-1]] # leaf distance frac self.xy_dist_n[c] = self.x_vs_y.loc[c].sum() self.xy_dist_n[c[::-1]] = self.x_vs_y.loc[c[::-1]].sum() self.xy_comb_n[c] = self.x_vs_y_comb.loc[c].sum() self.xy_comb_n[c[::-1]] = self.x_vs_y_comb.loc[c[::-1]].sum() self.data_column.loc[c, "x_vs_y_height"] = self.xy_dist_n[c] / self.d[c] self.data_column.loc[c[::-1], "x_vs_y_height"] = self.xy_dist_n[c[::-1]] / self.d[c[::-1]] self.data_column.loc[c, "x_vs_y_height_comb"] = self.xy_comb_n[c] / self.d[c] self.data_column.loc[c[::-1], "x_vs_y_height_comb"] = self.xy_comb_n[c[::-1]] / self.d[c[::-1]] def get_leaf_height(self, tree, x, y): for p in tree.nw.predecessors(x): p_x = p for p in tree.nw.predecessors(y): p_y = p x_height = tree.nw.nodes[p_x]["node_length"] y_height = tree.nw.nodes[p_y]["node_length"] x_vs_y = tree.nw.nodes[x]["node_length"]/tree.nw.nodes[y]["node_length"] x_height_comb = tree.nw.nodes[p_x]["node_comb"] y_height_comb = tree.nw.nodes[p_y]["node_comb"] x_vs_y_comb = tree.nw.nodes[x]["node_comb"] / tree.nw.nodes[y]["node_comb"] return x_height, x_height_comb, y_height, y_height_comb, x_vs_y, x_vs_y_comb def new_cherries(self, reducible_pairs, tree_set, unique_cherries, tree_height_dist, tree_height_comb, leaf_pair_in_forest, leaf_pair_in): return self.init_fun(reducible_pairs, tree_set, unique_cherries, tree_height_dist, tree_height_comb, leaf_pair_in_forest, leaf_pair_in, new_cherries=True) def update_before(self, chosen_cherry, tree_set, reducible_pairs): self.changed_before = pd.Series(0, index=reducible_pairs, dtype=int) x, y = chosen_cherry for t in reducible_pairs[chosen_cherry]: tree = tree_set[t] for w in tree.leaves: if w == x: continue # UPDATE leaf distance for cherry (w, y) try: check = reducible_pairs[(w, y)] except KeyError: continue # if (w, y) in reducible_pairs: self.changed_before[(w, y)] = 1 self.changed_before[(y, w)] = 1 self.y_comb.loc[(w, y), t] -= 1 if self.tree_comb_prev[t]: self.y_comb_n[(w, y)] -= 1 / self.tree_comb_prev[t] self.x_comb.loc[(y, w), t] -= 1 if self.tree_comb_prev[t]: self.x_comb_n[(y, w)] -= 1 / self.tree_comb_prev[t] y_vs_w_comb = (tree.nw.nodes[y]["node_comb"] - 1) / tree.nw.nodes[w]["node_comb"] prev_xy_a = self.x_vs_y_comb.loc[(y, w), t] prev_xy_b = self.x_vs_y_comb.loc[(w, y), t] self.x_vs_y_comb.loc[(y, w), t] = y_vs_w_comb self.xy_comb_n[(y, w)] -= prev_xy_a self.xy_comb_n[(y, w)] += y_vs_w_comb self.x_vs_y_comb.loc[(w, y), t] = 1 / y_vs_w_comb self.xy_comb_n[(w, y)] -= prev_xy_b self.xy_comb_n[(w, y)] += 1 / y_vs_w_comb return None def update_data(self, new_cherries, unique_reducible_pairs, new_height, new_height_comb, change_height_dist, change_height_comb, change_leaf_pair, tree_set): for c, trees in unique_reducible_pairs.items(): change_dist = False change_comb = False if c in new_cherries: continue for t in trees: if t in change_leaf_pair["trees_out"]: # distances if self.tree_dist_prev[t]: self.x_dist_n[c] -= self.x_dist.loc[c, t] / self.tree_dist_prev[t] self.x_dist_n[c[::-1]] -= self.x_dist.loc[c[::-1], t] / self.tree_dist_prev[t] self.x_dist.loc[c, t] = np.nan self.x_dist.loc[c[::-1], t] = np.nan if self.tree_dist_prev[t]: self.y_dist_n[c] -= self.y_dist.loc[c, t] / self.tree_dist_prev[t] self.y_dist_n[c[::-1]] -= self.y_dist.loc[c[::-1], t] / self.tree_dist_prev[t] self.y_dist.loc[c, t] = np.nan self.y_dist.loc[c[::-1], t] = np.nan self.xy_dist_n[c] -= self.x_vs_y.loc[c, t] self.xy_dist_n[c[::-1]] -= self.x_vs_y.loc[c[::-1], t] self.x_vs_y.loc[c, t] = np.nan self.x_vs_y.loc[c[::-1], t] = np.nan # combinatorial if self.tree_comb_prev[t]: self.x_comb_n[c] -= self.x_comb.loc[c, t] / self.tree_comb_prev[t] self.x_comb_n[c[::-1]] -= self.x_comb.loc[c[::-1], t] / self.tree_comb_prev[t] self.x_comb.loc[c, t] = np.nan self.x_comb.loc[c[::-1], t] = np.nan if self.tree_comb_prev[t]: self.y_comb_n[c] -= self.y_comb.loc[c, t] / self.tree_comb_prev[t] self.y_comb_n[c[::-1]] -= self.y_comb.loc[c[::-1], t] / self.tree_comb_prev[t] self.y_comb.loc[c, t] = np.nan self.y_comb.loc[c[::-1], t] = np.nan self.xy_comb_n[c] -= self.x_vs_y_comb.loc[c, t] self.xy_comb_n[c[::-1]] -= self.x_vs_y_comb.loc[c[::-1], t] self.x_vs_y_comb.loc[c, t] = np.nan self.x_vs_y_comb.loc[c[::-1], t] = np.nan continue if change_height_dist[t]: if self.tree_dist_prev[t]: self.x_dist_n[c] -= self.x_dist.loc[c, t] / self.tree_dist_prev[t] self.x_dist_n[c[::-1]] -= self.x_dist.loc[c[::-1], t] / self.tree_dist_prev[t] if new_height[t]: self.x_dist_n[c] += self.x_dist.loc[c, t] / new_height[t] self.x_dist_n[c[::-1]] += self.x_dist.loc[c[::-1], t] / new_height[t] if self.tree_dist_prev[t]: self.y_dist_n[c] -= self.y_dist.loc[c, t] / self.tree_dist_prev[t] self.y_dist_n[c[::-1]] -= self.y_dist.loc[c[::-1], t] / self.tree_dist_prev[t] if new_height[t]: self.y_dist_n[c] += self.y_dist.loc[c, t] / new_height[t] self.y_dist_n[c[::-1]] += self.y_dist.loc[c[::-1], t] / new_height[t] change_dist = True if change_height_comb[t]: if self.tree_comb_prev[t]: self.x_comb_n[c] -= self.x_comb.loc[c, t] / self.tree_comb_prev[t] self.x_comb_n[c[::-1]] -= self.x_comb.loc[c[::-1], t] / self.tree_comb_prev[t] if new_height_comb[t]: self.x_comb_n[c] += self.x_comb.loc[c, t] / new_height_comb[t] self.x_comb_n[c[::-1]] += self.x_comb.loc[c[::-1], t] / new_height_comb[t] if self.tree_comb_prev[t]: self.y_comb_n[c] -= self.y_comb.loc[c, t] / self.tree_comb_prev[t] self.y_comb_n[c[::-1]] -= self.y_comb.loc[c[::-1], t] / self.tree_comb_prev[t] if new_height_comb[t]: self.y_comb_n[c] += self.y_comb.loc[c, t] / new_height_comb[t] self.y_comb_n[c[::-1]] += self.y_comb.loc[c[::-1], t] / new_height_comb[t] change_comb = True if change_leaf_pair["any_diff"][c]: # leaf heights