#include "shared.h"
#define N_TERMS(x) (x / 1000 + 1) * 2000
using namespace Rcpp;
// kummer fn: Taylor series method
double kummer_taylor(double x, double a, double b) {
mpfr::mpreal aj = 1;
mpfr::mpreal sj = aj;
mpfr::mpreal tol = 1e-6, err = 1.0, j = 0.0;
mpfr::mpreal aj1 = 0.0, sj1 = 0.0;
mpfr::mpreal x_mp = mpfr::mpreal(x), a_mp = mpfr::mpreal(a), b_mp = mpfr::mpreal(b);
while (err > tol) {
aj1 = aj*(a+j)*x/((b+j)*(j+1));
sj1 = sj + aj1;
aj = aj1;
sj = sj1;
err = mpfr::abs(aj1);
j = j+1;
return mpfr::log(sj).toDouble();
// Exponential transformation of the kummer fn for -ve x
// kummer_(x=-c, a=alpha+x, b=beta+alpha+x)
// since positive x is easier to compute
// M(a,b,x) = exp(x)M(b-a,b,-x)
double kummer_exp(double x, double a, double b) {
return x + kummer_taylor(-x, b-a, b);
// kummer series using mpfr
// returns only logarithmic values
double kummer_(double x, double a, double b) {
if(!validKummerParameters(a, b)) {
return R_NaN;
if(x < 0) {
return(kummer_exp(x, a, b));
else {
return(kummer_taylor(x, a, b));
// density function
double dpb_(double x, double alpha, double beta, double c, const bool& log_p, bool& throw_warning) {
if( isInadmissible(x) || isInadmissible(alpha) || isInadmissible(beta) || isInadmissible(c) )
return x+alpha+beta+c;
if( !isInteger(x) || x < 0 || traits::is_infinite<REALSXP>(x) )
return 0;
if(!validPbParameters(alpha, beta, c)) {
throw_warning = true;
return R_NaN;
double cre = kummer_(-c, alpha+x, beta+alpha+x);
double res;
return R_NaN;
if(x <= 0) {
res = cre;
} else {
int sign = (x-1 < 0) ? -1 : 1;
int x2 = (x-1 > 0) ? (int)std::floor(x-1) : (int)std::floor(1-x);
double num = 0, denom = 0;
for(int i=0; i <= x2; i++) {
num += log((alpha + sign*i));
denom += log(alpha + beta + sign * i);
num += x * log(c);
denom += lgamma(x+1);
res = num-denom+cre;
return res;
return exp(res);
// distribution function
double ppb_(double x, double alpha, double beta, double c, bool& throw_warning) {
if( isInadmissible(x) || isInadmissible(alpha) || isInadmissible(beta) || isInadmissible(c) )
return x+alpha+beta+c;
if(!validPbParameters(alpha, beta, c)) {
throw_warning = true;
return R_NaN;
if( !isInteger(x) )
return 0;
return 1;
double res = 0;
for(int i = 0; i <= x; i++) {
res += dpb_(i, alpha, beta, c, false, throw_warning);
return res;
// distribution function array
double* ppb_(double alpha, double beta, double c) {
double *res = (double *)std::malloc(Q_LIMIT * sizeof(double));
bool throw_warning = false;
res[0] = dpb_(0, alpha, beta, c, false, throw_warning);
for(int i = 1; i < Q_LIMIT; i++) {
res[i] = res[i-1] + dpb_(i, alpha, beta, c, false, throw_warning);
return res;
// quantiles for single parameters
double qpb_(double p, double *p_distr) {
return NA_REAL;
if(!validProbability(p) || isInadmissible(p_distr[0])){
warning("NaNs produced");
return R_NaN;
if(p == 0.0)
return 0.0;
if(p == 1.0 || p > p_distr[Q_LIMIT-1])
return R_PosInf;
for(int i = 1; i < Q_LIMIT; i++) {
if(p > p_distr[i-1] && p < p_distr[i]) {
return i;
return R_PosInf;
// quantiles for vectorised parameters
double qpb_(double p, double alpha, double beta, double c) {
if(isInadmissible(p) || isInadmissible(alpha) || isInadmissible(beta) || isInadmissible(c))
return NA_REAL;
warning("NaNs produced");
return R_NaN;
if(p == 0.0)
return 0.0;
double *p_distr = ppb_(alpha, beta, c);
if(p == 1.0 || p > p_distr[Q_LIMIT-1])
return R_PosInf;
for(int i = 1; i < Q_LIMIT; i++) {
if(p > p_distr[i-1] && p < p_distr[i]) {
return i;
return R_PosInf;
// random number generator
double rpb_(double alpha, double beta, double c, bool& throw_warning) {
if(isInadmissible(alpha) || isInadmissible(beta) || isInadmissible(c)) {
throw_warning = true;
return NA_REAL;
if(!validPbParameters(alpha, beta, c)) {
throw_warning = true;
return R_NaN;
NumericVector poissonParameter = rbeta(1, alpha, beta) * c;
NumericVector t = rpois(1, poissonParameter[0]);
return t[0];
//' Kummer's (confluent hypergeometric) function in log-scale
//' Kummer's function (also: confluent hypergeometric function of the first kind)
//' for numeric (non-complex) values and input parameters in log-scale.
