MuMIn package news: Version: 1.5.0 (2011-10-18) model.avg: removed the argument "method", the standard errors and confidence intervals are calculated only for coefficients averaged within a subset of models where they are present (method = "NA"). The "full" coefficients are also returned, but without std. errors plot.model.selection: new function to visualize the model selection table manuals expanded, examples revised load of small improvements, polishings and fixes, generally invisible to the user getAllTerms.unmarkedFit: should work for most of the derived classes Version: 1.4.4 (2011-10-16) QAIC: no longer uses model deviance, as it gave biased values. ICOMP, Cp: new information criteria model.avg: now performs a smarter check for duplicate models, fixed calculation of importance values model.sel: new alias to 'mod.sel' (eventually will replace 'mod.sel') Version: 1.4.3 (2011-10-13) Beetle: new data - beetle mortality, with examples from B&A's book dredge: new arguments 'varying', 'm.min' and 'evaluate' manuals modified and corrected tests/gamm.R: tests for 'gamm'/'gamm4' support Version: 1.4.2 (2011-10-11) support for 'gamm' and 'gamm4' gamm: added a wrapper for gamm, that allows for updating the object (hopefully needed only temporarily) Version: 1.4.1 (2011-10-10) A few changes to vignette 'gamm' Version: 1.4.0 (2011-10-05) importance: new function mod.sel: added method for a 'model.selection' object Version: 1.3.10 (2011-09-23) Reverted changes made in previous version (package dependencies) to succesfully pass checks. Version: 1.3.9 (2011-09-17) removed *.lmer *.glmer methods, added dependency on lme4 >= 0.999375-16 tTable.mer: minor change Version: 1.3.8 (2011-09-17) Restored compatibility with R 2.12.2 getAllTerms: new attribute 'intercept' Version: 1.3.7 (2011-09-16) handling double intercept (phi(Int) and p(Int)) in 'unmarked' Version: 1.3.6 (2011-09-12) changes in the documentation and vignette Version: 1.3.5 (2011-08-05) mod.sel: new function added methods for 'unmarkedFit' objects (package 'unmarked'), to provide (limited) support in 'model.avg' Version: 1.3.4 (2011-08-03) Added vignette document on model selection with 'gamm' and 'gamm4' (thanks to Graham MacDonald for an incentive) Version: 1.3.3 (2011-08-01) dredge: small improvements, no longer dependent on 'bitops' Polished the documentation Version: 1.3.2 (2011-08-01) nobs: updated methods Version: 1.3.1 (2011-07-31) dredge: bugs fixed Version: 1.3.0 (2011-07-29) model.avg: now may be used directly with 'model.selection' object summary.averaging: gives now more information Version: 1.2.4 (2011-07-29) fixed handling of spatial parameters (lambda, rho) in models from package 'spdep' dredge: modified for better performance dredge, get.models: can deal with glms with starting values provided ('start' argument) QAIC: added a note in documentation stating that is uses deviance rather than logLik in the calculation Version: 1.2.3 (2011-04-07) fixed some REML/ML issues, AICc rewritten (based on the new AIC code in stats) Version: 1.2.2 (2011-04-06) nobs: corrected methods for mixed models, added documentation page Version: 1.2.1 (2011-04-05) .GetLogLik - hidden helper function (returns the proper logLik to use) Version: 1.2.0 (2011-04-04) AICc has new argument REML used with mixed models. Thanks to Benjamin Augustine for suggestion. Version: 1.1.2 (2011-03-19) removed arguments 'alpha' and 'level' from model.avg. 'confint' is used instead to obtain CI Version: 1.1.1 (2011-03-18) the printed output of 'averaging' has been made consistent with that of lm and glm: 'print' gives concise information and 'summary' gives more details. confint.averaging: new function. print.summary.averaging: new function. Version: 1.1.0 (2011-03-10) added z-statistic, p-values (with significance stars) to model.avg output Version: 1.0.0 (2011-02-10) get.models: fixed - arguments in ... were not passed to updated models predict.averaging: predictions on response scale can be calculated (type=response) new functions (not exported): nobs, coefDf model.avg: now makes use of correct DF from component models in calculation of adjusted SE par.avg: calculates ASE if df are provided, example(QAIC) now demonstrates predictions with confidence intervals Version: 0.14.2 (2011-02-05) dredge: small changes, slightly faster manual corrected Version: 0.14.1 (2011-02-04) vcov.averaging, logLik.averaging: new methods, revised formula for unconditional variance manual reworked Version: 0.14.0 (2011-01-19) TODO: model.avg: added npar to the selection table predict.averaging: now can return averaged SE par.avg: may use revised formula for calculating averaged SE Version: 0.13.21 (2011-01-16) dredge: handling of update'd