/* *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ * * * * CitcomS by Louis Moresi, Shijie Zhong, Lijie Han, Eh Tan, * Clint Conrad, Michael Gurnis, and Eun-seo Choi. * Copyright (C) 1994-2005, California Institute of Technology. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, write to the Free Software * Foundation, Inc., 59 Temple Place, Suite 330, Boston, MA 02111-1307 USA * * * *~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ */ /* Routine to process the output of the finite element cycles and to turn them into a coherent suite of files */ #include #include "element_definitions.h" #include "global_defs.h" #include "output.h" #include "string.h" #ifdef USE_GZDIR #include "zlib.h" #endif #define CHUNK 16384 static void write_binary_array(int nn, float* array, FILE * f); static void write_ascii_array(int nn, int perLine, float *array, FILE *fp); static void vts_file_header(struct All_variables *E, FILE *fp) { const char format[] = "\n" "\n" " \n" " \n"; char extent[64], header[1024]; snprintf(extent, 64, "%d %d %d %d %d %d", E->lmesh.ezs, E->lmesh.ezs + E->lmesh.elz, E->lmesh.exs, E->lmesh.exs + E->lmesh.elx, E->lmesh.eys, E->lmesh.eys + E->lmesh.ely); snprintf(header, 1024, format, extent, extent); fputs(header, fp); return; } static void vts_file_trailer(struct All_variables *E, FILE *fp) { const char trailer[] = " \n" " \n" "\n"; fputs(trailer, fp); return; } static void vtk_point_data_header(struct All_variables *E, FILE *fp) { fputs(" \n", fp); return; } static void vtk_point_data_trailer(struct All_variables *E, FILE *fp) { fputs(" \n", fp); return; } static void vtk_cell_data_header(struct All_variables *E, FILE *fp) { fputs(" \n", fp); return; } static void vtk_cell_data_trailer(struct All_variables *E, FILE *fp) { fputs(" \n", fp); return; } static void vtk_output_temp(struct All_variables *E, FILE *fp) { int i; int nodes = E->sphere.caps_per_proc*E->lmesh.nno; float* floattemp = malloc(nodes*sizeof(float)); fprintf(fp, " \n", E->output.vtk_format); for(i=0;i <= nodes;i++) floattemp[i] = (float) *(E->T[1]+i+1); if (strcmp(E->output.vtk_format,"binary") == 0) { write_binary_array(nodes,floattemp,fp); } else { write_ascii_array(nodes,1,floattemp,fp); } fputs(" \n", fp); free(floattemp); return; } static void vtk_output_velo(struct All_variables *E, FILE *fp) { int i, j; int nodes=E->sphere.caps_per_proc*E->lmesh.nno; double sint, sinf, cost, cosf; float *V[4]; const int lev = E->mesh.levmax; float* floatvel = malloc(nodes*3*sizeof(float)); fprintf(fp, " \n", E->output.vtk_format); for(j=1; j<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc; j++) { V[1] = E->sphere.cap[j].V[1]; V[2] = E->sphere.cap[j].V[2]; V[3] = E->sphere.cap[j].V[3]; for(i=1; i<=E->lmesh.nno; i++) { sint = E->SinCos[lev][j][0][i]; sinf = E->SinCos[lev][j][1][i]; cost = E->SinCos[lev][j][2][i]; cosf = E->SinCos[lev][j][3][i]; floatvel[(((j-1)*E->sphere.caps_per_proc)+i-1)*3+0] = (float)(V[1][i]*cost*cosf - V[2][i]*sinf + V[3][i]*sint*cosf); floatvel[(((j-1)*E->sphere.caps_per_proc)+i-1)*3+1] = (float)(V[1][i]*cost*sinf + V[2][i]*cosf + V[3][i]*sint*sinf); floatvel[(((j-1)*E->sphere.caps_per_proc)+i-1)*3+2] = (float)(-V[1][i]*sint + V[3][i]*cost); } } if (strcmp(E->output.vtk_format, "binary") == 0) write_binary_array(nodes*3,floatvel,fp); else write_ascii_array(nodes*3,3,floatvel,fp); fputs(" \n", fp); free(floatvel); return; } static void vtk_output_visc(struct All_variables *E, FILE *fp) { int nodes = E->sphere.caps_per_proc*E->lmesh.nno; int lev = E->mesh.levmax; fprintf(fp, " \n", E->output.vtk_format); if (strcmp(E->output.vtk_format, "binary") == 0) { write_binary_array(nodes,&E->VI[lev][1][1],fp); } else { write_ascii_array(nodes,1,&E->VI[lev][1][1],fp); } fputs(" \n", fp); return; } static void vtk_output_coord(struct All_variables *E, FILE *fp) { /* Output Cartesian coordinates as most VTK visualization softwares assume it. */ int i, j; int nodes = E->sphere.caps_per_proc*E->lmesh.nno; float* floatpos = malloc(nodes*3*sizeof(float)); fputs(" \n", fp); fprintf(fp, " \n", E->output.vtk_format); for(j=1; j<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc; j++) { for(i=1; i<=E->lmesh.nno; i++){ floatpos[((j-1)*E->lmesh.nno+i-1)*3] = (float)(E->x[j][1][i]); floatpos[((j-1)*E->lmesh.nno+i-1)*3+1]=(float)(E->x[j][2][i]); floatpos[((j-1)*E->lmesh.nno+i-1)*3+2]=(float)(E->x[j][3][i]); } } if (strcmp(E->output.vtk_format, "binary") == 0) write_binary_array(nodes*3,floatpos,fp); else write_ascii_array(nodes*3,3,floatpos,fp); fputs(" \n", fp); fputs(" \n", fp); free(floatpos); return; } static void vtk_output_stress(struct All_variables *E, FILE *fp) { int nodes = E->sphere.caps_per_proc*E->lmesh.nno; /* for stress computation */ void allocate_STD_mem(); void compute_nodal_stress(); void free_STD_mem(); float *SXX[NCS],*SYY[NCS],*SXY[NCS],*SXZ[NCS],*SZY[NCS],*SZZ[NCS]; float *divv[NCS],*vorv[NCS]; /* those are sorted like stt spp srr stp str srp */ allocate_STD_mem(E, SXX, SYY, SZZ, SXY, SXZ, SZY, divv, vorv); compute_nodal_stress(E, SXX, SYY, SZZ, SXY, SXZ, SZY, divv, vorv); free_STD_mem(E, SXX, SYY, SZZ, SXY, SXZ, SZY, divv, vorv); fprintf(fp, " \n", E->output.vtk_format); if (strcmp(E->output.vtk_format, "binary") == 0) { write_binary_array(nodes*6,&E->gstress[1][1],fp); } else { write_ascii_array(nodes*6,6,&E->gstress[1][1],fp); } fputs(" \n", fp); return; } static void vtk_output_comp_nd(struct All_variables *E, FILE *fp) { int i, j, k; char name[255]; int nodes = E->sphere.caps_per_proc*E->lmesh.nno; float* floatcompo = malloc (nodes*sizeof(float)); for(k=0;kcomposition.ncomp;k++) { fprintf(fp, " \n", k+1, E->output.vtk_format); for(j=1; j<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc; j++) { for(i=1; i<=E->lmesh.nno; i++) { floatcompo[(j-1)*E->lmesh.nno+i-1] = (float) (E->composition.comp_node[j][k][i]); } } if (strcmp(E->output.vtk_format, "binary") == 0) write_binary_array(nodes,floatcompo,fp); else write_ascii_array(nodes,1,floatcompo,fp); fputs(" \n", fp); } free(floatcompo); return; } static void vtk_output_surf(struct All_variables *E, FILE *fp, int cycles) { int i, j, k; int nodes = E->sphere.caps_per_proc*E->lmesh.nno; char output_file[255]; float* floattopo = malloc (nodes*sizeof(float)); if((E->output.write_q_files == 0) || (cycles == 0) || (cycles % E->output.write_q_files)!=0) heat_flux(E); /* else, the heat flux will have been computed already */ if(E->control.use_cbf_topo){ get_CBF_topo(E,E->slice.tpg,E->slice.tpgb); } else{ get_STD_topo(E,E->slice.tpg,E->slice.tpgb,E->slice.divg,E->slice.vort,cycles); } fprintf(fp," \n", E->output.vtk_format); for(j=1;j<=E->sphere.caps_per_proc;j++){ for(i=1;i<=E->lmesh.nsf;i++){ for(k=1;k<=E->lmesh.noz;k++){ floattopo[(j-1)*E->lmesh.nno + (i-1)*E->lmesh.noz + k-1] = 0.0; } if (E->parallel.me_loc[3]==E->parallel.nprocz-1) { /* choose either STD topo or pseudo-free-surf