#include <math.h>
#include <float.h>
#include <Rmath.h> /* for fmax2, fmin2, imin2 */
#include <RcppArmadillo.h>
#include <vector>
- Adapted from src/appl/integrate.c, which is a modified f2c translation of QUADPACK.
- Principle: change as little of the code as possible
- Re-factor to carefully use vec and mat -- but use C arrays if possible and loop when required
- f2c uses 1-based indexes -- the re-factor uses some 0-based indexes (elist, rlist, elistSum)
- As a reminder, function f: R^ny -> R^ny for each integration point and ny function inputs/outputs
(whereas integrate.c has f: R^n -> R^n for n integration points)
- This now uses templates, which allows for vectorised integration in C++ as well as in R
- Potential issue: use of any() or all() in the conditions may be incorrect.
Principle: we want to be conservative.
- Potential issue: limit*ny and 52*ny may be large (leading ot C stack overflow):(
- Limitation: in some cases, this is not much faster than using integrate() in a for loop in R
- TODO: can this be extended to allow for vectorised integration in C++?
- GPL>=3
- Mark Clements 2023-07-31
using namespace arma;
using std::vector;
template<typename F>
vec eval_f(const F f, const vec x) {
return f(x);
vec eval_f(const Rcpp::Function f, const vec x) {
return Rcpp::as<vec>(Rcpp::wrap(f(Rcpp::wrap(x))));
template<typename F>
void vrdqk21(const F f,
const vec, const vec,
const double, const double, vec *, vec *, vec *, vec *);
template<typename F>
void vrdqk15i(const F f,
const vec boun,
const int inf, double *a, double *b,
vec *result,
vec *abserr, vec *resabs, vec *resasc);
static void rdqpsrt(const int, int *, int *, double *, double *, int *, int *);
static void rdqelg(int *, double *, double *, double *, double *, int *);
template<typename F>
void vrdqagse(const F f, const vec a, const vec b, const double
epsabs, const double epsrel, const int limit, const int ny,
double *result, double *abserr, int *neval, int *ier, double *alist,
double *blist, double *rlist, double *elist, int *
iord, int *last);
template<typename F>
void vrdqagie(const F f, const vec bound, const int inf,
const double epsabs, const double epsrel, const int limit, const int ny,
double *resultp, double *abserrp, int *neval, int *ier, double *alist,
double *blist, double *rlistp, double *elistp, int *iord, int *last);
template<typename F>
void vRdqagi(const F f, const vec bound, const int inf,
const double epsabs, const double epsrel, const int limit, const int ny,
double *result, double *abserr, int *neval, int *ier,
int *lenw, int *last,
int *iwork, double *work)
int l1, l2, l3;
*ier = 6;
*neval = 0;
*last = 0;
for (int i=0; i<ny; i++) {
result[i] = 0.0;
abserr[i] = 0.0;
if (limit < 1 || *lenw < limit*2 + limit*ny*2) return;
/* prepare call for vrdqagie. */
// double work[2*limit + 2*limit*ny];
l1 = limit;
l2 = limit + l1;
l3 = limit*ny + l2;
vrdqagie<F>(f, bound, inf, epsabs, epsrel, limit, ny,
result, abserr, neval, ier,
work, &work[l1], &work[l2], &work[l3], iwork, last);
} /* vRdqags_ */
template<typename F>
void vRdqags(const F f, const vec a, const vec b,
const double epsabs, const double epsrel, const int ny,
double *result, double *abserr, int *neval, int *ier,
const int limit, int *lenw, int *last, int *iwork, double *work)
int l1, l2, l3;
/* check validity of limit and lenw. */
*ier = 6;
*neval = 0;
*last = 0;
for (int i=0; i<ny; i++) {
result[i] = 0.0;
abserr[i] = 0.0;
if (limit < 1 || *lenw < limit*2 + limit*ny*2) return;
/* prepare call for dqagse. */
// double work[2*limit + 2*limit*ny];
l1 = limit;
l2 = limit + l1;
l3 = limit*ny + l2;
vrdqagse<F>(f, a, b, epsabs, epsrel, limit, ny, result, abserr, neval, ier,
work, &work[l1], &work[l2], &work[l3], iwork, last);
} /* vRdqags_ */
template<typename F>
void vrdqagse(const F f, const vec lower, const vec upper, const double
epsabs, const double epsrel, const int limit, const int ny,
double *resultp, double *abserrp, int *neval, int *ier, double *alist,
double *blist, double *rlistp, double *elistp, int *
iord, int *last)
/* Local variables */
Rboolean noext, extrap;
int k,ksgn, nres;
int ierro;
int ktmin, nrmax;
int iroff1, iroff2, iroff3;
int id;
int numrl2;
int jupbnd;
int maxerr;
double *res3la = R_Calloc(3*ny, double);;
double *rlist2 = R_Calloc(52*ny, double);
vec abseps= zeros(ny), area1= zeros(ny), area2= zeros(ny), area12= zeros(ny);
double epmach;
double a, b, a1, a2, b1, b2, oflow, uflow;
vec defab1= zeros(ny), defab2= zeros(ny), reseps= zeros(ny);
vec area= zeros(ny), defabs= zeros(ny), resabs= zeros(ny), dres= zeros(ny), errbnd= zeros(ny);
vec error1= zeros(ny), error2= zeros(ny), erro12= zeros(ny), correc= zeros(ny), erlarg= zeros(ny), errsum= zeros(ny);
