Raw File
# This file is a part of Julia. License is MIT: https://julialang.org/license


using Base.SparseArrays.CHOLMOD
using DelimitedFiles

# based on deps/SuiteSparse-4.0.2/CHOLMOD/Demo/

# chm_rdsp(joinpath(JULIA_HOME, "../../deps/SuiteSparse-4.0.2/CHOLMOD/Demo/Matrix/bcsstk01.tri"))
# because the file may not exist in binary distributions and when a system suitesparse library
# is used

## Result from C program
## ---------------------------------- cholmod_demo:
## norm (A,inf) = 3.57095e+09
## norm (A,1)   = 3.57095e+09
## CHOLMOD sparse:  A:  48-by-48, nz 224, upper.  OK
## CHOLMOD dense:   B:  48-by-1,   OK
## bnorm 1.97917
## Analyze: flop 6009 lnz 489
## Factorizing A
## CHOLMOD factor:  L:  48-by-48  simplicial, LDL'. nzmax 489.  nz 489  OK
## Ordering: AMD     fl/lnz       12.3  lnz/anz        2.2
## ints in L: 782, doubles in L: 489
## factor flops 6009 nnz(L)             489 (w/no amalgamation)
## nnz(A*A'):             224
## flops / nnz(L):      12.3
## nnz(L) / nnz(A):      2.2
## analyze cputime:        0.0000
## factor  cputime:         0.0000 mflop:      0.0
## solve   cputime:         0.0000 mflop:      0.0
## overall cputime:         0.0000 mflop:      0.0
## peak memory usage:            0 (MB)
## residual  2.5e-19 (|Ax-b|/(|A||x|+|b|))
## residual  1.3e-19 (|Ax-b|/(|A||x|+|b|)) after iterative refinement
## rcond     9.5e-06

A = CHOLMOD.Sparse(48, 48,
    161,167,174,182,189,197,207,215,224], # zero-based column pointers
    140838.195984,-1.09779731332e8,5.31278103775e8], 1)
@test CHOLMOD.norm_sparse(A, 0) ≈ 3.570948074697437e9
@test CHOLMOD.norm_sparse(A, 1) ≈ 3.570948074697437e9
@test_throws ArgumentError CHOLMOD.norm_sparse(A, 2)
@test CHOLMOD.isvalid(A)

B = A * ones(size(A,2))
chma = ldltfact(A)                      # LDL' form
@test CHOLMOD.isvalid(chma)
@test unsafe_load(pointer(chma)).is_ll == 0    # check that it is in fact an LDLt
x = chma\B
@test x ≈ ones(size(x))
@test nnz(ldltfact(A, perm=1:size(A,1))) > nnz(chma)
@test size(chma) == size(A)
chmal = CHOLMOD.FactorComponent(chma, :L)
@test size(chmal) == size(A)
@test size(chmal, 1) == size(A, 1)

chma = cholfact(A)                      # LL' form
@test CHOLMOD.isvalid(chma)
@test unsafe_load(pointer(chma)).is_ll == 1    # check that it is in fact an LLt
x = chma\B
@test x ≈ ones(size(x))
@test nnz(chma) == 489
@test nnz(cholfact(A, perm=1:size(A,1))) > nnz(chma)
@test size(chma) == size(A)
chmal = CHOLMOD.FactorComponent(chma, :L)
@test size(chmal) == size(A)
@test size(chmal, 1) == size(A, 1)

#lp_afiro example
afiro = CHOLMOD.Sparse(27, 51,
    2.249,-1.0,2.279,1.4,-1.0,1.0,-1.0,1.0,1.0,1.0], 0)
afiro2 = CHOLMOD.aat(afiro, CHOLMOD.SuiteSparse_long[0:50;], CHOLMOD.SuiteSparse_long(1))
CHOLMOD.change_stype!(afiro2, -1)
chmaf = cholfact(afiro2)
y = afiro'*ones(size(afiro,1))
sol = chmaf\(afiro*y) # least squares solution
@test CHOLMOD.isvalid(sol)
pred = afiro'*sol
@test norm(afiro * (convert(Matrix, y) - convert(Matrix, pred))) < 1e-8

let # Issue 9160
    local A, B
    A = sprand(10, 10, 0.1)
    A = convert(SparseMatrixCSC{Float64,CHOLMOD.SuiteSparse_long}, A)
    cmA = CHOLMOD.Sparse(A)

    B = sprand(10, 10, 0.1)
    B = convert(SparseMatrixCSC{Float64,CHOLMOD.SuiteSparse_long}, B)
    cmB = CHOLMOD.Sparse(B)

