Raw File
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

"""Class for reading and writing Miriad files.

from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function

from astropy import constants as const
import os
import shutil
import numpy as np
import copy
import six
import warnings
from .uvdata import UVData
from . import telescopes as uvtel
from . import utils as uvutils
import itertools

from . import aipy_extracts

class Miriad(UVData):
    Defines a Miriad-specific subclass of UVData for reading and writing Miriad files.
    This class should not be interacted with directly, instead use the read_miriad
    and write_miriad methods on the UVData class.

    def _pol_to_ind(self, pol):
        if self.polarization_array is None:
            raise ValueError("Can't index polarization {p} because "
                             "polarization_array is not set".format(p=pol))
        pol_ind = np.argwhere(self.polarization_array == pol)
        if len(pol_ind) != 1:
            raise ValueError("multiple matches for pol={pol} in "
        return pol_ind

    def read_miriad(self, filepath, antenna_nums=None, ant_str=None, bls=None,
                    polarizations=None, time_range=None, read_data=True,
                    phase_type=None, correct_lat_lon=True, run_check=True,
                    check_extra=True, run_check_acceptability=True):
        Read in data from a miriad file.

            filepath: The miriad file directory to read from.
            antenna_nums: The antennas numbers to read into the object.
            bls: A list of antenna number tuples (e.g. [(0,1), (3,2)]) or a list of
                baseline 3-tuples (e.g. [(0,1,'xx'), (2,3,'yy')]) specifying baselines
                to keep in the object. For length-2 tuples, the  ordering of the numbers
                within the tuple does not matter. For length-3 tuples, the polarization
                string is in the order of the two antennas. If length-3 tuples are
                provided, the polarizations argument below must be None.
            ant_str: A string containing information about what kinds of visibility data
                to read-in.  Can be 'auto', 'cross', 'all'. Cannot provide ant_str if
                antenna_nums and/or bls is not None.
            polarizations: List of polarization integers or strings to read-in.
                Ex: ['xx', 'yy', ...]
            time_range: len-2 list containing min and max range of times (Julian Date) to read-in.
                Ex: [2458115.20, 2458115.40]
            read_data: Read in the visibility and flag data. If set to false,
                only the basic header info and metadata (if read_metadata is True)
                will be read in. Results in an incompletely defined object
                (check will not pass). Default True.
            phase_type: Either 'drift' meaning zenith drift, 'phased' meaning
                the data are phased to a single RA/Dec or None and it will be
                guessed at based on the file. Default None.
            correct_lat_lon: flag -- that only matters if altitude is missing --
                to update the latitude and longitude from the known_telescopes list
            run_check: Option to check for the existence and proper shapes of
                parameters after reading in the file. Default is True.
            check_extra: Option to check optional parameters as well as required
                ones. Default is True.
            run_check_acceptability: Option to check acceptable range of the values of
                parameters after reading in the file. Default is True.
        if not os.path.exists(filepath):
            raise IOError(filepath + ' not found')
        uv = aipy_extracts.UV(filepath)

        # load metadata
        (default_miriad_variables, other_miriad_variables, extra_miriad_variables,
         check_variables) = self.read_miriad_metadata(uv, correct_lat_lon=correct_lat_lon)

        # read through the file and get the data
        _source = uv['source']  # check source of initial visibility

        history_update_string = '  Downselected to specific '
        n_selects = 0

        # select on ant_str if provided
        if ant_str is not None:
            # type check
            assert isinstance(ant_str, (str, np.str)), "ant_str must be fed as a string"
            assert antenna_nums is None and bls is None, "ant_str must be None if antenna_nums or bls is not None"
            aipy_extracts.uv_selector(uv, ant_str)
            if ant_str != 'all':
                history_update_string += 'antenna pairs'
                n_selects += 1

        # select on antenna_nums and/or bls using aipy.uv_selector
        if antenna_nums is not None or bls is not None:
            antpair_str = ''
            if antenna_nums is not None:
                # type check
                err_msg = "antenna_nums must be fed as a list of antenna number integers"
                assert isinstance(antenna_nums, (np.ndarray, list)), err_msg
                assert isinstance(antenna_nums[0], (int, np.integer)), err_msg
                # get all possible combinations
                antpairs = list(itertools.combinations_with_replacement(antenna_nums, 2))
                # convert antenna numbers to string form required by aipy_extracts.uv_selector
                antpair_str += ','.join(['_'.join([str(a) for a in ap]) for ap in antpairs])
                history_update_string += 'antennas'
                n_selects += 1

            if bls is not None:
                if isinstance(bls, tuple) and (len(bls) == 2 or len(bls) == 3):
                    bls = [bls]
                if not all(isinstance(item, tuple) for item in bls):
                    raise ValueError(
                        'bls must be a list of tuples of antenna numbers (optionally with polarization).')
                if all([len(item) == 2 for item in bls]):
                    if not all([isinstance(item[0], six.integer_types + (np.integer,)) for item in bls]
                               + [isinstance(item[1], six.integer_types + (np.integer,)) for item in bls]):
                        raise ValueError(
                            'bls must be a list of tuples of antenna numbers (optionally with polarization).')
                elif all([len(item) == 3 for item in bls]):
                    if polarizations is not None:
                        raise ValueError('Cannot provide length-3 tuples and also specify polarizations.')
                    if not all([isinstance(item[2], str) for item in bls]):
                        raise ValueError('The third element in each bl must be a polarization string')
                    raise ValueError('bls tuples must be all length-2 or all length-3')

                # convert ant-pair tuples to string form required by aipy_extracts.uv_selector
                if len(antpair_str) > 0:
                    antpair_str += ','
                bl_str_list = []
                bl_pols = set()
                for bl in bls:
                    if bl[0] <= bl[1]:
                        bl_str_list.append(str(bl[0]) + '_' + str(bl[1]))
                        if len(bl) == 3:
                        bl_str_list.append(str(bl[1]) + '_' + str(bl[0]))
                        if len(bl) == 3:
                antpair_str += ','.join(bl_str_list)
                if len(bl_pols) > 0:
                    polarizations = list(bl_pols)

                if n_selects > 0:
                    history_update_string += ', baselines'
                    history_update_string += 'baselines'
                n_selects += 1
            aipy_extracts.uv_selector(uv, antpair_str)