vec errmax= zeros(ny), erlast= zeros(ny), ertest= zeros(ny);
double errmaxsum, small = 0.0;
// vec result(resultp, limit, false);
// vec abserr(abserrp, limit, false);
mat elist(elistp, ny, limit, false);
mat rlist(rlistp, ny, limit, false);
double *elistSum = R_Calloc(limit, double);;
/* Parameter adjustments */
// --elist;
// --rlist;
/* Function Body */
epmach = DBL_EPSILON;
/* test on validity of parameters */
/* ------------------------------ */
*ier = 0;
*neval = 0;
*last = 0;
vec result = zeros(ny);
vec abserr = zeros(ny);
a = 0.0;
b = 1.0;
alist[1] = a;
blist[1] = b;
rlist.col(0) = zeros(ny);
elist.col(0) = zeros(ny);
elistSum[0] = 0.0;
if (epsabs <= 0. && epsrel < R::fmax2(epmach * 50., 5e-29)) {
*ier = 6;
/* first approximation to the integral */
/* ----------------------------------- */
uflow = DBL_MIN;
oflow = DBL_MAX;
ierro = 0;
vrdqk21<F>(f, lower, upper, a, b, &result, &abserr, &defabs, &resabs);
/* test on accuracy. */
dres = abs(result);
errbnd = max(ones(ny)*epsabs, epsrel * dres);
*last = 1;
rlist.col(0) = result;
elist.col(0) = abserr;
elistSum[0] = max(abserr);
iord[1] = 1;
if (all(abserr <= epmach * 100. * defabs && abserr > errbnd)) // "roundoff error was detected"
*ier = 2;
if (limit == 1) // "maximum number of subdivisions reached"
*ier = 1;
if (*ier != 0
|| all(abserr <= errbnd && abserr != resabs) // "OK"
|| all(abserr == 0.)) // "OK"
goto L140;
/* initialization */
/* -------------- */
for (int i=0; i<ny; ++i)
rlist2[i*52] = result[i];
errmax = abserr;
maxerr = 1; // base 1
area = result;
errsum = abserr;
for (int i=0; i<ny; ++i)
abserr[i] = oflow;
nrmax = 1;
nres = 0;
numrl2 = 2;
ktmin = 0;
extrap = FALSE;
noext = FALSE;
iroff1 = 0;
iroff2 = 0;
iroff3 = 0;
ksgn = -1;
if (any(dres >= (1. - epmach * 50.) * defabs)) {
ksgn = 1;
/* main do-loop */
/* ------------ */
for (*last = 2; *last <= limit; ++(*last)) {
/* bisect the subinterval with the nrmax-th largest error estimate. */
a1 = alist[maxerr];
b1 = (alist[maxerr] + blist[maxerr]) * .5;
a2 = b1;
b2 = blist[maxerr];
erlast = errmax;
vrdqk21<F>(f, lower, upper, a1, b1, &area1, &error1, &resabs, &defab1);
vrdqk21<F>(f, lower, upper, a2, b2, &area2, &error2, &resabs, &defab2);
/* improve previous approximations to integral
and error and test for accuracy. */
area12 = area1 + area2;
erro12 = error1 + error2;
errsum = errsum + erro12 - errmax;
area = area + area12 - rlist.col(maxerr-1);
if (all(defab1 != error1 && defab2 != error2)) { // *any* or all?
if (all(abs(rlist.col(maxerr-1) - area12) <= abs(area12) * 1e-5 && // any or all?
erro12 >= errmax * .99)) {
if (extrap)
else /* if(! extrap) */
if (*last > 10 && all(erro12 > errmax)) // any or all?
rlist.col(maxerr-1) = area1;
rlist.col(*last-1) = area2;
errbnd = max(ones(ny)*epsabs, epsrel * abs(area));
/* test for roundoff error and eventually set error flag. */
if (iroff1 + iroff2 >= 10 || iroff3 >= 20)
*ier = 2;
if (iroff2 >= 5)
ierro = 3;
/* set error flag in the case that the number of subintervals equals limit. */
if (*last == limit)
*ier = 1;
/* set error flag in the case of bad integrand behaviour
at a point of the integration range. */
if (R::fmax2(fabs(a1), fabs(b2)) <=
(epmach * 100. + 1.) * (fabs(a2) + uflow * 1e3)) {
*ier = 4;
/* append the newly-created intervals to the list. */
if (max(error2) > max(error1)) {
alist[maxerr] = a2;
alist[*last] = a1;
blist[*last] = b1;
rlist.col(maxerr-1) = area2;
rlist.col(*last-1) = area1;
elist.col(maxerr-1) = error2;
elist.col(*last-1) = error1;
elistSum[maxerr-1] = max(error2);
elistSum[*last-1] = max(error1);
} else {
alist[*last] = a2;
blist[maxerr] = b1;
blist[*last] = b2;
elist.col(maxerr-1) = error1;
elist.col(*last-1) = error2;
elistSum[maxerr-1] = max(error1);
elistSum[*last-1] = max(error2);
/* call subroutine dqpsrt to maintain the descending ordering
in the list of error estimates and select the subinterval
with nrmax-th largest error estimate (to be bisected next). */
// Constant values: limit, last, elist
// Updated values: ermax, maxerr, iord, nrmax
errmaxsum = max(errmax);
rdqpsrt(limit, last, &maxerr, &errmaxsum, elistSum, &iord[1], &nrmax);
errmax = elist.col(maxerr-1);
if (all(errsum <= errbnd)) goto L115;/* ***jump out of do-loop */
if (*ier != 0) break;
if (*last == 2) { /* L80: */
small = fabs(b - a) * .375;
erlarg = errsum;
ertest = errbnd;
for (int i=0; i<ny; ++i)
rlist2[i*52+1] = area(i);
if (noext) continue;
erlarg -= erlast;
if (fabs(b1 - a1) > small) {
erlarg += erro12;
if (!extrap) {
/* test whether the interval to be bisected next is the
smallest interval. */
if (fabs(blist[maxerr] - alist[maxerr]) > small) {
extrap = TRUE;
nrmax = 2;
if (ierro != 3 && any(erlarg > ertest)) { // any or all?
