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<article xmlns:mml="http://www.w3.org/1998/Math/MathML" xmlns:xlink="http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink" dtd-version="1.2" article-type="other">
        <article-title>Why try Digital Succession Identifiers?</article-title>
        <contrib contrib-type="author">
          <contrib-id contrib-id-type="orcid">0000-0002-5014-4809</contrib-id>
            <given-names>E. Castedo</given-names>
      <pub-date date-type="eprint" publication-format="electronic" iso-8601-date="2022-08-24">
        <copyright-statement>© 2022, Ellerman et al</copyright-statement>
        <copyright-holder>Ellerman et al</copyright-holder>
        <license license-type="open-access">
          <ali:license_ref xmlns:ali="http://www.niso.org/schemas/ali/1.0/">https://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/</ali:license_ref>
          <license-p>This document is distributed under a Creative Commons
Attribution 4.0 International license.</license-p>
        <p><bold>STAGE</bold>: Draft.</p>
        <p><bold>AUDIENCE</bold>: Researchers capable of signing git commits
from the command line who would like some of their research documents to
enjoy new benefits described in this document.</p>
        <p><bold>SUMMARY</bold>: The Digital Succession Identifier (DSI) is a
new kind of persistent identifier for bibliographic references. For
research communication, a DSI provides novel benefits such as the
identification of research documents that are amendable by the author. A
DSI together with JATS XML can also provide a new combination of
benefits found in traditional academic publishing, preprint servers and
PubMed Central, while avoiding some of their limitations.</p>
    <sec id="introduction">
      <p>For an author, a key benefit of a Digital Succession Identifier
  (DSI) is the ability to identify content to be determined in the
  future, by the author. At the same time, a DSI also provides one of
  the great features of academic publishing, specifically, the ability
  for other researchers to reference a static archived article long into
  the future. When a DSI is combined with
  <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Journal_Article_Tag_Suite">JATS
  <xref alt="1" rid="ref-enwikiU003A1107458581" ref-type="bibr">1</xref>,
  a new combination of benefits of the current academic publishing
  ecosystem are enabled:</p>
      <list list-type="bullet">
          <p>a persistent identifier for bibliographic references (like a
      <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=Digital_object_identifier">DOI</ext-link>
      <xref alt="2" rid="ref-enwikiU003A1110508394" ref-type="bibr">2</xref>),</p>
          <p>an amendable sequence of documents (like versioned
          <p>and a choice of reading format (web page or PDF).</p>
      <p>In addition to that new combination, a DSI also provides completely
  new benefits in research communication:</p>
      <list list-type="bullet">
          <p>a DSI can be author-owned and not tied to any particular
      website or archive,</p>
          <p>fine-grained versioning in the form of <italic>multilevel
      edition numbering</italic> (described later in this document),
          <p>a DSI can be created and tied to a document before either is
      publicly shared.</p>
    <sec id="amendable-digital-successions">
      <title>Amendable digital successions</title>
      <p>Like textbooks and preprints, but not traditional journal articles,
  digital successions consist of multiple editions (or versions) of a
  digital object. A simple initial application is having the digital
  objects be PDF files.</p>
      <p>A DSI can refer to a specific edition (version) or an entire
  sequence of editions within a digital succession. If a DSI refers to a
  specific edition, that edition does not change, like with traditional
  journal articles. For instance,
  identifies the first archived draft of this document, edition 0.1.
