// // Copyright (c) Microsoft. All rights reserved. // Licensed under the MIT license. See LICENSE.md file in the project root for full license information. // #include "stdafx.h" #include "CuDnnFactories.h" #include "GPUMatrix.h" #include #include #include "CuDnnCommon.h" template <> const char* CudaErrString(cudnnStatus_t x) { return cudnnGetErrorString(x); } // A note on the formats: CNTK originally used NHWC for input/output tensors and CHWN for kernels. // Such formats have very limited support in cuDNN and not used in other frameworks. // CNTK with cuDNN by default uses NCHW formats for both inputs/outputs and kernels. #define TENSOR_FORMAT CUDNN_TENSOR_NCHW #define FILTER_FORMAT CUDNN_TENSOR_NCHW namespace Microsoft { namespace MSR { namespace CNTK { static bool IsGpu(DEVICEID_TYPE deviceId) { return deviceId >= 0; } class CuDnnKernel { public: CuDnnKernel(const ConvolveGeometry& geometry, cudnnDataType_t dataType) : m_kernel(nullptr) { CUDNN_CALL(cudnnCreateFilterDescriptor(&m_kernel)); // Set cuDNN kernel dimensions. cuDNN uses row-major format while TensorShape - column-major // so conversion is required. const auto& filt = geometry.KernelShape(); size_t mapCount = geometry.GetMapCount(geometry.InputShape().GetRank() - 1); if (mapCount != geometry.MapCount().GetNumElements()) InvalidArgument("cuDNN does not support map tensor of this configuration."); SmallVector dims(filt.GetRank() + 1); for (int i = 0; i < filt.GetRank(); i++) dims[dims.size() - 1 - i] = (int)filt[i]; // Set map count(aka K) dimension. dims[0] = (int)mapCount; CUDNN_CALL(cudnnSetFilterNdDescriptor_v4(m_kernel, dataType, FILTER_FORMAT, (int)dims.size(), dims.data())); } ~CuDnnKernel() { if (m_kernel != nullptr) { cudnnDestroyFilterDescriptor(m_kernel); m_kernel = nullptr; } } operator cudnnFilterDescriptor_t() const { return m_kernel; } DISABLE_COPY_AND_MOVE(CuDnnKernel); private: cudnnFilterDescriptor_t m_kernel; }; class CuDnnConv { public: CuDnnConv(const ConvolveGeometry& geometry, cudnnDataType_t dataType) : m_conv(nullptr) { CUDNN_CALL(cudnnCreateConvolutionDescriptor(&m_conv)); // Set cuDNN convolution parameters. cuDNN uses row-major format while TensorShape - column-major // so conversion is required. Also, for 2D convolutions (which have 3D tensor shapes) // cuDNN uses 2D descriptors while for 3D convolutions - 3D so we need to ignore // rightmost dimension in ConvolveGeometry tensors. SmallVector stride(geometry.InputShape().GetRank() - 1); SmallVector pad(stride.size()); for (int i = 0; i < stride.size(); i++) { stride[stride.size() - 1 - i] = (int)geometry.GetStride(i); pad[stride.size() - 1 - i] = geometry.GetLowerPad(i); } SmallVector upscale(stride.size(), 1); CUDNN_CALL(cudnnSetConvolutionNdDescriptor(m_conv, (int)stride.size(), pad.data(), stride.data(), upscale.data(), CUDNN_CROSS_CORRELATION, dataType)); } ~CuDnnConv() { if (m_conv != nullptr) { cudnnDestroyConvolutionDescriptor(m_conv); m_conv = nullptr; } } operator cudnnConvolutionDescriptor_t() const { return m_conv; } DISABLE_COPY_AND_MOVE(CuDnnConv); private: cudnnConvolutionDescriptor_t m_conv; }; class CuDnnPool { public: CuDnnPool(const ConvolveGeometry& geometry, PoolKind kind) : m_pool(nullptr) { assert(kind == PoolKind::Max || kind == PoolKind::Average); CUDNN_CALL(cudnnCreatePoolingDescriptor(&m_pool)); // Set cuDNN pooling parameters. cuDNN uses row-major format while TensorShape - column-major // so conversion is required. Same as in convolution descriptor, cuDNN uses 2D descriptors // for 3D inputs. SmallVector dims(geometry.InputShape().GetRank() - 1); SmallVector stride(dims.size()); SmallVector pad(stride.size()); int j = (int)dims.size() - 1; for (int i = 0; i < stride.size(); i++, j--) { dims[j] = (int)geometry.KernelShape()[i]; stride[j] = (int)geometry.GetStride(i); pad[j] = geometry.GetLowerPad(i); } // Must use