import Base: push! """ DeflationOperator with structure - power - dot function - shift - roots """ struct DeflationOperator{T <: Real, vectype} power::T # this function has to be bilinear and symmetric for the linear solver dot::Function shift::T roots::Vector{vectype} end push!(df::DeflationOperator{T, vectype}, v::vectype) where {T, vectype} = push!(df.roots, v) function (df::DeflationOperator{T, vectype})(u) where {T, vectype} nrm = u ->, u) @assert length(df.roots) >0 "You need to specify some roots for deflation to work" out = 1 / nrm(u - df.roots[1])^df.power + df.shift for ii = 2:length(df.roots) n = length(df.roots[ii]) out *= 1 / nrm(u - df.roots[ii])^df.power + df.shift end return out end function scalardM(df::DeflationOperator{T, vectype}, u, du) where {T, vectype} # the deflation operator is Mu = 1/Π_i(shift + norm(u-ri)^p) # its differntial is -alpha(u, du) / Mu^2 # the goal of this function is to compute alpha(u, du) delta = 1e-8 return (df(u + delta * du) - df(u))/delta Mu = df(u) p = df.power @assert length(df.roots) >0 "You need to specify some roots for deflation to work" out = 0.0 for ii = 1:length(df.roots) αi = 1 / (1 / nrm(u-df.roots[ii])^p + df.shift) αi *= p / nrm(u-df.roots[ii])^(p+1) out += αi *[ii], du) end return out * Mu end struct DeflatedProblem{T, vectype, def <: DeflationOperator{T, vectype}} F::Function J::Function M::def end """ Return the deflated function M(u) * F(u) where M(u) ∈ R """ function (df::DeflatedProblem{T, vectype, def})(u) where {T, vectype, def <: DeflationOperator{T, vectype}} return df.M(u) * df.F(u) end ################################################################################################### # Linear Solver # function jac(df::DeflatedProblem, u) # J = df.J(u) # end struct DeflatedLinearSolver <: LinearSolver end """ Implement the solve for the linear solver """ function (dfl::DeflatedLinearSolver)(J, rhs) # the expression of the Functional is now # F(u) / Π_i(dot(u - root_i, u - root_i) + shift)^power := F(u) / M(u) # the expression of the differential is # dF(u)⋅du * M(u) + F(u) dM(u)⋅du # the point at which to compute the Jacobian u = J[1] # deflated Problem structure defPb = J[2] linsolve = J[3] Fu = defPb.F(u) Mu = defPb.M(u) # linear solve for the deflated problem. We note that the Mu ∈ R # hence dM(u)⋅du is a scalar # M(u) * dF(u)⋅h + F(u) dM(u)⋅h = rhs h1, _, it1 = linsolve(defPb.J(u), rhs) h2, _, it2 = linsolve(defPb.J(u), Fu) # the expression of dM(u)⋅h # the solution is then h = Mu * h1 - z h2 where z has to be determined delta = 1e-8 z1 = (defPb.M(u + delta * h1) - defPb.M(u))/delta z2 = (defPb.M(u + delta * h2) - defPb.M(u))/delta z = z1 / (Mu + z2) return (h1 - z * h2) / Mu, true, (it1, it2) end