Raw File
// =============================================================================
// PROJECT CHRONO - http://projectchrono.org
// Copyright (c) 2014 projectchrono.org
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// Use of this source code is governed by a BSD-style license that can be found
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// =============================================================================
// A very simple example that can be used as template project for
// a Chrono::Engine simulator with 3D view.
// =============================================================================

#include <iostream>

#include "FmuToolsImport.hpp"

std::string unzipped_fmu_folder = FMU_UNPACK_DIRECTORY;
// std::string unzipped_fmu_folder = FMU_MAIN_DIRECTORY; // for debug
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    FmuUnit my_fmu;

    try {
        // my_fmu.LoadUnzipped(unzipped_fmu_folder);
        my_fmu.Load(FMU_FILENAME, FMU_UNPACK_DIRECTORY);  // make sure the user has appropriate privileges to
                                                          // remove/create FMU_UNPACK_DIRECTORY
        // my_fmu.Load(FMU_FILENAME); // will go in TEMP/_fmu_temp

    } catch (std::exception& my_exception) {
        std::cout << "ERROR loading FMU: " << my_exception.what() << "\n";

    std::cout << "FMU version:  " << my_fmu._fmi2GetVersion() << "\n";
    std::cout << "FMU platform: " << my_fmu._fmi2GetTypesPlatform() << "\n";

    std::vector<std::string> categoriesVector = {"logAll"};

    std::vector<const char*> categoriesArray;
    for (const auto& category : categoriesVector) {

    my_fmu._fmi2SetDebugLogging(my_fmu.component, fmi2True, categoriesVector.size(), categoriesArray.data());

    double start_time = 0;
    double stop_time = 2;
                                fmi2False,  // tolerance defined
                                0.0,        // tolerance
                                fmi2False,  // use stop time


    //// play a bit with set/get:
    // fmi2String m_str;
    // unsigned int sref = 1;
    // my_fmu._fmi2GetString(my_fmu.component, &sref, 1, &m_str);
    // std::cout << "FMU variable 1 has value: "   << m_str << "\n";


    // test a simulation loop:
    double time = 0;
    double dt = 0.001;

    for (int i = 0; i < 1000; ++i) {
        my_fmu._fmi2DoStep(my_fmu.component, time, dt, fmi2True);

        time += dt;

    // Just some dumps for checking:

    //my_fmu.DumpTree(&my_fmu.tree_variables,0);  // dump all tree
    my_fmu.DumpTree(&my_fmu.tree_variables.children["body1"],0);  // dump only one subtree

    for (auto& i : my_fmu.visualizers) {
        std::cout   << "Visualizer: \n"
                    << "   r1  = " << i.pos_references[0] << "\n"
                    << "   r2  = " << i.pos_references[1] << "\n"
                    << "   r3  = " << i.pos_references[2] << "\n";

    for (auto i : my_fmu.scalarVariables) {
        std::cout   << "Variable: \n"
                    << "   name  = " << i.second.name << "\n"
                    << "   ref.  = " << i.second.valueReference << "\n";
                   // << "   desc. = " << i.second.description << "\n"
                   // << "   init. = " << i.second.initial << "\n"
                   // << "   caus. = " << i.second.causality << "\n"
                   // << "   varb. = " << i.second.variability << "\n";


    std::cout << "\n\n\n";

    return 0;
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