/* the smallest interval has the largest error.
before bisecting decrease the sum of the errors over the
larger intervals (erlarg) and perform extrapolation. */
id = nrmax;
jupbnd = *last;
if (*last > limit / 2 + 2) {
jupbnd = limit + 3 - *last;
for (k = id; k <= jupbnd; ++k) {
maxerr = iord[nrmax];
errmax = elist.col(maxerr-1);
if (fabs(blist[maxerr] - alist[maxerr]) > small) {
goto L90;
/* L50: */
/* perform extrapolation. L60: */
for (int i=0; i<ny; ++i)
rlist2[i*52+(numrl2 - 1)] = area[i];
for (int i=0; i<ny; ++i) {
double resepsi = 0.0;
double absepsi = 0.0;
int numrl2i = numrl2;
int nresi = nres;
rdqelg(&numrl2i, &rlist2[i*52], &resepsi, &absepsi, &res3la[i*3], &nresi);
reseps(i) = resepsi;
abseps(i) = absepsi;
if (i==ny-1) numrl2 = numrl2i;
if (ktmin > 5 && all(abserr < errsum * .001)) {
*ier = 5; // "roundoff error is detected in the extrapolation table"
if (any(abseps < abserr)) {
ktmin = 0;
abserr = abseps;
result = reseps;
correc = erlarg;
ertest = max(ones(ny)*epsabs, epsrel * abs(reseps));
if (all(abserr <= ertest)) {
/* prepare bisection of the smallest interval. L70: */
if (numrl2 == 1) {
noext = TRUE;
if (*ier == 5) {
maxerr = iord[1];
errmax = elist.col(maxerr-1);
nrmax = 1;
extrap = FALSE;
small *= .5;
erlarg = errsum;
/* L100: set final result and error estimate. */
/* ------------------------------------ */
if (all(abserr == oflow)) goto L115; // all or any?
if (*ier + ierro != 0) {
if (ierro == 3)
abserr += correc;
if (*ier == 0)
*ier = 3;
if (all(result == 0. || area == 0.)) {
if (all(abserr > errsum)) goto L115;
if (all(area == 0.)) goto L130;
else { /* L105:*/
if (all(abserr / abs(result) > errsum / abs(area)))
goto L115;
/* L110: test on divergence. */
if (!(ksgn == -1 && all(max(abs(result), abs(area)) <= defabs * .01)) &&
all(.01 > result / area || result / area > 100. || errsum > abs(area))) {
*ier = 5; // "the integral is probably divergent"
goto L130;
L115:/* compute global integral sum. */
result = zeros(ny);
for (k = 1; k <= *last; ++k)
result += rlist.col(k-1);
abserr = errsum;
*neval = *last * 42 - 21;
for (int i=0; i<ny; ++i) {
resultp[i] = result[i]*(upper[i]-lower[i]);
abserrp[i] = abserr[i]*(upper[i]-lower[i]);
} /* vrdqagse_ */
static double c_b6 = 0.;
static double c_b7 = 1.;
template<typename F>
void vrdqagie(const F f, const vec bboun, const int inf,
const double epsabs, const double epsrel, const int limit, const int ny,
double *resultp, double *abserrp, int *neval, int *ier, double *alist,
double *blist, double *rlistp, double *elistp, int *iord, int *last) {
/* Local variables */
vec area=zeros(ny), dres=zeros(ny);
int ksgn;
int nres;
vec area1=zeros(ny), area2=zeros(ny), area12=zeros(ny), erro12=zeros(ny);
int k;
double small = 0.0;
int ierro;
double a1, a2, b1, b2, oflow;
vec defab1=zeros(ny), defab2=zeros(ny);
int ktmin, nrmax;
double uflow;
Rboolean noext;
int iroff1, iroff2, iroff3;
double *res3la = R_Calloc(3*ny, double);
vec error1=zeros(ny), error2=zeros(ny);
int id;
double *rlist2 = R_Calloc(52*ny, double);
int numrl2;
vec correc=zeros(ny), abseps=zeros(ny), errbnd=zeros(ny), resabs=zeros(ny), erlarg=zeros(ny), defabs=zeros(ny);
double epmach;
int jupbnd;
vec erlast=zeros(ny), errmax=zeros(ny), reseps=zeros(ny);
int maxerr;
double errmaxsum;
Rboolean extrap;
vec ertest=zeros(ny), errsum=zeros(ny);
vec result = zeros(ny), abserr = zeros(ny);
mat elist(elistp, ny, limit, false);
mat rlist(rlistp, ny, limit, false);
double *elistSum = R_Calloc(limit, double);
/* ***first executable statement dqagie */
/* Parameter adjustments */
// --elist;
// --rlist;
/* Function Body */
epmach = DBL_EPSILON;
/* test on validity of parameters */
/* ----------------------------- */
*ier = 0;
*neval = 0;
*last = 0;
alist[1] = 0.;
blist[1] = 1.;
rlist.col(0) = zeros(ny);
elist.col(0) = zeros(ny);
elistSum[0] = 0.0;
iord[1] = 0;
if (epsabs <= 0. && (epsrel < R::fmax2(epmach * 50., 5e-29))) *ier = 6;
if (*ier == 6) return;
/* first approximation to the integral */
/* ----------------------------------- */
/* determine the interval to be mapped onto (0,1).
