// Geometric Tools, LLC
// Copyright (c) 1998-2012
// Distributed under the Boost Software License, Version 1.0.
// File Version: 5.0.1 (2010/10/01)
#include "NURBSRectangle.h"
#include "NURBSCurve.h"
namespace NURBS
template <typename Real>
NURBSRectangle<Real>::NURBSRectangle (Array2D_Vector3 ctrlPoint, Array2D_Real ctrlWeight,
int uDegree, int vDegree, bool uLoop, bool vLoop, bool uOpen, bool vOpen)
ParametricSurface<Real>((Real)0, (Real)1, (Real)0, (Real)1, true)
int numUCtrlPoints = ctrlPoint.size();
int numVCtrlPoints = ctrlPoint.front().size();
assertion(numUCtrlPoints >= 2, "Invalid input\n");
assertion(1 <= uDegree && uDegree <= numUCtrlPoints - 1,
"Invalid input\n");
assertion(numVCtrlPoints >= 2, "Invalid input\n");
assertion(1 <= vDegree && vDegree <= numVCtrlPoints - 1,
"Invalid input\n");
mLoop[0] = uLoop;
mLoop[1] = vLoop;
mNumUCtrlPoints = numUCtrlPoints;
mNumVCtrlPoints = numVCtrlPoints;
mUReplicate = (uLoop ? (uOpen ? 1 : uDegree) : 0);
mVReplicate = (vLoop ? (vOpen ? 1 : vDegree) : 0);
CreateControl(ctrlPoint, ctrlWeight);
mBasis[0].Create(mNumUCtrlPoints + mUReplicate, uDegree, uOpen);
mBasis[1].Create(mNumVCtrlPoints + mVReplicate, vDegree, vOpen);
template <typename Real>
NURBSRectangle<Real>::NURBSRectangle (int numUCtrlPoints,
int numVCtrlPoints, Array2D_Vector3 ctrlPoint, Array2D_Real ctrlWeight,
int uDegree, int vDegree, bool uLoop, bool vLoop, bool uOpen, Real* vKnot)
ParametricSurface<Real>((Real)0, (Real)1, (Real)0, (Real)1, true)
assertion(numUCtrlPoints >= 2, "Invalid input\n");
assertion(1 <= uDegree && uDegree <= numUCtrlPoints - 1,
"Invalid input\n");
assertion(numVCtrlPoints >= 2, "Invalid input\n");
assertion(1 <= vDegree && vDegree <= numVCtrlPoints - 1,
"Invalid input\n");
mLoop[0] = uLoop;
mLoop[1] = vLoop;
mNumUCtrlPoints = numUCtrlPoints;
mNumVCtrlPoints = numVCtrlPoints;
mUReplicate = (uLoop ? (uOpen ? 1 : uDegree) : 0);
mVReplicate = (vLoop ? 1 : 0);
CreateControl(ctrlPoint, ctrlWeight);
mBasis[0].Create(mNumUCtrlPoints + mUReplicate, uDegree, uOpen);
mBasis[1].Create(mNumVCtrlPoints + mVReplicate, vDegree, vKnot);
template <typename Real>
NURBSRectangle<Real>::NURBSRectangle (int numUCtrlPoints,
int numVCtrlPoints, Array2D_Vector3 ctrlPoint, Array2D_Real ctrlWeight,
int uDegree, int vDegree, bool uLoop, bool vLoop, Real* uKnot, bool vOpen)
ParametricSurface<Real>((Real)0, (Real)1, (Real)0, (Real)1, true)
assertion(numUCtrlPoints >= 2, "Invalid input\n");
assertion(1 <= uDegree && uDegree <= numUCtrlPoints - 1,
"Invalid input\n");
assertion(numVCtrlPoints >= 2, "Invalid input\n");
assertion(1 <= vDegree && vDegree <= numVCtrlPoints - 1,
"Invalid input\n");
mLoop[0] = uLoop;
mLoop[1] = vLoop;
mNumUCtrlPoints = numUCtrlPoints;
mNumVCtrlPoints = numVCtrlPoints;
mUReplicate = (uLoop ? 1 : 0);
mVReplicate = (vLoop ? (vOpen ? 1 : vDegree) : 0);
CreateControl(ctrlPoint, ctrlWeight);
mBasis[0].Create(mNumUCtrlPoints + mUReplicate, uDegree, uKnot);
mBasis[1].Create(mNumVCtrlPoints + mVReplicate, vDegree, vOpen);
template <typename Real>
NURBSRectangle<Real>::NURBSRectangle (int numUCtrlPoints,
int numVCtrlPoints, Array2D_Vector3 ctrlPoint, Array2D_Real ctrlWeight,
int uDegree, int vDegree, bool uLoop, bool vLoop, Real* uKnot,
Real* vKnot)
ParametricSurface<Real>((Real)0, (Real)1, (Real)0, (Real)1, true)
assertion(numUCtrlPoints >= 2, "Invalid input\n");
assertion(1 <= uDegree && uDegree <= numUCtrlPoints - 1,
"Invalid input\n");
assertion(numVCtrlPoints >= 2, "Invalid input\n");
assertion(1 <= vDegree && vDegree <= numVCtrlPoints - 1,
"Invalid input\n");
mLoop[0] = uLoop;
mLoop[1] = vLoop;
mNumUCtrlPoints = numUCtrlPoints;
mNumVCtrlPoints = numVCtrlPoints;
mUReplicate = (uLoop ? 1 : 0);
mVReplicate = (vLoop ? 1 : 0);
mBasis[0].Create(mNumUCtrlPoints + mUReplicate, uDegree, uKnot);
mBasis[1].Create(mNumVCtrlPoints + mVReplicate, vDegree, vKnot);
template <typename Real>
