\name{prior-struct} \alias{igamma} \alias{iwish} \title{Constructor of the prior distribution } \description{Utilities functions to construct the prior distributions in the \code{cplm} family. } \usage{ igamma(scale=0.01,shape=0.01) iwish(df=3, scale=diag(1,df)) } \arguments{ \item{scale}{scale parameter in the inverse-Gamma distribution, or the scale matrix in the inverse-Wishart distribution. } \item{shape}{shape parameter in the inverse-Gamma distribution. } \item{df}{degree of freedom in the inverse-Wishart distribution. } } \value{ a list object. } \author{ Wayne (Yanwei) Zhang \email{actuary_zhang@hotmail.com} } \seealso{ See also \code{\link{bcpglmm}}. } \examples{ igamma(shape=0.001, scale=0.001) } % Add one or more standard keywords, see file 'KEYWORDS' in the % R documentation directory. \keyword{utilities}