if inf = 2 the integral is computed as i = i1+i2, where
i1 = integral of f over (-infinity,0),
i2 = integral of f over (0,+infinity). */
vrdqk15i<F>(f, bboun, inf, &c_b6, &c_b7, &result, &abserr, &defabs, &resabs);
/* test on accuracy */
*last = 1;
rlist.col(0) = result;
elist.col(0) = abserr;
elistSum[0] = max(abserr);
iord[1] = 1;
dres = abs(result);
errbnd = max(ones(ny)*epsabs, epsrel * dres);
if (all(abserr <= epmach * 100. * defabs && abserr > errbnd))
*ier = 2; // "roundoff error was detected"
if (limit == 1) *ier = 1; // "maximum number of subdivisions reached"
if (*ier != 0
|| all(abserr <= errbnd && abserr != resabs)
|| all(abserr == 0.))
goto L130;
/* initialization */
/* -------------- */
uflow = DBL_MIN;
oflow = DBL_MAX;
for (int i=0; i<ny; ++i)
rlist2[i*52] = result[i];
errmax = abserr;
maxerr = 1;
area = result;
errsum = abserr;
for (int i=0; i<ny; ++i)
abserr[i] = oflow;
nrmax = 1;
nres = 0;
ktmin = 0;
numrl2 = 2;
extrap = FALSE;
noext = FALSE;
ierro = 0;
iroff1 = 0;
iroff2 = 0;
iroff3 = 0;
ksgn = -1;
if (any(dres >= (1. - epmach * 50.) * defabs)) { // any or all or do separately?
ksgn = 1;
/* main do-loop */
/* ------------ */
for (*last = 2; *last <= limit; ++(*last)) {
/* bisect the subinterval with nrmax-th largest error estimate. */
a1 = alist[maxerr];
b1 = (alist[maxerr] + blist[maxerr]) * .5;
a2 = b1;
b2 = blist[maxerr];
erlast = errmax;
vrdqk15i<F>(f, bboun, inf, &a1, &b1, &area1, &error1, &resabs, &defab1);
vrdqk15i<F>(f, bboun, inf, &a2, &b2, &area2, &error2, &resabs, &defab2);
/* improve previous approximations to integral
and error and test for accuracy. */
area12 = area1 + area2;
erro12 = error1 + error2;
errsum = errsum + erro12 - errmax;
area = area + area12 - rlist.col(maxerr-1);
if (all(defab1 != error1 && defab2 != error2)) {
if (all(abs(rlist.col(maxerr-1) - area12) <= abs(area12) * 1e-5 &&
erro12 >= errmax * .99)) {
if (extrap)
else /* if (! extrap) */
if (*last > 10 && all(erro12 > errmax))
rlist.col(maxerr-1) = area1;
rlist.col(*last-1) = area2;
errbnd = max(ones(ny)*epsabs, epsrel * abs(area));
/* test for roundoff error and eventually set error flag. */
if (iroff1 + iroff2 >= 10 || iroff3 >= 20)
*ier = 2;
if (iroff2 >= 5)
ierro = 3;
/* set error flag in the case that the number of
subintervals equals limit. */
if (*last == limit)
*ier = 1;
/* set error flag in the case of bad integrand behaviour
at some points of the integration range. */
if (R::fmax2(fabs(a1), fabs(b2)) <=
(epmach * 100. + 1.) * (fabs(a2) + uflow * 1e3))
*ier = 4;
/* append the newly-created intervals to the list. */
if (max(error2) <= max(error1)) {
alist[*last] = a2;
blist[maxerr] = b1;
blist[*last] = b2;
elist.col(maxerr-1) = error1;
elist.col(*last-1) = error2;
elistSum[maxerr-1] = max(error1);
elistSum[*last-1] = max(error2);
else {
alist[maxerr] = a2;
alist[*last] = a1;
blist[*last] = b1;
rlist.col(maxerr-1) = area2;
rlist.col(*last-1) = area1;
elist.col(maxerr-1) = error2;
elist.col(*last-1) = error1;
elistSum[maxerr-1] = max(error2);
elistSum[*last-1] = max(error1);
/* call subroutine dqpsrt to maintain the descending ordering
in the list of error estimates and select the subinterval
with nrmax-th largest error estimate (to be bisected next). */
errmaxsum = max(errmax);
rdqpsrt(limit, last, &maxerr, &errmaxsum, elistSum, &iord[1], &nrmax);
errmax = elist.col(maxerr-1);
if (all(errsum <= errbnd)) {
goto L115;
if (*ier != 0) break;
if (*last == 2) { /* L80: */
small = .375;
erlarg = errsum;
ertest = errbnd;
for (int i=0; i<ny; ++i)
rlist2[i*52+1] = area(i);
if (noext) continue;
erlarg -= erlast;
if (fabs(b1 - a1) > small) {
erlarg += erro12;
if (!extrap) {
/* test whether the interval to be bisected next is the
smallest interval. */
if (fabs(blist[maxerr] - alist[maxerr]) > small) {
extrap = TRUE;
nrmax = 2;
if (ierro != 3 && any(erlarg > ertest)) {
/* the smallest interval has the largest error.