NURBSRectangle<Real> NURBSRectangle<Real>::createSheet(Scalar width, Scalar length, Vector3 center, Vector3 dU, Vector3 dV, int nU, int nV)
int degree = 3;
Vector3 corner = center - (dU * width * 0.5) - (dV * length * 0.5);
Scalar aspect_U = 1.0, aspect_V = 1.0;
if(width > length) aspect_U = length / width;
if(length > width) aspect_V = width / length;
nU *= 1.0 / aspect_U;
nV *= 1.0 / aspect_V;
// Rectangular surface
std::vector< Array1D_Vector3 > pts( nU, Array1D_Vector3( nV, Vector3(0,0,0) ) );
std::vector< std::vector<Scalar> > weights( nU, std::vector<Scalar>( nV, 1.0 ) );
Vector3 deltaU = (width / (nU-1)) * dU;
Vector3 deltaV = (length / (nV-1)) * dV;
for(int y = 0; y < nV; y++){
for(int x = 0; x < nU; x++)
pts[x][y] = corner + (deltaU * x) + (deltaV * y);
return NURBSRectangle<Real>(pts, weights, degree, degree, false, false, true, true);
template <typename Real>
NURBSRectangle<Real> NURBSRectangle<Real>::createSheet( Vector3d corner1, Vector3d corner2, int stepsU, int stepsV )
int nU = stepsU, nV = stepsV;
int degree = 3;
Vector3 center = (corner1 + corner2) * 0.5;
Vector3 corner = corner1;
Vector3 d = corner1 - corner2;
assert(d.norm() > 0);
QVector<Scalar> vals;
if(vals[1] == 0.0) vals[1] = 1e-16;
if(vals[1] == vals[2]) vals[2] += 1e-6;
double width = vals[2];
double length = vals[1];
Vector3 xyz[3] = { Vector3(0,0,1), Vector3(0,1,0), Vector3(1,0,0) };
Vector3 dU = xyz[ vals.indexOf(width ) ];
Vector3 dV = xyz[ vals.indexOf(length) ];
Scalar aspect_U = 1.0, aspect_V = 1.0;
if(width > length) aspect_U = length / width;
if(length > width) aspect_V = width / length;
nU *= 1.0 / aspect_U;
nV *= 1.0 / aspect_V;
// Rectangular surface
std::vector< std::vector<Vector3> > pts( nU, std::vector<Vector3>( nV, Vector3(0,0,0) ) );
std::vector< std::vector<Scalar> > weights( nU, std::vector<Scalar>( nV, 1.0 ) );
Vector3 deltaU = (width / (nU-1)) * dU;
Vector3 deltaV = (length / (nV-1)) * dV;
for(int y = 0; y < nV; y++){
for(int x = 0; x < nU; x++)
pts[x][y] = corner + (deltaU * x) + (deltaV * y);
return NURBSRectangle<Real>(pts, weights, degree, degree, false, false, true, true);
template <typename Real>
NURBSRectangle<Real> NURBS::NURBSRectangle<Real>::createSheetFromPoints( Array2D_Vector3 ctrlPoint )
int degree = 3;
int nU = ctrlPoint.size(), nV = ctrlPoint.front().size();
std::vector< std::vector<Scalar> > weights( nU, std::vector<Scalar>( nV, 1.0 ) );
return NURBSRectangle<Real>(ctrlPoint, weights, degree, degree, false, false, true, true);
template <typename Real>
void NURBSRectangle<Real>::CreateControl (Array2D_Vector3 ctrlPoint, Array2D_Real ctrlWeight)
int newNumUCtrlPoints = mNumUCtrlPoints + mUReplicate;
int newNumVCtrlPoints = mNumVCtrlPoints + mVReplicate;
mCtrlPoint = new2<Vector3>(newNumUCtrlPoints, newNumVCtrlPoints, Vector3(0,0,0));
mCtrlWeight = new2<Real>(newNumUCtrlPoints, newNumVCtrlPoints, 1.0);
for (int iu = 0; iu < newNumUCtrlPoints; iu++)
int uOld = iu % mNumUCtrlPoints;
for (int iv = 0; iv < newNumVCtrlPoints; iv++)
int vOld = iv % mNumVCtrlPoints;
mCtrlPoint[iu][iv] = ctrlPoint[uOld][vOld];
mCtrlWeight[iu][iv] = ctrlWeight[uOld][vOld];
template <typename Real>
int NURBSRectangle<Real>::GetNumCtrlPoints (int dim) const
return mBasis[dim].GetNumCtrlPoints();
template <typename Real>
int NURBSRectangle<Real>::GetDegree (int dim) const
return mBasis[dim].GetDegree();
template <typename Real>
bool NURBSRectangle<Real>::IsOpen (int dim) const
return mBasis[dim].IsOpen();
template <typename Real>
bool NURBSRectangle<Real>::IsUniform (int dim) const
return mBasis[dim].IsUniform();
template <typename Real>
bool NURBSRectangle<Real>::IsLoop (int dim) const
return mLoop[dim];
template <typename Real>
void NURBSRectangle<Real>::SetControlPoint (int uIndex, int vIndex,
const Vector3& ctrl)
if (0 <= uIndex && uIndex < mNumUCtrlPoints
&& 0 <= vIndex && vIndex < mNumVCtrlPoints)
// Set the control point.