CUDNN_POOLING_AVERAGE_COUNT_EXCLUDE_PADDING to get the same results as in reference engine. CUDNN_CALL(cudnnSetPoolingNdDescriptor(m_pool, kind == PoolKind::Max ? CUDNN_POOLING_MAX : CUDNN_POOLING_AVERAGE_COUNT_EXCLUDE_PADDING, (int)dims.size(), dims.data(), pad.data(), stride.data())); } ~CuDnnPool() { if (m_pool != nullptr) { cudnnDestroyPoolingDescriptor(m_pool); m_pool = nullptr; } } operator cudnnPoolingDescriptor_t() const { return m_pool; } DISABLE_COPY_AND_MOVE(CuDnnPool); private: cudnnPoolingDescriptor_t m_pool; }; template class CuDnnConvolutionEngine : public ConvolutionEngine { public: using Base = ConvolutionEngine; using typename Base::Mat; public: CuDnnConvolutionEngine(ConvolveGeometryPtr geometry, DEVICEID_TYPE deviceId, ImageLayoutKind imageLayout, size_t maxTempMemSizeInSamples, PoolKind poolKind) : Base(geometry, deviceId, imageLayout, maxTempMemSizeInSamples, poolKind), m_cudnn(CuDnn::Instance()), m_dataType(CuDnnTensor::GetDataType()), m_inT(geometry->InputShape(), m_dataType), m_outT(geometry->OutputShape(), m_dataType) { } protected: using Base::m_geometry; using Base::m_deviceId; using Base::m_imageLayout; using Base::m_maxTempMemSizeInSamples; using Base::m_poolKind; void EnsureCompatible() override { if (m_imageLayout != ImageLayoutKind::CHW) RuntimeError("cuDNN convolution engine supports only CHW/cudnn layout."); if (!IsGpu(m_deviceId)) RuntimeError("cuDNN convolution engine supports GPU devices only."); } void EnsureConvolutionInitialized() override { if (m_kernelT == nullptr) { m_kernelT = std::make_unique(*m_geometry, m_dataType), m_conv = std::make_unique(*m_geometry, m_dataType); } } void ForwardCore(const Mat& in, const Mat& kernel, Mat& out, Mat& workspace) override { size_t batchSize = in.GetNumCols(); // Find best algo and allocate temp buffer, if needed. auto finder = [this](int& calgo, cudnnConvolutionFwdAlgoPerf_t algoPerf[MaxAlgoCount]) -> cudnnStatus_t { return cudnnFindConvolutionForwardAlgorithm(*m_cudnn, m_inT, *m_kernelT, *m_conv, m_outT, MaxAlgoCount, &calgo, algoPerf); }; auto staticFinder = [this](cudnnConvolutionFwdAlgo_t& algo) -> cudnnStatus_t { return cudnnGetConvolutionForwardAlgorithm(*m_cudnn, m_inT, *m_kernelT, *m_conv, m_outT, CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_FWD_NO_WORKSPACE, 0, &algo); }; FindBestAlgo(batchSize, m_fwdAlgo, finder, staticFinder); if (m_fwdAlgo.Algo.memory > 0) workspace.Resize((m_fwdAlgo.Algo.memory + sizeof(ElemType) - 1) / sizeof(ElemType), 1); // Perform forward convolution operation. auto err = cudnnConvolutionForward(*m_cudnn, &C::One, m_inT, ptr(in), *m_kernelT, ptr(kernel), *m_conv, m_fwdAlgo.Algo.algo, ptr(workspace), m_fwdAlgo.Algo.memory, &C::Zero, m_outT, ptr(out)); // There might be a case where cuDNN fails due to workspace being too small, try using no-workspace algo instead. // REVIEW alexeyk: NVIDIA is currently reviewing this issue. if (CUDNN_STATUS_INVALID_VALUE == err && m_fwdAlgo.Algo.memory > 0) { auto err2 = cudnnConvolutionForward(*m_cudnn, &C::One, m_inT, ptr(in), *m_kernelT, ptr(kernel), *m_conv, m_fwdAlgo.NoWorkspaceAlgo, nullptr, 0, &C::Zero, m_outT, ptr(out)); // Update original error in case of success. if (CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS == err2) err = CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS; } CUDNN_CALL(err); } void BackwardDataCore(const Mat& srcGrad, const Mat& kernel, Mat& grad, Mat& workspace) override { size_t batchSize = srcGrad.GetNumCols(); // Find best algo and allocate temp buffer, if needed. auto finder = [this](int& calgo, cudnnConvolutionBwdDataAlgoPerf_t algoPerf[MaxAlgoCount]) -> cudnnStatus_t { return cudnnFindConvolutionBackwardDataAlgorithm(*m_cudnn, *m_kernelT, m_outT, *m_conv, m_inT, MaxAlgoCount, &calgo, algoPerf); }; auto staticFinder = [this](cudnnConvolutionBwdDataAlgo_t& algo) -> cudnnStatus_t { return