before bisecting decrease the sum of the errors over the
larger intervals (erlarg) and perform extrapolation. */
id = nrmax;
jupbnd = *last;
if (*last > limit / 2 + 2) {
jupbnd = limit + 3 - *last;
for (k = id; k <= jupbnd; ++k) {
maxerr = iord[nrmax];
errmax = elist.col(maxerr-1);
if (fabs(blist[maxerr] - alist[maxerr]) > small) {
goto L90;
/* L50: */
/* perform extrapolation. L60: */
for (int i=0; i<ny; ++i)
rlist2[i*52+(numrl2 - 1)] = area[i];
// rdqelg(&numrl2, rlist2, &reseps, &abseps, res3la, &nres);
for (int i=0; i<ny; ++i) {
double resepsi = 0.0;
double absepsi = 0.0;
int numrl2i = numrl2;
int nresi = nres;
rdqelg(&numrl2i, &rlist2[i*52], &resepsi, &absepsi, &res3la[i*3], &nresi);
reseps(i) = resepsi;
abseps(i) = absepsi;
if (i==ny-1) numrl2 = numrl2i;
if (ktmin > 5 && all(abserr < errsum * .001)) {
*ier = 5;
if (all(abseps >= abserr)) {
goto L70;
ktmin = 0;
abserr = abseps;
result = reseps;
correc = erlarg;
ertest = max(ones(ny)*epsabs, epsrel * abs(reseps));
if (all(abserr <= ertest)) {
/* prepare bisection of the smallest interval. */
if (numrl2 == 1) {
noext = TRUE;
if (*ier == 5) {
maxerr = iord[1];
errmax = elist.col(maxerr-1);
nrmax = 1;
extrap = FALSE;
small *= .5;
erlarg = errsum;
/* L100: set final result and error estimate. */
/* ------------------------------------ */
if (all(abserr == oflow)) {
goto L115;
if (*ier + ierro == 0) {
goto L110;
if (ierro == 3) {
abserr += correc;
if (*ier == 0) {
*ier = 3;
if (all(result == 0. || area == 0.)) {
if (all(abserr > errsum))
goto L115;
if (all(area == 0.))
goto L130;
else { /* L105: */
if (all(abserr / abs(result) > errsum / abs(area))) {
goto L115;
/* test on divergence */
if (ksgn == -1 && all(max(abs(result), abs(area)) <= defabs * .01)) {
goto L130;
if (all(.01 > result / area || result / area > 100. || errsum > abs(area))) {
*ier = 6;
goto L130;
/* compute global integral sum. */
result = zeros(ny);
for (k = 1; k <= *last; ++k)
result += rlist.col(k-1);
abserr = errsum;
*neval = *last * 30 - 15;
if (inf == 2) {
*neval <<= 1;
if (*ier > 2) {
for (int i=0; i<ny; ++i) {
resultp[i] = result[i];
abserrp[i] = abserr[i];
} /* vrdqagie_ */
template<typename F>
void vrdqk15i(const F f,
const vec bboun,
const int inf, double *a, double *b,
vec *result,
vec *abserr, vec *resabs, vec *resasc)
/* Initialized data */
static double wg[8] = {
0., .129484966168869693270611432679082,
0., .27970539148927666790146777142378,
0., .381830050505118944950369775488975,
0., .417959183673469387755102040816327 };
static double xgk[8] = {
.207784955007898467600689403773245, 0. };
static double wgk[8] = {
.209482141084727828012999174891714 };
/* Local variables */
double epmach, uflow, dinf, centr, hlgth, boun;
std::vector<vec> fv1(7), fv2(7);
double vect[15], vec2[15];
double tabsc1, tabsc2, absc, absc1, absc2;
vec fval1, fval2, fc, resg, resk, fsum, reskh;
int j, ny;
/* ***first executable statement dqk15i */
epmach = DBL_EPSILON;
uflow = DBL_MIN;
dinf = (double) R::imin2(1, inf);
boun = 0.0;
centr = (*a + *b) * .5;
hlgth = (*b - *a) * .5;
tabsc1 = boun + dinf * (1. - centr) / centr;
vect[0] = tabsc1;
if (inf == 2) {
vec2[0] = -tabsc1;
for (j = 1; j <= 7; ++j) {
absc = hlgth * xgk[j - 1];
absc1 = centr - absc;
absc2 = centr + absc;
tabsc1 = boun + dinf * (1. - absc1) / absc1;
tabsc2 = boun + dinf * (1. - absc2) / absc2;
vect[(j << 1) - 1] = tabsc1;
vect[j * 2] = tabsc2;
if (inf == 2) {
vec2[(j << 1) - 1] = -tabsc1;
vec2[j * 2] = -tabsc2;
/* L5: */
fval1 = eval_f<F>(f, bboun+vect[0]);
ny = fval1.size();
if (inf == 2) fval2 = eval_f<F>(f,bboun+vec2[0]);
if (inf == 2) fval1 += fval2;
fc = fval1 / centr / centr;
/* compute the 15-point kronrod approximation to
the integral, and estimate the error. */
resg = wg[7] * fc;
resk = wgk[7] * fc;
*resabs = abs(resk);
for (j = 1; j <= 7; ++j) {
absc = hlgth * xgk[j - 1];
absc1 = centr - absc;
absc2 = centr + absc;
tabsc1 = boun + dinf * (1. - absc1) / absc1;
tabsc2 = boun + dinf * (1. - absc2) / absc2;
fval1 = eval_f<F>(f,bboun+vect[(j << 1) - 1]);
fval2 = eval_f<F>(f,bboun+vect[j * 2]);
