(* -------------------------------------------------------------------- * Copyright (c) - 2012--2016 - IMDEA Software Institute * Copyright (c) - 2012--2021 - Inria * Copyright (c) - 2012--2021 - Ecole Polytechnique * * Distributed under the terms of the CeCILL-C-V1 license * -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) open EcPath (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) type hflag = [ `Include | `Exclude ] type hints module Hints : sig val empty : hints val full : hints val add1 : path -> hflag -> hints -> hints val addm : path -> hflag -> hints -> hints val mem : path -> hints -> bool end (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) type prover_eviction = [ | `Inconsistent ] type prover = { pr_name : string; pr_version : string; pr_evicted : (prover_eviction * bool) option; } type prover_infos = { pr_maxprocs : int; pr_provers : string list; pr_timelimit : int; pr_cpufactor : int; pr_quorum : int; pr_verbose : int; pr_all : bool; pr_max : int; pr_iterate : bool; pr_wanted : hints; pr_unwanted : hints; pr_selected : bool; gn_debug : bool; } val dft_prover_infos : prover_infos val dft_prover_names : string list val known : evicted:bool -> prover list (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) type parsed_pname = { prn_name : string; prn_ovrevict : bool; } val parse_prover_name : string -> parsed_pname val is_prover_known : string -> bool (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) val initialize : ?ovrevict:string list -> ?why3conf:string -> unit -> unit (* -------------------------------------------------------------------- *) type notify = EcGState.loglevel -> string Lazy.t -> unit val execute_task : ?notify:notify -> prover_infos -> Why3.Task.task -> bool option val get_w3_th : string list -> string -> Why3.Theory.theory