cudnnGetConvolutionBackwardDataAlgorithm(*m_cudnn, *m_kernelT, m_outT, *m_conv, m_inT, CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_DATA_NO_WORKSPACE, 0, &algo); }; FindBestAlgo(batchSize, m_backDataAlgo, finder, staticFinder); if (m_backDataAlgo.Algo.memory > 0) workspace.Resize((m_backDataAlgo.Algo.memory + sizeof(ElemType) - 1) / sizeof(ElemType), 1); // Compute gradients with respect to the output tensor (data). CUDNN_CALL(cudnnConvolutionBackwardData(*m_cudnn, &C::One, *m_kernelT, ptr(kernel), m_outT, ptr(srcGrad), *m_conv, m_backDataAlgo.Algo.algo, ptr(workspace), m_backDataAlgo.Algo.memory, &C::One, m_inT, ptr(grad))); } void BackwardKernelCore(const Mat& srcGrad, const Mat& in, Mat& kernelGrad, bool /*allowReuse*/, Mat& workspace) override { size_t batchSize = in.GetNumCols(); // Find best algo and allocate temp buffer, if needed. auto finder = [this](int& calgo, cudnnConvolutionBwdFilterAlgoPerf_t algoPerf[MaxAlgoCount]) -> cudnnStatus_t { return cudnnFindConvolutionBackwardFilterAlgorithm(*m_cudnn, m_inT, m_outT, *m_conv, *m_kernelT, MaxAlgoCount, &calgo, algoPerf); }; auto staticFinder = [this](cudnnConvolutionBwdFilterAlgo_t& algo) -> cudnnStatus_t { return cudnnGetConvolutionBackwardFilterAlgorithm(*m_cudnn, m_inT, m_outT, *m_conv, *m_kernelT, CUDNN_CONVOLUTION_BWD_FILTER_NO_WORKSPACE, 0, &algo); }; FindBestAlgo(batchSize, m_backFiltAlgo, finder, staticFinder); if (m_backFiltAlgo.Algo.memory > 0) workspace.Resize((m_backFiltAlgo.Algo.memory + sizeof(ElemType) - 1) / sizeof(ElemType), 1); // Compute gradients with respect to the output tensor (data). CUDNN_CALL(cudnnConvolutionBackwardFilter(*m_cudnn, &C::One, m_inT, ptr(in), m_outT, ptr(srcGrad), *m_conv, m_backFiltAlgo.Algo.algo, ptr(workspace), m_backFiltAlgo.Algo.memory, &C::One, *m_kernelT, ptr(kernelGrad))); } void EnsurePoolingInitialized() override { if (m_pool == nullptr) m_pool = std::make_unique(*m_geometry, m_poolKind); } void ForwardPoolingCore(const Mat& in, Mat& out) override { size_t batchSize = in.GetNumCols(); m_inT.UpdateBatchSize(batchSize); m_outT.UpdateBatchSize(batchSize); CUDNN_CALL(cudnnPoolingForward(*m_cudnn, *(m_pool), &C::One, m_inT, ptr(in), &C::Zero, m_outT, ptr(out))); } void BackwardPoolingCore(const Mat& out, const Mat& srcGrad, const Mat& in, Mat& grad) override { size_t batchSize = in.GetNumCols(); m_inT.UpdateBatchSize(batchSize); m_outT.UpdateBatchSize(batchSize); CUDNN_CALL(cudnnPoolingBackward(*m_cudnn, *(m_pool), &C::One, m_outT, ptr(out), m_outT, ptr(srcGrad), m_inT, ptr(in), &C::One, m_inT, ptr(grad))); } private: using C = Consts; static const int MaxAlgoCount = 10; template void FindBestAlgo(size_t batchSize, TAlgo& algo, TFinder finder, TStaticFinder staticFinder) { if (!algo.NeedAutotuning(batchSize)) return; m_inT.UpdateBatchSize(batchSize); m_outT.UpdateBatchSize(batchSize); using CuDnnAlgoT = decltype(TAlgo::Algo); CuDnnAlgoT algoPerf[MaxAlgoCount]; int calgo = 0; cudnnStatus_t err = finder(calgo, algoPerf); // Alloc failed - usually means cuDNN runtime auto-tuner could not allocate workspace. // In such case, use static auto-tuner with no workspace. if (err == CUDNN_STATUS_ALLOC_FAILED) { decltype(CuDnnAlgoT::algo) noMemAlgo; CUDNN_CALL(staticFinder(noMemAlgo)); algo.CurMBSize = batchSize; algo.Algo = algoPerf[0]; algo.Algo.algo = noMemAlgo; algo.Algo.memory = 0; algo.Algo.status = CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS; algo.NoWorkspaceAlgo = noMemAlgo; return; } CUDNN_CALL(err); assert(calgo > 0); size_t inputSampleSize = m_geometry->InputShape().GetNumElements(); size_t maxMem = m_maxTempMemSizeInSamples == 0 ? (std::numeric_limits::max)() : inputSampleSize * m_maxTempMemSizeInSamples * sizeof(ElemType); // Find best (fastest) algorithm which satisfies workspace requirements. auto res = std::find_if(algoPerf, algoPerf + calgo, [=](const