        # select on time range
        if time_range is not None:
            # type check
            err_msg = "time_range must be a len-2 list of Julian Date floats, Ex: [2458115.2, 2458115.6]"
            assert isinstance(time_range, (list, np.ndarray)), err_msg
            assert len(time_range) == 2, err_msg
            assert np.array([isinstance(t, (float, np.float, np.float64)) for t in time_range]).all(), err_msg
            uv.select('time', time_range[0], time_range[1], include=True)
            if n_selects > 0:
                history_update_string += ', times'
                history_update_string += 'times'
            n_selects += 1

        # select on polarizations
        if polarizations is not None:
            # type check
            err_msg = "pols must be a list of polarization strings or ints, Ex: ['xx', ...] or [-5, ...]"
            assert isinstance(polarizations, (list, np.ndarray)), err_msg
            assert np.array(map(lambda p: isinstance(p, (str, np.str, int, np.integer)), polarizations)).all(), err_msg
            # convert to pol integer if string
            polarizations = [p if isinstance(p, (int, np.integer)) else uvutils.polstr2num(p) for p in polarizations]
            # iterate through all possible pols and reject if not in pols
            pol_list = []
            for p in np.arange(-8, 5):
                if p not in polarizations:
                    uv.select('polarization', p, p, include=False)
            # assert not empty
            assert len(pol_list) > 0, "No polarizations in data matched {}".format(polarizations)
            if n_selects > 0:
                history_update_string += ', polarizations'
                history_update_string += 'polarizations'
            n_selects += 1

        history_update_string += ' using pyuvdata.'
        if n_selects > 0:
            self.history += history_update_string

        data_accumulator = {}
        pol_list = []
        for (uvw, t, (i, j)), d, f in uv.all(raw=True):
            # control for the case of only a single spw not showing up in
            # the dimension
            # Note that the (i, j) tuple is calculated from a baseline number in
            # _miriad (see miriad_wrap.h). The i, j values are also adjusted by _miriad
            # to start at 0 rather than 1.
            if len(d.shape) == 1:
                d.shape = (1,) + d.shape
                self.Nspws = d.shape[0]
                self.spw_array = np.arange(self.Nspws)
                raise ValueError("Sorry.  Files with more than one spectral "
                                 "window (spw) are not yet supported. A great "
                                 "project for the interested student!")
                cnt = uv['cnt']
                cnt = np.ones(d.shape, dtype=np.float)
            ra = uv['ra']
            dec = uv['dec']
            lst = uv['lst']
            source = uv['source']
            if source != _source:
                raise ValueError('This appears to be a multi source file, which is not supported.')
                _source = source

            # check extra variables for changes compared with initial value
            for extra_variable in check_variables.keys():
                if type(check_variables[extra_variable]) == str:
                    if uv[extra_variable] != check_variables[extra_variable]:
                    if not np.allclose(uv[extra_variable],

                data_accumulator[uv['pol']].append([uvw, t, i, j, d, f, cnt,
                                                    ra, dec])
                data_accumulator[uv['pol']] = [[uvw, t, i, j, d, f, cnt,
                                                ra, dec]]
                # NB: flag types in miriad are usually ints

        if len(list(data_accumulator.keys())) == 0:
            raise ValueError('No data is present, probably as a result of '
                             'select on read that excludes all the data')

        for pol, data in data_accumulator.items():
            data_accumulator[pol] = np.array(data)

        self.polarization_array = np.array(pol_list)
        if polarizations is None:
            # A select on read would make the header npols not match the pols in the data
            if len(self.polarization_array) != self.Npols:
                warnings.warn('npols={npols} but found {n} pols in data file'.format(
                              npols=self.Npols, n=len(self.polarization_array)))
        self.Npols = len(pol_list)

        # makes a data_array (and flag_array) of zeroes to be filled in by
        #   data values
        # any missing data will have zeros

        # use set to get the unique list of all times ever listed in the file
        # iterate over polarizations and all spectra (bls and times) in two
        # nested loops, then flatten into a single vector, then set
        # then list again.

        times = list(set(
            np.concatenate([[k[1] for k in d] for d in data_accumulator.values()])))
        times = np.sort(times)

        ant_i_unique = list(set(
            np.concatenate([[k[2] for k in d] for d in data_accumulator.values()])))
        ant_j_unique = list(set(
            np.concatenate([[k[3] for k in d] for d in data_accumulator.values()])))

        sorted_unique_ants = sorted(list(set(ant_i_unique + ant_j_unique)))
        ant_i_unique = np.array(ant_i_unique)
        ant_j_unique = np.array(ant_j_unique)

        # Determine maximum digits needed to distinguish different values
        if sorted_unique_ants[-1] > 0:
            ndig_ant = np.ceil(np.log10(sorted_unique_ants[-1])).astype(int) + 1
            ndig_ant = 1
        # Be excessive in precision because we use the floating point values as dictionary keys later
        prec_t = - 2 * np.floor(np.log10(self._time_array.tols[-1])).astype(int)
        ndig_t = (np.ceil(np.log10(times[-1])).astype(int) + prec_t + 2)
        blts = []
        for d in data_accumulator.values():
            for k in d:
                blt = ["{1:.{0}f}".format(prec_t, k[1]).zfill(ndig_t),
                       str(k[2]).zfill(ndig_ant), str(k[3]).zfill(ndig_ant)]
                blt = "_".join(blt)
        unique_blts = np.unique(np.array(blts))

        reverse_inds = dict(zip(unique_blts, range(len(unique_blts))))
        self.Nants_data = len(sorted_unique_ants)

        # load antennas and antenna positions using sorted unique ants list
        self._load_antpos(uv, sorted_unique_ants=sorted_unique_ants)