mCtrlPoint[uIndex][vIndex] = ctrl;
// Set the replicated control point.
bool doUReplicate = (uIndex < mUReplicate);
bool doVReplicate = (vIndex < mVReplicate);
int uExt = 0, vExt = 0;
if (doUReplicate)
uExt = mNumUCtrlPoints + uIndex;
mCtrlPoint[uExt][vIndex] = ctrl;
if (doVReplicate)
vExt = mNumVCtrlPoints + vIndex;
mCtrlPoint[uIndex][vExt] = ctrl;
if (doUReplicate && doVReplicate)
mCtrlPoint[uExt][vExt] = ctrl;
template <typename Real>
Vector3 NURBSRectangle<Real>::GetControlPoint (int uIndex,
int vIndex) const
if (0 <= uIndex && uIndex < mNumUCtrlPoints
&& 0 <= vIndex && vIndex < mNumVCtrlPoints)
return mCtrlPoint[uIndex][vIndex];
return Vector3(std::numeric_limits<Real>::max(), std::numeric_limits<Real>::max(),
template <typename Real>
void NURBSRectangle<Real>::SetControlWeight (int uIndex, int vIndex,
Real weight)
if (0 <= uIndex && uIndex < mNumUCtrlPoints
&& 0 <= vIndex && vIndex < mNumVCtrlPoints)
// Set the control weight.
mCtrlWeight[uIndex][vIndex] = weight;
// Set the replicated control weight.
bool doUReplicate = (uIndex < mUReplicate );
bool doVReplicate = (vIndex < mVReplicate);
int uExt = 0, vExt = 0;
if (doUReplicate)
uExt = mNumUCtrlPoints + uIndex;
mCtrlWeight[uExt][vIndex] = weight;
if (doVReplicate)
vExt = mNumVCtrlPoints + vIndex;
mCtrlWeight[uIndex][vExt] = weight;
if (doUReplicate && doVReplicate)
mCtrlWeight[uExt][vExt] = weight;
template <typename Real>
Real NURBSRectangle<Real>::GetControlWeight (int uIndex, int vIndex) const
if (0 <= uIndex && uIndex < mNumUCtrlPoints
&& 0 <= vIndex && vIndex < mNumVCtrlPoints)
return mCtrlWeight[uIndex][vIndex];
return std::numeric_limits<Real>::max();
template <typename Real>
void NURBSRectangle<Real>::SetKnot (int dim, int i, Real knot)
if (0 <= dim && dim <= 1)
template <typename Real>
Real NURBSRectangle<Real>::GetKnot (int dim, int i) const
if (0 <= dim && dim <= 1)
return mBasis[dim].GetKnot(i);
return std::numeric_limits<Real>::max();
template <typename Real>
void NURBSRectangle<Real>::Get (Real u, Real v, Vector3* pos,
Vector3* derU, Vector3* derV, Vector3* derUU,
Vector3* derUV, Vector3* derVV)
int iu, iumin, iumax;
if (derUU)
mBasis[0].Compute(u, 0, iumin, iumax);
mBasis[0].Compute(u, 1, iumin, iumax);
mBasis[0].Compute(u, 2, iumin, iumax);
else if (derUV || derU)
mBasis[0].Compute(u, 0, iumin, iumax);
mBasis[0].Compute(u, 1, iumin, iumax);
mBasis[0].Compute(u, 0, iumin, iumax);
int iv, ivmin, ivmax;
if (derVV)
mBasis[1].Compute(v, 0, ivmin, ivmax);
mBasis[1].Compute(v, 1, ivmin, ivmax);
mBasis[1].Compute(v, 2, ivmin, ivmax);
else if (derUV || derV)
mBasis[1].Compute(v, 0, ivmin, ivmax);
mBasis[1].Compute(v, 1, ivmin, ivmax);
mBasis[1].Compute(v, 0, ivmin, ivmax);
Real tmp;
Vector3 X = Vector3_ZERO;
Real w = (Real)0;
for (iu = iumin; iu <= iumax; ++iu)
for (iv = ivmin; iv <= ivmax; ++iv)
tmp = mBasis[0].GetD0(iu)*mBasis[1].GetD0(iv)*mCtrlWeight[iu][iv];
X += tmp*mCtrlPoint[iu][iv];
w += tmp;
Real invW = ((Real)1)/w;
Vector3 P = invW*X;
if (pos)
*pos = P;
if (!derU && !derV && !derUU && !derUV && !derVV)
Real wDerU = (Real)0;
Real wDerV = (Real)0;
Vector3 PDerU = Vector3_ZERO;
Vector3 PDerV = Vector3_ZERO;
if (derU || derUU || derUV)
Vector3 XDerU = Vector3_ZERO;
for (iu = iumin; iu <= iumax; ++iu)
for (iv = ivmin; iv <= ivmax; ++iv)
tmp = mBasis[0].GetD1(iu)*mBasis[1].GetD0(iv)*
XDerU += tmp*mCtrlPoint[iu][iv];
wDerU += tmp;
PDerU = invW*(XDerU - wDerU*P);
if (derU)
*derU = PDerU;
if (derV || derVV || derUV)
Vector3 XDerV = Vector3_ZERO;
for (iu = iumin; iu <= iumax; ++iu)
for (iv = ivmin; iv <= ivmax; ++iv)
tmp = mBasis[0].GetD0(iu)*mBasis[1].GetD1(iv)*