if (inf == 2) {
fval1 += eval_f<F>(f,bboun+vec2[(j << 1) - 1]);
fval2 += eval_f<F>(f,bboun+vec2[j * 2]);
fval1 = fval1 / absc1 / absc1;
fval2 = fval2 / absc2 / absc2;
fv1[j - 1] = fval1;
fv2[j - 1] = fval2;
fsum = fval1 + fval2;
resg += wg[j - 1] * fsum;
resk += wgk[j - 1] * fsum;
*resabs += wgk[j - 1] * (abs(fval1) + abs(fval2));
/* L10: */
reskh = resk * .5;
*resasc = wgk[7] * abs(fc - reskh);
for (j = 1; j <= 7; ++j) {
*resasc += wgk[j - 1] * (abs(fv1[j - 1] - reskh) +
abs(fv2[j - 1] - reskh));
/* L20: */
*result = resk * hlgth;
*resasc *= hlgth;
*resabs *= hlgth;
*abserr = abs((resk - resg) * hlgth);
for (int i=0; i<ny; ++i) {
if ((*resasc)[i] != 0. && (*abserr)[i] != 0.) {
(*abserr)[i] = (*resasc)[i] * R::fmin2(1.0, pow((*abserr)[i] * 200. / (*resasc)[i], 1.5));
if ((*resabs)[i] > uflow / (epmach * 50.)) {
(*abserr)[i] = R::fmax2(epmach * 50. * (*resabs)[i], (*abserr)[i]);
} /* vrdqk15i_ */
template<typename F>
void vrdqk21(const F f, const vec lower, const vec upper, const double a,
const double b, vec *result,
vec *abserr, vec *resabs, vec *resasc)
/* Initialized data */
static double wg[5] = { .066671344308688137593568809893332,
.295524224714752870173892994651338 };
static double xgk[11] = { .995657163025808080735527280689003,
.14887433898163121088482600112972,0. };
static double wgk[11] = { .011694638867371874278064396062192,
.149445554002916905664936468389821 };
/* Local variables */
std::vector<vec> fv1(10), fv2(10);
double absc, vect[21];
vec resg, resk, fsum, fval1, fval2;
vec fc, reskh, delta;
double hlgth, centr, uflow;
double epmach, dhlgth;
int j, jtw, jtwm1, ny;
epmach = DBL_EPSILON;
uflow = DBL_MIN;
delta = upper-lower;
centr = (a + b) * .5;
hlgth = (b - a) * .5;
dhlgth = fabs(hlgth);
/* compute the 21-point kronrod approximation to
the integral, and estimate the absolute error. */
vect[0] = centr;
for (j = 1; j <= 5; ++j) {
jtw = j << 1;
absc = hlgth * xgk[jtw - 1];
vect[(j << 1) - 1] = centr - absc;
/* L5: */
vect[j * 2] = centr + absc;
for (j = 1; j <= 5; ++j) {
jtwm1 = (j << 1) - 1;
absc = hlgth * xgk[jtwm1 - 1];
vect[(j << 1) + 9] = centr - absc;
vect[(j << 1) + 10] = centr + absc;
fc = eval_f<F>(f,lower+delta*vect[0]);
ny = fc.size();
resg = zeros(ny);
resk = wgk[10] * fc;
*resabs = abs(resk);
for (j = 1; j <= 5; ++j) {
jtw = j << 1;
absc = hlgth * xgk[jtw - 1];
fval1 = eval_f<F>(f,lower+delta*vect[(j << 1) - 1]);
fval2 = eval_f<F>(f,lower+delta*vect[j * 2]);
fv1[jtw - 1] = fval1;
fv2[jtw - 1] = fval2;
fsum = fval1 + fval2;
resg += wg[j - 1] * fsum;
resk += wgk[jtw - 1] * fsum;
*resabs += wgk[jtw - 1] * (abs(fval1) + abs(fval2));
/* L10: */
for (j = 1; j <= 5; ++j) {
jtwm1 = (j << 1) - 1;
absc = hlgth * xgk[jtwm1 - 1];
fval1 = eval_f<F>(f,lower+delta*vect[(j << 1) + 9]);
fval2 = eval_f<F>(f,lower+delta*vect[(j << 1) + 10]);
fv1[jtwm1 - 1] = fval1;
fv2[jtwm1 - 1] = fval2;
fsum = fval1 + fval2;
resk += wgk[jtwm1 - 1] * fsum;
*resabs += wgk[jtwm1 - 1] * (abs(fval1) + abs(fval2));
/* L15: */
reskh = resk * .5;
*resasc = wgk[10] * abs(fc - reskh);
for (j = 1; j <= 10; ++j) {
*resasc += wgk[j - 1] * (abs(fv1[j - 1] - reskh) +
abs(fv2[j - 1] - reskh));
/* L20: */
*result = resk * hlgth;
*resabs *= dhlgth;
*resasc *= dhlgth;
*abserr = abs((resk - resg) * hlgth);
for (int i=0; i<ny; ++i) {
if ((*resasc)[i] != 0. && (*abserr)[i] != 0.) {
(*abserr)[i] = (*resasc)[i] * R::fmin2(1.0, pow((*abserr)[i] * 200. / (*resasc)[i], 1.5));
if ((*resabs)[i] > uflow / (epmach * 50.)) {
(*abserr)[i] = R::fmax2(epmach * 50. * (*resabs)[i], (*abserr)[i]);
} /* vrdqk21_ */
// Constant values: limit, last, elist
// Updated values: ermax, maxerr, iord, nrmax
static void rdqpsrt(const int limit, int *last, int *maxerr,
double *ermax, double *elist, int *iord, int *nrmax)
/* Local variables */
int i, j, k, ido, jbnd, isucc, jupbn;
double errmin, errmax;
/* Parameter adjustments */
/* Function Body */
/* check whether the list contains more than
two error estimates. */
if (*last <= 2) {
iord[1] = 1;
iord[2] = 2;
goto Last;
/* this part of the routine is only executed if, due to a
