% Generated by roxygen2: do not edit by hand % Please edit documentation in R/forecast.R, R/ggplot.R, R/spline.R \name{plot.forecast} \alias{plot.forecast} \alias{autoplot.forecast} \alias{autoplot.splineforecast} \alias{autolayer.forecast} \alias{plot.splineforecast} \title{Forecast plot} \usage{ \method{plot}{forecast}( x, include, PI = TRUE, showgap = TRUE, shaded = TRUE, shadebars = (length(x$mean) < 5), shadecols = NULL, col = 1, fcol = 4, pi.col = 1, pi.lty = 2, ylim = NULL, main = NULL, xlab = "", ylab = "", type = "l", flty = 1, flwd = 2, ... ) \method{autoplot}{forecast}( object, include, PI = TRUE, shadecols = c("#596DD5", "#D5DBFF"), fcol = "#0000AA", flwd = 0.5, ... ) \method{autoplot}{splineforecast}(object, PI = TRUE, ...) \method{autolayer}{forecast}(object, series = NULL, PI = TRUE, showgap = TRUE, ...) \method{plot}{splineforecast}(x, fitcol = 2, type = "o", pch = 19, ...) } \arguments{ \item{x}{Forecast object produced by \code{\link{forecast}}.} \item{include}{number of values from time series to include in plot. Default is all values.} \item{PI}{Logical flag indicating whether to plot prediction intervals.} \item{showgap}{If \code{showgap=FALSE}, the gap between the historical observations and the forecasts is removed.} \item{shaded}{Logical flag indicating whether prediction intervals should be shaded (\code{TRUE}) or lines (\code{FALSE})} \item{shadebars}{Logical flag indicating if prediction intervals should be plotted as shaded bars (if \code{TRUE}) or a shaded polygon (if \code{FALSE}). Ignored if \code{shaded=FALSE}. Bars are plotted by default if there are fewer than five forecast horizons.} \item{shadecols}{Colors for shaded prediction intervals. To get default colors used prior to v3.26, set \code{shadecols="oldstyle"}.} \item{col}{Colour for the data line.} \item{fcol}{Colour for the forecast line.} \item{pi.col}{If \code{shaded=FALSE} and \code{PI=TRUE}, the prediction intervals are plotted in this colour.} \item{pi.lty}{If \code{shaded=FALSE} and \code{PI=TRUE}, the prediction intervals are plotted using this line type.} \item{ylim}{Limits on y-axis.} \item{main}{Main title.} \item{xlab}{X-axis label.} \item{ylab}{Y-axis label.} \item{type}{1-character string giving the type of plot desired. As for \code{\link[graphics]{plot.default}}.} \item{flty}{Line type for the forecast line.} \item{flwd}{Line width for the forecast line.} \item{...}{Other plotting parameters to affect the plot.} \item{object}{Forecast object produced by \code{\link{forecast}}. Used for ggplot graphics (S3 method consistency).} \item{series}{Matches an unidentified forecast layer with a coloured object on the plot.} \item{fitcol}{Line colour for fitted values.} \item{pch}{Plotting character (if \code{type=="p"} or \code{type=="o"}).} } \value{ None. } \description{ Plots historical data with forecasts and prediction intervals. } \details{ \code{autoplot} will produce a ggplot object. plot.splineforecast autoplot.splineforecast } \examples{ library(ggplot2) wine.fit <- hw(wineind,h=48) plot(wine.fit) autoplot(wine.fit) fit <- tslm(wineind ~ fourier(wineind,4)) fcast <- forecast(fit, newdata=data.frame(fourier(wineind,4,20))) autoplot(fcast) fcast <- splinef(airmiles,h=5) plot(fcast) autoplot(fcast) } \references{ Hyndman and Athanasopoulos (2018) \emph{Forecasting: principles and practice}, 2nd edition, OTexts: Melbourne, Australia. \url{https://otexts.com/fpp2/} } \seealso{ \code{\link[stats]{plot.ts}} } \author{ Rob J Hyndman & Mitchell O'Hara-Wild } \keyword{ts}