XDerV += tmp*mCtrlPoint[iu][iv];
wDerV += tmp;
PDerV = invW*(XDerV - wDerV*P);
if (derV)
*derV = PDerV;
if (!derUU && !derUV && !derVV)
if (derUU)
Vector3 XDerUU = Vector3_ZERO;
Real wDerUU = (Real)0;
for (iu = iumin; iu <= iumax; ++iu)
for (iv = ivmin; iv <= ivmax; ++iv)
tmp = mBasis[0].GetD2(iu)*mBasis[1].GetD0(iv)*
XDerUU += tmp*mCtrlPoint[iu][iv];
wDerUU += tmp;
*derUU = invW*(XDerUU - ((Real)2)*wDerU*PDerU - wDerUU*P);
if (derUV)
Vector3 XDerUV = Vector3_ZERO;
Real wDerUV = (Real)0;
for (iu = iumin; iu <= iumax; ++iu)
for (iv = ivmin; iv <= ivmax; ++iv)
tmp = mBasis[0].GetD1(iu)*mBasis[1].GetD1(iv)*
XDerUV += tmp*mCtrlPoint[iu][iv];
wDerUV += tmp;
*derUV = invW*(XDerUV - wDerU*PDerV - wDerV*PDerU - wDerUV*P);
if (derVV)
Vector3 XDerVV = Vector3_ZERO;
Real wDerVV = (Real)0;
for (iu = iumin; iu <= iumax; ++iu)
for (iv = ivmin; iv <= ivmax; ++iv)
tmp = mBasis[0].GetD0(iu)*mBasis[1].GetD2(iv)*
XDerVV += tmp*mCtrlPoint[iu][iv];
wDerVV += tmp;
*derVV = invW*(XDerVV - ((Real)2)*wDerV*PDerV - wDerVV*P);
template <typename Real>
Vector3 NURBSRectangle<Real>::P (Real u, Real v)
Vector3 pos;
Get(u, v, &pos, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0);
return pos;
template <typename Real>
Vector3 NURBSRectangle<Real>::PU (Real u, Real v)
Vector3 derU;
Get(u, v, 0, &derU, 0, 0, 0, 0);
return derU;
template <typename Real>
Vector3 NURBSRectangle<Real>::PV (Real u, Real v)
Vector3 derV;
Get(u, v, 0, 0, &derV, 0, 0, 0);
return derV;
template <typename Real>
Vector3 NURBSRectangle<Real>::PUU (Real u, Real v)
Vector3 derUU;
Get(u, v, 0, 0, 0, &derUU, 0, 0);
return derUU;
template <typename Real>
Vector3 NURBSRectangle<Real>::PUV (Real u, Real v)
Vector3 derUV;
Get(u, v, 0, 0, 0, 0, &derUV, 0);
return derUV;
template <typename Real>
Vector3 NURBSRectangle<Real>::PVV (Real u, Real v)
Vector3 derVV;
Get(u, v, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, &derVV);
return derVV;
template <typename Real>
std::vector< std::vector<Vector3> > NURBSRectangle<Real>::generateSurfaceTris( Scalar resolution )
std::vector< std::vector<Vector3> > tris;
std::vector<Real> valU,valV;
uniformCoordinates(valU, valV, resolution);
for(int y = 0; y < (int)valV.size() - 1; y++)
for(int x = 0; x < (int)valU.size() - 1; x++)
std::vector<Vector3> pos(4);
pos[0] = P(valU[x] , valV[y] );
pos[1] = P(valU[x+1], valV[y] );
pos[2] = P(valU[x+1], valV[y+1] );
pos[3] = P(valU[x] , valV[y+1] );
std::vector<Vector3> f1,f2;
f1.push_back(pos[0]); f1.push_back(pos[2]); f1.push_back(pos[1]);
f2.push_back(pos[0]); f2.push_back(pos[3]); f2.push_back(pos[2]);
return tris;
template <typename Real>
void NURBSRectangle<Real>::generateSurfaceQuads(double resolution)
std::vector<Real> valU,valV;
uniformCoordinates(valU, valV, resolution);
for(int y = 0; y < (int)valV.size() - 1; y++)
for(int x = 0; x < (int)valU.size() - 1; x++)
std::vector<Vector3> pos = Array1D_Vector3(4, Vector3(0,0,0));
std::vector<Vector3> dU = pos, dV = pos, normal = pos;
this->GetFrame(valU[x] , valV[y] , pos[0], dU[0], dV[0], normal[0]);
this->GetFrame(valU[x+1] , valV[y] , pos[1], dU[1], dV[1], normal[1]);
this->GetFrame(valU[x+1] , valV[y+1] , pos[2], dU[2], dV[2], normal[2]);
this->GetFrame(valU[x] , valV[y+1] , pos[3], dU[3], dV[3], normal[3]);
SurfaceQuad quad;
for(int k = 0; k < 4; k++){
quad.p[k] = pos[k];
quad.n[k] = normal[k];
template <typename Real>
void NURBSRectangle<Real>::uniformCoordinates( std::vector<Real> & valU, std::vector<Real> & valV, double resolution, int u, int v )
std::vector<Vector3> cptsU = GetControlPointsU(u);
std::vector<Vector3> cptsV = GetControlPointsV(v);
// Uniform across given U, V
