# $Id$ ### Installing Objective Caml on a Macintosh with MPW ### # This file describes how to install and recompile Objective Caml # in the MPW environment under MacOS 7, 8, 9. For MacOS X, see # the instructions for Unix machines in the file INSTALL. # PREREQUISITES # You need MPW 3.5 (with MrC) and Universal Interfaces version 3.3.2 # You need WASTE version 1.3 # # MPW is available from Apple's FTP site at: # # # WASTE 1.3 is available from: # # INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS # # To install Objective Caml in your MPW environment, follow this script. # Read the comments and execute the commands. If you run the commands # without changing anything, you'll get a reasonable default configuration. # Before you start, you must put the WASTE 1.3 distribution folder # into the :maccaml:WASTE: folder. # Go to the directory where you found this file. Directory "`echo "{active}" | streamedit -e '1 replace /[Â:]*°/ ""'`" # Set the O'Caml configuration files. Duplicate -y :config:s-MacOS.h :config:s.h Duplicate -y :config:m-MacOS.h :config:m.h # Copy some useful scripts to your Commands directory. # DoMake is absolutely needed for installation # Characters is only needed by the executable error messages Duplicate :tools:DoMake :tools:Characters "{MPW}User Commands:" # NOTE: if you have MakeDepend from a previous version of O'Caml, you # must remove it from "{MPW}User Commands:". It is not needed any more # since MPW 3.5 has a MakeDepend command. # Build the WASTE libraries: Directory ":maccaml:WASTE:WASTE 1.3 Distribution:" DoMake -f ::Makefile WASTELib.x ·· "{worksheet}" Directory :::: # Edit ":config:config.Mac" to change the configuration. # (mostly, the destination folders for installation) Open :config:config.Mac # Set the configuration variables. Execute :config:config.Mac # O'Caml needs an environment variable to find its library files. # (the value is taken from the configuration variables) Set -e CAMLLIB "{LIBDIR}" # Make it persistent. Set CAMLLIB > "{MPW}Startup Items:OCaml" # Now you're all set. Build the files and install everything. # For more explanations on these steps, see the file INSTALL. begin DoMake world DoMake bootstrap DoMake install end ·· "{worksheet}" # If you want syntax coloring in MPW Shell, use ResEdit to copy the # resources from :tools:keywords into the shell.