Tip revision: 0c820068458bd9249785c704716acfd1a9301f1c authored by gabrielle9 on 01 August 2022, 23:54:06 UTC
Tip revision: 0c82006
# clock-connectome
Repository of code for analysis of clock connectome as done in:
Orie T Shafer, Gabrielle J Gutierrez, Kimberly Li, Amber Mildenhall, Daphna Spira, Jonathan Marty, Aurel A Lazar, Maria de la Paz Fernandez (2022) Connectomic analysis of the Drosophila lateral neuron clock cells reveals the synaptic basis of functional pacemaker classes. eLife 11:e79139
This repository is organized into a series of jupyter notebooks. The first notebook is **clockConnectomeOverview** which establishes the connectivity among the identified clock neurons. The second notebook is **MandEconnectivity** which characterizes the connectivity patterns of the M and E clock neurons separately. The third notebook is **BeyondClock** which further analyzes the M and E cell connectivity and explores the connections made with non-clock neurons. The **SupplementaryInfo** notebook produces the data structures and analyses for the Supplementary Figures of the paper.