NURBSCurve<Real> curveU( cptsU, std::vector<Scalar>(cptsU.size(), 1) );
NURBSCurve<Real> curveV( cptsV, std::vector<Scalar>(cptsV.size(), 1) );
double lengthU = curveU.GetLength(0,1), lengthV = curveV.GetLength(0,1);
// In case of zero sheet, which could be a curve
if (lengthU < resolution || lengthV < resolution)
double resU = resolution, resV = resolution;
int nU = lengthU / resolution;
int nV = lengthV / resolution;
resU = lengthU / nU;
resV = lengthV / nV;
for(int i = 0; i <= nU; i++)
double distance = resU * i;
for(int i = 0; i <= nV; i++)
double distance = resV * i;
template <typename Real>
void NURBSRectangle<Real>::generateSurfacePointsCoords( Scalar stepSize, std::vector< Array1D_Vector4d > & points )
std::vector<Real> valU,valV;
uniformCoordinates(valU, valV, stepSize);
points.resize(valU.size(), Array1D_Vector4d(valV.size()));
for(int y = 0; y < (int)valV.size(); y++)
for(int x = 0; x < (int)valU.size(); x++)
points[x][y] = Vector4d(valU[x], valV[y], 0, 0);
template <typename Real>
std::vector<Vector3> NURBSRectangle<Real>::GetControlPointsV( int vIndex )
return mCtrlPoint[vIndex];
template <typename Real>
std::vector<Vector3> NURBSRectangle<Real>::GetControlPointsU( int uIndex )
std::vector<Vector3> pts;
for(int i = 0; i < (int)mCtrlPoint.size(); i++)
return pts;
template <typename Real>
std::vector<Scalar> NURBS::NURBSRectangle<Real>::GetControlWeightsU( int uIndex )
std::vector<Scalar> weights;
for(int i = 0; i < (int)mCtrlWeight.size(); i++)
return weights;
template <typename Real>
std::vector<Scalar> NURBS::NURBSRectangle<Real>::GetControlWeightsV( int vIndex )
return mCtrlWeight[vIndex];
template <typename Real>
Array1D_Vector3 NURBSRectangle<Real>::intersect( NURBSRectangle<Real> & other, double resolution,
Array1D_Vector4d & coordMe, Array1D_Vector4d & coordOther )
Array1D_Vector3 samples;
std::vector< std::vector<Vector3> > pnts1, pnts2;
std::vector< std::vector< std::vector<Real> > > val( 2, std::vector< std::vector<Real> >(2) );
std::vector<Real> valU1,valV1,valU2,valV2;
std::vector<Real> iU1,iV1,iU2,iV2;
generateSurfacePoints(resolution, pnts1, valU1, valV1);
other.generateSurfacePoints(resolution, pnts2, valU2, valV2);
val[0][0] = valU1; val[0][1] = valV1;
val[1][0] = valU2; val[1][1] = valV2;
std::vector< std::pair< std::pair<Scalar,Scalar>, Vector3d> > mysamples, othersamples;
for(int y1 = 0; y1 < (int)valV1.size(); y1++){
for(int x1 = 0; x1 < (int)valU1.size(); x1++){
mysamples.push_back(std::make_pair( std::make_pair(valU1[x1], valV1[y1]), pnts1[x1][y1] ));
for(int y2 = 0; y2 < (int)valV2.size(); y2++){
for(int x2 = 0; x2 < (int)valU2.size(); x2++){
othersamples.push_back(std::make_pair( std::make_pair(valU2[x2], valV2[y2]), pnts2[x2][y2] ));
for(int i = 0; i < (int)mysamples.size(); i++)
for(int j = 0; j < (int)othersamples.size(); j++)
if(sphereTest(mysamples[i].second, othersamples[j].second, resolution * 0.5, resolution * 0.5))
std::vector<size_t> corner_xrefs;
weld(samples, corner_xrefs, std::hash_Vector3d(), std::equal_to<Vector3d>());
Vector3d p(0,0,0);
double threshold = resolution * 0.5;
// Project onto other surface
Array1D_Vector4d otheruv = other.timeAt(samples, threshold);
Array1D_Vector3 projectionOther;
for(int i = 0; i < (int)otheruv.size(); i++){
other.Get(otheruv[i][0], otheruv[i][1], &p);
// Project on me
coordMe = this->timeAt(projectionOther, threshold);
Array1D_Vector3 projectionMe;
for(int i = 0; i < (int)coordMe.size(); i++){
this->Get(coordMe[i][0], coordMe[i][1], &p);
weld(samples, corner_xrefs, std::hash_Vector3d(), std::equal_to<Vector3d>());
// Cluster and average