        # form up a grid which indexes time and baselines along the 'long'
        # axis of the visdata array
        tij_grid = np.array([list(map(float, x.split("_"))) for x in unique_blts])
        t_grid, ant_i_grid, ant_j_grid = tij_grid.T
        # set the data sizes
        if antenna_nums is None and bls is None and ant_str is None and time_range is None:
                self.Nblts = uv['nblts']
                if self.Nblts != len(t_grid):
                    warnings.warn('Nblts does not match the number of unique blts in the data')
                    self.Nblts = len(t_grid)
                self.Nblts = len(t_grid)
            # The select on read will make the header nblts not match the number of unique blts
            self.Nblts = len(t_grid)
        if time_range is None:
                self.Ntimes = uv['ntimes']
                if self.Ntimes != len(times):
                    warnings.warn('Ntimes does not match the number of unique times in the data')
                    self.Ntimes = len(times)
                self.Ntimes = len(times)
            # The select on read will make the header ntimes not match the number of unique times
            self.Ntimes = len(times)

        self.time_array = t_grid
        self.ant_1_array = ant_i_grid.astype(int)
        self.ant_2_array = ant_j_grid.astype(int)

        self.baseline_array = self.antnums_to_baseline(ant_i_grid.astype(int),
        if antenna_nums is None and bls is None and ant_str is None:
                self.Nbls = uv['nbls']
                if self.Nbls != len(np.unique(self.baseline_array)):
                    warnings.warn('Nbls does not match the number of unique baselines in the data')
                    self.Nbls = len(np.unique(self.baseline_array))
                self.Nbls = len(np.unique(self.baseline_array))
            # The select on read will make the header nbls not match the number of unique bls
            self.Nbls = len(np.unique(self.baseline_array))

        # slot the data into a grid
        self.data_array = np.zeros((self.Nblts, self.Nspws, self.Nfreqs,
                                    self.Npols), dtype=np.complex64)
        self.flag_array = np.ones(self.data_array.shape, dtype=np.bool)
        self.uvw_array = np.zeros((self.Nblts, 3))
        # NOTE: Using our lst calculator, which uses astropy,
        # instead of _miriad values which come from pyephem.
        # The differences are of order 5 seconds.
        if self.telescope_location is not None:
        self.nsample_array = np.ones(self.data_array.shape, dtype=np.float)
        self.freq_array = (np.arange(self.Nfreqs) * self.channel_width
                           + uv['sfreq'] * 1e9)
        # Tile freq_array to shape (Nspws, Nfreqs).
        # Currently does not actually support Nspws>1!
        self.freq_array = np.tile(self.freq_array, (self.Nspws, 1))

        # Temporary arrays to hold polarization axis, which will be collapsed
        ra_pol_list = np.zeros((self.Nblts, self.Npols))
        dec_pol_list = np.zeros((self.Nblts, self.Npols))
        uvw_pol_list = np.zeros((self.Nblts, 3, self.Npols))
        c_ns = const.c.to('m/ns').value
        for pol, data in data_accumulator.items():
            pol_ind = self._pol_to_ind(pol)
            for ind, d in enumerate(data):
                blt = ["{1:.{0}f}".format(prec_t, d[1]).zfill(ndig_t),
                       str(d[2]).zfill(ndig_ant), str(d[3]).zfill(ndig_ant)]
                blt = "_".join(blt)
                blt_index = reverse_inds[blt]

                self.data_array[blt_index, :, :, pol_ind] = d[4]
                self.flag_array[blt_index, :, :, pol_ind] = d[5]
                self.nsample_array[blt_index, :, :, pol_ind] = d[6]

                # because there are uvws/ra/dec for each pol, and one pol may not
                # have that visibility, we collapse along the polarization
                # axis but avoid any missing visbilities
                uvw = d[0] * c_ns
                uvw.shape = (1, 3)
                uvw_pol_list[blt_index, :, pol_ind] = uvw
                ra_pol_list[blt_index, pol_ind] = d[7]
                dec_pol_list[blt_index, pol_ind] = d[8]

        # Collapse pol axis for ra_list, dec_list, and uvw_list
        ra_list = np.zeros(self.Nblts)
        dec_list = np.zeros(self.Nblts)
        for blt_index in range(self.Nblts):
            test = ~np.all(self.flag_array[blt_index, :, :, :], axis=(0, 1))
            good_pol = np.where(test)[0]
            if len(good_pol) == 1:
                # Only one good pol, use it
                self.uvw_array[blt_index, :] = uvw_pol_list[blt_index, :, good_pol]
                ra_list[blt_index] = ra_pol_list[blt_index, good_pol]
                dec_list[blt_index] = dec_pol_list[blt_index, good_pol]
            elif len(good_pol) > 1:
                # Multiple good pols, check for consistency. pyuvdata does not
                # support pol-dependent uvw, ra, or dec.
                if np.any(np.diff(uvw_pol_list[blt_index, :, good_pol], axis=0)):
                    raise ValueError('uvw values are different by polarization.')
                    self.uvw_array[blt_index, :] = uvw_pol_list[blt_index, :, good_pol[0]]
                if np.any(np.diff(ra_pol_list[blt_index, good_pol])):
                    raise ValueError('ra values are different by polarization.')
                    ra_list[blt_index] = ra_pol_list[blt_index, good_pol[0]]
                if np.any(np.diff(dec_pol_list[blt_index, good_pol])):
                    raise ValueError('dec values are different by polarization.')
                    dec_list[blt_index] = dec_pol_list[blt_index, good_pol[0]]
                # No good pols for this blt. Fill with first one.
                self.uvw_array[blt_index, :] = uvw_pol_list[blt_index, :, 0]
                ra_list[blt_index] = ra_pol_list[blt_index, 0]
                dec_list[blt_index] = dec_pol_list[blt_index, 0]

        # get unflagged blts
        blt_good = np.where(~np.all(self.flag_array, axis=(1, 2, 3)))
        single_ra = np.isclose(np.mean(np.diff(ra_list[blt_good])), 0.)
        single_time = np.isclose(np.mean(np.diff(self.time_array[blt_good])), 0.)

