sda <- function (x, ...) UseMethod("sda") sda.default <- function(x, y, lambda=1e-6, stop=-p, maxIte=100, Q=K-1, trace=FALSE, tol=1e-6, ...){ ## ## sda performs Sparse Linear Disciminant Analysis ## Solving: argmin{|(y*theta-x*b)|_2^2 + t*|beta|_1 + lambda*|beta|_2^2} ## ## InPUT: ## x : matrix of n observations down the rows and p variable columns. The ## columns are assumed normalized ## y : matrix initializing the dummy variables representing the groups or a factor ## lambda : the weight on the L2-norm for elastic net regression. Default: 1e-6. ## stop : If STOP is negative, its ## absolute value corresponds to the desired number of variables. If STOP ## is positive, it corresponds to an upper bound on the L1-norm of the ## b coefficients. There is a one to one correspondence between stop ## and t. ## maxIte : Maximum number of iterations. Default: 100. ## Q : number of discriminative directions. default Q=K ## trace : trace = FALSE turns printing of RSS off and trace = TRUE turns it on. ## tol : Tolerance for the stopping criterion (change in RSS). Default is 1e-6. ## ## OUTPUT: ## $beta : The sparse loadings ## $theta : Optimal scores ## $rss : Residual Sum of Squares at each itearation ## ## Author: Line H. Clemmensen, IMM, DTU, ## Modified by Trevor Hastie to become sequential ## Based on the elastic net algorithm by Hui Zou and Trevor Hastie ## ## this is stright from nnet:::formula class.ind <- function(cl) { Ik=diag(length(levels(cl))) x=Ik[as.numeric(cl),] dimnames(x) <- list(names(cl), levels(cl)) x } orth.Q=function(dp,Qj,theta){ Qjp=Qj*as.vector(dp) qjtheta=t(Qjp)%*%theta theta=theta-Qj%*%qjtheta thetan=sqrt(apply(dp*theta^2,2,sum)) scale(theta,FALSE,thetan) } rtheta=function(K,dp){ jj=rnorm(K); jj/sqrt(sum(jj^2)*dp) } if(is.factor(y)) { classes <- levels(y) factorY <- y y <- class.ind(y) } else { classes <- colnames(y) factorY <- factor(colnames(y)[apply(y, 1, which.max)]) } if(!is.matrix(x)) x <- as.matrix(x) x=scale(x,TRUE,FALSE)##This centering is essential for the trivial solution to disappear predNames <- colnames(x) n <- dim(x)[1] p <- dim(x)[2] K <- dim(y)[2] ones=rep(1,K) if(Q>(K-1))stop("at most K-1 variates allowed") dpi=as.vector(table(factorY)/n) #Dpi <- diag(dpi) ## diagonal matrix of class priors #Dpi_inv <- diag(1/sqrt(diag(Dpi))) # set-up stop criterion for elasticnet if (length(stop)< (Q)){ stop <- rep(stop[1],1,Q) } if (stop[1]<0) sparse <- "varnum" else sparse <- "penalty" Yhat <- matrix(0,n,Q) b <- matrix(0,p,Q) rss <- rep(0,Q) theta=matrix(0,K,Q) Qj=matrix(ones,K,1) ydp=scale(y,FALSE,dpi) for(j in 1:Q){ RSS <- 1e6 RSSold <- Inf ite <- 0 thetaj=rtheta(K,dpi) thetaj=orth.Q(dpi,Qj,thetaj) while (abs(RSSold-RSS)/RSS > tol & ite < maxIte){ RSSold <- RSS ite <- ite + 1 ## 1. Estimate beta: Yc <- y%*%thetaj beta<- solvebeta(x, Yc, paras=c(lambda, abs(stop[j])),sparse=sparse) # elasticnet to estimate beta yhatj=x%*%beta thetaj=orth.Q(dpi,Qj,drop(t(ydp)%*%yhatj)) RSS=sum((yhatj-Yc)^2)+lambda*sum(beta^2) if (trace){ cat('ite: ', ite, ' ridge cost: ', RSS, ' |b|_1: ', sum(abs(beta)),'\n') } } rss[j]=RSS Qj=cbind(Qj,thetaj) theta[,j]=thetaj b[,j]=beta } if (trace){ cat('final update, total ridge cost: ', sum(rss), ' |b|_1: ', sum(abs(b)),'\n') } # calcualte classes for LDA if (all(b==0)){ # all values in b and sl are zero warning("no non-zero elements - try other regularization parameters") b <- matrix(0,p,1) sl <- matrix(0,n,1) notZero <- matrix(TRUE,p,1) # fake NotZero for alignment purpose colnames(sl) <- paste("score", 1:ncol(sl), sep = "") prior <- t(as.matrix(apply(y,2,sum)/n)) colnames(prior) <- classes varNames <- colnames(x) origP <- ncol(x) lobj<-list( prior=prior, means = NULL, x = x, covw = matrix(0,1,1) ) } else{ # remove predictors which are not included (do not have non-zero parameter estimates) notZero <- apply(b, 1, function(x) any(x != 0)) b <- as.matrix(b[notZero,]) origP <- ncol(x) x <- x[, notZero, drop = FALSE] varNames <- colnames(x) ### remove directions with only zero elements (this can be caused by a too high weight on L1-penalty) if (is.vector(b)){b<-t(as.matrix(b))} notZeroC <- apply(b,2,function(x) any(x!=0)) b <- as.matrix(b[,notZeroC]) sl <- x %*% b colnames(sl) <- paste("score", 1:ncol(sl), sep = "") lobj<-lda(sl, factorY, ...) } structure( list(call =, beta = b, theta = theta, varNames = varNames, varIndex = which(notZero), origP = origP, rss = rss, fit = lobj, classes = classes, lambda = lambda, stop = stop), class = "sda") } predict.sda <- function(object, newdata = NULL, ...) { if(!is.matrix(newdata)) newdata <- as.matrix(newdata) if(!is.null(object$varNames)) { newdata <- newdata[, object$varNames, drop = FALSE] } else { if(ncol(newdata) != object$origP) stop("dimensions of training and testing X different") newdata <- newdata[, object$varIndex, drop = FALSE] } xnew <- newdata %*% object$beta pred <- predict(object$fit,xnew) pred } print.sda <- function(x, digits = max(3, getOption("digits") - 3), ...) { cat("\nCall:\n", deparse(x$call), "\n\n", sep = "") classInfo <- paste(x$classes, collapse = ", ") if(all(x$stop < 0)) { stopVal <- paste(-x$stop[1], "variables") } else { stopVal <- paste( paste(format(x$stop, digits = digits), collapse = ", "), "L1 bounds") } cat("lambda =", format(x$lambda, digits = digits), "\nstop =", stopVal, "\nclasses =", classInfo, "\n\n") top <- if(!is.null(x$varNames)) x$varNames else paste("Predictor", x$varIndex, sep = "") varOrder <- if(is.matrix(x$beta)) order(apply(abs(x$beta), 1, sum)) else order(abs(x$beta)) top <- top[varOrder] top <- top[1:min(5, length(top))] top <- paste(top, collapse = ", ") if(nrow(x$beta) > 5) { cat("Top 5 predictors (out of ", length(x$varIndex), "):\n\t", top, sep = "") } else { cat("Predictors:\t", top, "\n", sep = "") } invisible(x) }