difficult integrand, subdivision increased the error
estimate. in the normal case the insert procedure should
start after the nrmax-th largest error estimate. */
errmax = elist[*maxerr];
if (*nrmax > 1) {
ido = *nrmax - 1;
for (i = 1; i <= ido; ++i) {
isucc = iord[*nrmax - 1];
if (errmax <= elist[isucc])
break; /* out of for-loop */
iord[*nrmax] = isucc;
/* L20: */
/*L30: compute the number of elements in the list to be maintained
in descending order. this number depends on the number of
subdivisions still allowed. */
if (*last > limit / 2 + 2)
jupbn = limit + 3 - *last;
jupbn = *last;
errmin = elist[*last];
/* insert errmax by traversing the list top-down,
starting comparison from the element elist(iord(nrmax+1)). */
jbnd = jupbn - 1;
for (i = *nrmax + 1; i <= jbnd; ++i) {
isucc = iord[i];
if (errmax >= elist[isucc]) {/* ***jump out of do-loop */
/* L60: insert errmin by traversing the list bottom-up. */
iord[i - 1] = *maxerr;
for (j = i, k = jbnd; j <= jbnd; j++, k--) {
isucc = iord[k];
if (errmin < elist[isucc]) {
/* goto L80; ***jump out of do-loop */
iord[k + 1] = *last;
goto Last;
iord[k + 1] = isucc;
iord[i] = *last;
goto Last;
iord[i - 1] = isucc;
iord[jbnd] = *maxerr;
iord[jupbn] = *last;
Last:/* set maxerr and ermax. */
*maxerr = iord[*nrmax];
*ermax = elist[*maxerr];
} /* rdqpsrt_ */
// Constant values:
// Updated values: n, epstab, result, abserr, res3la, nres
static void rdqelg(int *n, double *epstab, double *
result, double *abserr, double *res3la, int *nres)
/* Local variables */
int i__, indx, ib, ib2, ie, k1, k2, k3, num, newelm, limexp;
double delta1, delta2, delta3, e0, e1, e1abs, e2, e3, epmach, epsinf;
double oflow, ss, res;
double errA, err1, err2, err3, tol1, tol2, tol3;
/* Parameter adjustments */
/* Function Body */
epmach = DBL_EPSILON;
oflow = DBL_MAX;
*abserr = oflow;
*result = epstab[*n];
if (*n < 3) {
goto L100;
limexp = 50;
epstab[*n + 2] = epstab[*n];
newelm = (*n - 1) / 2;
epstab[*n] = oflow;
num = *n;
k1 = *n;
for (i__ = 1; i__ <= newelm; ++i__) {
k2 = k1 - 1;
k3 = k1 - 2;
res = epstab[k1 + 2];
e0 = epstab[k3];
e1 = epstab[k2];
e2 = res;
e1abs = fabs(e1);
delta2 = e2 - e1;
err2 = fabs(delta2);
tol2 = R::fmax2(fabs(e2), e1abs) * epmach;
delta3 = e1 - e0;
err3 = fabs(delta3);
tol3 = R::fmax2(e1abs, fabs(e0)) * epmach;
if (err2 <= tol2 && err3 <= tol3) {
/* if e0, e1 and e2 are equal to within machine
accuracy, convergence is assumed. */
*result = res;/* result = e2 */
*abserr = err2 + err3;/* abserr = fabs(e1-e0)+fabs(e2-e1) */
goto L100; /* ***jump out of do-loop */
e3 = epstab[k1];
epstab[k1] = e1;
delta1 = e1 - e3;
err1 = fabs(delta1);
tol1 = R::fmax2(e1abs, fabs(e3)) * epmach;
/* if two elements are very close to each other, omit
a part of the table by adjusting the value of n */
if (err1 > tol1 && err2 > tol2 && err3 > tol3) {
ss = 1. / delta1 + 1. / delta2 - 1. / delta3;
epsinf = fabs(ss * e1);
/* test to detect irregular behaviour in the table, and
eventually omit a part of the table adjusting the value of n. */
if (epsinf > 1e-4) {
goto L30;
*n = i__ + i__ - 1;
goto L50;/* ***jump out of do-loop */
L30:/* compute a new element and eventually adjust the value of result. */
res = e1 + 1. / ss;
epstab[k1] = res;
k1 += -2;
errA = err2 + fabs(res - e2) + err3;
if (errA <= *abserr) {
*abserr = errA;
*result = res;
/* shift the table. */
if (*n == limexp) {
*n = (limexp / 2 << 1) - 1;
if (num / 2 << 1 == num) ib = 2; else ib = 1;
ie = newelm + 1;
for (i__ = 1; i__ <= ie; ++i__) {
ib2 = ib + 2;
epstab[ib] = epstab[ib2];
ib = ib2;
if (num != *n) {
indx = num - *n + 1;
for (i__ = 1; i__ <= *n; ++i__) {
epstab[i__] = epstab[indx];
if (*nres >= 4) {
/* L90: */
*abserr = fabs(*result - res3la[3]) +
fabs(*result - res3la[2]) +
fabs(*result - res3la[1]);
res3la[1] = res3la[2];
res3la[2] = res3la[3];
res3la[3] = *result;
} else {
res3la[*nres] = *result;
*abserr = oflow;
L100:/* compute error estimate */
*abserr = R::fmax2(*abserr, epmach * 5. * fabs(*result));
} /* rdqelg_ */
template<typename F>