        # first check to see if the phase_type was specified.
        if phase_type is not None:
            if phase_type is 'phased':
            elif phase_type is 'drift':
                raise ValueError('The phase_type was not recognized. '
                                 'Set the phase_type to "drift" or "phased" to '
                                 'reflect the phasing status of the data')
            # check if ra is constant throughout file; if it is,
            # file is tracking if not, file is drift scanning
            # check if there's only one unflagged time
            if not single_time:
                if single_ra:
                # if there's only one time, checking for consistent RAs doesn't work.
                # instead check for the presence of an epoch variable, which isn't
                # really a good option, but at least it prevents crashes.
                if 'epoch' in uv.vartable.keys():

        if self.phase_type == 'phased':
            # check that the RA values do not vary
            if not single_ra:
                raise ValueError('phase_type is "phased" but the RA values are varying.')
            self.phase_center_ra = float(ra_list[0])
            self.phase_center_dec = float(dec_list[0])
            self.phase_center_epoch = uv['epoch']
            # check that the RA values are not constant (if more than one time present)
            if (single_ra and not single_time):
                raise ValueError('phase_type is "drift" but the RA values are constant.')
            self.zenith_ra = ra_list
            self.zenith_dec = dec_list

        except ValueError as ve:

        # check if object has all required uv_properties set
        if run_check:

    def write_miriad(self, filepath, run_check=True, check_extra=True,
                     clobber=False, no_antnums=False):
        Write the data to a miriad file.

            filename: The miriad file directory to write to.
            run_check: Option to check for the existence and proper shapes of
                parameters before writing the file. Default is True.
            check_extra: Option to check optional parameters as well as required
                ones. Default is True.
            run_check_acceptability: Option to check acceptable range of the values of
                parameters before writing the file. Default is True.
            clobber: Option to overwrite the filename if the file already exists.
                Default is False.
            no_antnums: Option to not write the antnums variable to the file.
                Should only be used for testing purposes.
        if run_check:

        # check for multiple spws
        if self.data_array.shape[1] > 1:
            raise ValueError('write_miriad currently only handles single spw files.')

        if os.path.exists(filepath):
            if clobber:
                print('File exists: clobbering')
                raise ValueError('File exists: skipping')

        if self.Nfreqs > 1:
            freq_spacing = self.freq_array[0, 1:] - self.freq_array[0, :-1]
            if not np.isclose(np.min(freq_spacing), np.max(freq_spacing),
                              rtol=self._freq_array.tols[0], atol=self._freq_array.tols[1]):
                raise ValueError('The frequencies are not evenly spaced (probably '
                                 'because of a select operation). The miriad format '
                                 'does not support unevenly spaced frequencies.')
            if not np.isclose(np.max(freq_spacing), self.channel_width,
                              rtol=self._freq_array.tols[0], atol=self._freq_array.tols[1]):
                raise ValueError('The frequencies are separated by more than their '
                                 'channel width (probably because of a select operation). '
                                 'The miriad format does not support frequencies '
                                 'that are spaced by more than their channel width.')

        uv = aipy_extracts.UV(filepath, status='new')

        # initialize header variables
        uv._wrhd('obstype', 'mixed-auto-cross')
        # avoid inserting extra \n.
        if not self.history[-1] == '\n':
            self.history += '\n'
        uv._wrhd('history', self.history)

        # recognized miriad variables
        uv.add_var('nchan', 'i')
        uv['nchan'] = self.Nfreqs
        uv.add_var('npol', 'i')
        uv['npol'] = self.Npols
        uv.add_var('nspect', 'i')
        uv['nspect'] = self.Nspws
        uv.add_var('inttime', 'd')
        uv['inttime'] = self.integration_time
        uv.add_var('sdf', 'd')
        uv['sdf'] = self.channel_width / 1e9  # in GHz
        uv.add_var('source', 'a')
        uv['source'] = self.object_name
        uv.add_var('telescop', 'a')
        uv['telescop'] = self.telescope_name
        uv.add_var('latitud', 'd')
        uv['latitud'] = self.telescope_location_lat_lon_alt[0]
        uv.add_var('longitu', 'd')
        uv['longitu'] = self.telescope_location_lat_lon_alt[1]
        uv.add_var('nants', 'i')
        if self.x_orientation is not None:
            uv.add_var('xorient', 'a')
            uv['xorient'] = self.x_orientation
        if self.antenna_diameters is not None:
            if not np.allclose(self.antenna_diameters, self.antenna_diameters[0]):
                warnings.warn('Antenna diameters are not uniform, but miriad only'
                              'supports a single diameter. Skipping.')
                uv.add_var('antdiam', 'd')
                uv['antdiam'] = float(self.antenna_diameters[0])

        # These are added to make files written by pyuvdata more "miriad correct", and
        # should be changed when support for more than one spectral window is added.
        # 'nschan' is the number of channels per spectral window, and 'ischan' is the
        # starting channel for each spectral window. Both should be arrays of size Nspws.
        # Also note that indexing in Miriad is 1-based
        uv.add_var('nschan', 'i')
        uv['nschan'] = self.Nfreqs
        uv.add_var('ischan', 'i')
        uv['ischan'] = 1

        # Miriad has no way to keep track of antenna numbers, so the antenna
        # numbers are simply the index for each antenna in any array that
        # describes antenna attributes (e.g. antpos for the antenna_postions).
        # Therefore on write, nants (which gives the size of the antpos array)
        # needs to be increased to be the max value of antenna_numbers+1 and the
        # antpos array needs to be inflated with zeros at locations where we
        # don't have antenna information. These inflations need to be undone at
        # read. If the file was written by pyuvdata, then the variable antnums
        # will be present and we can use it, otherwise we need to test for zeros
        # in the antpos array and/or antennas with no visibilities.
        nants = np.max(self.antenna_numbers) + 1
        uv['nants'] = nants
        if self.antenna_positions is not None:
            # Miriad wants antenna_positions to be in absolute coordinates
            # (not relative to array center) in a rotated ECEF frame where the
            # x-axis goes through the local meridian.
            rel_ecef_antpos = np.zeros((nants, 3), dtype=self.antenna_positions.dtype)
            for ai, num in enumerate(self.antenna_numbers):
                rel_ecef_antpos[num, :] = self.antenna_positions[ai, :]

            # find zeros so antpos can be zeroed there too
            antpos_length = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.abs(rel_ecef_antpos)**2, axis=1))

            ecef_antpos = rel_ecef_antpos + self.telescope_location
            longitude = self.telescope_location_lat_lon_alt[1]
            antpos = uvutils.rotECEF_from_ECEF(ecef_antpos, longitude)