self.data_column.loc[c, "x_height"] = self.x_dist_n[c] / self.d[c] self.data_column.loc[c[::-1], "x_height"] = self.x_dist_n[c[::-1]] / self.d[c[::-1]] self.data_column.loc[c, "y_height"] = self.y_dist_n[c] / self.d[c] self.data_column.loc[c[::-1], "y_height"] = self.y_dist_n[c[::-1]] / self.d[c[::-1]] self.data_column.loc[c, "x_height_comb"] = self.x_comb_n[c] / self.d[c] self.data_column.loc[c[::-1], "x_height_comb"] = self.x_comb_n[c[::-1]] / self.d[c[::-1]] self.data_column.loc[c, "y_height_comb"] = self.y_comb_n[c] / self.d[c] self.data_column.loc[c[::-1], "y_height_comb"] = self.y_comb_n[c[::-1]] / self.d[c[::-1]] # leaf distance frac self.data_column.loc[c, "x_vs_y_height"] = self.xy_dist_n[c] / self.d[c] self.data_column.loc[c[::-1], "x_vs_y_height"] = self.xy_dist_n[c[::-1]] / self.d[c[::-1]] self.data_column.loc[c, "x_vs_y_height_comb"] = self.xy_comb_n[c] / self.d[c] self.data_column.loc[c[::-1], "x_vs_y_height_comb"] = self.xy_comb_n[c[::-1]] / self.d[c[::-1]] continue if change_dist: self.data_column.loc[c, "x_height"] = self.x_dist_n[c] / self.d[c] self.data_column.loc[c[::-1], "x_height"] = self.x_dist_n[c[::-1]] / self.d[c[::-1]] self.data_column.loc[c, "y_height"] = self.y_dist_n[c] / self.d[c] self.data_column.loc[c[::-1], "y_height"] = self.y_dist_n[c[::-1]] / self.d[c[::-1]] if self.changed_before[c]: self.data_column.loc[c, "x_height_comb"] = self.x_comb_n[c] / self.d[c] self.data_column.loc[c[::-1], "x_height_comb"] = self.x_comb_n[c[::-1]] / self.d[c[::-1]] self.data_column.loc[c, "y_height_comb"] = self.y_comb_n[c] / self.d[c] self.data_column.loc[c[::-1], "y_height_comb"] = self.y_comb_n[c[::-1]] / self.d[c[::-1]] self.data_column.loc[c, "x_vs_y_height_comb"] = self.xy_comb_n[c] / self.d[c] self.data_column.loc[c[::-1], "x_vs_y_height_comb"] = self.xy_comb_n[c[::-1]] / self.d[c[::-1]] continue if change_comb: self.data_column.loc[c, "x_height_comb"] = self.x_comb_n[c] / self.d[c] self.data_column.loc[c[::-1], "x_height_comb"] = self.x_comb_n[c[::-1]] / self.d[c[::-1]] self.data_column.loc[c, "y_height_comb"] = self.y_comb_n[c] / self.d[c] self.data_column.loc[c[::-1], "y_height_comb"] = self.y_comb_n[c[::-1]] / self.d[c[::-1]] for t in tree_set: if change_height_dist[t]: self.tree_dist_prev[t] = copy.copy(new_height[t]) if change_height_comb[t]: self.tree_comb_prev[t] = copy.copy(new_height_comb[t]) return None def chosen_cherry_cleaning(self, chosen_cherry): self.data_column.drop([chosen_cherry, chosen_cherry[::-1]], inplace=True) self.x_dist_n.drop([chosen_cherry, chosen_cherry[::-1]], inplace=True) self.x_dist.drop([chosen_cherry, chosen_cherry[::-1]], inplace=True) self.y_dist_n.drop([chosen_cherry, chosen_cherry[::-1]], inplace=True) self.y_dist.drop([chosen_cherry, chosen_cherry[::-1]], inplace=True) self.xy_dist_n.drop([chosen_cherry, chosen_cherry[::-1]], inplace=True) self.x_vs_y.drop([chosen_cherry, chosen_cherry[::-1]], inplace=True) # combinatorial