    # Ac_mul_B
    @test sparse(cmA'*cmB) ≈ A'*B

    # A_mul_Bc
    @test sparse(cmA*cmB') ≈ A*B'

    # A_mul_Ac
    @test sparse(cmA*cmA') ≈ A*A'

    # Ac_mul_A
    @test sparse(cmA'*cmA) ≈ A'*A

    # A_mul_Ac for symmetric A
    A = 0.5*(A + A')
    cmA = CHOLMOD.Sparse(A)
    @test sparse(cmA*cmA') ≈ A*A'

# Issue #9915
@test speye(2)\speye(2) == eye(2)

# test eltype
@test eltype(Dense(ones(3))) == Float64
@test eltype(A) == Float64
@test eltype(chma) == Float64

# test Sparse constructor Symmetric and Hermitian input (and issymmetric and ishermitian)
ACSC = sprandn(10, 10, 0.3) + I
@test issymmetric(Sparse(Symmetric(ACSC, :L)))
@test issymmetric(Sparse(Symmetric(ACSC, :U)))
@test ishermitian(Sparse(Hermitian(complex(ACSC), :L)))
@test ishermitian(Sparse(Hermitian(complex(ACSC), :U)))

# test Sparse constructor for c_SparseVoid (and read_sparse)
mktempdir() do temp_dir
    testfile = joinpath(temp_dir, "tmp.mtx")

    writedlm(testfile, ["%%MatrixMarket matrix coordinate real symmetric","3 3 4","1 1 1","2 2 1","3 2 0.5","3 3 1"])
    @test sparse(CHOLMOD.Sparse(testfile)) == [1 0 0;0 1 0.5;0 0.5 1]

    writedlm(testfile, ["%%MatrixMarket matrix coordinate complex Hermitian",
                        "3 3 4","1 1 1.0 0.0","2 2 1.0 0.0","3 2 0.5 0.5","3 3 1.0 0.0"])
    @test sparse(CHOLMOD.Sparse(testfile)) == [1 0 0;0 1 0.5-0.5im;0 0.5+0.5im 1]

    writedlm(testfile, ["%%MatrixMarket matrix coordinate real symmetric","%3 3 4","1 1 1","2 2 1","3 2 0.5","3 3 1"])
    @test_throws ArgumentError sparse(CHOLMOD.Sparse(testfile))

# test that Sparse(Ptr) constructor throws the right places
@test_throws ArgumentError CHOLMOD.Sparse(convert(Ptr{CHOLMOD.C_Sparse{Float64}}, C_NULL))
@test_throws ArgumentError CHOLMOD.Sparse(convert(Ptr{CHOLMOD.C_SparseVoid}, C_NULL))

## The struct pointer must be constructed by the library constructor and then modified afterwards to checks that the method throws
### illegal dtype (for now but should be supported at some point)
p = ccall((:cholmod_l_allocate_sparse, :libcholmod), Ptr{CHOLMOD.C_SparseVoid},
    (Csize_t, Csize_t, Csize_t, Cint, Cint, Cint, Cint, Ptr{Void}),
    1, 1, 1, true, true, 0, CHOLMOD.REAL, CHOLMOD.common_struct)
puint = convert(Ptr{UInt32}, p)
unsafe_store!(puint, CHOLMOD.SINGLE, 3*div(sizeof(Csize_t), 4) + 5*div(sizeof(Ptr{Void}), 4) + 4)
@test_throws CHOLMOD.CHOLMODException CHOLMOD.Sparse(p)

### illegal dtype
p = ccall((:cholmod_l_allocate_sparse, :libcholmod), Ptr{CHOLMOD.C_SparseVoid},
    (Csize_t, Csize_t, Csize_t, Cint, Cint, Cint, Cint, Ptr{Void}),
    1, 1, 1, true, true, 0, CHOLMOD.REAL, CHOLMOD.common_struct)
puint = convert(Ptr{UInt32}, p)
unsafe_store!(puint, 5, 3*div(sizeof(Csize_t), 4) + 5*div(sizeof(Ptr{Void}), 4) + 4)
@test_throws CHOLMOD.CHOLMODException CHOLMOD.Sparse(p)

### illegal xtype
p = ccall((:cholmod_l_allocate_sparse, :libcholmod), Ptr{CHOLMOD.C_SparseVoid},
    (Csize_t, Csize_t, Csize_t, Cint, Cint, Cint, Cint, Ptr{Void}),
    1, 1, 1, true, true, 0, CHOLMOD.REAL, CHOLMOD.common_struct)
puint = convert(Ptr{UInt32}, p)
unsafe_store!(puint, 3, 3*div(sizeof(Csize_t), 4) + 5*div(sizeof(Ptr{Void}), 4) + 3)
@test_throws CHOLMOD.CHOLMODException CHOLMOD.Sparse(p)

### illegal itype
p = ccall((:cholmod_l_allocate_sparse, :libcholmod), Ptr{CHOLMOD.C_SparseVoid},
    (Csize_t, Csize_t, Csize_t, Cint, Cint, Cint, Cint, Ptr{Void}),
    1, 1, 1, true, true, 0, CHOLMOD.REAL, CHOLMOD.common_struct)
puint = convert(Ptr{UInt32}, p)
unsafe_store!(puint, CHOLMOD.INTLONG, 3*div(sizeof(Csize_t), 4) + 5*div(sizeof(Ptr{Void}), 4) + 2)
@test_throws CHOLMOD.CHOLMODException CHOLMOD.Sparse(p)