std::vector<bool> visited(samples.size(), false);
QMap<int, QVector<Vector3d> > group;
for(int i = 0; i < (int)samples.size(); i++){
for(int j = 0; j < (int)samples.size(); j++){
if((samples[i] - samples[j]).norm() < resolution * 2){
samples[j] = samples[i];
visited[j] = true;
visited[i] = true;
foreach(QVector<Vector3d> pnts, group.values()){
Vector3d avg(0,0,0);
foreach(Vector3d p, pnts){ avg += p; }
avg /= pnts.size();
weld(samples, corner_xrefs, std::hash_Vector3d(), std::equal_to<Vector3d>());
Array1D_Vector3 clusterdSamples = samples;
if(samples.size() == 0)
return samples;
coordMe = timeAt(samples, threshold);
coordOther = other.timeAt(samples, threshold);
return samples;
template <typename Real>
void NURBSRectangle<Real>::generateSurfacePoints( Scalar stepSize, std::vector< std::vector<Vector3> > & points,
std::vector<Real> & valU, std::vector<Real> & valV )
uniformCoordinates(valU, valV, stepSize);
points.resize(valU.size(), std::vector<Vector3>(valV.size()));
for(int y = 0; y < (int)valV.size(); y++)
for(int x = 0; x < (int)valU.size(); x++)
points[x][y] = P(valU[x], valV[y]);
template <typename Real>
Vector4d NURBSRectangle<Real>::timeAt( const Vector3 & pos )
std::vector< std::vector<Vector3> > pts;
std::vector<Real> valU, valV;
Scalar stepSize = 0.01 * (mCtrlPoint.front().front() - mCtrlPoint.back().back()).norm();
generateSurfacePoints(stepSize, pts, valU, valV);
int minIdxU = 0, minIdxV = 0;
Scalar minDist = std::numeric_limits<Scalar>::max();
// Approximate area search
for(int x = 0; x < (int)valU.size(); x++){
for(int y = 0; y < (int)valV.size(); y++){
Scalar dist = (pts[x][y] - pos).norm();
if(dist < minDist){
minDist = dist;
minIdxU = x;
minIdxV = y;
// More precise search
Vector4d minRange( valU[qMax(0, minIdxU - 1)], valV[qMax(0, minIdxV - 1)], 0, 0);
Vector4d maxRange( valU[qMin((int)valU.size() - 1, minIdxU + 1)], valV[qMin((int)valV.size() - 1, minIdxV + 1)], 0, 0);
Vector4d bestUV( valU[minIdxU], valV[minIdxV], 0, 0 );
return timeAt(pos, bestUV, minRange, maxRange, minDist);
template <typename Real>
Vector4d NURBSRectangle<Real>::timeAt( const Vector3 & pos, Vector4d & bestUV, Vector4d & minRange, Vector4d & maxRange, Real currentDist, Real threshold )
// 1) Subdivide
int searchSteps = 10;
Scalar du = (maxRange[0] - minRange[0]) / searchSteps;
Scalar dv = (maxRange[1] - minRange[1]) / searchSteps;
// 2) Compare all distances
Scalar curU = bestUV[0], curV = bestUV[1];
Scalar minDist = currentDist;
for(int y = 0; y <= searchSteps; y++)
for(int x = 0; x <= searchSteps; x++)
Scalar u = minRange[0] + (x * du);
Scalar v = minRange[1] + (y * dv);
Vector3 curPos = P(u,v);
Scalar dist = (curPos - pos).norm();
if(dist < minDist){
minDist = dist;
curU = u;
curV = v;
// 3) If minimum distance == current or less than threshold return best match
if(minDist >= currentDist)
return bestUV;
else if(minDist < threshold)
return Vector4d(curU, curV, 0, 0);
// 4) Otherwise recursive search in smaller range
Vector4d minRange( qMax(0.0, curU - du), qMax(0.0, curV - dv), 0, 0 );
Vector4d maxRange( qMin(1.0, curU + du), qMin(1.0, curV + dv), 0, 0 );
Vector4d crd(curU, curV, 0, 0);
return timeAt(pos, crd, minRange, maxRange, minDist, threshold);
template <typename Real>
Array1D_Vector4d NURBSRectangle<Real>::timeAt( const std::vector<Vector3> & positions, Real threshold )
Array1D_Vector4d times;
std::vector< std::vector<Vector3> > pts;
std::vector<Real> valU, valV;
Scalar stepSize = 0.01 * (mCtrlPoint.front().front() - mCtrlPoint.back().back()).norm();
generateSurfacePoints(stepSize, pts, valU, valV);
for(int i = 0; i < (int)positions.size(); i++)
