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Tip revision: d3f37f9
# Listing of Parameters
# ---------------------
# In computations, the time step $k$ is chosen according to $k = c \min_K
# \frac{h_K}{\|u\|_{\infty,K} p_T}$ where $h_K$ is the diameter of cell $K$,
# and the denominator is the maximal magnitude of the velocity on cell $K$
# times the polynomial degree $p_T$ of the temperature discretization. The
# dimensionless constant $c$ is called the CFL number in this program. For
# time discretizations that have explicit components, $c$ must be less than a
# constant that depends on the details of the time discretization and that is
# no larger than one. On the other hand, for implicit discretizations such as
# the one chosen here, one can choose the time step as large as one wants (in
# particular, one can choose $c>1$) though a CFL number significantly larger
# than one will yield rather diffusive solutions. Units: None.
set CFL number = 1.0
# The end time of the simulation. Units: years if the 'Use years in output
# instead of seconds' parameter is set; seconds otherwise.
set End time = 1e12
# The name of the directory into which all output files should be placed. This
# may be an absolute or a relative path.
set Output directory = output
# A flag indicating whether the computation should be resumed from a
# previously saved state (if true) or start from scratch (if false).
set Resume computation = false
# The start time of the simulation. Units: years if the 'Use years in output
# instead of seconds' parameter is set; seconds otherwise.
set Start time = 0
# When computing results for mantle convection simulations, it is often
# difficult to judge the order of magnitude of results when they are stated in
# MKS units involving seconds. Rather, some kinds of results such as
# velocities are often stated in terms of meters per year (or, sometimes,
# centimeters per year). On the other hand, for non-dimensional computations,
# one wants results in their natural unit system as used inside the code. If
# this flag is set to 'true' conversion to years happens; if it is 'false', no
# such conversion happens.
set Use years in output instead of seconds = true
subsection Boundary temperature model
# Select one of the following models:
# `spherical constant': A model in
# which the temperature is chosen constant on the inner and outer boundaries
# of a spherical shell. Parameters are read from subsection 'Sherical
# constant'.
# `box': A model in which the temperature is chosen constant on
# the left and right sides of a box.
set Model name = spherical constant
subsection Spherical constant
# Temperature at the inner boundary (core mantle boundary). Units: K.
set Inner temperature = 4273
# Temperature at the outer boundary (lithosphere water/air). Units: K.
set Outer temperature = 973
subsection Discretization
# The polynomial degree to use for the velocity variables in the Stokes
# system. Units: None.
set Stokes velocity polynomial degree = 2
# The polynomial degree to use for the temperature variable. Units: None.
set Temperature polynomial degree = 2
# Whether to use a Stokes discretization that is locally conservative at the
# expense of a larger number of degrees of freedom (true), or to go with a
# cheaper discretization that does not locally conserve mass, although it is
# globally conservative (false).
set Use locally conservative discretization = false
subsection Stabilization parameters
# The exponent $\alpha$ in the entropy viscosity stabilization. Units:
# None.
set alpha = 2
# The $\beta$ factor in the artificial viscosity stabilization. An
# appropriate value for 2d is 0.052 and 0.078 for 3d. Units: None.
set beta = 0.078
# The $c_R$ factor in the entropy viscosity stabilization. Units: None.
set cR = 0.11
subsection Geometry model
# Select one of the following models:
# `spherical shell': A geometry
# representing a spherical shell or a pice of it. Inner and outer radii are
# read from the parameter file in subsection 'Spherical shell'.
# `box': A
# box geometry parallel to the coordinate directions. The extent of the box
# in each coordinate direction is set in the parameter file.
set Model name = spherical shell
subsection Spherical shell
# Inner radius of the spherical shell. Units: m.
set Inner radius = 3481000
# Opening angle in degrees of the section of the shell that we want to
# build. Units: degrees.
set Opening angle = 90
# Outer radius of the spherical shell. Units: m.
set Outer radius = 6336000
subsection Gravity model
# Select one of the following models:
# `vertical': A gravity model in which
# the gravity direction is vertically downward and at constant
# magnitude.
# `radial constant': A gravity model in which the gravity
# direction is radially inward and at constant magnitude. The magnitude is
# read from the parameter file in subsection 'Radial constant'.
# `radial earth-like': A gravity model in which the gravity direction is radially
# inward and with a magnitude that matches that of the earth at the
# core-mantle boundary as well as at the surface and in between is
# physically correct under the assumption of a constant density.
set Model name = radial earth-like
subsection Radial constant
# Magnitude of the gravity vector in $m/s^2$. The direction is always
# radially outward from the center of the earth.
set Magnitude = 9.81
subsection Initial conditions
# Select one of the following models:
# `spherical hexagonal perturbation':
# An initial temperature field in which the temperature is perturbed
# following a six-fold pattern in angular direction from an otherwise
# spherically symmetric state.
# `spherical gaussian perturbation': An
# initial temperature field in which the temperature is perturbed by a
# single Gaussian added to an otherwise spherically symmetric state.
# Additional parameters are read from the parameter file in subsection
# 'Spherical gaussian perturbation'.
# `perturbed box': An initial
# temperature field in which the temperature is perturbed slightly from an
# otherwise constant value equal to one. The perturbation is chosen in such
# a way that the initial temperature is constant to one along the entire
# boundary.
set Model name = spherical hexagonal perturbation
subsection Spherical gaussian perturbation