//' @param x numeric value or vector
//' @param a,b numeric parameters of the Kummer function
//' @name chf_1F1
//' @rdname chf_1F1
//' @export
//' @details Note that the output is in log-scale. So the evaluated function is:
//' \deqn{\log \left[\sum_{n=0}^\infty \frac{a^{(n)} x^n}{ b^(n) n!}\right]}{log [ \sum from n to \infty (a^(n) x^n)/ (b^(n) n!)]}
//' where \eqn{a^{(n)}}{a^(n)} and \eqn{b^{(n)}}{b^(n)} describe the rising factorial.
//' @examples
//' x <- chf_1F1(-100:100, 5, 7)
//' plot(-100:100, x, type='l')
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector chf_1F1(NumericVector x, NumericVector a, NumericVector b) {
if(min(NumericVector::create(x.length(), a.length(), b.length())) < 1) {
return NumericVector(0);
int n = max(NumericVector::create(x.length(), a.length(), b.length()));
NumericVector res(n);
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
res[i] = kummer_(GETV(x, i), GETV(a, i), GETV(b, i));
return res;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector cpp_dpb(NumericVector& x, NumericVector& alpha, NumericVector& beta, NumericVector& c, const bool& log_p = false) {
if(std::min({x.length(), alpha.length(), beta.length(), c.length()}) < 1) {
return NumericVector(0);
int n = std::max({x.length(), alpha.length(), beta.length(), c.length()});
NumericVector p(n);
bool throw_warning = false;
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
p[i] = dpb_(GETV(x, i), GETV(alpha, i), GETV(beta, i), GETV(c, i), log_p, throw_warning);
warning("NaNs produced");
return p;
NumericVector cpp_ppb(NumericVector& q, NumericVector& alpha, NumericVector& beta, NumericVector& c, const bool& lower_tail, const bool& log_p) {
if(std::min({ q.length(), alpha.length(), beta.length(), c.length() }) < 1) {
return NumericVector(0);
int n = std::max({ q.length(), alpha.length(), beta.length(), c.length() });
NumericVector p(n);
bool throw_warning = false;
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
p[i] = ppb_(GETV(q, i), GETV(alpha, i), GETV(beta, i), GETV(c, i), throw_warning);
p = 1.0 - p;
p = log(p);
warning("NaNs produced");
return p;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector cpp_rpb(const int& n, NumericVector& alpha, NumericVector& beta, NumericVector& c) {
if(std::min({ alpha.length(), beta.length(), c.length() }) < 1) {
warning("NAs produced");
return NumericVector(n, NA_REAL);
NumericVector x(n);
bool throw_warning = false;
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
x[i] = rpb_(GETV(alpha, i), GETV(beta, i), GETV(c, i), throw_warning);
warning("NAs produced");
return x;
// [[Rcpp::export]]
NumericVector cpp_qpb(NumericVector& p, NumericVector& alpha, NumericVector& beta, NumericVector& c, const bool& lower_tail, const bool& log_p) {
if(std::min({ p.length(), alpha.length(), beta.length(), c.length() }) < 1) {
return NumericVector(0);
int n = std::max({ p.length(), alpha.length(), beta.length(), c.length()});
NumericVector res(n);
p = exp(p);
p = 1.0 - p;
if (min(alpha) == max(alpha) && min(beta) == max(beta) && min(c) == max(c)) {
// single parameters
// optmized to compute cdf only once
if(isInadmissible(alpha[0]) || isInadmissible(beta[0]) || isInadmissible(c[0])) {
return NumericVector(n, NA_REAL);
} else {
double* p_distr = ppb_(min(na_omit(alpha)), min(na_omit(beta)), min(na_omit(c)));
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
res[i] = qpb_(GETV(p, i), p_distr);
} else {
// vectorised parameters
for(int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
res[i] = qpb_(GETV(p, i), GETV(alpha, i), GETV(beta, i), GETV(c, i));
return res;