### illegal itype
p = ccall((:cholmod_l_allocate_sparse, :libcholmod), Ptr{CHOLMOD.C_SparseVoid},
    (Csize_t, Csize_t, Csize_t, Cint, Cint, Cint, Cint, Ptr{Void}),
    1, 1, 1, true, true, 0, CHOLMOD.REAL, CHOLMOD.common_struct)
puint = convert(Ptr{UInt32}, p)
unsafe_store!(puint,  5, 3*div(sizeof(Csize_t), 4) + 5*div(sizeof(Ptr{Void}), 4) + 2)
@test_throws CHOLMOD.CHOLMODException CHOLMOD.Sparse(p)

# Test Dense wrappers (only Float64 supported a present)

## High level interface
for elty in (Float64, Complex{Float64})
    local A, b
    if elty == Float64
        A = randn(5, 5)
        b = randn(5)
        A = complex.(randn(5, 5), randn(5, 5))
        b = complex.(randn(5), randn(5))
    ADense = CHOLMOD.Dense(A)
    bDense = CHOLMOD.Dense(b)

    @test_throws BoundsError ADense[6, 1]
    @test_throws BoundsError ADense[1, 6]
    @test copy(ADense) == ADense
    @test CHOLMOD.norm_dense(ADense, 1) ≈ norm(A, 1)
    @test CHOLMOD.norm_dense(ADense, 0) ≈ norm(A, Inf)
    @test_throws ArgumentError CHOLMOD.norm_dense(ADense, 2)
    @test_throws ArgumentError CHOLMOD.norm_dense(ADense, 3)

    @test CHOLMOD.norm_dense(bDense, 2) ≈ norm(b)
    @test CHOLMOD.check_dense(bDense)

    AA = CHOLMOD.eye(3)
    unsafe_store!(convert(Ptr{Csize_t}, pointer(AA)), 2, 1) # change size, but not stride, of Dense
    @test convert(Matrix, AA) == eye(2, 3)

## Low level interface
@test isa(CHOLMOD.zeros(3, 3, Float64), CHOLMOD.Dense{Float64})
@test isa(CHOLMOD.zeros(3, 3), CHOLMOD.Dense{Float64})
@test isa(CHOLMOD.zeros(3, 3, Float64), CHOLMOD.Dense{Float64})
@test isa(CHOLMOD.ones(3, 3), CHOLMOD.Dense{Float64})
@test isa(CHOLMOD.eye(3, 4, Float64), CHOLMOD.Dense{Float64})
@test isa(CHOLMOD.eye(3, 4), CHOLMOD.Dense{Float64})
@test isa(CHOLMOD.eye(3), CHOLMOD.Dense{Float64})
@test isa(CHOLMOD.copy_dense(CHOLMOD.eye(3)), CHOLMOD.Dense{Float64})

# Test Sparse and Factor
## test free_sparse!
p = ccall((:cholmod_l_allocate_sparse, :libcholmod), Ptr{CHOLMOD.C_Sparse{Float64}},
    (Csize_t, Csize_t, Csize_t, Cint, Cint, Cint, Cint, Ptr{Void}),
    1, 1, 1, true, true, 0, CHOLMOD.REAL, CHOLMOD.common_struct)
@test CHOLMOD.free_sparse!(p)

for elty in (Float64, Complex{Float64})
    A1 = sparse([1:5; 1], [1:5; 2], elty == Float64 ? randn(6) : complex.(randn(6), randn(6)))
    A2 = sparse([1:5; 1], [1:5; 2], elty == Float64 ? randn(6) : complex.(randn(6), randn(6)))
    A1pd = A1'A1
    A1Sparse = CHOLMOD.Sparse(A1)
    A2Sparse = CHOLMOD.Sparse(A2)
    A1pdSparse = CHOLMOD.Sparse(

    ## High level interface
    @test isa(CHOLMOD.Sparse(3, 3, [0,1,3,4], [0,2,1,2], ones(4)), CHOLMOD.Sparse) # Sparse doesn't require columns to be sorted
    @test_throws BoundsError A1Sparse[6, 1]
    @test_throws BoundsError A1Sparse[1, 6]
    @test sparse(A1Sparse) == A1
    for i=1:size(A1, 1) A1[i, i] = real(A1[i, i]) end #Construct Hermitian matrix properly
    @test CHOLMOD.sparse(CHOLMOD.Sparse(Hermitian(A1, :L))) == Hermitian(A1, :L)
    @test CHOLMOD.sparse(CHOLMOD.Sparse(Hermitian(A1, :U))) == Hermitian(A1, :U)
    @test_throws ArgumentError convert(SparseMatrixCSC{elty,Int}, A1pdSparse)
    if elty <: Real
        @test_throws ArgumentError convert(Symmetric{Float64,SparseMatrixCSC{Float64,Int}}, A1Sparse)
        @test_throws ArgumentError convert(Hermitian{Complex{Float64},SparseMatrixCSC{Complex{Float64},Int}}, A1Sparse)
    @test copy(A1Sparse) == A1Sparse
    @test size(A1Sparse, 3) == 1
    if elty <: Real # multiplication only defined for real matrices in CHOLMOD
        @test A1Sparse*A2Sparse ≈ A1*A2
        @test_throws DimensionMismatch CHOLMOD.Sparse(A1[:,1:4])*A2Sparse
        @test A1Sparse'A2Sparse ≈ A1'A2
        @test A1Sparse*A2Sparse' ≈ A1*A2'