topo */ if(E->control.pseudo_free_surf) floattopo[(j-1)*E->lmesh.nno + i*E->lmesh.noz-1] = E->slice.freesurf[j][i]; else floattopo[(j-1)*E->lmesh.nno + i*E->lmesh.noz-1] = E->slice.tpg[j][i]; } } } if (strcmp(E->output.vtk_format, "binary") == 0) write_binary_array(nodes,floattopo,fp); else write_ascii_array(nodes,1,floattopo,fp); fputs(" \n", fp); return; } static void write_vtm(struct All_variables *E, int cycles) { FILE *fp; char vtm_file[255]; int n; const char header[] = "\n" "\n" " \n"; snprintf(vtm_file, 255, "%s.%d.vtm", E->control.data_file, cycles); fp = output_open(vtm_file, "w"); fputs(header, fp); for(n=0; nparallel.nproc; n++) { fprintf(fp, " \n", n, E->control.data_prefix, n, cycles); } fputs(" \n",fp); fputs("",fp); fclose(fp); } static void write_visit(struct All_variables *E, int cycles) { FILE *fp; char visit_file[255]; int n; const char header[] = "!NBLOCKS %d\n"; snprintf(visit_file, 255, "%s.%d.visit", E->control.data_file, cycles); fp = output_open(visit_file, "w"); fprintf(fp, header, E->parallel.nproc); for(n=0; nparallel.nproc; n++) { fprintf(fp, "%s.proc%d.%d.vts\n", E->control.data_prefix, n, cycles); } fclose(fp); } static void write_pvts(struct All_variables *E, int cycles) { FILE *fp; char pvts_file[255]; int i,j,k; snprintf(pvts_file, 255, "%s.%d.pvts", E->control.data_file,cycles); fp = output_open(pvts_file, "w"); const char format[] = "\n" "\n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n" " \n"; char extent[64], header[1024]; snprintf(extent, 64, "%d %d %d %d %d %d", E->lmesh.ezs, E->lmesh.ezs + E->lmesh.elz*E->parallel.nprocz, E->lmesh.exs, E->lmesh.exs + E->lmesh.elx*E->parallel.nprocx, E->lmesh.eys, E->lmesh.eys + E->lmesh.ely*E->parallel.nprocy); snprintf(header, 1024, format, extent, E->output.vtk_format, E->output.vtk_format, E->output.vtk_format); fputs(header, fp); if (E->output.stress){ fprintf(fp," \n", E->output.vtk_format); } if (E->output.comp_nd && E->composition.on){ fprintf(fp," \n", E->output.vtk_format); } if (E->output.surf){ fprintf(fp," \n", E->output.vtk_format); } fputs(" \n \n" " \n" " \n \n" " \n" " \n" " \n", fp); for(i=0; i < E->parallel.nprocy;i++){ for(j=0; j < E->parallel.nprocx;j++){ for(k=0; k < E->parallel.nprocz;k++){ fprintf(fp, " \n", (k%E->parallel.nprocz)*E->lmesh.elz, (k%E->parallel.nprocz+1)*E->lmesh.elz, (j%E->parallel.nprocx)*E->lmesh.elx, (j%E->parallel.nprocx+1)*E->lmesh.elx, (i%E->parallel.nprocy)*E->lmesh.ely, (i%E->parallel.nprocy+1)*E->lmesh.ely, E->control.data_prefix, i*E->parallel.nprocx*E->parallel.nprocz+j*E->parallel.nprocz+k, cycles); } } } fputs(" \n",fp); fputs("",fp); fclose(fp); } static void write_ascii_array(int nn, int perLine, float *array, FILE *fp) { int i; switch (perLine) { case 1: for(i=0; i= 4* |^ nn/3.0 ^| */ char cb64[]="ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789+/"; int len; int i; for (i=0; i < nn; i+=3){ len = (3 < nn-i ? 3 : nn-i); if (len >= 3){ /* normal base64 encoding */ out[i/3*4+0] = cb64[ in[i] >> 2 ]; out[i/3*4+1] = cb64[ ((in[i] & 0x03) << 4) | ((in[i+1] & 0xf0) >> 4) ]; out[i/3*4+2] = cb64[ ((in[i+1] & 0x0f) << 2) | ((in[i+2] & 0xc0) >> 6)]; out[i/3*4+3] = cb64[ in[i+2] & 0x3f ]; } else if (len == 2){ /* at the end of array fill up with '=' */ out[i/3*4+0] = cb64[ in[i] >> 2 ]; out[i/3*4+1] = cb64[ ((in[i] & 0x03) << 4) | ((in[i+1] & 0xf0) >> 4) ]; out[i/3*4+2] = cb64[((in[i+1] & 0x0f) << 2)]; out[i/3*4+3] = (unsigned char) '='; } else