            # zero out bad locations (these are checked on read)
            antpos[np.where(antpos_length == 0), :] = [0, 0, 0]

            uv.add_var('antpos', 'd')
            # Miriad stores antpos values in units of ns, pyuvdata uses meters.
            uv['antpos'] = antpos.T.flatten() / const.c.to('m/ns').value

        uv.add_var('sfreq', 'd')
        uv['sfreq'] = self.freq_array[0, 0] / 1e9  # first spw; in GHz
        if self.phase_type == 'phased':
            uv.add_var('epoch', 'r')
            uv['epoch'] = self.phase_center_epoch

        # required pyuvdata variables that are not recognized miriad variables
        uv.add_var('ntimes', 'i')
        uv['ntimes'] = self.Ntimes
        uv.add_var('nbls', 'i')
        uv['nbls'] = self.Nbls
        uv.add_var('nblts', 'i')
        uv['nblts'] = self.Nblts
        uv.add_var('visunits', 'a')
        uv['visunits'] = self.vis_units
        uv.add_var('instrume', 'a')
        uv['instrume'] = self.instrument
        uv.add_var('altitude', 'd')
        uv['altitude'] = self.telescope_location_lat_lon_alt[2]

        # optional pyuvdata variables that are not recognized miriad variables
        if self.dut1 is not None:
            uv.add_var('dut1', 'd')
            uv['dut1'] = self.dut1
        if self.earth_omega is not None:
            uv.add_var('degpdy', 'd')
            uv['degpdy'] = self.earth_omega
        if self.gst0 is not None:
            uv.add_var('gst0', 'd')
            uv['gst0'] = self.gst0
        if self.rdate is not None:
            uv.add_var('rdate', 'a')
            uv['rdate'] = self.rdate
        if self.timesys is not None:
            uv.add_var('timesys', 'a')
            uv['timesys'] = self.timesys

        # other extra keywords
        # set up dictionaries to map common python types to miriad types
        # NB: arrays/lists/dicts could potentially be written as strings or 1D
        # vectors.  This is not supported at present!
        # NB: complex numbers *should* be supportable, but are not currently
        # supported due to unexplained errors in _miriad and/or its underlying libraries
        numpy_types = {np.int8: int,
                       np.int16: int,
                       np.int32: int,
                       np.int64: int,
                       np.uint8: int,
                       np.uint16: int,
                       np.uint32: int,
                       np.uint64: int,
                       np.float16: float,
                       np.float32: float,
                       np.float64: float,
                       np.float128: float,
        types = {str: 'a',
                 int: 'i',
                 float: 'd',
                 bool: 'a',  # booleans are stored as strings and changed back on read
        for key, value in self.extra_keywords.items():
            if type(value) in numpy_types.keys():
                if numpy_types[type(value)] == int:
                    value = int(value)
                elif numpy_types[type(value)] == float:
                    value = float(value)
            elif type(value) == bool:
                value = str(value)
            elif type(value) not in types.keys():
                raise TypeError('Extra keyword {keyword} is of {keytype}. '
                                'Only strings and real numbers are '
                                'supported in miriad.'.format(keyword=key,

            if len(str(key)) > 8:
                warnings.warn('key {key} in extra_keywords is longer than 8 '
                              'characters. It will be truncated to 8 as required '
                              'by the miriad file format.'.format(key=key))

            uvkeyname = str(key)[:8]  # name must be string, max 8 letters
            typestring = types[type(value)]
            uv.add_var(uvkeyname, typestring)
            uv[uvkeyname] = value

        if not no_antnums:
            # Add in the antenna_numbers so we have them if we read this file back in.
            # For some reason Miriad doesn't handle an array of integers properly,
            # so convert to floats here and integers on read.
            uv.add_var('antnums', 'd')
            uv['antnums'] = self.antenna_numbers.astype(np.float64)

        # antenna names is a foreign concept in miriad but required in other formats.
        # Miriad can't handle arrays of strings, so we make it into one long
        # comma-separated string and convert back on read.
        ant_name_str = '[' + ', '.join(self.antenna_names) + ']'
        uv.add_var('antnames', 'a')
        uv['antnames'] = ant_name_str

        # variables that can get updated with every visibility
        uv.add_var('pol', 'i')
        uv.add_var('lst', 'd')
        uv.add_var('cnt', 'd')
        uv.add_var('ra', 'd')
        uv.add_var('dec', 'd')

        # write data
        c_ns = const.c.to('m/ns').value
        for viscnt, blt in enumerate(self.data_array):
            uvw = (self.uvw_array[viscnt] / c_ns).astype(np.double)  # NOTE issue 50 on conjugation
            t = self.time_array[viscnt]
            i = self.ant_1_array[viscnt]
            j = self.ant_2_array[viscnt]

            uv['lst'] = self.lst_array[viscnt]
            if self.phase_type == 'phased':
                uv['ra'] = self.phase_center_ra
                uv['dec'] = self.phase_center_dec
            elif self.phase_type == 'drift':
                uv['ra'] = self.zenith_ra[viscnt]
                uv['dec'] = self.zenith_dec[viscnt]
                raise ValueError('The phasing type of the data is unknown. '
                                 'Set the phase_type to "drift" or "phased" to '
                                 'reflect the phasing status of the data')

            # NOTE only writing spw 0, not supporting multiple spws for write
            for polcnt, pol in enumerate(self.polarization_array):
                uv['pol'] = pol.astype(np.int)
                uv['cnt'] = self.nsample_array[viscnt, 0, :, polcnt].astype(np.double)

                data = self.data_array[viscnt, 0, :, polcnt]
                flags = self.flag_array[viscnt, 0, :, polcnt]
                if i > j:
                    i, j, data = j, i, np.conjugate(data)
                preamble = (uvw, t, (i, j))

                uv.write(preamble, data, flags)

    def read_miriad_metadata(self, filename, correct_lat_lon=True):
        Read in metadata (parameter info) but not data from a miriad file.