        @test A1Sparse*A1Sparse ≈ A1*A1
        @test A1Sparse'A1Sparse ≈ A1'A1
        @test A1Sparse*A1Sparse' ≈ A1*A1'

        @test A1pdSparse*A1pdSparse ≈ A1pd*A1pd
        @test A1pdSparse'A1pdSparse ≈ A1pd'A1pd
        @test A1pdSparse*A1pdSparse' ≈ A1pd*A1pd'

        @test_throws DimensionMismatch A1Sparse*CHOLMOD.eye(4, 5, elty)

    # Factor
    @test_throws ArgumentError cholfact(A1)
    @test_throws ArgumentError cholfact(A1)
    @test_throws ArgumentError cholfact(A1, shift=1.0)
    @test_throws ArgumentError ldltfact(A1)
    @test_throws ArgumentError ldltfact(A1, shift=1.0)
    @test_throws LinAlg.PosDefException cholfact(A1 + A1' - 2eigmax(Array(A1 + A1'))*I)\ones(size(A1, 1))
    @test_throws LinAlg.PosDefException cholfact(A1 + A1', shift=-2eigmax(Array(A1 + A1')))\ones(size(A1, 1))
    @test_throws ArgumentError ldltfact(A1 + A1' - 2real(A1[1,1])*I)\ones(size(A1, 1))
    @test_throws ArgumentError ldltfact(A1 + A1', shift=-2real(A1[1,1]))\ones(size(A1, 1))
    @test !isposdef(cholfact(A1 + A1' - 2eigmax(Array(A1 + A1'))*I))
    @test !isposdef(cholfact(A1 + A1', shift=-2eigmax(Array(A1 + A1'))))
    @test !LinAlg.issuccess(ldltfact(A1 + A1' - 2real(A1[1,1])*I))
    @test !LinAlg.issuccess(ldltfact(A1 + A1', shift=-2real(A1[1,1])))
    F = cholfact(A1pd)
    tmp = IOBuffer()
    show(tmp, F)
    @test tmp.size > 0
    @test isa(CHOLMOD.Sparse(F), CHOLMOD.Sparse{elty})
    @test F\CHOLMOD.Sparse(sparse(ones(elty, 5))) ≈ A1pd\ones(5)
    @test_throws DimensionMismatch F\CHOLMOD.Dense(ones(elty, 4))
    @test_throws DimensionMismatch F\CHOLMOD.Sparse(sparse(ones(elty, 4)))
    @test F'\ones(elty, 5) ≈ Array(A1pd)'\ones(5)
    @test F'\sparse(ones(elty, 5)) ≈ Array(A1pd)'\ones(5)
    @test F.'\ones(elty, 5) ≈ conj(A1pd)'\ones(elty, 5)
    @test logdet(F) ≈ logdet(Array(A1pd))
    @test det(F) == exp(logdet(F))
    let # to test supernodal, we must use a larger matrix
        Ftmp = sprandn(100,100,0.1)
        Ftmp = Ftmp'Ftmp + I
        @test logdet(cholfact(Ftmp)) ≈ logdet(Array(Ftmp))
    @test logdet(ldltfact(A1pd)) ≈ logdet(Array(A1pd))
    @test isposdef(A1pd)
    @test !isposdef(A1)
    @test !isposdef(A1 + A1' |> t -> t - 2eigmax(Array(t))*I)

    if elty <: Real
        @test CHOLMOD.issymmetric(Sparse(A1pd, 0))
        @test CHOLMOD.Sparse(cholfact(Symmetric(A1pd, :L))) == CHOLMOD.Sparse(cholfact(A1pd))
        F1 = CHOLMOD.Sparse(cholfact(Symmetric(A1pd, :L), shift=2))
        F2 = CHOLMOD.Sparse(cholfact(A1pd, shift=2))
        @test F1 == F2
        @test CHOLMOD.Sparse(ldltfact(Symmetric(A1pd, :L))) == CHOLMOD.Sparse(ldltfact(A1pd))
        F1 = CHOLMOD.Sparse(ldltfact(Symmetric(A1pd, :L), shift=2))
        F2 = CHOLMOD.Sparse(ldltfact(A1pd, shift=2))
        @test F1 == F2
        @test !CHOLMOD.issymmetric(Sparse(A1pd, 0))
        @test CHOLMOD.ishermitian(Sparse(A1pd, 0))
        @test CHOLMOD.Sparse(cholfact(Hermitian(A1pd, :L))) == CHOLMOD.Sparse(cholfact(A1pd))
        F1 = CHOLMOD.Sparse(cholfact(Hermitian(A1pd, :L), shift=2))
        F2 = CHOLMOD.Sparse(cholfact(A1pd, shift=2))
        @test F1 == F2
        @test CHOLMOD.Sparse(ldltfact(Hermitian(A1pd, :L))) == CHOLMOD.Sparse(ldltfact(A1pd))
        F1 = CHOLMOD.Sparse(ldltfact(Hermitian(A1pd, :L), shift=2))
        F2 = CHOLMOD.Sparse(ldltfact(A1pd, shift=2))
        @test F1 == F2