self.x_comb_n.drop([chosen_cherry, chosen_cherry[::-1]], inplace=True) self.x_comb.drop([chosen_cherry, chosen_cherry[::-1]], inplace=True) self.y_comb_n.drop([chosen_cherry, chosen_cherry[::-1]], inplace=True) self.y_comb.drop([chosen_cherry, chosen_cherry[::-1]], inplace=True) self.xy_comb_n.drop([chosen_cherry, chosen_cherry[::-1]], inplace=True) self.x_vs_y_comb.drop([chosen_cherry, chosen_cherry[::-1]], inplace=True) self.changed_before = pd.Series(dtype=float) # RELABEL def relabel(self, x, y, reducible_pairs, merged_cherries, tree_set, leaf_pair_in_new_trees): relabelled = pd.Series(0, index=reducible_pairs, dtype=int) unique_reducible_pairs = {tuple(sorted(c)): trees for c, trees in reducible_pairs.items()} for c_x, c_y in self.data_column.index: if (c_x, c_y) in [(x, y), (y, x)]: continue if x != c_x: continue relabelled[(y, c_y)] = True relabelled[(c_y, y)] = True if (c_x, c_y) in merged_cherries: # DIST # change x dist self.x_dist.loc[(y, c_y)] = self.x_dist.loc[[(x, c_y), (y, c_y)]].max() self.x_dist.loc[(c_y, y)] = self.x_dist.loc[[(c_y, x), (c_y, y)]].max() self.x_dist = self.x_dist.drop([(x, c_y), (c_y, x)]) # n self.x_dist_n[(y, c_y)] += self.x_dist_n[(x, c_y)] self.x_dist_n[(c_y, y)] += self.x_dist_n[(c_y, x)] self.x_dist_n.drop([(x, c_y), (c_y, x)], inplace=True) # change y dist self.y_dist.loc[(y, c_y)] = self.y_dist.loc[[(x, c_y), (y, c_y)]].max() self.y_dist.loc[(c_y, y)] = self.y_dist.loc[[(c_y, x), (c_y, y)]].max() self.y_dist.drop([(x, c_y), (c_y, x)], inplace=True) # n self.y_dist_n[(y, c_y)] += self.y_dist_n[(x, c_y)] self.y_dist_n[(c_y, y)] += self.y_dist_n[(c_y, x)] self.y_dist_n.drop([(x, c_y), (c_y, x)], inplace=True) # change xy dist self.x_vs_y.loc[(y, c_y)] = self.x_vs_y.loc[[(x, c_y), (y, c_y)]].max() self.x_vs_y.loc[(c_y, y)] = self.x_vs_y.loc[[(c_y, x), (c_y, y)]].max() self.x_vs_y.drop([(x, c_y), (c_y, x)], inplace=True) # n self.xy_dist_n[(y, c_y)] += self.xy_dist_n[(x, c_y)] self.xy_dist_n[(c_y, y)] += self.xy_dist_n[(c_y, x)] self.xy_dist_n.drop([(x, c_y), (c_y, x)], inplace=True) # COMB # change x comb self.x_comb.loc[(y, c_y)] = self.x_comb.loc[[(x, c_y), (y, c_y)]].max() self.x_comb.loc[(c_y, y)] = self.x_comb.loc[[(c_y, x), (c_y, y)]].max() self.x_comb.drop([(x, c_y), (c_y, x)], inplace=True) # n self.x_comb_n[(y, c_y)] += self.x_comb_n[(x, c_y)] self.x_comb_n[(c_y, y)] += self.x_comb_n[(c_y, x)] self.x_comb_n.drop([(x, c_y), (c_y, x)], inplace=True) # change y comb self.y_comb.loc[(y, c_y)] = self.y_comb.loc[[(x, c_y), (y, c_y)]].max() self.y_comb.loc[(c_y, y)] = self.y_comb.loc[[(c_y, x), (c_y, y)]].max() self.y_comb.drop([(x, c_y), (c_y, x)], inplace=True) # n self.y_comb_n[(y, c_y)] += self.y_comb_n[(x, c_y)] self.y_comb_n[(c_y, y)] += self.y_comb_n[(c_y, x)] self.y_comb_n.drop([(x, c_y), (c_y, x)], inplace=True) # change