            filename : The miriad file to read
            correct_lat_lon: flag -- that only matters if altitude is missing --
                to update the latitude and longitude from the known_telescopes list

            default_miriad_variables: list of default miriad variables
            other_miriad_variables: list of other miriad variables
            extra_miriad_variables: list of extra, non-standard variables
            check_variables: dict of extra miriad variables
        # check for data array
        if self.data_array is not None:
            raise ValueError('data_array is already defined, cannot read metadata')

        # get UV descriptor
        if isinstance(filename, (str, np.str)):
            uv = aipy_extracts.UV(filename)
        elif isinstance(filename, aipy_extracts.UV):
            uv = filename

        # load miriad variables
        (default_miriad_variables, other_miriad_variables,
         extra_miriad_variables) = self._load_miriad_variables(uv)

        # dict of extra variables
        check_variables = {}
        for extra_variable in extra_miriad_variables:
            check_variables[extra_variable] = uv[extra_variable]

        # keep all single valued extra_variables as extra_keywords
        for key in check_variables.keys():
            if type(check_variables[key]) == str:
                value = check_variables[key].replace('\x00', '')
                # check for booleans encoded as strings
                if value == 'True':
                    value = True
                elif value == 'False':
                    value = False
                self.extra_keywords[key] = value
                self.extra_keywords[key] = check_variables[key]

        # Check for items in itemtable to put into extra_keywords
        # These will end up as variables in written files, but is internally consistent.
        for key in uv.items():
            # A few items that are not needed, we read elsewhere, or is not supported
            # when downselecting, so we don't read here.
            if key not in ['vartable', 'history', 'obstype'] and key not in other_miriad_variables:
                if type(uv[key]) == str:
                    value = uv[key].replace('\x00', '')
                    value = uv[key].replace('\x01', '')
                    if value == 'True':
                        value = True
                    elif value == 'False':
                        value = False
                    self.extra_keywords[key] = value
                    self.extra_keywords[key] = uv[key]

        # load telescope coords
        self._load_telescope_coords(uv, correct_lat_lon=correct_lat_lon)

        # load antenna positions

        return (default_miriad_variables, other_miriad_variables, extra_miriad_variables,

    def _load_miriad_variables(self, uv):
        Load miriad variables from an aipy.miriad UV descriptor.

            uv: aipy.miriad.UV instance

            default_miriad_variables: list of default miriad variables
            other_miriad_varialbes: list of other miriad varialbes
            extra_miriad_variables: list of extra, non-standard variables
        # list of miriad variables always read
        # NB: this includes variables in try/except (i.e. not all variables are
        # necessarily present in the miriad file)
        default_miriad_variables = ['nchan', 'npol', 'inttime', 'sdf',
                                    'source', 'telescop', 'latitud', 'longitu',
                                    'altitude', 'history', 'visunits',
                                    'instrume', 'dut1', 'gst0', 'rdate',
                                    'timesys', 'xorient', 'cnt', 'ra', 'dec',
                                    'lst', 'pol', 'nants', 'antnames', 'nblts',
                                    'ntimes', 'nbls', 'sfreq', 'epoch',
                                    'antpos', 'antnums', 'degpdy', 'antdiam',
        # list of miriad variables not read, but also not interesting
        # NB: nspect (I think) is number of spectral windows, will want one day
        # NB: xyphase & xyamp are "On-line X Y phase/amplitude measurements" which we may want in
        #     a calibration object some day
        # NB: systemp, xtsys & ytsys are "System temperatures of the antenna/X/Y feed"
        #     which we may want in a calibration object some day
        # NB: freqs, leakage and bandpass may be part of a calibration object some day
        other_miriad_variables = ['nspect', 'obsdec', 'vsource', 'ischan',
                                  'restfreq', 'nschan', 'corr', 'freq',
                                  'freqs', 'leakage', 'bandpass',
                                  'tscale', 'coord', 'veldop', 'time', 'obsra',
                                  'operator', 'version', 'axismax', 'axisrms',
                                  'xyphase', 'xyamp', 'systemp', 'xtsys', 'ytsys',

        extra_miriad_variables = []
        for variable in uv.vars():
            if (variable not in default_miriad_variables
                    and variable not in other_miriad_variables):

        miriad_header_data = {'Nfreqs': 'nchan',
                              'Npols': 'npol',
                              'integration_time': 'inttime',
                              'channel_width': 'sdf',  # in Ghz!
                              'object_name': 'source',
                              'telescope_name': 'telescop'
        for item in miriad_header_data:
            if isinstance(uv[miriad_header_data[item]], str):
                header_value = uv[miriad_header_data[item]].replace('\x00', '')
                header_value = uv[miriad_header_data[item]]
            setattr(self, item, header_value)

        self.history = uv['history']
        if not uvutils.check_history_version(self.history, self.pyuvdata_version_str):
            self.history += self.pyuvdata_version_str
        self.channel_width *= 1e9  # change from GHz to Hz

        # check for pyuvdata variables that are not recognized miriad variables
        if 'visunits' in uv.vartable.keys():
            self.vis_units = uv['visunits'].replace('\x00', '')
            self.vis_units = 'UNCALIB'  # assume no calibration
        if 'instrume' in uv.vartable.keys():
            self.instrument = uv['instrume'].replace('\x00', '')
            self.instrument = self.telescope_name  # set instrument = telescope

        if 'dut1' in uv.vartable.keys():
            self.dut1 = uv['dut1']
        if 'degpdy' in uv.vartable.keys():
            self.earth_omega = uv['degpdy']
        if 'gst0' in uv.vartable.keys():
            self.gst0 = uv['gst0']
        if 'rdate' in uv.vartable.keys():
            self.rdate = uv['rdate'].replace('\x00', '')
        if 'timesys' in uv.vartable.keys():
            self.timesys = uv['timesys'].replace('\x00', '')
        if 'xorient' in uv.vartable.keys():
            self.x_orientation = uv['xorient'].replace('\x00', '')

        return default_miriad_variables, other_miriad_variables, extra_miriad_variables

    def _load_telescope_coords(self, uv, correct_lat_lon=True):
        Load telescope lat, lon alt coordinates from aipy.miriad UV descriptor.