    ### cholfact!/ldltfact!
    F = cholfact(A1pd)
    CHOLMOD.change_factor!(elty, false, false, true, true, F)
    @test unsafe_load(pointer(F)).is_ll == 0
    CHOLMOD.change_factor!(elty, true, false, true, true, F)
    @test CHOLMOD.Sparse(cholfact!(copy(F), A1pd)) ≈ CHOLMOD.Sparse(F) # surprisingly, this can cause small ulp size changes so we cannot test exact equality
    @test size(F, 2) == 5
    @test size(F, 3) == 1
    @test_throws ArgumentError size(F, 0)

    F = cholfact(A1pdSparse, shift=2)
    @test isa(CHOLMOD.Sparse(F), CHOLMOD.Sparse{elty})
    @test CHOLMOD.Sparse(cholfact!(copy(F), A1pd, shift=2.0)) ≈ CHOLMOD.Sparse(F) # surprisingly, this can cause small ulp size changes so we cannot test exact equality

    F = ldltfact(A1pd)
    @test isa(CHOLMOD.Sparse(F), CHOLMOD.Sparse{elty})
    @test CHOLMOD.Sparse(ldltfact!(copy(F), A1pd)) ≈ CHOLMOD.Sparse(F) # surprisingly, this can cause small ulp size changes so we cannot test exact equality

    F = ldltfact(A1pdSparse, shift=2)
    @test isa(CHOLMOD.Sparse(F), CHOLMOD.Sparse{elty})
    @test CHOLMOD.Sparse(ldltfact!(copy(F), A1pd, shift=2.0)) ≈ CHOLMOD.Sparse(F) # surprisingly, this can cause small ulp size changes so we cannot test exact equality

    @test isa(CHOLMOD.factor_to_sparse!(F), CHOLMOD.Sparse)
    @test_throws CHOLMOD.CHOLMODException CHOLMOD.factor_to_sparse!(F)

    ## Low level interface
    @test CHOLMOD.nnz(A1Sparse) == nnz(A1)
    @test CHOLMOD.speye(5, 5, elty) == eye(elty, 5, 5)
    @test CHOLMOD.spzeros(5, 5, 5, elty) == zeros(elty, 5, 5)
    if elty <: Real
        @test CHOLMOD.copy(A1Sparse, 0, 1) == A1Sparse
        @test CHOLMOD.horzcat(A1Sparse, A2Sparse, true) == [A1 A2]
        @test CHOLMOD.vertcat(A1Sparse, A2Sparse, true) == [A1; A2]
        svec = ones(elty, 1)
        @test CHOLMOD.scale!(CHOLMOD.Dense(svec), CHOLMOD.SCALAR, A1Sparse) == A1Sparse
        svec = ones(elty, 5)
        @test_throws DimensionMismatch CHOLMOD.scale!(CHOLMOD.Dense(svec), CHOLMOD.SCALAR, A1Sparse)
        @test CHOLMOD.scale!(CHOLMOD.Dense(svec), CHOLMOD.ROW, A1Sparse) == A1Sparse
        @test_throws DimensionMismatch CHOLMOD.scale!(CHOLMOD.Dense([svec; 1]), CHOLMOD.ROW, A1Sparse)
        @test CHOLMOD.scale!(CHOLMOD.Dense(svec), CHOLMOD.COL, A1Sparse) == A1Sparse
        @test_throws DimensionMismatch CHOLMOD.scale!(CHOLMOD.Dense([svec; 1]), CHOLMOD.COL, A1Sparse)
        @test CHOLMOD.scale!(CHOLMOD.Dense(svec), CHOLMOD.SYM, A1Sparse) == A1Sparse
        @test_throws DimensionMismatch CHOLMOD.scale!(CHOLMOD.Dense([svec; 1]), CHOLMOD.SYM, A1Sparse)
        @test_throws DimensionMismatch CHOLMOD.scale!(CHOLMOD.Dense(svec), CHOLMOD.SYM, CHOLMOD.Sparse(A1[:,1:4]))
        @test_throws MethodError CHOLMOD.copy(A1Sparse, 0, 1) == A1Sparse
        @test_throws MethodError CHOLMOD.horzcat(A1Sparse, A2Sparse, true) == [A1 A2]
        @test_throws MethodError CHOLMOD.vertcat(A1Sparse, A2Sparse, true) == [A1; A2]

    if elty <: Real
        @test CHOLMOD.ssmult(A1Sparse, A2Sparse, 0, true, true) ≈ A1*A2
        @test CHOLMOD.aat(A1Sparse, [0:size(A1,2)-1;], 1) ≈ A1*A1'
        @test CHOLMOD.aat(A1Sparse, [0:1;], 1) ≈ A1[:,1:2]*A1[:,1:2]'
        @test CHOLMOD.copy(A1Sparse, 0, 1) == A1Sparse