CuDnnAlgoT& cur) { return cur.status == CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS && cur.memory <= maxMem; }); if (res == algoPerf + calgo) RuntimeError("cuDNN could not find suitable algorithm for the current convolution configuration."); algo.CurMBSize = batchSize; algo.Algo = *res; // Find fastest algorithm that does NOT require workspace. It is used as a fallback algo in Forward function. res = std::find_if(algoPerf, algoPerf + calgo, [](const CuDnnAlgoT& cur) { return cur.status == CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS && cur.memory == 0; }); if (res == algoPerf + calgo) { // In theory, this should never happen. RuntimeError("cuDNN could not find no-workspace algorithm for the current convolution configuration."); } else algo.NoWorkspaceAlgo = (*res).algo; } static ElemType* ptr(Mat& src) { return src.BufferPointer(); } static const ElemType* ptr(const Mat& src) { return src.BufferPointer(); } private: template struct ConvAlgoInfo { using CuDnnAlgoT = decltype(T::algo); ConvAlgoInfo() : CurMBSize(0) { Algo.status = CUDNN_STATUS_NOT_INITIALIZED; NoWorkspaceAlgo = (CuDnnAlgoT)-1; } // Current mini-batch size, needed for re-computing statistics in auto-tuner. size_t CurMBSize; T Algo; CuDnnAlgoT NoWorkspaceAlgo; bool NeedAutotuning(size_t batchSize) { // Need to re-run auto-tuner in case minibatch size is increased. // If minibatch size is decreased we assume that previously selected algorithm requires less or the same amount of workspace. // This is done to avoid re-running auto-tuner every time in case minibatch size changes frequently (e.g. when distributed reading is enabled). // REVIEW alexeyk: potentially, this might cause some perf issues if better (faster) algo can be selected for a smaller mininbatch. // We also need to reset auto-tuning status at the beginning of each epoch but ComputationNode currently does not provide such notification. // We assume no other dimensions of tensors can change so we don't check it. // REVIEW alexeyk: review once we get response from NVIDIA. return (Algo.status != CUDNN_STATUS_SUCCESS || batchSize > CurMBSize); } }; CuDnn::ptr_t m_cudnn; cudnnDataType_t m_dataType; CuDnnTensor m_inT; CuDnnTensor m_outT; // Convolution specific. std::unique_ptr m_kernelT; std::unique_ptr m_conv; // Pooling specific. std::unique_ptr m_pool; ConvAlgoInfo m_fwdAlgo; ConvAlgoInfo m_backDataAlgo; ConvAlgoInfo m_backFiltAlgo; }; template std::unique_ptr> CuDnnConvolutionEngineFactory::Create(ConvolveGeometryPtr geometry, DEVICEID_TYPE deviceId, ImageLayoutKind imageLayout, size_t maxTempMemSizeInSamples, PoolKind poolKind) { return std::make_unique>(geometry, deviceId, imageLayout, maxTempMemSizeInSamples, poolKind); } template bool CuDnnConvolutionEngineFactory::IsSupported(DEVICEID_TYPE deviceId, ConvolveGeometryPtr geometry, PoolKind poolKind) { // REVIEW alexeyk: IsSupported check should be performed by cuDNN itself. Is there a good way to do that? cudaDeviceProp props = {0}; if (cudaGetDeviceProperties(&props, deviceId) != cudaSuccess || props.major < 3) return false; const auto& input = geometry->InputShape(); const auto& kernel = geometry->KernelShape(); const auto& sharing = geometry->Sharing(); const auto& mapCount = geometry->MapCount(); // cuDNN supports 2D and 3D convolutions at the moment with full sharing. // In case map count size > 1, then it should have all ones except last dimension. // If pooling is requested, then cuDNN supports only 2D/3D inputs and 2D pooling kernels. return (input.GetRank() <= 4 && std::find(begin(sharing), end(sharing), false) == sharing.end() && mapCount.GetNumElements() == mapCount[mapCount.GetRank() - 1] && (poolKind == PoolKind::None || input.GetRank() <= 3 && (kernel.GetRank() < 3 || kernel[2] == 1))); } template class CuDnnConvolutionEngineFactory; template class CuDnnConvolutionEngineFactory; } } }