-- SWH DB schema upgrade -- from_version: 133 -- to_version: 134 -- description: Make swh_snapshot_add delete the temporary table at the end. insert into dbversion(version, release, description) values(134, now(), 'Work In Progress'); create or replace function swh_snapshot_add(snapshot_id snapshot.id%type) returns void language plpgsql as $$ declare snapshot_object_id snapshot.object_id%type; begin select object_id from snapshot where id = snapshot_id into snapshot_object_id; if snapshot_object_id is null then insert into snapshot (id) values (snapshot_id) returning object_id into snapshot_object_id; insert into snapshot_branch (name, target_type, target) select name, target_type, target from tmp_snapshot_branch tmp where not exists ( select 1 from snapshot_branch sb where sb.name = tmp.name and sb.target = tmp.target and sb.target_type = tmp.target_type ) on conflict do nothing; insert into snapshot_branches (snapshot_id, branch_id) select snapshot_object_id, sb.object_id as branch_id from tmp_snapshot_branch tmp join snapshot_branch sb using (name, target, target_type) where tmp.target is not null and tmp.target_type is not null union select snapshot_object_id, sb.object_id as branch_id from tmp_snapshot_branch tmp join snapshot_branch sb using (name) where tmp.target is null and tmp.target_type is null and sb.target is null and sb.target_type is null; end if; truncate table tmp_snapshot_branch; end; $$;