    @test CHOLMOD.Sparse(CHOLMOD.Dense(A1Sparse)) == A1Sparse

Af = float([4 12 -16; 12 37 -43; -16 -43 98])
As = sparse(Af)
Lf = float([2 0 0; 6 1 0; -8 5 3])
LDf = float([4 0 0; 3 1 0; -4 5 9])  # D is stored along the diagonal
L_f = float([1 0 0; 3 1 0; -4 5 1])  # L by itself in LDLt of Af
D_f = float([4 0 0; 0 1 0; 0 0 9])

# cholfact, no permutation
Fs = cholfact(As, perm=[1:3;])
@test Fs[:p] == [1:3;]
@test sparse(Fs[:L]) ≈ Lf
@test sparse(Fs) ≈ As
b = rand(3)
@test Fs\b ≈ Af\b
@test Fs[:UP]\(Fs[:PtL]\b) ≈ Af\b
@test Fs[:L]\b ≈ Lf\b
@test Fs[:U]\b ≈ Lf'\b
@test Fs[:L]'\b ≈ Lf'\b
@test Fs[:U]'\b ≈ Lf\b
@test Fs[:PtL]\b ≈ Lf\b
@test Fs[:UP]\b ≈ Lf'\b
@test Fs[:PtL]'\b ≈ Lf'\b
@test Fs[:UP]'\b ≈ Lf\b
@test_throws CHOLMOD.CHOLMODException Fs[:D]
@test_throws CHOLMOD.CHOLMODException Fs[:LD]
@test_throws CHOLMOD.CHOLMODException Fs[:DU]
@test_throws CHOLMOD.CHOLMODException Fs[:PLD]
@test_throws CHOLMOD.CHOLMODException Fs[:DUPt]

# cholfact, with permutation
p = [2,3,1]
p_inv = [3,1,2]
Fs = cholfact(As, perm=p)
@test Fs[:p] == p
Afp = Af[p,p]
Lfp = cholfact(Afp)[:L]
@test sparse(Fs[:L]) ≈ Lfp
@test sparse(Fs) ≈ As
b = rand(3)
@test Fs\b ≈ Af\b
@test Fs[:UP]\(Fs[:PtL]\b) ≈ Af\b
@test Fs[:L]\b ≈ Lfp\b
@test Fs[:U]'\b ≈ Lfp\b
@test Fs[:U]\b ≈ Lfp'\b
@test Fs[:L]'\b ≈ Lfp'\b
@test Fs[:PtL]\b ≈ Lfp\b[p]
@test Fs[:UP]\b ≈ (Lfp'\b)[p_inv]
@test Fs[:PtL]'\b ≈ (Lfp'\b)[p_inv]
@test Fs[:UP]'\b ≈ Lfp\b[p]
@test_throws CHOLMOD.CHOLMODException Fs[:PL]
@test_throws CHOLMOD.CHOLMODException Fs[:UPt]
@test_throws CHOLMOD.CHOLMODException Fs[:D]
@test_throws CHOLMOD.CHOLMODException Fs[:LD]
@test_throws CHOLMOD.CHOLMODException Fs[:DU]
@test_throws CHOLMOD.CHOLMODException Fs[:PLD]
@test_throws CHOLMOD.CHOLMODException Fs[:DUPt]

# ldltfact, no permutation
Fs = ldltfact(As, perm=[1:3;])
@test Fs[:p] == [1:3;]
@test sparse(Fs[:LD]) ≈ LDf
@test sparse(Fs) ≈ As
b = rand(3)
@test Fs\b ≈ Af\b
@test Fs[:UP]\(Fs[:PtLD]\b) ≈ Af\b
@test Fs[:DUP]\(Fs[:PtL]\b) ≈ Af\b
@test Fs[:L]\b ≈ L_f\b
@test Fs[:U]\b ≈ L_f'\b
@test Fs[:L]'\b ≈ L_f'\b
@test Fs[:U]'\b ≈ L_f\b
@test Fs[:PtL]\b ≈ L_f\b
@test Fs[:UP]\b ≈ L_f'\b
@test Fs[:PtL]'\b ≈ L_f'\b
@test Fs[:UP]'\b ≈ L_f\b
@test Fs[:D]\b ≈ D_f\b
@test Fs[:D]'\b ≈ D_f\b
@test Fs[:LD]\b ≈ D_f\(L_f\b)
@test Fs[:DU]'\b ≈ D_f\(L_f\b)
@test Fs[:LD]'\b ≈ L_f'\(D_f\b)
@test Fs[:DU]\b ≈ L_f'\(D_f\b)
@test Fs[:PtLD]\b ≈ D_f\(L_f\b)
@test Fs[:DUP]'\b ≈ D_f\(L_f\b)
@test Fs[:PtLD]'\b ≈ L_f'\(D_f\b)
@test Fs[:DUP]\b ≈ L_f'\(D_f\b)