Vector3 pos = positions[i];
int minIdxU = 0, minIdxV = 0;
Scalar minDist = std::numeric_limits<Scalar>::max();
// Approximate area search
for(int x = 0; x < (int)valU.size(); x++){
for(int y = 0; y < (int)valV.size(); y++){
Scalar dist = (pts[x][y] - pos).norm();
if(dist < minDist){
minDist = dist;
minIdxU = x;
minIdxV = y;
// More precise search
Vector4d minRange( valU[qMax(0, minIdxU - 1)], valV[qMax(0, minIdxV - 1)], 0, 0);
Vector4d maxRange( valU[qMin((int)valU.size() - 1, minIdxU + 1)], valV[qMin((int)valV.size() - 1, minIdxV + 1)], 0, 0);
Vector4d bestUV( valU[minIdxU], valV[minIdxV], 0, 0 );
times.push_back( timeAt(pos, bestUV, minRange, maxRange, minDist, threshold) );
return times;
template <typename Real>
Vector4d NURBSRectangle<Real>::fastTimeAt( const Vector3 & pos )
std::vector< std::vector<Vector3> > pts;
std::vector<Real> valU, valV;
Scalar stepSize = 0.1 * (mCtrlPoint.front().front() - mCtrlPoint.back().back()).norm();
generateSurfacePoints(stepSize, pts, valU, valV);
int minIdxU = 0, minIdxV = 0;
Scalar minDist = std::numeric_limits<Scalar>::max();
// Approximate area search
for(int x = 0; x < (int)valU.size(); x++){
for(int y = 0; y < (int)valV.size(); y++){
Scalar dist = (pts[x][y] - pos).norm();
if(dist < minDist){
minDist = dist;
minIdxU = x;
minIdxV = y;
if(!valU.size() || !valV.size()) return Vector4d(0,0,0,0);
Vector4d bestUV( valU[minIdxU], valV[minIdxV], 0, 0 );
return bestUV;
template <typename Real>
std::vector< std::vector<Vector3> > NURBSRectangle<Real>::triangulateControlCage()
int width = GetNumCtrlPoints(0);
int length = GetNumCtrlPoints(1);
std::vector< std::vector<Vector3> > tris;
std::vector<Vector3> emptyTri(3, Vector3(0,0,0));
// Draw surface of control cage
for(int j = 0; j < length - 1; j++)
for(int i = 0; i < width - 1; i++)
// Triangle 1
tris.back()[0] = GetControlPoint(i,j);
tris.back()[1] = GetControlPoint(i+1,j);
tris.back()[2] = GetControlPoint(i,j+1);
// Triangle 2
tris.back()[0] = GetControlPoint(i+1,j);
tris.back()[1] = GetControlPoint(i+1,j+1);
tris.back()[2] = GetControlPoint(i,j+1);
return tris;
template <typename Real>
Vector3 NURBSRectangle<Real>::projectOnControl( Real u, Real v )
std::vector< std::vector<Vector3> > tris = NURBSRectangle::triangulateControlCage();
Vector3 pos(0,0,0), t0(0,0,0), t1(0,0,0), normal(0,0,0);
this->GetFrame(u,v, pos, t0,t1, normal);
QMap<double, Vector3d> hits;
Vector3d isect(0,0,0);
foreach( std::vector<Vector3> tri, tris )
if(intersectRayTri(tri, pos, normal, isect))
hits[ (isect - pos).norm() ] = isect;
return hits.values().front();
qDebug() << "No intersection at u = " << u << ", v = " << v;
return pos;
template <typename Real>
void NURBSRectangle<Real>::translate( const Vector3d & delta )
for(int y = 0; y < (int)mCtrlPoint.size(); y++)
for(int x = 0; x < (int)mCtrlPoint[0].size(); x++)
mCtrlPoint[y][x] += delta;
template <typename Real>
void NURBSRectangle<Real>::scale( Scalar scaleFactor )
for(int y = 0; y < (int)mCtrlPoint.size(); y++)
for(int x = 0; x < (int)mCtrlPoint[0].size(); x++)
mCtrlPoint[y][x] *= scaleFactor;
template <typename Real>
Array2D_Vector3 NURBSRectangle<Real>::swapUV( const Array2D_Vector3 & controlPoints )
Array2D_Vector3 tmp(controlPoints.front().size(), Array1D_Vector3(controlPoints.size(), Vector3(0,0,0)));
for(int i = 0; i < (int)tmp.size(); i++)
for(int j = 0; j < (int)tmp.front().size(); j++)
tmp[i][j] = controlPoints[j][i];
return tmp;
template <typename Real>
void NURBSRectangle<Real>::refineU( Array1D_Real & insknts, Array2D_Vector3 & Qw )
Qw.resize( mNumUCtrlPoints + insknts.size(), Array1D_Vector3(mNumVCtrlPoints, Vector3(0,0,0)) );
