Tip revision: 9ee6be436b4cbf61c6badcba756dd3a286de28d7 authored by Konrad Werys on 28 May 2019, 13:12:50 UTC
feat: optional SD maps calculation
feat: optional SD maps calculation
Tip revision: 9ee6be4
# cmake copies this file, so you better reload cmake if you change this file and you want everything to be working
resultsMolli: [62.4224, 122.522, 919.943]
resultsShmolli: [62.95, 124.18, 964.57]
signalMag: [60.7051, 59.1358, 56.2287, 44.9972, 45.1308, 40.8855, 44.3291]
signalPha: [1061.44, 1103.33, 1122.4, 1147.8, 1184.04, 1226.13, 1201.6]
signs: [ -1, -1, -1, 1, 1, 1, 1]
invTimes: [100, 180, 260, 945, 1760, 2575, 3375]