# ldltfact, with permutation
Fs = ldltfact(As, perm=p)
@test Fs[:p] == p
@test sparse(Fs) ≈ As
b = rand(3)
Asp = As[p,p]
LDp = sparse(ldltfact(Asp, perm=[1,2,3])[:LD])
# LDp = sparse(Fs[:LD])
Lp, dp = Base.SparseArrays.CHOLMOD.getLd!(copy(LDp))
Dp = spdiagm(dp)
@test Fs\b ≈ Af\b
@test Fs[:UP]\(Fs[:PtLD]\b) ≈ Af\b
@test Fs[:DUP]\(Fs[:PtL]\b) ≈ Af\b
@test Fs[:L]\b ≈ Lp\b
@test Fs[:U]\b ≈ Lp'\b
@test Fs[:L]'\b ≈ Lp'\b
@test Fs[:U]'\b ≈ Lp\b
@test Fs[:PtL]\b ≈ Lp\b[p]
@test Fs[:UP]\b ≈ (Lp'\b)[p_inv]
@test Fs[:PtL]'\b ≈ (Lp'\b)[p_inv]
@test Fs[:UP]'\b ≈ Lp\b[p]
@test Fs[:LD]\b ≈ Dp\(Lp\b)
@test Fs[:DU]'\b ≈ Dp\(Lp\b)
@test Fs[:LD]'\b ≈ Lp'\(Dp\b)
@test Fs[:DU]\b ≈ Lp'\(Dp\b)
@test Fs[:PtLD]\b ≈ Dp\(Lp\b[p])
@test Fs[:DUP]'\b ≈ Dp\(Lp\b[p])
@test Fs[:PtLD]'\b ≈ (Lp'\(Dp\b))[p_inv]
@test Fs[:DUP]\b ≈ (Lp'\(Dp\b))[p_inv]
@test_throws CHOLMOD.CHOLMODException Fs[:DUPt]
@test_throws CHOLMOD.CHOLMODException Fs[:PLD]

# Issue 11745 - row and column pointers were not sorted in sparse(Factor)
let A = Float64[10 1 1 1; 1 10 0 0; 1 0 10 0; 1 0 0 10]
    @test sparse(cholfact(sparse(A))) ≈ A

# Issue 11747 - Wrong show method defined for FactorComponent
let v = cholfact(sparse(Float64[ 10 1 1 1; 1 10 0 0; 1 0 10 0; 1 0 0 10]))[:L]
    for s in (sprint(show, MIME("text/plain"), v), sprint(show, v))
        @test contains(s, "method: simplicial")
        @test !contains(s, "#undef")

# Element promotion and type inference
@inferred cholfact(As)\ones(Int, size(As, 1))
@inferred ldltfact(As)\ones(Int, size(As, 1))

# Issue 14076
@test cholfact(sparse([1,2,3,4], [1,2,3,4], Float32[1,4,16,64]))\[1,4,16,64] == ones(4)

# Issue 14134
A = SparseArrays.CHOLMOD.Sparse(sprandn(10,5,0.1) + I |> t -> t't)
b = IOBuffer()
serialize(b, A)
Anew = deserialize(b)
@test_throws ArgumentError show(Anew)
@test_throws ArgumentError size(Anew)
@test_throws ArgumentError Anew[1]
@test_throws ArgumentError Anew[2,1]
F = cholfact(A)
serialize(b, F)
Fnew = deserialize(b)
@test_throws ArgumentError Fnew\ones(5)
@test_throws ArgumentError show(Fnew)
@test_throws ArgumentError size(Fnew)
@test_throws ArgumentError diag(Fnew)
@test_throws ArgumentError logdet(Fnew)

# Issue with promotion during conversion to CHOLMOD.Dense
@test SparseArrays.CHOLMOD.Dense(ones(Float32, 5)) == ones(5, 1)
@test SparseArrays.CHOLMOD.Dense(ones(Int, 5)) == ones(5, 1)
@test SparseArrays.CHOLMOD.Dense(ones(Complex{Float32}, 5, 2)) == ones(5, 2)

# Further issue with promotion #14894
@test cholfact(speye(Float16, 5))\ones(5) == ones(5)
@test cholfact(Symmetric(speye(Float16, 5)))\ones(5) == ones(5)
@test cholfact(Hermitian(speye(Complex{Float16}, 5)))\ones(5) == ones(Complex{Float64}, 5)
@test_throws MethodError cholfact(speye(BigFloat, 5))
@test_throws MethodError cholfact(Symmetric(speye(BigFloat, 5)))
@test_throws MethodError cholfact(Hermitian(speye(Complex{BigFloat}, 5)))

# test \ for Factor and StridedVecOrMat
let x = rand(5),
    A = cholfact(sparse(diagm(x.\1)))
    @test A\view(ones(10),1:2:10) ≈ x
    @test A\view(eye(5,5),:,:) ≈ diagm(x)

# Real factorization and complex rhs
let A = sprandn(5, 5, 0.4) |> t -> t't + I,
    B = complex.(randn(5, 2), randn(5, 2))
    @test cholfact(A)\B ≈ A\B