Rcpp::List vdqags(const F f, const vec a, const vec b,
const double epsrel, const double epsabs, const int limit,
const int ny) {
using namespace Rcpp;
double *result = R_Calloc(ny, double);
double *abserr = R_Calloc(ny, double);
int lenw, ier, neval, last;
lenw = 2*limit*ny + 2*limit;
int *iwork = R_Calloc(limit, int);
double *work = R_Calloc(lenw, double);
vRdqags<F>(f, a, b, epsabs, epsrel, ny,
result, abserr, &neval, &ier, limit, &lenw, &last, iwork, work);
vec result2(result,ny);
vec abserr2(abserr,ny);
return List::create(_("value") = result2,
_("abs.err") = abserr2,
_("subdivisions") = last,
_("ierr") = ier);
template<typename F>
Rcpp::List vdqagi(const F f, const vec bound, const int inf,
const double epsrel, const double epsabs, const int limit, const int ny) {
using namespace Rcpp;
double *result = R_Calloc(ny, double);
double *abserr = R_Calloc(ny, double);
int lenw, ier, neval, last;
lenw = 2*limit*ny + 2*limit;
int *iwork = R_Calloc(limit, int);
double *work = R_Calloc(lenw, double);
vRdqagi(f, bound, inf, epsabs, epsrel, limit, ny,
result, abserr, &neval, &ier, &lenw, &last, iwork, work);
vec resultnv(result, ny);
vec abserrnv(abserr, ny);
return List::create(_("value") = resultnv,
_("abs.err") = abserrnv,
_("subdivisions") = last,
_("ierr") = ier);
// [[Rcpp::export]]
Rcpp::List vdqagsRcpp(const Rcpp::Function f, const arma::vec a, const arma::vec b,
const double epsrel, const double epsabs, const int limit,
const int ny) {
// RcppExport SEXP vdqagsRcpp(SEXP _f, SEXP _a, SEXP _b,
// SEXP _epsrel, SEXP _epsabs, SEXP _limit,
// SEXP _ny) {
using namespace Rcpp;
// Function f = as<Function>(_f);
// double a = as<double>(_a);
// double b = as<double>(_b);
// double epsrel = as<double>(_epsrel);
// double epsabs = as<double>(_epsabs);
// int limit = as<int>(_limit);
// int ny = as<int>(_ny);
return vdqags(f, a, b, epsrel, epsabs, limit, ny);
// [[Rcpp::export]]
Rcpp::List vdqagiRcpp(const Rcpp::Function f, const arma::vec bound, const int inf,
const double epsrel, const double epsabs, const int limit, const int ny) {
// RcppExport SEXP vdqagiRcpp(SEXP _f, SEXP _bound, SEXP _inf,
// SEXP _epsrel, SEXP _epsabs, SEXP _limit, SEXP _ny) {
using namespace Rcpp;
// Function f = as<Function>(_f);
// double bound = as<double>(_bound);
// int inf = as<int>(_inf);
// double epsrel = as<double>(_epsrel);
// double epsabs = as<double>(_epsabs);
// int limit = as<int>(_limit);
// int ny = as<int>(_ny);
return vdqagi(f, bound, inf, epsrel, epsabs, limit, ny);
// [[Rcpp::export]]
Rcpp::List vrdqk21Rcpp(const Rcpp::Function f, const arma::vec lower, const arma::vec upper,
const double a, const double b) {
// RcppExport SEXP vrdqk21Rcpp(SEXP _f, SEXP _a, SEXP _b) {
using namespace Rcpp;
// Function f = as<Function>(_f);
// double a = as<double>(_a);
// double b = as<double>(_b);
vec result, abserr, resabs, resasc;
vrdqk21(f, lower, upper, a, b, &result, &abserr, &resabs, &resasc);
return List::create(_("value") = result,
_("abs.err") = abserr);
// [[Rcpp::export]]
Rcpp::List vrdqk15Rcpp(const Rcpp::Function f, const arma::vec boun, const int inf,
double a, double b) {
// RcppExport SEXP vrdqk15Rcpp(SEXP _f, SEXP _boun, SEXP _inf, SEXP _a, SEXP _b) {
using namespace Rcpp;
// Function f = as<Function>(_f);
// double boun = as<double>(_boun);
// int inf = as<int>(_inf);
// double a = as<double>(_a);
// double b = as<double>(_b);
vec result, abserr, resabs, resasc;
vrdqk15i(f, boun, inf, &a, &b, &result, &abserr, &resabs, &resasc);
return List::create(_("value") = result,
_("abserr") = abserr);
vec test_f(const arma::vec a) {
vec out{exp(a[0]), exp(2*a[1]), log(a[2])};
return out;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
Rcpp::List test_vdqags() {
vec lower{0.0,0.0,0.0}, upper{1.0, 1.0, 1.0};
return vdqags(test_f, lower, upper, 1.0e-8, 1.0e-8, 50, 3);
vec test_f2(const arma::vec a) {
vec out{exp(a[0]), exp(2*a[1])};
return out;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
Rcpp::List test_vdqagi() {
vec bound{0.0,0.0};
return vdqagi(test_f2, bound, -1, 1.0e-8, 1.0e-8, 50, 2);