            uv: aipy.miriad.UV instance
            correct_lat_lon: flag -- that only matters if altitude is missing --
                to update the latitude and longitude from the known_telescopes list
        # check if telescope name is present
        if self.telescope_name is None:

        latitude = uv['latitud']  # in units of radians
        longitude = uv['longitu']
            altitude = uv['altitude']
            self.telescope_location_lat_lon_alt = (latitude, longitude, altitude)
            # get info from known telescopes. Check to make sure the lat/lon values match reasonably well
            telescope_obj = uvtel.get_telescope(self.telescope_name)
            if telescope_obj is not False:

                tol = 2 * np.pi * 1e-3 / (60.0 * 60.0 * 24.0)  # 1mas in radians
                lat_close = np.isclose(telescope_obj.telescope_location_lat_lon_alt[0],
                                       latitude, rtol=0, atol=tol)
                lon_close = np.isclose(telescope_obj.telescope_location_lat_lon_alt[1],
                                       longitude, rtol=0, atol=tol)
                if correct_lat_lon:
                    self.telescope_location_lat_lon_alt = telescope_obj.telescope_location_lat_lon_alt
                    self.telescope_location_lat_lon_alt = (latitude, longitude, telescope_obj.telescope_location_lat_lon_alt[2])
                if lat_close and lon_close:
                    if correct_lat_lon:
                        warnings.warn('Altitude is not present in Miriad file, '
                                      'using known location values for '
                        warnings.warn('Altitude is not present in Miriad file, '
                                      'using known location altitude value '
                                      'for {telescope_name} and lat/lon from '
                    warn_string = ('Altitude is not present in file ')
                    if not lat_close and not lon_close:
                        warn_string = warn_string + 'and latitude and longitude values do not match values '
                        if not lat_close:
                            warn_string = warn_string + 'and latitude value does not match value '
                            warn_string = warn_string + 'and longitude value does not match value '
                    if correct_lat_lon:
                        warn_string = (warn_string + 'for {telescope_name} in known '
                                       'telescopes. Using values from known '
                        warn_string = (warn_string + 'for {telescope_name} in known '
                                       'telescopes. Using altitude value from known '
                                       'telescopes and lat/lon from '
                warnings.warn('Altitude is not present in Miriad file, and '
                              'telescope {telescope_name} is not in '
                              'known_telescopes. Telescope location will be '
                              'set using antenna positions.'

    def _load_antpos(self, uv, sorted_unique_ants=[], correct_lat_lon=True):
        Load antennas and their positions from a Miriad UV descriptor.

            uv: aipy.miriad.UV instance.
            sorted_unique_ants: list of unique antennas
            correct_lat_lon: flag -- that only matters if altitude is missing --
                to update the latitude and longitude from the known_telescopes list
        # check if telescope coords exist
        if self.telescope_location_lat_lon_alt is None:
            self._load_telescope_coords(uv, correct_lat_lon=correct_lat_lon)

        latitude = uv['latitud']  # in units of radians
        longitude = uv['longitu']

        # Miriad has no way to keep track of antenna numbers, so the antenna
        # numbers are simply the index for each antenna in any array that
        # describes antenna attributes (e.g. antpos for the antenna_postions).
        # Therefore on write, nants (which gives the size of the antpos array)
        # needs to be increased to be the max value of antenna_numbers+1 and the
        # antpos array needs to be inflated with zeros at locations where we
        # don't have antenna information. These inflations need to be undone at
        # read. If the file was written by pyuvdata, then the variable antnums
        # will be present and we can use it, otherwise we need to test for zeros
        # in the antpos array and/or antennas with no visibilities.
            # The antnums variable will only exist if the file was written with pyuvdata.
            # For some reason Miriad doesn't handle an array of integers properly,
            # so we convert to floats on write and back here
            self.antenna_numbers = uv['antnums'].astype(int)
            self.Nants_telescope = len(self.antenna_numbers)
            self.antenna_numbers = None
            self.Nants_telescope = None

        nants = uv['nants']
            # Miriad stores antpos values in units of ns, pyuvdata uses meters.
            antpos = uv['antpos'].reshape(3, nants).T * const.c.to('m/ns').value

            # first figure out what are good antenna positions so we can only
            # use the non-zero ones to evaluate position information
            antpos_length = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.abs(antpos)**2, axis=1))
            good_antpos = np.where(antpos_length > 0)[0]
            mean_antpos_length = np.mean(antpos_length[good_antpos])
            if mean_antpos_length > 6.35e6 and mean_antpos_length < 6.39e6:
                absolute_positions = True
                absolute_positions = False

            # Miriad stores antpos values in a rotated ECEF coordinate system
            # where the x-axis goes through the local meridan. Need to convert
            # these positions back to standard ECEF and if they are absolute positions,
            # subtract off the telescope position to make them relative to the array center.
            ecef_antpos = uvutils.ECEF_from_rotECEF(antpos, longitude)

            if self.telescope_location is not None:
                if absolute_positions:
                    rel_ecef_antpos = ecef_antpos - self.telescope_location
                    # maintain zeros because they mark missing data
                    rel_ecef_antpos[np.where(antpos_length == 0)[0]] = ecef_antpos[np.where(antpos_length == 0)[0]]
                    rel_ecef_antpos = ecef_antpos
                self.telescope_location = np.mean(ecef_antpos[good_antpos, :], axis=0)
                valid_location = self._telescope_location.check_acceptability()[0]

                # check to see if this could be a valid telescope_location
                if valid_location:
                    mean_lat, mean_lon, mean_alt = self.telescope_location_lat_lon_alt
                    tol = 2 * np.pi / (60.0 * 60.0 * 24.0)  # 1 arcsecond in radians
                    mean_lat_close = np.isclose(mean_lat, latitude, rtol=0, atol=tol)
                    mean_lon_close = np.isclose(mean_lon, longitude, rtol=0, atol=tol)

                    if mean_lat_close and mean_lon_close:
                        # this looks like a valid telescope_location, and the
                        # mean antenna lat & lon values are close. Set the
                        # telescope_location using the file lat/lons and the mean alt.
                        # Then subtract it off of the antenna positions
                        warnings.warn('Telescope location is not set, but antenna '
                                      'positions are present. Mean antenna latitude and '
                                      'longitude values match file values, so '
                                      'telescope_position will be set using the '
                                      'mean of the antenna altitudes')
                        self.telescope_location_lat_lon_alt = (latitude, longitude, mean_alt)
                        rel_ecef_antpos = ecef_antpos - self.telescope_location