# The amplitude of the perturbation.
set Amplitude = 0.01
# The angle where the center of the perturbation is placed.
set Angle = 0e0
# The non-dimensional radial distance where the center of the perturbation
# is placed.
set Non-dimensional depth = 0.7
# The standard deviation of the Gaussian perturbation.
set Sigma = 0.2
# The sign of the perturbation.
set Sign = 1
subsection Material model
# Select one of the following models:
# `table': A material model that reads
# tables of pressure and temperature dependent material coefficients from
# files.
# `Steinberger': lookup from the paper of
# Steinberger/Calderwood
# `simple': A simple material model that has
# constant values for all coefficients but the density. This model uses the
# formulation that assumes an incompressible medium despite the fact that
# the density follows the law $\rho(T)=\rho_0(1-\beta(T-T_{\text{ref}})$.
# The value for the components of this formula and additional parameters are
# read from the parameter file in subsection 'Simple model'.
set Model name = simple
subsection Simple model
# Reference density $\rho_0$. Units: $kg/m^3$.
set Reference density = 3300
# The reference temperature $T_0$. Units: $K$.
set Reference temperature = 293
# The value of the thermal conductivity $k$. Units: $W/m/K$.
set Thermal conductivity = 4.7#1e-6
# The value of the thermal expansion coefficient $\beta$. Units: $1/K$.
set Thermal expansion coefficient = 4e-5
# The value of the constant viscosity. Units: $kg/m/s$.
set Viscosity = 1e22
subsection Mesh refinement
# A list of times so that if the end time of a time step is beyond this
# time, an additional round of mesh refinement is triggered. This is mostly
# useful to make sure we can get through the initial transient phase of a
# simulation on a relatively coarse mesh, and then refine again when we are
# in a time range that we are interested in and where we would like to use a
# finer mesh. Units: each element of the list has units years if the 'Use
# years in output instead of seconds' parameter is set; seconds otherwise.
set Additional refinement times =
# The number of adaptive refinement steps performed after initial global
# refinement but while still within the first time step.
set Initial adaptive refinement = 3
# The number of global refinement steps performed on the initial coarse
# mesh, before the problem is first solved there.
set Initial global refinement = 4
# The fraction of cells with the largest error that should be flagged for
# refinement.
set Refinement fraction = 0.3
# The fraction of cells with the smallest error that should be flagged for
# coarsening.
set Coarsening fraction = 0.05
# The method used to determine which cells to refine and which to coarsen.
set Strategy = Temperature
# The number of time steps after which the mesh is to be adapted again based
# on computed error indicators.
set Time steps between mesh refinement = 5
subsection Model settings
# A comma separated list of integers denoting those boundaries on which the
# temperature is fixed and described by the boundary temperature object
# selected in its own section of this input file. All boundary indicators
# used by the geometry but not explicitly listed here will end up with
# no-flux (insulating) boundary conditions.
set Fixed temperature boundary indicators = 0,1
# Whether to include shear heating into the model or not. From a physical
# viewpoint, shear heating should always be used but may be undesirable when
# comparing results with known benchmarks that do not include this term in
# the temperature equation.
set Include shear heating = true
# A comma separated list of integers denoting those boundaries on which the
# velocity is tangential but prescribed, i.e., where external forces act to
# prescribe a particular velocity. This is often used to prescribe a
# velocity that equals that of overlying plates.
set Prescribed velocity boundary indicators =
# H0
set Radiogenic heating rate = 0e0
# A comma separated list of integers denoting those boundaries on which the
# velocity is tangential and unrestrained, i.e., where no external forces
# act to prescribe a particular tangential velocity (although there is a
# force that requires the flow to be tangential).
set Tangential velocity boundary indicators = 1,2,3
# A comma separated list of integers denoting those boundaries on which the
# velocity is zero.
set Zero velocity boundary indicators = 0
subsection Postprocess
# A comma separated list of postprocessor objects that should be run at the
# end of each time step. Some of these postprocessors will declare their own
# parameters which may, for example, include that they will actually do
# something only every so many time steps or years. Alternatively, the text
# 'all' indicates that all available postprocessors should be run after each
# time step.
# The following postprocessors are available:
# `visualization':
# A postprocessor that takes the solution and writes it into files that can
# be read by a graphical visualization program. Additional run time
# parameters are read from the parameter subsection
# 'Visualization'.
# `velocity statistics': A postprocessor that computes
# some statistics about the velocity field.
# `temperature statistics': A
# postprocessor that computes some statistics about the temperature
# field.
# `velocity statistics for the table model': A postprocessor that
# computes some statistics about the velocity field.
# `heat flux statistics
# for the table model': A postprocessor that computes some statistics about
# the heat flux across boundaries.
# `heat flux statistics': A postprocessor
# that computes some statistics about the heat flux across boundaries.
set List of postprocessors = visualization,velocity statistics,temperature statistics,heat flux statistics, depth average
subsection Visualization
set Number of grouped files = 0
# The file format to be used for graphical output.
set Output format = vtu
# The time interval between each generation of graphical output files. A
# value of zero indicates that output should be generated in each time
# step. Units: years if the 'Use years in output instead of seconds'
# parameter is set; seconds otherwise.
set Time between graphical output = 1e6
subsection Depth average
set Time between graphical output = 1e6