for(int v = 0; v < mNumVCtrlPoints; v++)
NURBSCurve<Real> curveU = NURBSCurve<Real>::createCurveFromPoints( GetControlPointsU(v) );
Array1D_Vector3 _Qw;
Array1D_Real _Ubar;
curveU.refine(insknts, _Qw, _Ubar);
for(int i = 0; i < (int)_Qw.size(); i++)
Qw[i][v] = _Qw[i];
template <typename Real>
void NURBSRectangle<Real>::refine( Array1D_Real & insknts, Array2D_Vector3 & Qw, int dir )
NURBSRectangle<Real> rect = *this;
// Swap on V
if(dir != 0) rect = NURBSRectangle<Real>::createSheetFromPoints( swapUV(rect.mCtrlPoint) );
rect.refineU(insknts, Qw);
template <typename Real>
Array2D_Vector3 NURBSRectangle<Real>::midPointRefined()
Array2D_Vector3 Qw = mCtrlPoint;
std::vector<Real> inskntsU;
Array1D_Real oldKnotVecU = GetKnotVectorU(true);
for(int i = 0; i < (int)oldKnotVecU.size() - 1; i++){
double range = (oldKnotVecU[i+1] - oldKnotVecU[i]);
inskntsU.push_back( (0.5 * range) + oldKnotVecU[i] );
refine(inskntsU, Qw, 0);
NURBSRectangle<Real> rectRefinedU = NURBSRectangle<Real>::createSheetFromPoints( Qw );
std::vector<Real> inskntsV;
Array1D_Real oldKnotVecV = rectRefinedU.GetKnotVectorV(true);
for(int i = 0; i < (int)oldKnotVecV.size() - 1; i++){
double range = (oldKnotVecV[i+1] - oldKnotVecV[i]);
inskntsV.push_back( (0.5 * range) + oldKnotVecV[i] );
rectRefinedU.refine(inskntsV, Qw, 1);
return swapUV(Qw);
template <typename Real>
Array1D_Real NURBSRectangle<Real>::GetKnotVectorU(bool isInnerOnly)
BSplineBasis<Real> b = mBasis[0];
int d = this->GetDegree(0);
Array1D_Real result(b.mKnot.begin() + d, b.mKnot.end() - d);
return result;
return b.mKnot;
template <typename Real>
Array1D_Real NURBSRectangle<Real>::GetKnotVectorV(bool isInnerOnly)
BSplineBasis<Real> b = mBasis[1];
int d = this->GetDegree(1);
Array1D_Real result(b.mKnot.begin() + d, b.mKnot.end() - d);
return result;
return b.mKnot;
template <typename Real>
Array2D_Vector3 NURBSRectangle<Real>::simpleRefine( int k, int dir )
if(k <= 0) return this->mCtrlPoint;
NURBSRectangle<Real> curRect = *this;
for(int i = 0; i < k; i++)
Array1D_Real knotVector = curRect.GetKnotVectorU(true);
if(dir == 1) knotVector = curRect.GetKnotVectorV(true);
Array1D_Vector3 midSegments = curRect.GetControlPointsU( 0.5 * curRect.mNumVCtrlPoints );
if(dir == 1) midSegments = curRect.GetControlPointsV( 0.5 * curRect.mNumUCtrlPoints );
// Find longest segment
int segment = 0;
double maxDist = -DBL_MAX;
for(int j = 0; j < (int)midSegments.size() - 1; j++)
double dist = (midSegments[j+1] - midSegments[j]).norm();
if(dist > maxDist){
maxDist = dist;
segment = j;
double t = double(segment) / (midSegments.size()-2);
int idx = t * (knotVector.size()-2);
double range = knotVector[idx+1] - knotVector[idx];
double u = (0.5 * range) + knotVector[idx];
Array2D_Vector3 newPts;
Array1D_Real insk = Array1D_Real(1,u);
curRect.refine(insk, newPts, dir);
if(dir == 1) newPts = NURBSRectangle<Real>::swapUV( newPts );
curRect = NURBSRectangle<Real>::createSheetFromPoints( newPts );
return curRect.mCtrlPoint;
template <typename Real>
Array2D_Vector3 NURBS::NURBSRectangle<Real>::simpleRemove( int idx, int dir )
int nU = mNumUCtrlPoints;
int nV = mNumVCtrlPoints;
Array2D_Vector3 Qw( nU - (dir == 0 ? 1 : 0), Array1D_Vector3(nV - (dir == 1 ? 1 : 0), Vector3(0,0,0)) );
int REMOVE_ROW = (dir == 0 ? idx : -1);
int REMOVE_COLUMN = (dir == 1 ? idx : -1);
int p = 0;
for( int i = 0; i < nU; ++i){
if (i == REMOVE_ROW) continue;
int q = 0;
for( int j = 0; j < nV; ++j){
if (j == REMOVE_COLUMN) continue;
Qw[p][q] = mCtrlPoint[i][j];
return Qw;
// Explicit instantiation.
//class NURBSRectangle<float>;
class NURBSRectangle<double>;