## Dependencies and where to find them, listed in alphabetical order # To define a new dependency, you need to know the following pieces of information: # # * The Makefile variable stem; for LibCURL this is just "CURL". # * The JLL name; for GMP this is "GMP", while for LLVM it could be "LLVM_full" or "LLVM_full_assert" # * The upstream source version; for dSFMT this is currently "2.2.3" # # Everything else will be auto-generated. In particular, the version listed here # represents the upstream source version; the JLL binary version that gets downloaded is # controlled by the `Project.toml` files in `stdlib/XXX_jll/`. # Compiler Support Libraries CSL_JLL_NAME := CompilerSupportLibraries # Clang (paired with LLVM, only here as a JLL download) CLANG_JLL_NAME := Clang CLANG_JLL_VER := 12.0.0+0 # DSFMT DSFMT_VER := 2.2.4 DSFMT_JLL_NAME := dSFMT # GMP GMP_VER := 6.2.1 GMP_JLL_NAME := GMP # LibCURL CURL_VER := 7.73.0 CURL_JLL_NAME := LibCURL # LAPACK, source-only LAPACK_VER := 3.9.0 # LibGit2 LIBGIT2_JLL_NAME := LibGit2 # LibSSH2 LIBSSH2_VER := 1.9.0 LIBSSH2_JLL_NAME := LibSSH2 # LibUV LIBUV_VER := 2 LIBUV_JLL_NAME := LibUV # LLVM LLVM_VER := 12.0.0 LLVM_ASSERT_JLL_VER := 12.0.0+0 LLVM_JLL_NAME := libLLVM # LLVM_tools (downloads LLVM_jll to get things like `lit` and `opt`) LLVM_TOOLS_JLL_NAME := LLVM LLVM_TOOLS_JLL_VER := 12.0.0+0 LLVM_TOOLS_ASSERT_JLL_VER := 12.0.0+0 # LLVM libunwind LLVMUNWIND_VER := 11.0.1 LLVMUNWIND_JLL_NAME := LLVMLibUnwind # MbedTLS MBEDTLS_VER := 2.24.0 MBEDTLS_JLL_NAME := MbedTLS # MPFR MPFR_VER := 4.1.0 MPFR_JLL_NAME := MPFR # nghttp2 NGHTTP2_VER := 1.41.0 NGHTTP2_JLL_NAME := nghttp2 # Objconv (we don't ship this, so no need for a fake JLL; therefore we specify the JLL_VER here) OBJCONV_VER := 2.49.1 OBJCONV_JLL_NAME := Objconv OBJCONV_JLL_VER := 2.49.1+0 # blastrampoline BLASTRAMPOLINE_VER := 3.0.4 BLASTRAMPOLINE_JLL_NAME := libblastrampoline # OpenBLAS OPENBLAS_VER := 0.3.13 OPENBLAS_JLL_NAME := OpenBLAS # OpenLibm OPENLIBM_VER := 0.7.3 OPENLIBM_JLL_NAME := OpenLibm # Patchelf (we don't ship this or even use a JLL, we just always build it) PATCHELF_VER := 0.9 # p7zip P7ZIP_VER := 16.2.0 P7ZIP_JLL_NAME := p7zip # PCRE PCRE_VER := 10.36 PCRE_JLL_NAME := PCRE2 # SuiteSparse LIBSUITESPARSE_VER := 5.10.1 LIBSUITESPARSE_JLL_NAME := SuiteSparse # unwind UNWIND_VER := 1.3.2 UNWIND_JLL_NAME := LibUnwind UNWIND_JLL_VER := 1.3.2+4 # zlib ZLIB_VER := 1.2.11 ZLIB_JLL_NAME := Zlib # Specify the version of the Mozilla CA Certificate Store to obtain. # The versions of cacert.pem are identified by the date (YYYY-MM-DD) of their changes. # See https://curl.haxx.se/docs/caextract.html for more details. MOZILLA_CACERT_VERSION := 2020-10-14