# Make sure that ldltfact performs an LDLt (Issue #19032)
let m = 400, n = 500,
    A = sprandn(m, n, .2),
    M = [speye(n) A'; A -speye(m)],
    b = M * ones(m + n),
    F = ldltfact(M),
    s = unsafe_load(pointer(F))
    @test s.is_super == 0
    @test F\b ≈ ones(m + n)

# Test that \ and '\ and .'\ work for Symmetric and Hermitian. This is just
# a dispatch exercise so it doesn't matter that the complex matrix has
# zero imaginary parts
let Apre = sprandn(10, 10, 0.2) - I
    for A in (Symmetric(Apre), Hermitian(Apre),
              Symmetric(Apre + 10I), Hermitian(Apre + 10I),
              Hermitian(complex(Apre)), Hermitian(complex(Apre) + 10I))
        local A, x, b
        x = ones(10)
        b = A*x
        @test x ≈ A\b
        @test A.'\b ≈ A'\b

# Check that Symmetric{SparseMatrixCSC} can be constructed from CHOLMOD.Sparse
let A = sprandn(10, 10, 0.1),
    B = SparseArrays.CHOLMOD.Sparse(A),
    C = B'B
    # Change internal representation to symmetric (upper/lower)
    o = fieldoffset(CHOLMOD.C_Sparse{eltype(C)}, find(fieldnames(CHOLMOD.C_Sparse{eltype(C)}) .== :stype)[1])
    for uplo in (1, -1)
        unsafe_store!(Ptr{Int8}(pointer(C)), uplo, Int(o) + 1)
        @test convert(Symmetric{Float64,SparseMatrixCSC{Float64,Int}}, C) == Symmetric(A'A)

@testset "Check inputs to Sparse. Related to #20024" for A_ in (
    SparseMatrixCSC(2, 2, [1, 2], CHOLMOD.SuiteSparse_long[], Float64[]),
    SparseMatrixCSC(2, 2, [1, 2, 3], CHOLMOD.SuiteSparse_long[1], Float64[]),
    SparseMatrixCSC(2, 2, [1, 2, 3], CHOLMOD.SuiteSparse_long[], Float64[1.0]),
    SparseMatrixCSC(2, 2, [1, 2, 3], CHOLMOD.SuiteSparse_long[1], Float64[1.0]))
    @test_throws ArgumentError CHOLMOD.Sparse(size(A_)..., A_.colptr .- 1, A_.rowval .- 1, A_.nzval)
    @test_throws ArgumentError CHOLMOD.Sparse(A_)

@testset "sparse right multiplication of Symmetric and Hermitian matrices #21431" begin
    @test issparse(speye(2)*speye(2)*speye(2))
    for T in (Symmetric, Hermitian)
        @test issparse(speye(2)*T(speye(2))*speye(2))
        @test issparse(speye(2)*(T(speye(2))*speye(2)))
        @test issparse((speye(2)*T(speye(2)))*speye(2))

#Test sparse low rank update for cholesky decomposion
A = SparseMatrixCSC{Float64,CHOLMOD.SuiteSparse_long}(10, 5, [1,3,6,8,10,13], [6,7,1,2,9,3,5,1,7,6,7,9],
    [-0.138843, 2.99571, -0.556814, 0.669704, -1.39252, 1.33814,
    1.02371, -0.502384, 1.10686, 0.262229, -1.6935, 0.525239])
AtA = A'*A;
C0 = [1., 2., 0, 0, 0]
#Test both cholfact and LDLt with and without automatic permutations
for F in (cholfact(AtA), cholfact(AtA, perm=1:5), ldltfact(AtA), ldltfact(AtA, perm=1:5))
    local F
    B0 = F\ones(5)
    #Test both sparse/dense and vectors/matrices
    for Ctest in (C0, sparse(C0), [C0 2*C0], sparse([C0 2*C0]))
        local B, C, F1
        C = copy(Ctest)
        F1 = copy(F)
        B = (AtA+C*C')\ones(5)

        #Test update
        F11 = CHOLMOD.lowrankupdate(F1, C)
        @test Array(sparse(F11)) ≈ AtA+C*C'
        @test F11\ones(5) ≈ B
        #Make sure we get back the same factor again
        F10 = CHOLMOD.lowrankdowndate(F11, C)
        @test Array(sparse(F10)) ≈ AtA
        @test F10\ones(5) ≈ B0

        #Test in-place update
        CHOLMOD.lowrankupdate!(F1, C)
        @test Array(sparse(F1)) ≈ AtA+C*C'
        @test F1\ones(5) ≈ B
        #Test in-place downdate
        CHOLMOD.lowrankdowndate!(F1, C)
        @test Array(sparse(F1)) ≈ AtA
        @test F1\ones(5) ≈ B0

        @test C == Ctest    #Make sure C didn't change

@testset "Issue #22335" begin
    local A, F
    A = speye(3)
    @test LinAlg.issuccess(cholfact(A))
    A[3, 3] = -1
    F = cholfact(A)
    @test !LinAlg.issuccess(F)
    @test LinAlg.issuccess(ldltfact!(F, A))
    A[3, 3] = 1
    @test A[:, 3:-1:1]\ones(3) == [1, 1, 1]

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