  This edition 0.1 will never change. But if a DSI refers to many
  editions in a digital succession, then the author can amend the
  previous editions. For example,
  refers to all editions of this document, including future editions yet
  to be determined by the author.</p>
      <sec id="author-owned-identifiers">
        <title>Author-owned identifiers</title>
        <p>A digital succession is a work by an author, as declared by the
    author as it changes over time. Unlike a traditional journal
    article, a digital succession is not a single final published
    result. In contrast to multiple versions of preprints on a preprint
    servers, a digital succession is not a sequence of deposits at a
    particular preprint server. A DSI identifies an authors work
    independent of where it might be stored or viewed.</p>
        <p>The editions of a digital succession might span preprints found
    on multiple preprint servers, a published journal article and
    amended editions on new venues of scholarly communication. A digital
    succession and its DSI also do not need a central registry or
    authority to be created and tied together. A DSI can be used
    privately to identify a digital succession before it is shared
        <p>An author determines what editions are in a digital succession
    because a digital succession is digitally signed by the author,
    specifically with a
    <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pretty_Good_Privacy">PGP
    <xref alt="3" rid="ref-enwikiU003A1108847090" ref-type="bibr">3</xref>
    of the author.</p>
    <sec id="choice-of-reading-format">
      <title>Choice of reading format</title>
      <p>Although technically independent of the DSI standard, JATS XML is
  combined with DSIs in software and services under development, such as
  <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="https://perm.pub/czdv8PyJKF7LneTnaVT6pgAKyh8/0">perm.pub
  pilot project</ext-link>. The combination DSI plus JATS gives readers
  the choice of modern web page or PDF formats, as offered by PubMed
  Central and journal websites.</p>
    <sec id="multilevel-edition-numbering">
      <title>Multilevel edition numbering</title>
      <p>In the simplest edition numbering scenario, edition numbers are
  just positive integers, like with textbook editions and preprint
  version numbers. An optional benefit of digital successions is
  multilevel edition numbering. Multilevel numbering is found in the
  numbering of chapters, sections, and subsections (e.g. chapter 2,
  section 2.4, subsection 2.4.3). Multilevel numbering is also found in
  software release versions (e.g. software release 2.19.2).</p>
      <p>Multilevel numbering is particular useful when amending editions
  with a binary change in the digital object (e.g. PDF file), but not in
  the intellectual content (e.g. the text in the PDF). The DSI
  specification does not specify the meaning of different levels in
  edition numbers apart from larger integers coming after smaller
  integers and higher level edition numbers identifying subordinate
  sequences of lower level edition numbers (e.g. the entire sequence of
  editions numbers 2.1, 2.2, 2.3, ..., can be identified by edition
  number 2).</p>
      <sec id="use-of-zeros-in-edition-numbers">
        <title>Use of zeros in edition numbers</title>
        <p>Zeros are valid at any level in an edition number, except at the
    end. An edition number with a zero at any level carries special
    meaning. These editions are <italic>unlisted</italic> which means
    they are accessible but should not be listed by default. This is
    similar conceptually to hidden files of a folder in a file systems.
    Authors may choose to use this feature in a variety of ways. One way
    is to use it for editions that are not intended for the main target
    audience. For instance, they may be used for testing purposes, for
    drafts, or preliminary releases.</p>
    <sec id="conclusion">
      <p>Digital Succession Identifiers (DSIs) enable three novel benefits
  to authors of research documents. The fundamental benefit is that DSIs
  can be author-owned identifiers. A secondary benefit is multilevel
  edition numbering. The third benefit is a new combination of existing
  benefits: persistent identification, amendability and a choice of
  reading format. However, enabling choice of reading format requires
  combining DSIs with an application such as digital successions of JATS
      <p>In addition to reaping the benefits of DSIs, early adopters can
  help improve the definition of the DSI standard and the direction of
  software and services being developed around the DSI standard.
  Software for DSIs is under development at
  <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="https://gitlab.com/popgen.es/hidos">gitlab.com/popgen.es/hidos</ext-link>
  and an early trial service is available as the
  <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="https://perm.pub/czdv8PyJKF7LneTnaVT6pgAKyh8/0">perm.pub
  pilot project</ext-link>. Email the author
  <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="mailto:castedo@castedo.com">Castedo
  Ellerman</ext-link> to become an early adopter.</p>
      <p>For technical details on how DSIs are implemented, see the
  <ext-link ext-link-type="uri" xlink:href="https://perm.pub/ji2STto1mZ3i2BmnGxbkebejKH4/0">Digital
  Succession Identifier Specification</ext-link>.</p>
    <sec id="references">
      <ref id="ref-enwikiU003A1108847090">
          <person-group person-group-type="author">
            <string-name>Wikipedia contributors</string-name>
          <article-title>Pretty good privacy — Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia</article-title>
          <year iso-8601-date="2022">2022</year>
      <ref id="ref-enwikiU003A1107458581">
          <person-group person-group-type="author">
            <string-name>Wikipedia contributors</string-name>
          <article-title>Journal article tag suite — Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia</article-title>
          <year iso-8601-date="2022">2022</year>
      <ref id="ref-enwikiU003A1110508394">
          <person-group person-group-type="author">
            <string-name>Wikipedia contributors</string-name>
          <article-title>Digital object identifier — Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia</article-title>
          <year iso-8601-date="2022">2022</year>
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