#!/usr/bin/env python # -*- coding: utf-8 -*- try: from setuptools import setup except ImportError: from distutils.core import setup with open('README.md') as readme_file: readme = readme_file.read() with open('HISTORY.rst') as history_file: history = history_file.read() setup( name='tntorch', version='1.0.1', description="Tensor Network Learning with PyTorch", long_description="tntorch is a PyTorch-powered modeling and learning library using tensor networks. Features include basic and fancy indexing of tensors, broadcasting, assignment, etc.; tensor decomposition and arithmetics; adaptive sampling (cross-approximation); global optimization of tensors; sensitivity analysis; and more.", url='https://github.com/rballester/tntorch', author="Rafael Ballester-Ripoll", author_email='rafael.ballester@ie.edu', packages=[ 'tntorch', ], include_package_data=True, install_requires=[ 'numpy', 'scipy', 'torch>=1.11', ], license="LGPL", zip_safe=False, keywords='tntorch', classifiers=[ 'License :: OSI Approved :: ISC License (ISCL)', 'Natural Language :: English', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.3', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.4', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.5', 'Programming Language :: Python :: 3.6', ], test_suite='tests', tests_require='pytest' )