                        # this looks like a valid telescope_location, but the
                        # mean antenna lat & lon values are not close. Set the
                        # telescope_location using the file lat/lons at sea level.
                        # Then subtract it off of the antenna positions
                        self.telescope_location_lat_lon_alt = (latitude, longitude, 0)
                        warn_string = ('Telescope location is set at sealevel at '
                                       'the file lat/lon coordinates. Antenna '
                                       'positions are present, but the mean '
                                       'antenna ')
                        rel_ecef_antpos = ecef_antpos - self.telescope_location

                        if not mean_lat_close and not mean_lon_close:
                            warn_string += ('latitude and longitude values do not '
                                            'match file values so they are not used '
                                            'for altiude.')
                        elif not mean_lat_close:
                            warn_string += ('latitude value does not '
                                            'match file values so they are not used '
                                            'for altiude.')
                            warn_string += ('longitude value does not '
                                            'match file values so they are not used '
                                            'for altiude.')


                    # This does not give a valid telescope_location. Instead
                    # calculate it from the file lat/lon and sea level for altiude
                    self.telescope_location_lat_lon_alt = (latitude, longitude, 0)
                    warn_string = ('Telescope location is set at sealevel at '
                                   'the file lat/lon coordinates. Antenna '
                                   'positions are present, but the mean '
                                   'antenna ')

                    warn_string += ('position does not give a '
                                    'telescope_location on the surface of the '
                    if absolute_positions:
                        rel_ecef_antpos = ecef_antpos - self.telescope_location
                        warn_string += (' Antenna positions do not appear to be '
                                        'on the surface of the earth and will be treated '
                                        'as relative.')
                        rel_ecef_antpos = ecef_antpos


            if self.Nants_telescope is not None:
                # in this case there is an antnums variable
                # (meaning that the file was written with pyuvdata), so we'll use it
                if nants == self.Nants_telescope:
                    # no inflation, so just use the positions
                    self.antenna_positions = rel_ecef_antpos
                    # there is some inflation, just use the ones that appear in antnums
                    self.antenna_positions = np.zeros((self.Nants_telescope, 3), dtype=antpos.dtype)
                    for ai, num in enumerate(self.antenna_numbers):
                        self.antenna_positions[ai, :] = rel_ecef_antpos[num, :]
                # there is no antnums variable (meaning that this file was not
                # written by pyuvdata), so we test for antennas with non-zero
                # positions and/or that appear in the visibility data
                # (meaning that they have entries in ant_1_array or ant_2_array)
                antpos_length = np.sqrt(np.sum(np.abs(antpos)**2, axis=1))
                good_antpos = np.where(antpos_length > 0)[0]
                # take the union of the antennas with good positions (good_antpos)
                # and the antennas that have visisbilities (sorted_unique_ants)
                # if there are antennas with visibilities but zeroed positions we issue a warning below
                ants_use = set(good_antpos).union(sorted_unique_ants)
                # ants_use are the antennas we'll keep track of in the UVData
                # object, so they dictate Nants_telescope
                self.Nants_telescope = len(ants_use)
                self.antenna_numbers = np.array(list(ants_use))
                self.antenna_positions = np.zeros((self.Nants_telescope, 3), dtype=rel_ecef_antpos.dtype)
                for ai, num in enumerate(self.antenna_numbers):
                    if antpos_length[num] == 0:
                        warnings.warn('antenna number {n} has visibilities '
                                      'associated with it, but it has a position'
                                      ' of (0,0,0)'.format(n=num))
                        # leave bad locations as zeros to make them obvious
                        self.antenna_positions[ai, :] = rel_ecef_antpos[num, :]

            # there is no antpos variable
            warnings.warn('Antenna positions are not present in the file.')
            self.antenna_positions = None

        if self.antenna_numbers is None:
            # there are no antenna_numbers or antenna_positions, so just use
            # the antennas present in the visibilities
            # (Nants_data will therefore match Nants_telescope)
            self.antenna_numbers = np.array(sorted_unique_ants)
            self.Nants_telescope = len(self.antenna_numbers)

        # antenna names is a foreign concept in miriad but required in other formats.
            # Here we deal with the way pyuvdata tacks it on to keep the
            # name information if we have it:
            # make it into one long comma-separated string
            ant_name_var = uv['antnames']
            if isinstance(ant_name_var, str):
                ant_name_str = ant_name_var.replace('\x00', '')
                ant_name_list = ant_name_str[1:-1].split(', ')
                self.antenna_names = ant_name_list
                # Backwards compatibility for old way of storing antenna_names.
                # This is a horrible hack to save & recover antenna_names array.
                # Miriad can't handle arrays of strings and AIPY use to not handle
                # long enough single strings to put them all into one string
                # so we convert them into hex values and then into floats on
                # write and convert back to strings here
                warnings.warn('This file was written with an old version of '
                              'pyuvdata, which has been deprecated. Rewrite this '
                              'file with write_miriad to ensure future '
                ant_name_flt = uv['antnames']
                ant_name_list = []
                for elem in ant_name_flt:
                    an = '%x' % elem.astype(np.int64)
                    # python2 in try, python3 in except
                        an = an.decode('hex')
                    except AttributeError:
                        an = bytes.fromhex(an).decode()
                self.antenna_names = ant_name_list

            self.antenna_names = self.antenna_numbers.astype(str).tolist()

        # check for antenna diameters
            self.antenna_diameters = uv['antdiam']
            # backwards compatibility for when keyword was 'diameter'
                self.antenna_diameters = uv['diameter']
                # if we find it, we need to remove it from extra_keywords to keep from writing it out
        if self.antenna_diameters is not None:
            self.antenna_diameters = (self.antenna_diameters
                                      * np.ones(self.Nants_telescope, dtype=np.float))
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