xy comb self.x_vs_y_comb.loc[(y, c_y)] = self.x_vs_y_comb.loc[[(x, c_y), (y, c_y)]].max() self.x_vs_y_comb.loc[(c_y, y)] = self.x_vs_y_comb.loc[[(c_y, x), (c_y, y)]].max() self.x_vs_y_comb.drop([(x, c_y), (c_y, x)], inplace=True) # n self.xy_comb_n[(y, c_y)] += self.xy_comb_n[(x, c_y)] self.xy_comb_n[(c_y, y)] += self.xy_comb_n[(c_y, x)] self.xy_comb_n.drop([(x, c_y), (c_y, x)], inplace=True) else: # DIST # change x dist self.x_dist.index = list(self.x_dist.index) self.x_dist.rename(index={(x, c_y): (y, c_y)}, inplace=True) self.x_dist.rename(index={(c_y, x): (c_y, y)}, inplace=True) self.x_dist.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(self.x_dist.index) # n self.x_dist_n.index = list(self.x_dist_n.index) self.x_dist_n.rename(index={(x, c_y): (y, c_y)}, inplace=True) self.x_dist_n.rename(index={(c_y, x): (c_y, y)}, inplace=True) self.x_dist_n.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(self.x_dist_n.index) # change y dist self.y_dist.index = list(self.y_dist.index) self.y_dist.rename(index={(x, c_y): (y, c_y)}, inplace=True) self.y_dist.rename(index={(c_y, x): (c_y, y)}, inplace=True) self.y_dist.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(self.y_dist.index) # n self.y_dist_n.index = list(self.y_dist_n.index) self.y_dist_n.rename(index={(x, c_y): (y, c_y)}, inplace=True) self.y_dist_n.rename(index={(c_y, x): (c_y, y)}, inplace=True) self.y_dist_n.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(self.y_dist_n.index) # change xy dist self.x_vs_y.index = list(self.x_vs_y.index) self.x_vs_y.rename(index={(x, c_y): (y, c_y)}, inplace=True) self.x_vs_y.rename(index={(c_y, x): (c_y, y)}, inplace=True) self.x_vs_y.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(self.x_vs_y.index) # n self.xy_dist_n.index = list(self.xy_dist_n.index) self.xy_dist_n.rename(index={(x, c_y): (y, c_y)}, inplace=True) self.xy_dist_n.rename(index={(c_y, x): (c_y, y)}, inplace=True) self.xy_dist_n.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(self.xy_dist_n.index) # COMB # change x comb self.x_comb.index = list(self.x_comb.index) self.x_comb.rename(index={(x, c_y): (y, c_y)}, inplace=True) self.x_comb.rename(index={(c_y, x): (c_y, y)}, inplace=True) self.x_comb.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(self.x_comb.index) # n self.x_comb_n.index = list(self.x_comb_n.index) self.x_comb_n.rename(index={(x, c_y): (y, c_y)}, inplace=True) self.x_comb_n.rename(index={(c_y, x): (c_y, y)}, inplace=True) self.x_comb_n.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(self.x_comb_n.index) # change y comb self.y_comb.index = list(self.y_comb.index) self.y_comb.rename(index={(x, c_y): (y, c_y)}, inplace=True) self.y_comb.rename(index={(c_y, x): (c_y, y)}, inplace=True) self.y_comb.