lmer models improved QAICc: new function Version: 0.13.20 (2011-01-16) Namespace exports updated (coxph methods) dredge: uses now QAIC for glms with 'quasi*' family, and if no rank is specified Version: 0.13.19 (2011-01-15) model.avg: fixed wrong ordering of model names (thanks to Dennis Jonason for noticing this) Version: 0.13.18 (2010-10-16) Support for coxph (package survival) Version: 0.13.17 (2010-09-13) model.avg: fixed a bug with models with binary response; dredge: added checking for na.omit'ting in the global model. new tests: varia.R Version: 0.13.16 (2010-09-07) dredge, model.avg: broken support for several types of models was fixed Version: 0.13.15 (2010-09-06) support for MASS::multinom Version: 0.13.14 (2010-09-03) print.model.selection:empty columns are not printed now Version: 0.13.13 (2010-09-02) dredge: handling of models with no intercept, added "call" attribute update.model.selection: new Version: 0.13.12 (2010-08-29) dredge, getAllTerms, dredge.Rd: small modifications Version: 0.13.11 (2010-08-28) getAllTerms: improved handling of interactions, random terms (lmer) and "offset()" formulaAllowed: now allows for exceptions in margins presence checking (new argument: "except") dredge: now tries to call fitting function directly rather than through update (more effective in case when model not passed as a variable). New arguments: "trace", and "marg.ex" - marginality checking exceptions. Version: 0.13.10 (2010-08-26) getAllTerms: fixed a bug with with wrong ordering of interaction terms (resulted with a:b or b:a depending on the set of terms). Improved handling of random terms in lme. Version: 0.13.9 (2010-08-24) dredge: fixed bugs introduced in the previous version Version: 0.13.8 (2010-08-03) QAIC: examples expanded Version: 0.13.7 (2010-08-02) dredge: prints errors generated by models as warnings (previously these were skipped silently) Version: 0.13.6 (2010-08-01) print.model.selection: improved column abbreviation Version: 0.13.5 (2010-07-31) dredge: fixed a bug causing interaction coefficients to be stripped from model.selection table, new function 'fixCoefNames' (not exported) handles proper ordering of interaction components in coefficient names Version: 0.13.4 (2010-07-21) 'beta.weights' now uses 'tTable' (support for more model types), 'dredge' with beta=TRUE tries out if it can get beta.weights working. Manual: added gls and rlm to the list of supported models Version: 0.13.3 (2010-07-15) Bug fixed in print.averaging Version: 0.13.2 (2010-07-14) Attributes for custom rank function in "dredge" and "model.avg" are now evaluated model-wise, if provided as expressions Version: 0.13.0-1 (2010-07-12) Fixed compatibility issues with models of class "lme" and "sarlm". "model.avg" does now some checking whether all models were fitted to the same data and have the same response. Version: 0.12.13 (2010-07-09) 'recalc.weights' argument added to "subset.model.selection". Small bug fixed in dredge. Version: 0.12.12 (2010-07-08) New in "dredge": Subsetting models a priori according to a formula Version: 0.12.11 (2010-07-07) Subset/extract methods for 'model.selection' object Version: 0.12.10 (2010-07-05) Fixed "predict.averaging" for missing 'newdata' handling; Table returned by "dredge" now has factors for terms with more than one level (they were previously shown as '1') Version: 0.12.9 (2010-07-03) Finally fixed problems with variable exporting and hidden methods Version: 0.12.7-8 (2010-07-02) Small changes in namespace and documentation Version: 0.12.6 (2010-06-26) Tidying up the code, small changes. Version: 0.12.4 (2010-06-21) added: "predict.averaging" and "coef.averaging", 'averaging' object contains additional elements, so that several default methods work with it. Version: 0.12.2 (2009-06-14) fixed: 'alpha' in "model.avg" was not passed to "par.avg" Version: 0.12.1 (2009-04-20) fixed: method="NA" in model.avg, par.avg now accepts NA's in 'weight' Version: 0.12.0 (2009-03-24) Change in version number only. Had to make this jump in numbering, as there was a typo in DESCRIPTION file of an early version, (0.11.2 instead of 0.1.0), and since then R-forge mechanism seemed to ignore actual newer versions, as they had lower number. Version 0.1.1 (2009-03-22) Modified: dredge: added "fixed" and "m.max" arguments. Version 0.1.1 (2009-03-17) Fixed: par.avg: Variance estimate corrected (previous estimate was square root of variance). Thanks to Mick Wu. Fixed: dredge: Apparently "expand.grid" cannot handle too many combinations, so now dredge stops with a more explanatory message Version 0.1.0 dRedging (0.11.2) moved to R-Forge. Since model averaging is now the main focus of the package, its name changed to MuMIn - MUltiModelINference.