if (len == 1){ /* at the end of array fill up with '=' */ out[i/3*4+0] = cb64[ in[i] >> 2 ]; out[i/3*4+1] = cb64[ ((in[i] & 0x03) << 4) ]; out[i/3*4+2] = (unsigned char) '='; out[i/3*4+3] = (unsigned char) '='; } } } static void base64plushead(unsigned char * in, int nn, int orinn, unsigned char* out) { /* writing vtk compatible zlib compressed base64 encoded data to "out" */ int i; unsigned char * b64head; int b64bodylength; unsigned char * b64body; /* header of data */ unsigned char * charhead = malloc(sizeof(unsigned char)*16); /* - consists of "1" (number of pieces) */ /* - original datalength in byte */ /* - original datalength in byte */ /* - new datalength after z-lib compression */ int * headInts= malloc(sizeof(int)*4); headInts[0]=1; headInts[1]=orinn; headInts[2]=orinn; headInts[3]=nn; // transform to unsigned char IntToUnsignedChar(headInts,4,charhead); // base64: 16byte -> 24byte b64head = malloc(sizeof(unsigned char)*24); // fills b64head base64(charhead, 16, b64head); // base64 data b64bodylength = 4*ceil((double) nn/3.0); b64body = malloc(sizeof(unsigned char)*b64bodylength); // writes base64 data to b64body base64(in,nn,b64body); // combines header and body for (i=0; i<24 ; i++){ out[i]=b64head[i]; } for (i=0; i 4*nn unsigned chars */ unsigned char * chararray = malloc (chararraylength * sizeof(unsigned char)); int compressedarraylength = 0; unsigned char * compressedarray; unsigned char ** pointertocompressedarray= &compressedarray; int base64plusheadlength; unsigned char * base64plusheadarray; FloatToUnsignedChar(array,nn,chararray); /* compression routine */ zlibcompress(chararray,chararraylength,pointertocompressedarray,&compressedarraylength); /* special header for zip compressed and bas64 encoded data header needs 4 int32 = 16 byte -> 24 byte due to base64 (4*16/3) */ base64plusheadlength = 24 + 4*ceil((double) compressedarraylength/3.0); base64plusheadarray = malloc(sizeof(unsigned char)* base64plusheadlength); /* fills base64plusheadarray with everything ready for simple writing */ base64plushead(compressedarray,compressedarraylength, chararraylength, base64plusheadarray); fwrite(base64plusheadarray,sizeof(unsigned char),base64plusheadlength,f); fprintf(f,"\n"); free(chararray); free(base64plusheadarray); free(compressedarray); } /**********************************************************************/ void vtk_output(struct All_variables *E, int cycles) { char output_file[255]; FILE *fp; snprintf(output_file, 255, "%s.proc%d.%d.vts", E->control.data_file, E->parallel.me, cycles); fp = output_open(output_file, "w"); /* first, write volume data to vts file */ vts_file_header(E, fp); /* write node-based field */ vtk_point_data_header(E, fp); vtk_output_temp(E, fp); vtk_output_velo(E, fp); vtk_output_visc(E, fp); if (E->output.stress) vtk_output_stress(E, fp); if (E->output.comp_nd && E->composition.on) vtk_output_comp_nd(E, fp); if (E->output.surf) vtk_output_surf(E, fp, cycles); vtk_point_data_trailer(E, fp); /* write element-based field */ vtk_cell_data_header(E, fp); /* TODO: comp_el, heating */ vtk_cell_data_trailer(E, fp); /* write coordinate */ vtk_output_coord(E, fp); vts_file_trailer(E, fp); fclose(fp); /* then, write other type of data */ if (E->parallel.me == 0) { if (E->sphere.caps == 12) { /* VTK multiblock file */ write_vtm(E, cycles); /* LLNL VisIt multiblock file */ write_visit(E, cycles); } else write_pvts(E, cycles); } return; }