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(self.y_comb.index) # n self.y_comb_n.index = list(self.y_comb_n.index) self.y_comb_n.rename(index={(x, c_y): (y, c_y)}, inplace=True) self.y_comb_n.rename(index={(c_y, x): (c_y, y)}, inplace=True) self.y_comb_n.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(self.y_comb_n.index) # change xy comb self.x_vs_y_comb.index = list(self.x_vs_y_comb.index) self.x_vs_y_comb.rename(index={(x, c_y): (y, c_y)}, inplace=True) self.x_vs_y_comb.rename(index={(c_y, x): (c_y, y)}, inplace=True) self.x_vs_y_comb.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(self.x_vs_y_comb.index) # n self.xy_comb_n.index = list(self.xy_comb_n.index) self.xy_comb_n.rename(index={(x, c_y): (y, c_y)}, inplace=True) self.xy_comb_n.rename(index={(c_y, x): (c_y, y)}, inplace=True) self.xy_comb_n.index = pd.MultiIndex.from_tuples(self.xy_comb_n.index) # DATA self.data_column.drop([(x, c_y), (c_y, x)], inplace=True) for c in unique_reducible_pairs: for t in leaf_pair_in_new_trees[c]: relabelled[c] = True relabelled[c[::-1]] = True x_height, x_height_comb, y_height, y_height_comb, x_vs_y, x_vs_y_comb = \ self.get_leaf_height(tree_set[t], *c) # data stuff # distances self.x_dist.loc[c, t] = x_height self.x_dist.loc[c[::-1], t] = y_height self.y_dist.loc[c, t] = y_height self.y_dist.loc[c[::-1], t] = x_height if self.tree_dist_prev[t]: self.x_dist_n[c] += x_height / self.tree_dist_prev[t] self.x_dist_n[c[::-1]] += y_height / self.tree_dist_prev[t] self.y_dist_n[c] += y_height / self.tree_dist_prev[t] self.y_dist_n[c[::-1]] += x_height / self.tree_dist_prev[t] self.x_vs_y.loc[c, t] = x_vs_y self.x_vs_y.loc[c[::-1], t] = 1 / x_vs_y self.xy_dist_n[c] += x_vs_y self.xy_dist_n[c[::-1]] += 1 / x_vs_y # combinatorial self.x_comb.loc[c, t] = x_height_comb self.x_comb.loc[c[::-1], t] = y_height_comb self.y_comb.loc[c, t] = y_height_comb self.y_comb.loc[c[::-1], t] = x_height_comb if self.tree_comb_prev[t]: self.x_comb_n[c] += x_height_comb / self.tree_dist_prev[t] self.x_comb_n[c[::-1]] += y_height_comb / self.tree_dist_prev[t] self.y_comb_n[c] += y_height_comb / self.tree_dist_prev[t] self.y_comb_n[c[::-1]] += x_height_comb / self.tree_dist_prev[t] self.x_vs_y_comb.loc[c, t] = x_vs_y_comb self.x_vs_y_comb.loc[c[::-1], t] = 1 / x_vs_y_comb self.xy_comb_n[c] += x_vs_y_comb self.xy_comb_n[c[::-1]] += 1 / x_vs_y_comb for c in reducible_pairs: if relabelled[c]: # update data self.data_column.loc[c, "x_height"] = self.x_dist_n[c] / self.d[c] self.data_column.loc[c, "y_height"] = self.y_dist_n[c] / self.d[c] self.data_column.loc[c, "x_vs_y_height"] = self.xy_dist_n[c] / self.d[c] self.data_column.loc[c, "x_height_comb"] = self.x_comb_n[c] / self.d[c] self.data_column.loc[c, "y_height_comb"] = self.y_comb_n[c] / self.d[c] self.data_column.loc[c, "x_vs_y_height_comb"] = self.xy_comb_n[c] / self.d[c]